Unfinished Dreams (13 page)

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Authors: Amanda McIntyre

BOOK: Unfinished Dreams
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Chapter Twelve



Gabe wasn’t sure what part of him changed overnight, but something sure had. He’d barely been able to sleep a wink imagining what Tess’s body would feel like snuggled to his.

He tried to maintain his focus on getting the side of the barn repaired, but the hours from eight to five seemed to tick by in Chinese water torture fashion and he spent most of the day backtracking, constantly forcing his thoughts to the task he tried to complete.

She’d come home a little before six, smiled, and waved at him as she went to the house. He knew she probably needed to take care of the puppies, but he’d expected her to at least come out and say hi. Hell, he’d expected a whole lot more given that scenario she left him clinging to all night.

Gabe pounded in another nail with more force than necessary, missed the mark, and brought the hammer down square on his thumb. Throwing the hammer to the ground, he swallowed in frustration and paced the yard muttering as he held his bleeding thumb.

“Gabe? What’s the matter? Oh my Lord, you’re bleeding all over the place.”

She rushed toward him and grabbed his arm, tugging him back to the house. “You might need stitches with the way that looks.”

She dragged him to the kitchen and he had to admit, they were at least closer to where he’d envisioned them being by now. “It’s just a blood blister. Really, it’s no big deal.”

Tess tugged his hand to the sink and jerked on the faucet, sticking his hand under the steady stream. The tepid water stung for an instant and every muscle in his body tightened.

“That needs some gauze and a little antibiotic. Go on and sit down, I’ve got some in the cabinet.”

He studied her as she stretched up to reach the cabinet. She’d changed into what he figured were her favorite jeans, since they had all the same holes in all the exact same places as the others he’d seen her in. Places, he decided with a raised brow, he liked just as much. Still, she acted a bit skittish and without knowing why, he thought it best to observe rather than to act upon his feelings.

“How was your day?” That seemed like a safe enough conversation icebreaker. The thought struck him that she was wearing the shirt; he’d left when she cut his hair a few weeks back. On her, the turquoise and gray flannel shirt hung loose around her hips. Its soft colors accentuated her features. The thing looked a million times better on her than it did on him. Gabe took a deep breath just to remind him to keep his hands right on his lap.

“Let me see your hand.” She knelt on the floor before him, looking at him with eyes that matched the turquoise weave of the shirt. Oh yeah, he’d like to show her his hands. Maybe he should ask for his shirt back—

He drew in a sharp intake of air. “Geez, Tess. Careful, please.” Through clenched teeth he tolerated her playing nursemaid to his thumb. The desire to hold her close quickly replaced the pain.

“There. That ought to keep the dirt out anyway.” She stood and turned to the cabinet. He seized the opportunity and drew her onto his lap.

“I don’t suppose you’d want to check me over for any other possible injuries, huh, doc?” He nuzzled her neck, relishing the scent of her perfume and the soft feel of the flannel collar. It made him wonder how sturdy the old Formica kitchen table was.

Clasping his hands around her waist, he tugged her gently against his chest. “Been thinking about you all day,” he whispered placing gentle kisses against her neck.

She relaxed against him.

“Really?” she sighed, laying her head against his shoulder, turning so she could look at him. The sight of her soft alabaster throat was a temptation that no man could possibly resist. He ran his fingers slowly down her flesh, resting them at the base of her neck.

“Why do you think I hit my thumb? This shirt is technically mine, you know.”  He fingered the top button as he held her gaze.

“So, you’re saying it wasn’t an accident? You actually hit your thumb on purpose, huh?” Twisting on his lap, she glanced at his hand playing with her buttons. “You’d maim yourself for the chance at getting your shirt back?” She covered his hand with hers, undoing the top button as she smiled. “You must really like this shirt.” She cupped his face in the warmth of her hands, kissing him lightly, lingering enough to set his system on fire.

