Unleashing the Receptionist: ...the Receptionist, Book 3

BOOK: Unleashing the Receptionist: ...the Receptionist, Book 3
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This book is dedicated to the naughty in all of us—and, in particular, to the Nine Naughty Novelists.

Chapter One

On a typical workday, if I’m chained to my desk it’s with silk cords and for one purpose only—because it leads to screaming orgasms for me and my two delectable bosses, Simon and Ethan.

With one exception. Business plan time.

During business plan, I’m chained to the desk in the usual, strictly metaphorical way. You know, working. Needless to say, it’s not my favorite time of year. It’s tough to spend all day and half the night shut up inside an office with two sexy gods when neither has touched you once. But maybe that’s just me. Not every receptionist has been trained to receive pleasure as well as incoming calls.

“Dana,” said Ethan, jolting me from my sexually frustrated daze. “Can you put another pot of coffee on, luv? And then I’ll need the P&L’s again.”

I hid a sigh as I trudged to the kitchenette. “Coming up.”

At least the profit and loss statements were good. Cowell & Dirk had had a very satisfactory year. Especially if you asked the only actual employee—me. I had experienced a blissfully high level of job satisfaction since Simon had hired and trained me.

“Mu shu pork okay?” called Simon. “I’m ordering from Great Wok.”

Now that was more like it. My mood brightened as I put on the coffee and gathered up the files. I’d do anything for my bosses, we all knew that. But I certainly preferred some duties to others.

“Food’s on its way,” said Simon when I returned with the coffee pot. “If I could only tear Ethan away from that spreadsheet.” He shot me a green-eyed pirate wink. His hair was a tousled black mess, but I loved my Simon in all his moods.

I gave him a questioning glance, wanting to make sure I’d interpreted correctly. Simon and Ethan had a strange bond, one I couldn’t quite figure out even though I was closer to them than anyone. They seemed to read each other without words. Simon gave me a go-ahead tilt of his head. With his wrinkled white shirt open at the neck, he looked half-drunk, as if he’d been swilling expensive brandy all night instead of crunching numbers.

“Maybe we need to spread something else in front of him,” I suggested. I put down the files and the coffee and prowled toward Ethan, who barely looked up from his swivel chair. He wore his reading glasses, his grizzled blond head bent over the desk. I challenge you to find anyone hotter than a sexual beast like Ethan with a pair of wire rims perched on his much-broken nose.

I knew from the angle of his head that he was tracking my approach. Ethan was like a wild animal picking up scents, especially the scent of eager Dana. His nostrils flared as I came close to the desk.

“We wouldn’t want our Senior Partner to burn out. Occasional breaks are healthy. I’m sure that’s in the employee manual somewhere.” I circled behind him and trailed my finger across the back of his neck. He tensed. I felt the tendons go taut as elevator cables. “This poor man has been working far too hard. If we don’t get him to relax, his head might explode.” I ran my hand through his thick hair.

“Sounds dire,” Simon agreed. “Urgent, even.”

“Oh, yes, I’d say it’s an emergency.” I slid my other hand inside his shirt, under the T-shirt, where rough curls greeted my fingers. “There isn’t even time to call a doctor. We’ll have to do what we can all on our own.”

Ethan let out an amused growl. “Nice try, luv, but it won’t work. Can’t mix business plan with pleasure.”

I snorted. The three of us had been mixing business with pleasure for over a year now. “You’re so right, boss. I’m being bad, aren’t I?” I rubbed my nipples on the broad plain between his shoulder blades. Obedient little soldiers, they peaked right away from the heat of his body. Or maybe from the memory of all the things Ethan had done to them. “There’s probably something in the manual about this. In the punishment-and-correction section.”

“I’m warning you, Dana.” But I heard the heat in his voice. I knew the game was on.

I aimed a cat-who-ate-the-cream look at Simon, inviting him to join me. He rose to his feet and ambled toward me, taking off his belt. I shivered at the sight and instantly went wet. “Perhaps our lovely receptionist needs a refresher course in obedience,” he said with a frown. “Hands behind your back, Dana.”

“But, Simon, I’m just trying to relax him…”

“Hands behind your back.” His stern voice made heat shoot to my pussy. I straightened up and put my wrists together behind my back.

“It’s not her hands that are causing the trouble.” Ethan swiveled around so he faced me. “It’s her nipples.” He gave my chest a smoldering glare, which ignited little aching flames inside each breast. “They need to be taught a lesson.”

“Quite right,” said Simon.

Ethan flicked open the buttons of my blouse, pop pop pop, until it hung open. Underneath I wore their favorite kind of undergarment, a pushup teddy that barely covered my nipples. One quick move of Ethan’s hand and it didn’t cover them at all.

From behind me, Simon ran the leather belt through his hands. It made a rough, hissing sound like a snake sliding across gravel. “Keep your hands behind you, disobedient Dana. Nipples out.”

I swallowed hard. Arousal was already percolating through my body, hotter than the coffee I’d just brewed. I gripped my hands together and arched my breasts toward Ethan. He gazed at my chest for a long, considering moment. My poor nipples rose in response, as if he were a snake charmer working his voodoo on them. He put his thumb to his mouth, swirled his tongue across it, then circled my nipple with saliva. Instantly I felt every air current in the room on my sensitized flesh.

Ethan gave Simon a nod.

From behind me, Simon dangled the belt in front of my chest and slowly, excruciatingly, dragged it across my right nipple. The fine leather felt like a cat’s tongue. I gave a desperate gasp. Without the moisture, it would have been intolerable. But the wetness combined with the leather made it merely shattering. The second nipple got the same treatment, a long, slow stroke. I shifted restlessly, my pussy starting to prickle with heat.

