Unexpected Chances (12 page)

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Authors: A. M. Willard

BOOK: Unexpected Chances
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Chapter Twenty


Carter stayed in the kitchen area while I continued to walk the space. I took in every last detail, and was in awe of every square inch.

Upon entering the kitchen, I spot Carter still leaned up against the island. He’s staring down at something on his phone with a distressed look on his face. For someone as talented as he is, I’ve noticed he always has this glimpse of sadness in his eyes.

A look of desire, but not for someone.

I don’t know how to explain it, I just know it makes me want to dig deep into his soul.

“Hey. I’m done,” I say, and notice that he was in his own world.

“So what do you think?”

“I love it and I have a few ideas that I’ll share soon.”

He’s got that look again in his eyes that I noticed at dinner, it’s intense and causes me to back away from him. Needing to put a little space between us.

“Hungry?” I say, plastering a smile on my face.

“I am, but not for food,” he says, as he saunters toward me causing me to back up against the counter.

“Carter,” saying sternly.

“Shh… I’ve been dying to kiss you since I walked into my office this morning.” Taking both sides of my face into his hands, Carter leans down spreading my mouth open with his tongue. He tastes of peppermint, and I let go with him. My hands slide up his back and wrap around his neck, pulling him into me closer. As I do this he deepens the kiss between us.

Carter nibbles on the bottom of my lip, before he pulls back and leaves me panting.

“You’re staying at my place tonight,” He instructs, as he pulls me out of the room and towards the door.

“I don’t think so,” I huff, as I stomp my feet.

“You are and it’s not up for discussion. While you are here, you’re with me. I have the room and I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Carter Northwood you do not own me, and you can’t tell me what to do.” I stand tall facing him as I cross my arms to stare him down.

Turning towards me, he gets into my space, “No I don’t own you. If I did, I’d tie you to my bed and never let you leave. I’m not asking you to sleep with me. You can have your own room and we’ll talk business, if that’s what you wish.” His soft demeanor and harsh voice is causing me to be weak.

I’ve never allowed anyone to speak to me this way, or maybe no one has ever tried.

I’m in a confused state between turned on and angry.

Angry that he thinks I’m willing to share the same space with him at night, turned on with the thought of him tying me to his bed forever.

“You’re blushing, Tabby Cat.”

“I am not,” I say, storming past him and head to the passenger side of his truck. I don’t bother waiting for him to reach my side. I snatch it open and slam it as I hoist myself into the seat.

As Carter slides in with ease, he looks over towards me, “Next time you open your own door, I’ll spank you. You need to let people do things for you.”

“Not going to happen.”

“It will. You drive me insane, Tabitha. I hardly know you but Lord help me I can’t help it when I’m around you.”

“You need to help it, before I place your balls into a vice grip.”

“I’m sure you’d enjoy that,” he snarls out, causing me to laugh a little at his remark. At this moment I would love it. He frustrates me to no end.

Carter distracted me long enough to get us back to his office building.

“Give me your keys.”

“No I’m not giving you my keys. Why do you even need them?”

“Just give the damn things to me.”

“Stop snarling at me,” I spit out, as I dig around my purse for the rental car keys and toss them over at him.

“Stay here.”

Fuming, that’s what I’m doing. If I had a bat right now I would knock him out and shove him into a deep freezer. Thinking to myself that I could still make this happen. He might want to sleep with one eye open tonight, just in case I locate a bat or crowbar.

Watching him gather my bags from the trunk, he’s saying something out loud but I can’t hear him. Even as I roll the window down, I can’t hear.

“Stupid man,” I say into the cab of his truck, watching him roll my bags to his truck.

Opening the back to toss them in he asks, “What the hell did you pack? It feels as if you have a brick house in this thing.”

“Weapons to kill you in your sleep,” I state with a chuckle.

“Your full of remarks now, we’ll see how funny you think you’re later.” Slamming the door behind him he gets back in and starts the truck back up.

“I can’t leave the car here.”

“You can, it’s in one of my parking spots. You won’t need it anytime soon.”

I notice we’re driving in the opposite direction from this afternoon. I guess we used up all the smart remarks, because we are riding in complete silence.

I reach over to turn the radio on and take a peek over towards Carter. I plan to find a girl song on the radio. Just as I’m scanning through
“Party in the U.S.A” by Miley Cyrus
blares through the speakers.

I crank it up and start belting it out. Throwing my hands up and not having a care in the world.

“Go ahead, crank it up as loud as you’d like. This side of you turns me on, like you wouldn’t know.”

I slap my hands down onto my thighs because now I’m pissed that my plan backfired.




Infuriating! That’s what she is. I’ve never spoken to a woman the way I did a while ago. It’s true though, she causes me to feel and think of things that I have to do to her.