He fisted the portion of shirt he had in his hand and pulled her close, capturing her mouth with his. Her body melted to his with soft sighs that went far and beyond any unrequited dreams he’d had through the night. But this wasn’t a dream, it was life and blood, gentleness and passion, this was Tess.

“Did you want the shirt back?” she whispered as she softly kissed the ridge of his jaw. Her tongue outlined his lower lip and he hardened, amazed at the power this woman had over his hormones.

“I guess my concentration was off today. I can’t guess why. Maybe it’s because I thought about you until the wee hours of the morning. Besides, this thing looks a whole lot better on you.” He released himself to every sweet thing she was doing to him, knowing he was in danger of losing his mind. Her breath teased his neck as she gently nipped his earlobe.

“Are you concentrating now, cowboy?” She pushed off his hat and he vaguely heard it fall to the floor with a soft thud, much like his heart had just done. Her soft mouth asked for what words could not convey, and he returned her unspoken request, with needs of his own.

“It’s back now.” The ecstasy of her silky skin against his palms, made him all but delirious as he slid up her back and unfastened her bra. Between fevered kisses, he finished unbuttoning her shirt and dropped it gently over her smooth shoulders. With a slow reverence he’d dreamt of about a hundred times, he lifted each sweet breast, teasing with teeth and tongue, as her fingers laced through his hair. Her shuddering erotic sighs each time her touched her, caused his erection to strain against his jeans.

Gabe wanted her in a desperate way. He clamped her chin with his fingers, drawing her mouth to his, kissing her with a fierce hunger, feeling her body growing as desperate as his. He slid his hand between them, sensing the dampness through the denim of her worn jeans. His fingers itched to touch her, to see her unravel before his eyes.

She grabbed his face and searched his eyes. Her expression openly asking,
“Do you want me as much as I want you?”

Her unbridled fire and passion met his, step for precious step. He heard the snaps on his shirt opening and looked down with a smile as her hands slid over chest. She held his gaze, showing him that she approved of what she found.

As she found pleasure in touching every muscle of his chest, his fingers found her zipper and he eased it open.

“Tell me to stop now Tess, or I may not be able to in moment.”

She held his face, kissing him full on the lips, lifting from his lap long enough to scoot her jeans over her hips.

“Sweet Tess, “he whispered as he kissed her slow and gentle, letting his fingers stroke the thin silky fabric covering womanhood.

Tess held his shoulders as his finger slipped inside the fabric. Her hips rocked against his strokes, growing longer and deeper as he mirrored what his fingers performed. Gabe’s heart pounded against his chest hearing her breath grow short. He knew she teetered on the edge.

“Let go, sweetheart,” he whispered.

Her body tightened and a quiet gasp tore from her throat with her release.

“Hey! Anyone home around here?” Pounding on the front door sounded from down the hall.

“Someone’s here.”  Her eyes shimmering still from her climax looked at him in shock. She froze, her hands clamped down over his shoulders.

“Maybe they’ll go away.” He cupped her bottom, scooting her as close to the firm bulge in his jeans

He’d never wanted a woman so badly. He drew her face to his, covering her mouth and stifling her immediate gasp.

“Tess? You home? I thought I’d come to see how those puppies were getting along?” Mr. Powell’s voice sounded from the door.

Her hands slid around his neck as he trailed kisses across her jaw. “I’ll be—”

He teased her lips, nipping at them, before consuming her mouth in a heated kiss. He didn’t want to leave her mouth, even for air. For too long, he’d lived a regimented and lonely life. She’d changed all that. She made him believe in love again—that delirious, freeing kind of love that holds no barriers.

“Be right there—” Her voice hitched higher as he drug her as close as their clothing would allow. “Gabe, I can hardly breathe.”

She dropped her forehead to his, then lifted her gaze with a satisfied grin. Her shirt hung lifeless from the crook of her arms. The pink tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her lips swollen still from their heated kisses. God he wanted to tear his jeans off and bury himself in her warmth, watch as she rode him hard till they both were blind.

