Unforgettable (9 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

BOOK: Unforgettable
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He stared at me for another second before he found the end of the t-shirt. Slowly, he pulled it up, making sure I wasn’t freaking out. When he got it off, he stared at my flat stomach and noticeable chest. Then his eyes flickered back to mine. “Is this okay?”


His hand snaked up my back then found the clasp to my bra. He unclasped it without a fuss and my bra popped open. Scotty gently pulled the straps down, taking his time. When it was off, I was only in my underwear. He stared down at me, the love in his eyes. “You’re beautiful.”

My eyes softened.

He leaned down and kissed the skin over my heart. “And perfect.” He moved his hand to my waist then gripped my underwear. “Is this okay?”

I nodded.

“Livia,” he pressed.

“Yes,” I answered.

He pulled them off, leaving me completely bare. His eyes took me in, lingering on my legs and the apex of my thighs. Then he came back to me, leaning over me. “What do you want, Livia?”

My hands fisted his hair. “What do you mean?”

“What do you want me to do to you?”

I wanted him, all of him. But I was still scared. Something was holding me back but I didn’t know what. But I wanted to feel his naked body against mine. I wanted the intimacy I’d been craving. “I want to kiss you. And I want you to touch me.”

“Okay.” He didn’t seem disappointed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me to him while his lips found my neck. He kissed the skin lightly while his chest pressed against my bare breasts. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his cock touch my clitoris. Feeling the contact of his skin made me shiver all over again.

“Where can I touch you?” he whispered.


He sucked my bottom lip before he trailed kisses down to the hollow of my throat. Then he moved further down, taking his time. His tongue found the valley between my breasts, and he inhaled my scent while sucked and licked. His mouth moved to my bare breast and he sucked the nipple gently.

I squeezed his hips because it felt so good. One hand fisted his hair while I squirmed and shook under him. I never thought I could feel this for another person, to trust someone with my whole heart.

He took my other breast into his mouth and worshipped it with his lips. A faint groan came from his mouth while he tasted me. His cock throbbed against me, wanting me the way I wanted him.

Scotty moved his mouth down my stomach. He skipped the area I was desperate for him to touch then kissed my inner thighs. His enthusiasm told me he wanted to do this for a long time. His mouth moved down to my knee then back again.

He put his weight on his hands before he looked at me. Then he leaned down and kissed the skin of my pelvic bone. I knew what he was going to do next. I tensed as I waited for it. A guy had never done this to me before, and I was glad Scotty would be the first one.

His mouth moved between my legs and did euphoric things to me. His tongue circled my clitoris, making my back arch and a moan escape my lips. He kissed my most intimate places and his thumb rubbed the nub between my legs. I was writhing for him, panting.

Then he crawled back over me, ending the pleasure.

“Don’t stop,” I begged.

“I won’t.” His fingers moved between my legs. With precision, he massaged me, making my legs shake. He looked me in the eye while he did it, not letting me hide from him.

My hands moved to his biceps, squeezing the muscle. “Scotty…”

He kissed me, giving me the extra stimulation.

My hands moved up his shoulders then down again because I didn’t know what else to do. My back was arching and I couldn’t stop panting. It was coming again. The heat pooled in my stomach and my body tensed. When it arrived, it burned every inch of my skin. “Oh…”

Scotty stared at my face while I came undone. My nails dug into his skin, almost piercing him. My legs widened, giving him extra room, and I rocked my hips slowly.

When it passed, I lay my head back on the pillow, catching my breath.

Scotty leaned over me, the fondness in his eyes.

“You’re really good at that…”

He smirked. “You make me good.”

I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him again. I never thought I would feel this way again. Sex was off the table and I couldn’t even get aroused. Anytime girls checked out a guy, I felt absolutely nothing. Sex was painful, emotionally scarring. It was horrific and dark.

But it wasn’t like that with him. It was gentle and beautiful. He touched me the way I liked, caressing me rather than gripping me. He never pushed me to do something I wasn’t ready for, and he always explicitly asked for what I wanted, not making assumptions.