I know what she’s up to with the radio, but it’s not going to work. Watching her like this, full of life, it’s a complete turn on. I could pull this truck over into the emergency lane and show her just how much of turn on I find it.

Making our way to the complex I live in, I eye Tabitha leaning down to look at the place. She hasn’t a clue of what this complex looks like.

She was in love with the other one, this is more of a hotel feel. When I designed these, I wanted the look of a condo inside while still allowing for the hotel atmosphere.

We don’t rent these out, purely for sale. Offering a bell hop, front reception, gym, and restaurant.

“Where are we?” Tabitha asks.

“This is my place, come on,” I instruct, as I drive up to the front and hop out to assist her.

She’s not saying anything, just looking around as we walk through the foyer.

I show her the way to the bank of elevators and push the number to the 14

“I’m going to get you settled in, and then I have to step out for a bit this evening. I hope that’s okay with you?”

“Yeah it’s fine. I have work to do anyway.”

“Sorry for dragging you here and then ditching. I forgot about a prior engagement that I’ve already committed to.”

“You don’t owe me an excuse, Carter. I’m a big girl, and I’m sure I can find something to do with my time.”

As she’s saying this, I catch a quick glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

Totally forgetting that I had to attend a dinner with Bethany and her father tonight. Richard has instructed me to continue as before with Bethany. So today when she texted me to remind me of this dinner, I was frustrated that I’d forgotten.

We step out into the hallway and Tabitha follows me to my door.

“Come on in,” I say, as gesture for her to enter the room.

Tabitha’s taking it all in and it makes me feel a little proud that she gets to see my work. I’ve designed this space to fit my needs and even worked with one of my decorators to design the interior.

“It’s beautiful and fitting for you, Carter,” she says, as she plops her purse down on the sofa table.

“Are these all your drawings?” She asks as she points to the walls.

“They are. Some are of my first designs before college and then some I’ve done that I haven’t shared with anyone.”

“I’ll let you have a look around while I drop off your bags in your room. I need to get ready, if you don’t mind.”

She looks over and gives me a nod. I haul the bags that I’m convinced have a body in them to her room.

Showered and dressed in my charcoal suit, I head out to check on her.

Tabitha is curled up on the sofa with her laptop upon her lap. She hasn’t changed, but she’s slipped her shoes off.

“Look, I’m really sorry for this. Call down to room service or you can head down to the restaurant. Put it all on my house account. I shouldn’t be long.”

“No worries, Carter. I can take care of myself. I have been for years, you know?”

When she says it like that, it causes my heart to break for her. I wonder how someone like her has had to fend for herself all these years.

“Well, okay I’m out. You have my number if you need anything,” I state, as I grab my jacket and head out.



Chapter Twenty One


A part of me is happy to watch him walk out that door tonight, then the other part is let down.

What was I thinking would happen tonight? Did I actually think he was that interested in me and would divulge his dying love?

Jokes on me tonight.

Carter got so distracted by his plans that he didn’t even show me around his place. I have no idea where my bedroom is, and right now I’m perfectly happy tucked in on his sofa.

Faking that I was working when he left, I boot up the computer and wait. We never made it to lunch and I hear the low growl of hunger take over.

I could go check out the downstairs, but my feet hurt from my new shoes and I’m wiped out from the emotions I have streaming through my body.

Room service delivers me the best hamburger I’ve ever eaten and fries. Completely bad for me, but I don’t mind. I needed comfort food.

After I place my plates onto the tray, I waltz over to the windows.

Staring out into the night, I hear the door slam behind me. Turning to see what has caused the room to heat up.

My breath quickens as I turn and see Carter in his business attire. I’ve always seen him in jeans and button up shirts, but standing in front of me is a man to desire.

Dressed in a charcoal suit and royal blue shirt. His eyes light up even more once our eye connect with each other.

Licking my lips as I watch him start to loosen his tie. He prowls toward me.  Carter slides out of his suit jacket, tossing it over the back of the sofa.

His tie hangs loose around his neck. I slowly backup into the glass behind me. Pulling my lip in to bite down, as I continue to admire this man coming towards me.

Carter’s only a few inches in front of me, I inhale as I reach up and yank him closer by the his tie.

“Hi,” Is all I manage to squeak out.

“Hi, yourself,” he responds in a low husky voice.

Letting the air out from my lungs, I continue to say “You seem happy now.”

“I am,” Is all he says, as he strokes the side of my face gently with the back of his fingers.

I can’t think straight at the moment. If I think about it, I can’t any time he touches me. He causes me to lose sight of the world around me.

Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on my forehead before he says, “This is all I could think about tonight. Coming back here and finding you still here, that makes me happy.”

With a big gulp, I ask “What were you thinking about?”

“This… You up against something, but still in your heels,” he says, as he starts to trail soft kisses down my neck.