Gabe fought hard to regain control of his body. He thought half-seriously of hurting Roy. Heaving a quiet sigh, he tried not to let his disappointment show as she pulled her shirt over her shoulders.
Not a soul all day and the first moment they have alone, Roy decides to make a social call.

So much for the theory of having more privacy in the country.

He waited with a heavy heart as she adjusted her clothing, then reached up and fastened the buttons on the shirt—his shirt. “You keep this for now.” He looked up catching her gaze. Something hit him like a bolt and suddenly the desire to ask her to marry him was so strong he had to bit his tongue to keep the words from spilling forth. He detected the faint blush in her cheeks, and knowing he’d caused those eyes to turn smoky with pleasure made him want more. To have the kind of life where they could snuggle on the porch swing then make love like this all over again. He pulled his shirt over her shoulders and they set to the task of fastening buttons, giggling as they stole knowing glances and tempting kisses.

He caught her gaze, unsure of the look in her eyes, but they hinted at a future or maybe that was because of where his mind was.

“I better get the door.”  She stood and Gabe had never felt anything so empty than his lap at that moment. He closed his eyes, seeing a preview of what he could have if he’d get his life together.

Gabe stood and smoothed his hair in place. His mouth was dry as a desert in summer and suddenly he had a great deal on his mind. He had to find a way to get his life together so he could offer more to this woman. The one thing he could not—no—
not, was to let get away from him.

She cleared her throat, “Does my hair look all right?” she whispered with a conspiratorial-type grin.

He grinned in return. “No one but you and me will know your beauty secret.”  He reached down cupping her face between his hands and gave her a kiss he hoped she’d remember. “I’m just going to slip out back and die.” He smiled, giving her one more kiss, “Then I’ll clean up my things by the barn.”

“We’ve got to talk about what’s going on here.”

“Talking is the last thing I had in mind, Tess.”

“I know and that’s exactly why we have to talk.”  Her voice slid over him causing greater commotion than what was already going on inside him.

She stared at him, with a study of soft reflection and he wanted to ask her what she was thinking, but Mr. Powell’s voice interrupted.

“If this is a bad time—”

“No I’ll be right there.” She lifted his injured thumb and kissed it gently.

He leaned to her ear, nuzzling her with a kiss. As he slipped open the back door he whispered, “I’m coming back for my shirt.” With a wolfish grin, he saluted her with two fingers to his forehead. “Ma’am.” He felt the broom hit him in the rear as she closed the door. Lord, she was great.

Gabe was halfway across the yard, whistling a tune when he realized he’d left his hat where she’d knocked off in haste. He smiled, shaking his head as he turned back to the house.

He tapped gently on the back door, but got no answer, but could hear Tess and Roy’s voice coming from the front porch. He eased open the door, deciding if Powell saw him he could just say he’d forgotten his hat when he came to bandage his thumb. Why it should matter to Powell was beyond him, but he had enough respect for Tess not to embarrass her. Besides wasn’t it Powell that had encouraged him to be kind to Tess? Okay, so maybe he’d taken the definition of ‘neighborly’ to the next level, but Tess seemed more than willing to return the hospitality.

He moved quietly across the kitchen and grinned when he saw that his hat had slid clean across the table and landed on the floor, taking a pile of Tess’s mail with it. Reaching down, he retrieved his hat and scooped up the mail to return to the table.

As he lay the stack of papers down, his eye caught his name, and he paused, curious as to why Tess should have an official looking document with his name on it. His brows knit together and he cocked his head to listen for sounds of anyone approaching before his gaze moved back to the papers he held in his hands.

Scanning the words quickly, Gabe ‘s vision blurred as if his brain could not comprehend what he was reading. He blinked, reread the paper, then glanced down at the agreement, and saw Tess’s signature scrawled in neat penmanship across the bottom, just under the name of a Jack Trenton. A queasy knot formed in Gabe’s stomach.
Had Tess had something to do with his eviction? Did she already know who he was? Why hadn’t she said anything to him? What was she playing him for?

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