Underground Secrets (The Underground #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Underground Secrets (The Underground #1)
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He tosses me a burner phone, “Couldn’t find your phone, but I am assuming you had it on you.”

“They smashed it as soon as they found it. I’ll get a new one when I can. Do you know who it was yet?”

Jesse sighs as he reaches into the back and tosses me a duffle bag. “No, but we’ll find out. Don’t worry. Hey, do you want me to call Doc? You really do look like shit.”

“No, I think I am good. Nothing I can’t fix myself. Besides, it’s like what, four in the morning? I don’t want to wake him. I’ll see how it all looks after I’ve showered and cleaned up.”

I get in and we take off into town. I open up the bag and grab its contents; shirt, pants, sock, shoes, rubbing alcohol, gauze, medical tape, and some bottled water. First thing I do is down the water in less than three seconds. Never take for granted the simple things, like purified water. You never know when you’ll be drinking brown nasty shit in order to get hard as rock stale bread down your windpipe. Once finished, I wipe as much of the dried blood off of me as I can, but I don’t get much off as I’m too sore to really move. The adrenaline I seemed to had earlier is depleting.

I grab the burner phone and instantly re-enter Marlie’s number. I wonder if she hates me for not getting ahold of her the last couple days after our kiss. That kiss. The kiss had me wanting more. She put a stop to it quickly, and it took everything I had in me not to pin her down and demand that she let me have my way with her.

I have had so many women in my life. All of them on call when I needed a quick lay. I have always had a plan when it came to the women I screwed. Meet. Dinner. Fuck. Leave.

Go ahead and call me an asshole, but life doesn’t allow men like me to have a normal relationship with the shit that I do. Not to mention, I have never wanted to share my bed with anyone. Not until Marlie that is.

She is funny, fiery, drop dead gorgeous and has a body made to worship. Smart, can hold her own, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. I could go on and on about her. Like the way her lips slightly part when she’s turned on, or the way her long, thick, curly hair drives me insane with the need to run my finger through it. Or how one day she dresses so elegant and classy and then the next, she is throwing on her black leather jacket and looks like a sexy rock goddess. Or the fact that she wears crimson red lipstick four out of seven days a week, but yet goes easy on the rest of her makeup. I have noticed every little thing about Marlie; from the way she looks, depending on her mood, to the way she averts her eyes when she is nervous.

God, it’s like I have become some sort of love sick fool. Although, love isn’t a word I would ever use. In fact, I am pretty sure I am not capable of that emotion. Now lust on the other hand, is something I would describe when it comes to her. I will win her over, one way or another. She will see that what I do and have done is something of a good cause. I have to, because the only other option would be to hide it and I don’t want to lie to her.

I am going to have to lie as it is, as to why I look the way I do. I’m going have to wait at least a few days before I can see her though. No one should be seen like this. I told her I had secrets too and that we didn’t have to share ours, but the thing is, my secrets aren’t something I can just hide when I let someone get close to me. I haven’t let that happen yet, but Marlie sure is on her way there. She hasn’t even really done anything to get close, just breathing has gotten her this far. That’s fucked up. I don’t get it, but I don’t want to either. She was placed in my life and I don’t plan on letting her go anywhere. I just wish she could see it that way.

Just thinking of her now has my fingers hovering over the numbers on the phone debating on whether to call, text, or wait until I heal, before I try to talk to her.

“Never thought I’d see the day,” Jesse smirks as he’s driving over towards my place.


“You’re whipped, man.” He laughs at his own statement.

“I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.”

“Please, you think I haven’t noticed? I know you have some piece of tail coming back on a regular. It’s pretty obvious. So come on now, fess the hell up Wes. What’s her name? And when do I get to meet the lady who is somehow attracted to your dumbass?”

How the fuck does he know? I know I am not god-damn obvious. He must’ve been snooping. Fucker. I lean over to punch him in the arm and regret it instantly. I start coughing and wheezing. I lean back further try to inspect my side, but it’s too dark.

“Give me your phone Jesse,” I grit through my teeth ignoring his questions while his ass has the nerve to fucking laugh at me. None the less, he digs it out of his pocket and hands it over. I unlock the screen and turn on his flashlight app.