As I throw my head back up against the glass, he continues to say “You know your eyes tell everything. I know when you’re turned on, mad, and want to fight.”

I don’t know how I manage to speak but I do, “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”

“No, I just know your body craves mine as mine craves yours.”

I can’t think straight with his hard body pushed up against me, my chest is rising and falling and I breathlessly say, “We can’t do this, Carter.”

“Who says we can’t? I feel your heart beating from here,” he states as he places his hand on my chest continuing “Tell me you don’t want this? Tell me to stop and I’ll take you to your hotel.”

“That’s the thing. I can’t tell you to stop. As much as I know I’m not good enough for you, I can’t.”

“You, my Tabby Cat are perfect for me. I’m the one with too much baggage, and should turn right around and walk out that door. But I can’t.”

Carter reaches behind me, picking me up and allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. In this moment I lose myself in him, to feel what it’s like to be held by this man who I know will crush me.

“I need to stop,” Carter says, as he pulls back and looks at me panting.

I can’t respond, just looking into his eyes while I gather my senses and feel my feet hit the wood floors underneath them.

“I’m confused and you can’t play with my emotions like this, Carter.”

“I know,” he says, as he stares up at the ceiling. “I’m not good for you, Tabitha. Having a relationship with me right now… Could ruin your life. If I were you I’d take my bags and run as far away from me as you could and not look back.”

“Right now I don’t care how good or how bad you are for me. If you didn’t already figure this out, I don’t like playing by the rules. I make them as I go through life.”

He’s taken back from this statement, thinking I’d be weak and run out on him. No, Carter Northwood started this game. It’s time to finish it now.





Tabitha has no idea what could happen to her life if I slip up. I have to stay focused, and stop thinking with the wrong head. I can’t let Bethany and her family put a black cloud over her.

I will not allow any harm to her. I’ve got to play it safe for now and then I can make her mine. But only then will I take charge the way I need.

As I’ve stepped back, I take in Tabitha. Her face is flushed with a tiny hint of pink in her cheeks. Her breathing has quickened and I can see the fire burning in her eyes.

“This isn’t a game and I’m sorry,” I say, as I turn from her to head into my room.

“Carter,” she says quickly, causing me to stop and turn towards her. I can’t make eye contact so I stare down at her feet. Her eyes will bring me to my knees at this point.

“Yeah,” is the only response I can form, what else is there to say?

“Where’s my room?”

“Second door on the right. I’m sorry for not showing you around, I hope you find everything you need for the evening,” I say, heading back towards the hall to my room.

As I step inside, I close the door and lean up against it.

Closing my eyes, I mentally curse myself and push off to head for my bed. Forgoing a shower, I plan to keep her scent on me for as long as I can.




Staring at the ceiling, I can’t help but think back to a few hours ago. I had Tabitha pressed up against the glass like a raging teenager with his hormones out of control. I patronize myself for not taking my time before I crushed her. I should have memorized everything about her while I had the chance.

Tomorrow, well no, today is a new day and I don’t know what that holds for us. If I explain to her my dilemma I could lose her before I even have her. Keeping my secrets from Tabitha is the only way I know how to move forward.

It’s like playing Russian roulette.



I woke to the buzzing noise coming from my clock; some time ago I found sleep. I run my hands over my face, feeling the stubble.

Sitting up, I place my feet down onto the cool carpet and listen. I’m not sure if Tabitha is up or not since the condo is silent. I decide to jump in the shower and dress before I venture out and face the fire.

I walk out into the hall dressed in my signature work attire, jeans and a button up shirt. Since I have to be on site today with the builders, I have my work boots on instead of my oxfords.

Stopping in front of Tabitha’s door, I lean up against it and listen. I don’t hear any movement from the other side. With a sigh, I continue on to get the coffee going. I’ve noticed on a few occasions that she always has a coffee cup on her desk or near her. Being the coffee junkie that I am, I find it amusing that she is as well.

It’s the little things about her that have captured me. Someone who has built a fort around them can still possess so much spunk and personality.

I never know what to expect next from her. Her smart mouth and sassy clothes are just one of the many things that I’m growing accustomed to. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I could see her daily.

The pot’s brewing as I wonder over to the fridge. Just as I’m about to open it, I notice a note hanging from the front.


I’m sorry about last night and I never meant to cross that professional line with you. I’ve made arrangements to be taken to my car for an earlier flight out today. Yesterday gave me enough knowledge to move forward with the contract. I feel it best to only work together from teleconference from here on out. If you disagree, I’m sure Angela can take over the account.

Feel free to email and let me know if this will serve as a problem.

I’ll be in touch later in the week with a proposal.



I read the letter at least a million times as I curse myself. I wasn’t sure what I’d planned to say to her this morning, if anything.

I just wanted to see her.

I needed to be able to look into her eyes for an answer.

Now I’ll never get them unless I figure out another way.





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