Unfaithful (72 page)

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Authors: Joanne Clancy

BOOK: Unfaithful
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My Love is a beautiful collection of love and life experiences.




It was amazing. I wasn't sure what I was expecting going into this book since it's called "My Love". I thought it would be about mushy love stories I think originally. It's not at all. I hate to say it is a book for women, but I feel most of my female friends would enjoy reading this book. It was insightful and inspiring at times. The beginning was a good lead into what the book would be about and helps set the tone for the book. I sat down and read this book on breaks and lunches at work and when I got home I sat down and finished it. I got a few pointers to take away from this book about myself, and I can honestly say I am taking some of this stuff to heart and going to try to apply it to my life.

I am looking forward to eventually reading more of Joanne's work and hopefully that will be soon.
~ Ashley, Amazon



Wow!! This book was so not what I expected from the title! I was expecting some sort of love story but was pleasantly surprised by some of the best love and rela
tionship advice I've ever read. Having just gone through a divorce, a lot of the book really hit home for me. It's written in a conversational tone, like a girlfriend telling you what's what. It's common sense but the kind you don't think of for yourself while you're going through a situation. Joanne delivers the advice with personal anecdotes from her own life and you immediately remember the same thing happening to you.

The book itself is preceded by essays, including one which literally made me sob out loud. I won't say any more about that...it's something
you have to read for yourself.

My opinion? Every woman from 15 to 85 should read and take this book to heart. It probably wouldn't hurt a few men I know to read it either!!
~ Jerrilynn Atherton, Amazon



Early in the book, the fourth essay is titled "Death of a Loved One." This essay seemed to come out of nowhere and completely left me in shock. Within a few moments, I was sobbing as quietly as I could so my family couldn't hear me and become concerned. I don't believe a book has caused me to cry so much before, at least none that I remember. I had to literally look away from the book and take a break. She really takes you there to that place of pain you experienc
e when you've lost a loved one.

I don't want to give away exactly what this essay is about. I do want to express how utterly brave the author is in revealing the rawness of her pain and how much I admire her courage for including this in her book. It must have taken so mu
ch out of her just to write it.

~ Donnie Darko Girl, Amazon





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