Holy fuck, it’s worse than I thought. Looks I will be calling the doc in the morning after all. It’s obvious my ribs are broken, and the gnarly gash on my lower abdomen is either infected, or on the verge of infection. I reach under the passenger seat and find what I am looking for; whiskey. I unscrew the cap and chug away the pain-for now. I lean back in the seat and begin to close my eyes, but not before Jesse starts in on the questions again.

“I am not letting you get out of this just because you’re a little sore, bud. Come on and tell me or I’ll find out with other ways. You know I will. I don’t even know why you’re hiding her.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose thinking the asshole is right. He does have his ways and will even go as far as finding her and talking to her himself. Nosey bastard. Not that he would do or say anything that would affect the way she thinks about me. I don’t know what she thinks though. Sometimes she is easy to read, other times she hides her emotions so well that I have no idea if she is happy, sad, angry, hungry, or what.

“I haven’t said anything because it’s none of your fucking business. But since you’re so insistent… her name is Marlie. She owns a pretty successful jewelry business called GemMar. Well, she and her best friend Gemma run and own it. She makes the jewelry and is really quite talented. She’s… she is… fuck I don’t know, man. It’s hard to describe her. I swear she is like a human Rubik’s Cube.”

“I see,” he says with a smirk on his face. “And what does she look like?”

“Why would you want to know that? And why would I tell you?” Again, nosey bastard.

“Curiosity, I suppose,” he replies shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself. Now drop it.” I narrow my eyes and give him the ‘don’t fuck with me right now’ look. He holds up his hands in surrender and continues to focus on the road. I don’t like being questioned and now he is pushing my damn buttons. He’ll meet her, I am sure. That is, if she’ll even see me again. Somehow I don’t think she is the kind of woman to be pissed at something as trivial as not being responded back to. I’ll come up with a good enough excuse. I’m sure of it.

We pull up to gate that leads to my private estate in Idaho Springs. It sits on twenty acres of mountain, forest and numerous streams. I feel relief to be home and no longer strung up and being beaten by the men who are now lying lifeless in their own pool of blood. Jesse punches in the code that opens the gates and we drive up the lengthy lane, pulling around in the circle drive and parking right in front.

Jenner, my right-hand man of the house, who has been with me since Jesse and I were little shits, is waiting for me at the door. He’s an older man in his mid-sixties who knows a lot more than how to open doors and coat check. When I say he is my right hand man in the house, I mean he’s is a retired CIA who knows how to execute with perfect precision. He is the guard and keeper of my home. He makes sure not only am I taken care of, but the house as well. Any unwelcomed visitors are greeted by a not so nice Jenner.

“Wesley,” he nods getting a good look at me as I walk inside. “Do you need me to call Doc right away?”

“No. It’s too late, or early, or whatever. Call him in a few hours,” I tell him not even looking back.

I just want to shower, eat, and pass out for a little bit. I’ll stay up until the good doc is here, but as soon as he is gone, I am going to sleep until tomorrow. I am not dumb. In the shape I’m in, I won’t get far without resting. I know I can’t just keep going and going.

I get to the stairs and take one look and shake my head. Nope. That is not going to happen. No way am I going to make it up there. I turn around to call out for Jenner, but he and Jesse are standing a few feet behind me holding some essentials. Jesse with all of my electronic necessities, and Jenner with a pillow and blanket and a few other things.

“I guess you guys are already on it, huh?” I note falling in step behind as Jesse and Jenner walk towards the guest room next to the library.

“Yes, Wesley. One look at you and I knew that the stairs were not going to be an option.”

Now that the adrenalin rush from earlier has subsided, and the whiskey I drank to chase away the pain has completely dissipated, I am bone tired. My ribs and lungs are protesting with every step I make and every breath I take. This is bullshit. Complete bullshit. I hate being weak. Even more so, I hate admitting any weakness. In the life I live, whether it’s the rich owner of a Security Company that is quickly spreading across the U.S, or the hired assassin who gets unnaturally happy ending the lives of worthless people, weak is something I can never be.

