Undone Dom (8 page)

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Authors: Lila Dubois

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Undone Dom
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As he spoke Alton pressed the plug in the last quarter-inch, watching with satisfaction as it was drawn into her body. He pressed the base firmly against the crease of her bottom and then let the cheeks of her ass close around it.

“Tell me what you feel.”

“Strange, full, almost like I…”

“Need to use the restroom?” Alton said softly when she trailed off.


“Are you aware of your ass, your anus?”

She jumped slightly at his use of the word. “Yes, I am, Master.”

“And would you have been before?”

“No, not during sex.”

“And do you enjoy it?”

Alton cupped his hand over her pussy, not touching her. He could feel the heat radiating off her.

“I-I’m not sure.” Lulu lifted her head, struggling to look at him over her shoulder. “But I enjoy that you did it, Master.”

Those words tipped him over the edge.

Alton released her ankles and loosened the strap at her waist. “Up on your knees.” Not giving her time to obey, Alton grabbed her by the hips, drawing her up until the strap at her waist stopped her. He quickly fastened the knee straps, holding her in place and giving her something to push back against. Her feet dangled, bare and vulnerable, in the open space where he stood.

The need to fuck her was riding him like madness. He kicked the foot pedal over, lowering the cross until her upraised hips were level with his.


“I need to fuck you.”

He shouldn’t have said it, shouldn’t have admitted the need, but he was beyond that.

“Yes, yes, thank you,” she moaned.

Alton ripped his jeans open, freeing his cock. He grabbed her hips and sank into her warm body in one hard thrust.

He felt it all, the warm wetness of her pussy against his balls, the hard ridge of the plug against his lower belly, and most of all her pussy—warm, wet and fist-tight around him.

He drew out, thrust in again, mustering his control.

But he could not find his control, he’d used it all. The monster inside him he’d bound in the chains and trappings of BDSM ripped free, starving and in need.

Growling, Alton dug his fingers into Lulu’s hips, eyes raking her bound and spread form, “Mine.”

“I-I’ve never felt like this.” Her whispered words spilled around them. “I feel the plug, and you, and I…”

Alton leaned forward, hitting the plug as he thrust, fucking her, both pussy and ass. Tension rippled across her back. Reaching under her, he pressed one finger against her clit, letting the rock of their bodies rub her against him.

“Oh, oh God, yes, yes.”

may not
come, without
You’re mine. Mine.

“Master, please. Please!”

Alton lifted his finger away, thrusting into her hard and fast, his own orgasm tightening his belly, his balls.

“Come for me.”

Before he could put his finger back against her clit the orgasm ripped through her. He felt it rippling around his cock, saw it in the bunched muscles of her back, heard it in the scream of pleasure that echoed through the room.

Holding tight to her, Alton let his orgasm take him, abandoning control for the time it took to let the pleasure rip through him.


Lulu’s teeth were chattering. It had been that good.

Alton’s cock slipped from her pussy, and even that was enough stimulation to have a little aftershock of pleasure shaking her. The straps on her legs and waist loosened and she almost fell off the cross. He positioned her with her legs spread safely on the bars before freeing her arms and helping her to stand up.

She wasn’t ready, her legs were shaking. She leaned into Alton. After a brief hesitation, he hugged her tight to his chest, his head dropping onto hers. The moment went from post-orgasmic to tender and Lulu felt tears sting her eyes.

But then she shifted slightly and the plug still inside her ass shifted too. She gasped and Alton held her away, examining her with his dark eyes.


He used the ring on the wrist cuff she still wore to lead her away. He took a seat in his plush chair. “Present yourself as you did before, arms behind your neck, but spread your legs. I want to see your pussy.”

Lulu complied, raising her arms into place and opening her legs, her whole body exposed to him.


He examined her back and she wondered if she was covered in marks from the beating with the whip. It hadn’t hurt, not at all like she’d expected. She’d enjoyed it.


Facing him again, she studied him. He looked mussed and there was color in his cheeks. He was sweaty and he was still breathing heavily. His pants were closed, but the ridge of his cock was visible so he hadn’t gone completely soft yet.

“Sit on my lap, as you did before. Legs spread.”

Lulu climbed onto his lap, using her hands to balance but then raising them again. Because of the arms of this chair, she had to bend her knees, tucking them between his and the edges of the chair.

“This is the position you will assume when we are alone and I want to speak with you or play with you.” He thumbed her breast, her nipple as he spoke, his gaze running over her body.

“Yes, Master.”

“Did you enjoy yourself, Lulu?”