I broke our kiss and stared at him. The tears breached the surface even though I didn’t feel them form. My hand moved to his neck, where I gripped him. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I love you.”

He didn’t blink. His eyes never broke their trance. His breathing changed, and his chest rose and fell with a greater cadence. The look in his eyes changed slightly, moving from adoration to pure love. I saw the longing in his eyes, the affection that grew with every passing day. He wasn’t just overwhelmed by my confession of love; he was over the moon. One hand wrapped around my back and held me to him. I felt the slight tremor move up his body. Even though he hadn’t said the words back to me, his body did. Never in my life had someone loved me as much as Scotty. I thought my brother was the only person who adored me, but Scotty put him to shame. He was my whole world, not just my boyfriend. He helped me get through this horrific time, convinced me that I wasn’t disgusting and worn. He made me feel beautiful for the first time in awhile. Not sexy beautiful or gorgeous beautiful. Just beautiful.

He closed his eyes for a moment then reopened them. “I love you too.” He moved to his side then pulled me with him. My leg wrapped around his waist and my hand was pressed into the area between our chests. His hand moved down my arm and to my hips. Then it trailed back up again, making my skin prickle.

I stared at him, noting every feature of his face. His eyes were deep with emotion and I could see his soul deep within. It was broken and damaged, just like mine, but it was beautiful at the same time.

“You’re my only one.” He massaged the back of my neck then moved his fingers into my hair.

“And you’re mine.”



The last time I fooled around with a girl without having sex was when I was a virgin. And I only did it because I couldn’t get the real thing. But I loved touching Livia, kissing her everywhere, and just enjoying her. Just because we didn’t have sex didn’t mean I wasn’t satisfied. Seeing the trust on her face, the love in her eyes, and hearing those words leave her lips was all I needed. Sex was overrated. Making love wasn’t. Even if I wasn’t inside her, we still combined our souls together.

Livia was beginning to shed her former skin. She didn’t see herself as the victim anymore. She was starting to become stronger, to see herself in a better image. I was glad I could help her with that. Having a relationship with her was what I wanted from the beginning, and now I did.

I was still angry about what happened to her, but not nearly as much. She calmed me down when she wrapped her body around mine. I hated the aftermath of what happened to her, but since she was changing, I started to let it go. Liam was right; killing someone wouldn’t make Livia better.

But I did still want to kill them—all of them.

I went to Liam’s house after class and we went on a run. I wanted to talk to him without Keira around. I was still pissed at her for being an annoying brat.

“How’s it going with her?” Liam asked. He kept his pace next to me. We were of the same strength and size. And our level of fitness was equal.

“Great.” I breathed through my nose and out my mouth. “Really great.”

“Good. I’m glad Keira’s bad attitude didn’t chase her away.”

I rolled my eyes. “Keira needs to shut the hell up.”

“If you told her the truth, she would knock it off and apologize.”

“I will. I just need to find the right time.”

He sighed while he ran next to me. “Until then I’ll try to talk to her.”

“That would be appreciated. Because she doesn’t listen to a word I say.”

“I’ve noticed,” he said sarcastically. “So, are you going to let the whole thing go?”

I knew what he was referring to. “I’ll never let it go. I asked her for a name but she wouldn’t give it up.”


“Because she knows I’ll kill him.”

“It sounds like she wants you to leave it alone.”

“Not gonna happen,” I said darkly.

Liam jogged next to me, breathing loudly.

“We fooled around for the first time last night.” I wasn’t saying this to brag or gossip. It was an important moment for our relationship.


“And she told me she loved me.”

Liam smiled. “Congratulations, man.”

“Thanks…she’s getting better.”

“And why is that?” Liam gave me a knowing look. “Because you were there for her, not because you murdered her tormentor.”

I didn’t have a response to that.

“How about you just let this go and be happy?”

“I said no.” My voice turned angry. “I’m still going to find out who he is.”