As soon as I get into the room, I move towards the bathroom.

“I am sure that can wait til’ Doc gets a look at you,” Jenner says giving me a stern look, while preparing the bed. Jesse is arranging the other items on the nightstand next to the bed.

I turn and glare at him. “I
go another minute being covered in dry blood and dirt. Thanks for the concern, Jenner, but I don’t need it. I will be fine. I got this.”

I close the door and begin to undress, but I can’t lift my arms to get the shirt over my head. My fucking ribs are stopping me from doing the simplest of tasks. Shit. I open up the sink drawers and search until I find what I’m looking for - scissors. I begin to cut my shirt from the bottom up. Once done, the shirt slides off my shoulders easily with little pain. I work the rest of my clothes the same way, but have to use my feet to pry off my shoes and socks because I can’t bend down.

The shower is hot. Too hot. But after having been in that place for the last couple of days, I need the water hot enough to practically burn my skin off. I just stand under the water and let it wash away the blood and filth. Eventually, I move to wash my hair and body and get out and brush my teeth. The feeling of clean teeth is refreshing and I am already feeling like I am on the mend, even though I know my body is broken and needs time to heal. But it’s a start.

After getting clean, dressing in loose fitting shorts that I use to workout in, I lie down and close my eyes for a minute. Next thing I know its two hours later and someone is knocking at my door.

“Yeah,” I say, still half asleep.

Doc walks in and sits on the edge of my bed with his bag of medical supplies. “Hey, heard you had a rough couple of days.”

“You could say that.”

The doctor, or Doc as we call him, is mine and Jesse’s personal doctor who gets paid a substantial amount of money to not ask questions and to fix us up at home when needed.

“Alright, well let’s take a look then shall we?”

I nod and let him do his thing. Few hours later, over one hundred stitches, three broken ribs, a small concussion, and a fractured left wrist, I am as good as I’ll get. For now.

Doc gives me a stern look, “Now, no leaving the bed for at least a week. I know you won’t do as I say and stay in bed so I’ll be expecting your call for me to re-stitch you.”

He’s right, there is no way in hell I’ll be staying in this bed for a week. One day, that’s it. I have shit to do. The good Doc leaves and Jesse comes strolling in with some grapes in his hand.

“Thought you left already?”

He plops down on the brown, leather chaise in the corner of the room, facing the bed and tosses a grape into his mouth.

“Nope, got to make sure you’re going to be okay.”

Of course he would stay. But I am sure it’s not to make sure I am okay. He’s an asshole. Well, so am I, but his asshole ways are a little different than mine. I am sure he only wants to watch me suffer. He’s caring like that.

“Well, go home. I’m good here. Doc gave me some strong stuff. I’m sure it will knock me out shortly.” I give him a look that says I’m not kidding. I don’t need him here hovering. He has our business to run while I am out of service. He shrugs his shoulders and gets up to leave. When he gets to the door he turns back, “I am glad you’re here and out of there, really. The business and game wouldn’t be the same without you.” He walks out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
, is all I want to say, but in truth, I am more than grateful he came for me.

I pull the covers over me a little higher and close my eyes. The pain meds are really starting to kick in and all I want to do now is sleep into next week. I know I can’t do that. I have to rest now and figure shit out tomorrow. I need to find out who the hell took me and I need to see Marlie. The Company is in good hands with Jesse as the V.P.

I close my eyes and images of Marlie dance in my head, teasing me into my dream.




my little meltdown. Things are better and after some thought, I have come to a conclusion - I will not let him get to me. I will not let him scare me anymore. I will live my life for me and not look over my shoulder wondering if he is going to come after me. It’s a lot easier said than done but I can sure fucking try and I don’t even know if he will. One thing I do know though, is I am
the same Marlie I was two years ago. No. I have grown into my own person. I am stronger. Maybe not so much emotionally, but definitely physically. I am smarter too. While it seems like I have been living life day by day, I haven’t. I knew this moment would come, that he would get out. But it’s so much sooner than I had expected, but I am prepared. At least, I hope I am.

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