“Couldn’t you tell?” She grinned, leaning into his hand.

His dark eyes met hers. “I could.”

Lulu’s smile faded. “I enjoyed everything. Even the things I didn’t think I wanted, the things I was afraid of. I enjoyed them.”


She was startled by the question. “Because I trust you. It’s crazy. I just met you, and you could be a crazy serial killer, but you seem to be able to read me, my body. You know what I want, so I trust you.”

“And you want me.”

He was looking down when he said it, his tone flat. Lulu wondered if it was a test, or if she’d said or done something to indicate that she didn’t.

“Master,” she said softly, dipping her head to catch his gaze. “I would never have come that hard if it had just been the toy. Feeling you in me was…” Lulu licked her lower lip. She could drown in those dark eyes if she wasn’t careful.

He smiled.

That smile was just killer. Lulu smiled back. She wanted to drop her hands, grab his head and kiss him.

All thoughts of that fled when he reached behind her and grasped the plug, toying gently with it. Lulu gasped as it shifted inside her. The easy way he’d dominated her, used her and promised to continue to use her there had her shivering.

He was her sexual Master.

“I’d planned to keep you the rest of the night, have you watch me train the other slaves, but I think you need rest and time to think.”

A flare of jealousy burned her. “Master, do you, uh, have sex with them too?”

He was silent for a moment. “No, I don’t. I do not have sex with slaves who are not mine. Before today I had not had sex in over a year.”

Lulu gasped. “You have naked sex slaves living in your house and you
don’t have sex

“They are other Master’s slaves, and sex is not necessary to train them. If it were, I would have sex with them, but it is not.”

“Oh. Why did you have sex with me?”

He traced her jaw with one finger. “Because I wanted to.”

“I wanted you to too.”

The moment stretched, full and warm, before he said, “Do you remember the rule about masturbating?”

“No masturbating.” She grimaced.

“And when are you to come to me?”

“Three nights a week and all day Monday.”

“When will you come next?”

“Tomorrow night.”

He grinned.

Lulu blushed. “But, um, I won’t be here until eight. The store closes at seven tomorrow.”

He frowned but said, “Very well.” He twisted the plug. “Over my knee so I can remove the plug. And you’ll get a small spanking, to remind you to be good until tomorrow.”

Chapter Eight



Lulu looked up from the box she was unpacking in the sewing-storage room. “
Hola, senorita.

Addie Sanchez—friend, employee, fashion designer and seamstress, walked into the back room. She was in her usual mid-calf tight jeans and a black cropped button-down top. There were little skull buttons and gray bows decorating the band on the capped sleeves. She had a matching rhinestone skull barrette pulling back one side of her perfectly waved hair.

“How was your Monday? Do anything fun?” Lulu stared at the pale, blue-green packing peanuts in the box, her hands buried to the wrists.

“I tried to teach Lane to sew—hem, really.”

“How’d that go?”

Addie laughed, her brown eyes sparkling, “Disaster.” She dropped a vintage bowling-ball-bag/purse on the desk. “What about you, how was your day off?”

Lulu blew out a breath through pursed lips. There was a loaded question.

“Lulu?” Addie’s voice was puzzled with concern.

Slipping her hands from the box, she abandoned the task of unpacking new merchandise. She turned to face her friend, leaning one hip against the table where the box rested.

“He came back.”

“He, who?” Addie rested her wrist on the shoulder of her dummy, which was wearing a vintage silk dress.

“The, um…” The words stuck in Lulu’s throat, seeming melodramatic and silly in the feminine but utilitarian sewing and stockroom, which dripped with ribbons and stacks of business paper.

“Lulu, what’s going on? Who came back?”


Addie sucked in air through her teeth. Her hand dropped off the sewing form’s shoulder.

“Alton came back. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am. He came in Sunday night, right before closing.”

“I’m so sorry.” Addie thumped her hand against her thigh. “It’s my fault. I didn’t really think he’d come back here. I hope you just told him to get the fuck out.”

Lulu shifted her focus away from her friend to the unfinished floor. Despite the fact that her friend was dating a Dom, Addie had made it clear that she thought Alton was to be avoided. Lulu was worried what her friend would say when she admitted what she’d done.

“No, I didn’t tell him to get out.”

“Lulu, you’re too nice—”

“I wanted him to come back.”

Addie’s brows rose. “Uh, um.”

“So I didn’t tell him to go away. He said he’d come back for me, and when he did come back I…decided I wanted to be with him.” Lulu rushed out the words.