Liam sighed.

“Are you backing out on me?”

“No,” he said quickly. “But if Livia doesn’t want you to do anything, and I don’t think it’s a good idea, then maybe you should listen to reason.”

“If it were Keira you wouldn’t let it go.”

“I would…if she asked me to.”

“Bullshit,” I snapped.

Liam fell silent, choosing not to argue with me.

“I want to go to the next party and find that piece of shit.”

Liam didn’t say anything.

“Are you coming or what?”

“You know I got your back no matter what.”

“Good. Because that’s what I need right now.”


We went out for a beer with Tony and Bran. Liam and I were a little sweaty, but since we were taken neither one of us cared about the impression we made on other people. But of course, the girls eyed us anyway.

“Do you ever shower?” Bran asked as he sniffed the air.

“That’s the smell of a real man,” I said.

“Actually, it smells like a sweaty walrus.” Tony drank his beer.

Liam cocked an eyebrow. “That’s oddly specific…”

“Have you met a sweaty walrus before?” Bran questioned.

Tony shrugged. “I’ll never tell.”

We went back to sipping our beer.

Ash was standing in the corner, talking to a brunette with a big rack. He had a drink in his hand.
Did he ever not drink?

“You cool with her brother?” Liam asked.

“Yeah, we worked it out.” After he knew I didn’t cheat on Livia, he calmed down.

“Cool.” Liam watched the game on the screen.

“Excuse me.” I left the table and came to his side.

“Baby, go wait in the car,” he said to his girl.

“Am I a dog?” she snapped.

“When I do you doggy style you are. Now go.”

Wow…he was a dick.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She obeyed him and walked outside.

“You got them trained well,” I said while I leaned against the rail.

“Because they’re mindless broads.”

For having a beautiful sister, he didn’t seem to be respectful toward women.
But I guess I shouldn’t talk…I was a dick too
. “How’s it going?”

“School…busy.” He seemed down.

I noticed he always had a drink in his hand. I never saw him at the courts, and any time he was out, he was usually drunk or hammered. “Everything okay, man?”

“Yeah,” he said dismissively. “What’s going on with you?”

“Have you spoken to Livia lately…?”

“No.” Anger moved into his face. “She pissed me off. She prefers to sit in the dark instead of living her life. I told her to stop being an idiot and just go back to you. But she doesn’t listen to me.”

“Actually, she does… We got back together a few weeks ago.”

“Say what?” His eyes were wide.

“She showed up on my doorstep and…we worked it out.”

“Maybe that brat does listen to me after all.”

“You know, there is a reason why she is the way she is. She hides in the dark because she prefers to be alone. She stays away from people because she doesn’t trust them. Instead of making her feel bad about it, you should figure out the reason why she behaves that way.”

“You think I haven’t asked? A hundred times?”

“Pull it out of her.”

know why?”

I didn’t want to disrespect her brother by lying. “Yes.”

“Really?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Enlighten me.”

“I can’t…I promised her I wouldn’t.”

“Why will she tell you and not me?” He seemed angry.

“She’s just…embarrassed I guess.” I couldn’t describe it in a better way.

“But I’m her brother. We tell each other everything.”

“Believe me, it isn’t personal.”

He still seemed hurt. His eyes were squinted in pain.

“Just talk to her. Now that you know something is going on, maybe you can convince her to tell you. I want her to.”

“So do I,” he said miserably. “I worry about her… Our parents are jackasses to her. They disapprove of her major, but their resentment toward her started far before that. Even when we were little, they still preferred me to her. They always put her down when she did something wrong. I received flying colors for even the smallest things. And then she changed six months ago…She’s been through a lot and I fear she won’t be able to take it one day. That her back will be break.”

“Her back won’t break,” I said firmly. “I’ll see to that.”

“I wish I could help,” he said sadly.

“Just talk to her. Make sure she knows you love her no matter what. And that you’ll keep her secret.”

“You’re worrying me…”

“I just want you to be prepared.”

