Unknown (22 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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Dogs covered but left unburied, taking the horse in town to get Michael to look at the bodies before I bury them. For once I took Billy's suggestion and took the shotgun with me.

Michael finished looking them over and is talking with Billy while I take my turn digging the grave. Hard, but not nearly as hard as it would've been had we not had rain a few days back. I loved both of them, raised them, and in return they've helped keep watch over me and mine. I'm only thankful that whoever, or whatever did this wasn't' the sort to stop to 'play' with its prey.

I had written all this down as Billy dug mind you. Apologize, whoever reads this. I'm not terribly good at a coherent narrative, on the matter.

"It might've been a gholem." It must have been the third or fourth attempt Michael made at getting my attention before her voice sunk through my grief. I looked up at her, writing as I starred at her while somehow having kept my note taking legible. She was shaken and tired, which I would learn later because she had been up for the past day tending to a sick cow, but she continued. "Cholo and Apollo had blue blood in their mouths."

Oh no. Everyone would start thinking Billy- no, no. They knew her, they might not like her, but they wouldn't think she would have killed without provocation, especially my dogs. That would have been one detail they couldn't easily explain away.

With these thoughts in my mind I had put my dogs in the hole we had dug. Even now I still miss both of them. They were good animals.

Looked up from filling the grave in and saw only the vet. "I'll see if Frank can get the militia on the wire." The woman hadn't looked at me when she spoke. Instead her eyes had been on the wooded space across the road.

"Billy said she might be able to find where it went, or maybe where it came from." This last seemed her way of explaining to me where Billy had gone while my attention had been on the dogs.

Michael sounded slightly confused, "I don't know how she'd tell its path from anybody else's, but she seems convinced, and I'm worried." Maybe to an outsider my calm attitude would have been out of place. I'd heard from many different people in the five years before then of her just up and disappearing, usually right after a possible connection between her and something that had happened popped up.

Every time something came along that would make people associate her with the worst Billy went to find proof otherwise. Couldn't blame her, but if she kept bowing to pressure then maybe she would have gotten hurt, or maybe, well lots of things had flitted through my mind when she did things like that. Nobody could stop her short of chaining her down, and even then those would have to be stout. Don't get yourself killed please.


Date: 20 May

Mood: Pensive

Billy was still gone, though I found a note yesterday in her handwriting.

I am well Julian. Though my quarry eludes me I've found signs of others encroaching, I'd say drifters, but there's too many different traces floating about. I can't make heads or tails of any of this. With luck I'll get back in touch within the next day or so. All my best.

She never left a signature, not a proper one anyway. It was always a silly little design at the bottom, a halfsun/half-moon doodle. I’ve always presumed it’s that anyway, half-rounded sphere, half-spiky thing in the middle of a circle. Odd, but at least I knew this was from her.

Two days. I told myself I would give her two days then I would have to look myself. Before then though I was going to ask that more frequent patrols be conducted with more men on each outing. I wasn't sure how well they could be made to listen, but if Billy thought worse was out there than the person that had killed my animals I trusted her judgment.


After Dark

Either I had always taken everyone in authority in the worst light possible, or I was feeling pessimistic at the time. Half a dozen of one, six of the other maybe? They sent men out there to search. Just hoped they found something, and that whatever was out there was friendly. We couldn't afford every able-bodied person to end up too tired to do anything meaningful the next day for nothing, or worse.

We'd decided to rotate out in four-hour shifts instead of the usual eight hour all nighters. It would cut everyone short on sleep, but it beat sun down to sun up for the entire Corp.

So far that night there had been nothing new to report, just the usual- Wait, no just a cat. I needed to get a grip, focus, and stop jumping at shadows. Didn't help that I was working with a new partner, or was it the other way 'round? We did what we needed I suppose, and tried to handle life’s difficulties as best as we could.

When she returned, there was something said about two bodies in the back lot to Jim's Bakery.

Calm, I tried to remain calm while I took notes for the record. I wasn't a Doctor of any sort, but I knew enough, mostly from that brief lecture I had to sit through on what to do if we found corpses, that we shouldn't have moved the bodies. It was obvious how they died, sure, but there were questions. Throats torn out, lots of blood... no... I mean there had been lots of blood but I couldn't be sure if their throats are torn loose, or... Hell I couldn't think straight. Calm. I tried remembering my lessons. They told you there would be times like this.

Boot on gravel noises; my partner told me to stay with the bodies.

I heard gunshots followed by screams for me to run, then nothing. What do you think I did? I knuckled down, dug my heels in, and held on for dear life while my horse ran for town.


Date: 21 May

Mood: Frightened

Twice in one week had things with murderous intent chased me. Twice this week have I ran while others have died. There would not be a third time, not even if that meant my own end.

I'd survived until morning with no sign of my pursuers when I came upon the next shift's patrol. With them in tow I led them to the bodies, and found my partner draped over the two that were there before. She lived, but only for another minute as there wasn't anything the rest of us could do other than put her out of her misery.

As a group we went into town to fetch more men, only to find that similar slayings have occurred throughout the night. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel save that I'm sick to my stomach with worry.