Addie staggered back a step, tugging out then falling into Lulu’s desk chair. “You mean you decided you wanted to…”

“What’s so strange about that?” Lulu folded her arms. “You did it. You enjoy what you have with Lane.”

“But Lane doesn’t expect me to be some mindless sex slave. Lane separates his life. Lulu, there’s a reason Lane protected me from Alton.”

“Well, I can take care of myself.”

Addie crossed her legs, the heel of one shoe clicking loudly against the floor. “Lulu, no, you can’t. Someone like Alton—”

“You don’t know him,” Lulu said, anger rising within her.

“And you do?”


“Wait, you already had a scene with him?”

“Yes, yesterday.”

Addie jumped to her feet, throwing her hands in the air and cursing in Spanish.

Lulu gritted her teeth, biting back her irritation with her friend. Addie was looking out for her, but she didn’t know what Alton was like, hadn’t seen or felt the tender way he’d touched her.

“Addie, the store is opening. I’m going on the floor.”

Addie stopped raving and grabbed Lulu’s arm. Her face had changed from exasperation to concern.

“Lulu, Lulu, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’m just worried about you.” Addie wrapped her arms around Lulu. Lulu sighed, tension expelling from her body along with air.

“No one knows more than me what it feels like to want to explore this kind of sexuality. I’m not criticizing you for that. I would never. I’m just saying, if you do want to explore bondage, BDSM, there might be someone…easier.”

Lulu opened her mouth to defend Alton, but she just shook her head. Addie was her friend, but at least for a little while longer, Lulu wanted to keep the details to herself, hoarding them like blood-red rubies.

“I enjoyed my time with him, and he didn’t push me into anything I didn’t want. I don’t think I’m very hard-core, there was no chili oil,” Lulu said, referring to one of the things Addie had told her, “but I’ve never felt like that before. It was amazing. I really enjoyed it.”

Addie took her by the arms. “Are you sure?”

“What do you mean, am I sure?”

“Well, are you? Think about it, weren’t there parts where you were freaked out, or worried why you liked it, wondered if there was something wrong with you that made you enjoy it?”

“Maybe a little, but I wasn’t scared. I felt beautiful and protected. I felt like…all the sex I’d ever had before was baby blue and that was cobalt.”

Addie looked surprised. “You’re…better adjusted than I am, I guess.”

Lulu smiled, the first real one of the morning. “
, that’s not even news.”

Addie rolled her eyes. “Okay, we are
about this after work.”

“Actually…I’m going over to Alton’s tonight.”

Another spate of Spanish. “Okay, then whenever it gets slow, we’re talking about this.”

“Yes ma’am.” Lulu cocked her hip and saluted.


But it was a busy Tuesday. A group of Japanese tourists came in. The curvy pinup-style clothes needed alteration to fit their slender bodies. It took Lulu and Addie, along with the afternoon clerk—a student from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, who dreamed of clothing designer glory but who wasn’t as good as self-taught Addie after two years in school and forty thousand dollars of debt—to handle the three couples. By the time they were done, the women had been equipped with a whole new wardrobe, from undergarments, complete with bust-enhancing pads, to dresses, jeans, tops, hats and hair accessories.

While the clerk and Addie pinned in seams before running them into the back so Addie could adjust them, Lulu catered to the women, using the few words of Japanese she knew. The women seemed less than impressed with it, but the men all smiled. When their wives were in the dressing room they’d taken turns posing for pictures with Lulu. In the process she’d talked them in to a plethora of hats, a few shirts and some wallet chains.

By the time six o’clock rolled around, the three of them were dead on their feet. Lulu and Addie were both shoeless.

“Can I go home? I’m tired,” Lulu said when a pair of browsers walked out. She hadn’t been sleeping much, anticipation of her time with Alton keeping her up, and it was starting to show.

“Want to close early?” Addie’s words were muddled because her head was on her folded arms, which rested on the counter.

“No. It’s been a good day. I don’t want to jinx it.”

The past year hadn’t been the easiest—Lulu had spent multiple nights checking and rechecking spreadsheets, talking to her small business officer at the bank. She couldn’t afford to close down on the good days just because she was tired.

“You worked like crazy today. Why don’t you take off?” Lulu tugged Addie’s hair.

Addie lifted her head, then her arms, stretching. “I might, all those seams did a number on… Hey wait, we’ve got to talk about you and Alton.”

Lulu jumped a little at the name. After her day of working, yesterday’s sex-fest seemed like a dream, a vacation. She was supposed to go back tonight. Right now all that sex just seemed like too much work.