His breathed hard. “Is she dying or something? Please answer that.”

“No,” I said immediately. “It’s nothing related to health.”

He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just talk to her.”

“I think I will.” He downed his beer then put the cash on the table. “I just have to get rid of this girl first.”

“You’re going to kick her out of your truck?”

“Damn right.” He walked away and headed out the door.


I returned the painting to the wall before Livia came over. The image perfectly captured our relationship. It was passionate but friendly. We were friends before we were lovers, so the foundation of our romance was strong. We did things the right way, taking it slow and cultivating strong feelings.

Something I’ve never done before.

I always went straight for the kill, straight for the pussy. Girls annoyed me and I didn’t like talking to them. I just liked looking at them. I liked fucking hard on my sheets then kicking them out like the whores that they were. It was impossible for me to love someone else, to care for someone else.

But then Livia happened.

Her light knock sounded on my door. My heart fluttered as I walked across the house and opened it. She wore a champagne pink sundress. Her hair was down and curled. A gold necklace hung from her throat. She had one bag in her hand, and a purse over one shoulder. Make up was on her face. She hardly dressed up for any occasion, but now she was dressing up for me.

I smirked while I appraised her. “Get over here.”

She smiled back then moved into my chest.

I grabbed her bag and tossed it on the couch then pulled her purse off. It hit the floor then I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her chest press to mine. I rested my head on hers and smelled her shampoo. Vanilla and coconut wafted into my nose.

My hand moved to her lower back and I squeezed her dress in my large hand, wanting to rip it off of her. I’d never been more turned on by another girl in my life, real or fantasy. I tried to control myself because I didn’t want her to see how much I wanted her. She was still warming up to me and I wanted everything to happen on her terms, her way. So I forced my hand to relax and press flat against her back. But I did give her a warm kiss.

My tongue immediately parted her lips and I gave her a hard embrace. She reciprocated immediately, slipping her small tongue into my mouth. Our kiss turned heated quickly, so I ended the embrace before it escalated into something more. “I’m very happy to see you.”

“I can tell.” That playful look I loved was on her face.

“I want to give you something. And I really hope you accept it.”

“I’ll love anything you give me.”

I grabbed the spare key from the vanity then handed it to her. “Come over whenever you want. Don’t knock.”

She stared at the key for a moment, emotion coming over her face. “Really?”

“Yes.” I closed her hand around the key. “Don’t make a big deal about it. I just want you to feel comfortable here.”

“I don’t know what to say…”

“Don’t say anything at all.” I grabbed her purse and bag and left it on my bed. When I came out again, she was staring at the painting on my wall.

“You put it back.” The happiness shined in her eyes.

“Yes. And I don’t plan on taking it down again.” I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pressing my chest against her back.


I kissed her cheek. “How was your day?”

“Good. Yours?”

“It was okay. My training is almost over. And I’m exhausted.”

“Would you like a massage?”

I smirked. “That would be nice. But I rub your back, not the other way around.”

“Why can’t we rub each other’s backs?”

“Because my girl doesn’t do anything. I do everything for her.”

She moved from my arms then sat on the couch. “What did you want to do tonight?”

“We can watch
Gone with the Wind
again,” I said with a smile.

She chuckled. “How about we mix it up?”

“Then you can pick. Find something on Netflix.” I lay beside her then felt her move onto my chest.

She flipped through the selections until she found
Die Hard
. “Is this okay?”

“You like this movie?” I asked in surprise.

“It’s a classic, isn’t it?”

“But there’s lot of guns and explosions…”

She eyed me. “And because I’m a girl I wouldn’t like that?”

I shrugged. “I guess.”

“No, I like it.” She gave me a quick kiss before she cuddled with me.

We didn’t do much when we were together. Other than eating and watching TV, we were pretty boring. But I loved that about our relationship. We didn’t need to do much to enjoy each other’s company. I could be myself and so could she.

When the movie was over, she squeezed my waist. “I’m ready for bed.”

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