Going home did nothing to calm my nerves, and only emphasized the fact that if anyone wished they could have waltzed in at any time and shuffle off my mortal coil for me. However just because people were dying didn't mean that chores could be missed. Though I suppose that statement would make you think I was taking everything in stride, and you would have been be as far from the truth as possible. My nerves were shot, I kept a loaded gun with me at all times. The animals seemed to notice my mood which, as a result, made them also act skittish. When I returned home there was another note, this one wedged under the back door.



You needn't fear our coming, for we have heard much of you and your temperament and judge that to end your life would be wasteful, and we do abhor waste. Think what you will of our methods, but we've taken this course only because we have no other option. We're being hunted as animals, captured then made sport of for the pleasure of the mob. We've been driven to this, and we hate it. All we wanted was a place of our own.

It’s doubtful that you will feel anything but disgust for how we've conducted ourselves, after all, people are dying before their due, but we felt that an attempt had to be made to explain ourselves. You have nothing to fear from us.


How was I supposed to react to this? Monsters claimed to want peace? Five were dead and eight others injured. They said they would have let me live, but why? Had that been Billy's doing? I had to assume it was, as I also assumed that their granting me amnesty was due to my having treated her as an equal rather than a servant. Still, I wasn't happy with the situation if it meant they would have slaughtered everyone else in town. Contrary to popular belief Gholem were not, at their core, bad people!

Maybe that was all Billy could convince them to do. No matter, my course was still that of helping in our

mutual defense. So after burning the note, I dared not simply throw it away on the off chance it might come back at a later time to garrote me at the worst possible moment, and packed a light lunch. I was off to town hall, as that's where we had agreed all those not on patrol, or weren't tending their homes, should gather for the duration. It made sense; it was a centralized location where everything could be coordinated.

Of course once I had gotten there the idea of everyone gathered in one place seemed much less appealing; what with the general chaos, high tempers, and nobody seemingly knowing what's going on. Pardon me.

"I really think we should-" Jenny, a curious olive skinned woman, who, in my opinion, was a damned good nurse, babysitter, storyteller, and Deus alone knows what else, spoke up. Unfortunately she had been almost immediately cut off by Alex, a portly fellow who was one of the elementary school teachers.

"No no no, won't do at all I'm afraid," He paused for breath before continuing. "What about that bloody note they found?" Note? Made sense I guess that they would send other people their own letters, probably less kindly worded than mine.

So why had I been sweating? On reflection I had waited for somebody to jump down my throat, or start an argument, or something to try making me feel that my unconventional attitudes had been responsible for what we faced.

Jenny flipped that ridiculous scarf in what I think was a gesture of annoyance before responding. It’s May for Deus's sake, why is anyone wearing anything like that in this weather? Unfortunately I couldn't hear anything else she had to say over the general den of noise as more people went about their own business here. Most of the talk was, not surprisingly, about the attacks, but everyone had a different opinion. Sadly I couldn't make sense of half of what was said because the rest was drown out by competing chatter.

There was a loud banging of wood against wood near the rear of the building, specifically at the podium. After a minute of this as well as shouts for Silence, a little balding man with grandfatherly eyes straightened from behind the podium and spoke.

"As we all know about the recent attacks I shall merely gloss over the unsightly specifics of the murders themselves and cut any rumors that the entirety of our government has been killed. I am here, as are a dozen of our representatives. So far there have been a total of six confirmed deaths, four if rumors of the Millers leaving town are to be believed." I sighed, that was something at least.

"Unfortunately they seem to also have decided to target our families," Several that knew about the attack on my farm, including Michael, turned slightly in my direction, "And those that watch over us at night." More eye shifting, this time presumably noticing those Watchers that were lost last night.

His speech went on, however I shall not even attempt to mince words, as I dared not write for fear not hearing what was said, and I dare not write now for fear of not capturing the essence of his voice. To summarize it in a pair of sentences wouldn't do it justice though it only lasted all of a couple minutes. Still, if I had to make the attempt, and I feel I do. It is as follows:

'Though we are in the midst of trying times we must not give in to fear and mistrust, for these sap from us our resolve to stand against these barbarous invaders. Though my own life is being threatened,' He paused at some point to show a note similar to my own, 'I cannot, nor will I ever, be cowed into submission. This is our home, and we are not going to be scared off by thugs that don't even have the courage to face.'

Were this a story, or a picture show at the theater just down the way, as soon as he was done speaking the audience would have been on its feet cheering and vowing to never give in or whatever nonsensical sentiment the speech of the moment was supposed to convey. Here in the real world we were still frightened, still confused, and still numbed by recent events. That wasn't to say the man's words had no effect. That effect was just more subtle than what fiction often portrayed. Deus bless my father, for he always had been one of the best I knew at creating on the spot exactly what a crowd needed to hear.

At that point the meeting split between different groups. There was one group that was to organize supplies, another that would be in charge of defense, and those that would be out looking for our attackers. I was pulled towards the group dealing with dealing with supplies, or would've been had my father not motioned me over for a privet word.


Of Fathers and Sons

I include this account of the conversation between my father and I here for the sake of completeness. This is purely taken from my memory as I had waited until months after the fact to include what is recorded below.


Once we were in my Father's office and the door safely latched he turned to me. "Where is she?" There was no accusation in either his eyes or voice. At that point there needn't be for me to understand that he thought she had acted with whatever was out there.. 'Has she run off with this lot to take her wrath out on the rest of us?'

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