She shook her head. “I’m too tired, and sober, to talk about it.”

“I agree, this would be better over a glass of wine.”

“I’m going back tonight.”

“Wow, that’s pretty serious.”

“True, two dates in a row.”

Addie frowned. “Lulu, you know you’re not dating him, right? From what Lane’s told me, Alton is like anti-dating subs.”

“I know. I’m just tired. I wasn’t thinking.”

“But this is what I’m worried about. Have you ever dated a guy who didn’t think you were basically the most gorgeous, clever woman ever?”

“Don’t exaggerate.”

“I’m not. Guys fall all over themselves when they’re with you. Yes, mostly they end up not being that great for you, but it’s never something wrong with you, it’s them.”

“That’s not true, I’ve been horrible to people.”

Addie rolled her eyes and after a moment Lulu shrugged. Okay, so she actually prided herself on being a great girlfriend and she’d always parted amicably at the end of relationships, usually when it felt as though she was serving as girlfriend, wife and maid to her man.

“Exactly. Guys go on two dates with you and they want you to move in and be all
I Love Lucy
. You have no idea how to do no-strings-attached kinky sex.”

“Well, you don’t either,” Lulu grumped, “you’re dating Lane.”

“Exactly. I started with a no-strings-attached relationship and fell in love, with a guy who could and would love me back. Alton is never going to date you.”

Lulu thought of the way he’d kissed her, the look in his eyes when their gazes met, the touch of his hands.

They’d just have to see about that.


Alton found his attention wandering, listening for the front door of the guesthouse. Lulu should be arriving any moment. Cheryl was on her knees in front of him. With Maria gone she was the only slave in the house. He’d tasked her with cleaning the guesthouse—a pointless chore since he had it professionally cleaned when there weren’t women in residence, but it reminded her that she lived to serve. Though she wore her chains, she hadn’t been touched sexually all day.

To reinforce the point that she must serve, in whatever way her Master wanted, Alton had hauled some of his work down to the guesthouse. He’d completely ignored her, setting up his paperwork on the little-used desk. When he’d been there an hour, he’d asked her to bring him a glass of water. The speed with which she’d brought him the glass and her eager posturing told him that rather than grudging resentment she was happy to serve.

But he’d ignored her and she’d slowly returned to her cleaning. When she was done she’d tried to return to the bedroom—a large space fitted with twin bunk beds, two extra-large cages and several web-cam stations where Masters could check in with their slaves. There were strict rules for the room, and on their first night there Alton used a hidden camera to watch girls to see if they obeyed the rules. Most broke at least one, and were subsequently bound during sleep the next night or punished, depending on their Master’s preference.

He’d told Cheryl to stand in the corner, nose to the wall. She’d remained in that position until he released her to take his paperwork back to his house.

Now he was back in the guesthouse. Because Lulu was coming over, the plan for the night had been for Cheryl to remain in the soundproofed bedroom, but her Master had called. He missed Cheryl, wanted to know how her progress was, wanted to know if she was ready to come back, though he’d planned—and paid for—her to be with Alton five days.

Instead of playing with Lulu, he would bind her and she would watch him work with Cheryl. Cheryl would be displayed on web-cam for her Master, who would then decide if she was obedient enough to come home. She would never know that her Master had called, missing her, whining for her.

The truth was that Cheryl’s Master had done him a favor calling. Yesterday had been intense, for both himself and Lulu. He’d been up all night thinking about her, his cock hardening as he remembered her skin, her breasts, her hair, her eyes.

She made him feel alive. Made him feel like a man—a sexy, desirable man. Thinking that made him feel like a giant emotional pussy.

He needed to become her Master in truth, build the power so that it was always his. That was the way a Master-slave relationship should be. That’s why Masters should not be involved with their slaves, as Maria’s and Cheryl’s Masters were.

The front door opened and despite all Alton’s plans and lectures to himself, his heart sped up as he gazed at the interior door, waiting for her to step through. The door opened.

She was like Venus, beautiful and feminine but with large breasts and a firm belly. Her hands were at her side, but when she saw Cheryl she instinctively covered her nakedness. He shook his head and her arms dropped to her side.

“Luanne, I want you to go into the foyer and retrieve your undergarments. Bring them to me.”

“Yes, Master.”

The door opened, her bare feet padding softly.

At his knee, Cheryl’s breath sped up. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but he was sure she was anticipating
happening now that Lulu was here.

Lulu closed the door behind her, a bundle of shiny fabric and lace in her hand.

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