Ethan reached under my skirt and cupped my sex in the kind of possessive move that always made me weak in the knees. I leaned back against the hard wall of Simon’s chest, knowing I would drop to the carpet without support.

Simon now took the belt in both his hands and covered my nipples with it, like a bandeau swimsuit top. He didn’t rub, just pulled the belt tight from behind, under my arms, so it pressed abrasively against my nipples.

“Oh my God oh my God oh my God,” I babbled. The relentless pressure made me slightly insane. And the belt kept shifting against my nipples, just a tiny bit here and there, but enough so all I could think about was my breasts. As if the rest of my body just disappeared, leaving only a pair of swollen, craving breasts, nothing more.

“How can we teach you better discipline, I wonder?” Simon fastened the belt somewhere at my back. He growled in my ear. “How about if I tie you to the desk while we finish up the business plan?”

“Good idea.” Ethan pressed his palm against my pussy. “Nothing like some visual incentive to motivate us. I say we spread her open on the desk until we’re all done here. Then we can fuck her.”

I moaned. I knew what he meant to do. Work his hand on my pussy until I was hot as a summer sidewalk, then make me wait and sweat and…

Someone knocked on the door. Simon quickly put me behind him. “Who is it,” called Ethan, warily.

“Great Wok delivery.” It was a girl. It must be Belinda, the tall, cute waitress with the nose ring. We’d gotten to know her a little, the Great Wok of China being our favorite neighborhood hole in the wall. She worked nights so she could go to auditions in Manhattan during the day.

“Just leave it on the desk out there.”

She didn’t answer.

“Did she leave?” Simon whispered.

Another knock. “Mr. Cowell? Can I come in? Please, sir?”

I peered from behind Simon’s back as Ethan’s ice-blue gaze flew to meet Simon’s. We all knew the meaning of that pleading little “sir”.

She was on to us. And she wanted in.

Silently, we tossed the question around between us. Simon nodded. I nodded, curious as always to see what they would do, and trusting them completely. Finally, Ethan, always the Senior Partner, answered. “You may enter. Leave the food outside for now.”

“Yes, sir.” We heard bustling, then the door opened and Belinda walked in, her eyes huge and bright. I’d always liked her—we’d bonded over the nose ring her mean boss detested but she refused to remove. I kept expecting her to be fired, but I guess wannabe actresses moonlighting as hot delivery girls are hard to come by. “Thanks for letting me come in,” she said in a rush. “You won’t regret it. I promise to be good and do whatever you want.”

“Don’t you have to get back to work?” Simon asked. Trust him to worry about her work obligations.

“This is my last delivery. I already clocked out. Everyone will figure I went home after this. Please. I think about you guys all the time. All of you.”

All of us? Was she including me in that statement? Still lurking behind Simon, I eyed her. She had the kind of tall, boyish figure you see in department-store catalogues, but her look was pure punk goddess, with purple streaks in her hair and a silver ribbon choker with a skull medallion at her throat.

“Where’s Dana?”

“Why?” Ethan asked instantly. “Nothing happens here without Dana.”

“That’s why I asked. Dana rocks.”

“Glad you think so.” Ethan cast me an amused look. “She’s hiding behind Simon. She’s not usually one to be shy, but you caught us in the middle of something.”

I made a little face at him. He wasn’t the one with a belt tied around his nipples and his blouse flopping open.

“I did?” Belinda’s voice vibrated with a furtive kind of thrill that made me wonder how many nights she’d lain awake wondering about us. Simon, Ethan and I have a special bond that’s hard to explain to other people. “What sort of something? Can I play too?”

“Questioning me, are you?” The harsh bite in Ethan’s voice made her straighten like a puppet.

“No, sir, of course not.” Suddenly she dropped to her knees, head lowered. “I’m sorry if my curiosity got the best of me. Just tell me how I can fix it. What can I do, sir? May I suck your…” she hesitated, then finished softly, “…cock?”

Well, she sure knew how to get straight to the point. But I wasn’t ready for her to barge in so quickly.

“Hey,” I said, stepping from behind Simon and speaking for the first time. “That’s a bit nervy, don’t you think? His cock might not want to be sucked by you. It might prefer me and Simon.”

“Sorry, mistress.” Her gaze flicked up to me, paused in shock as she took in my bound state, then lowered to the floor again.

?” I’d never been called that before. Not my thing. “Hardly. I’m just the receptionist.”

Ethan, who sounded like he was trying hard not to laugh, beckoned to Simon. “Bring Dana over here. She’s absolutely right. Belinda, we can’t accept your lovely offer just yet.”

Belinda looked crushed, but nodded. Clearly she knew better than to argue.

“But there is something you can do for us.”

Simon looped his hand under the belt between my breasts and tugged me forward. It felt so funny being led by the rack, so to speak. His hand brushed against a nipple. Heat zip-lined to my pussy. He presented me to Ethan with a little bow, then stepped behind me, close enough so I could feel the warmth of his body and taste the excitement rolling off him. When Simon got excited, I got extra turned on. Triple that with Ethan added.

“Dana is the receptionist, it’s true, but I wouldn’t use the word ‘just’. She’s our goddess.” Ethan smoothed his hand across my chest, above the belt. “Our playmate, our partner, our pleasurer. But right now, she could use a bit of pleasuring herself.” He lifted my black skirt, showing off my bare pussy and the silky thigh-high stockings I wore underneath. My only adornment was the twin silver balls of the clit piercing I’d gotten to prove my commitment to Ethan and Simon.

A whiff of air moved against my sex, which began a slow smolder. Ethan ran his forefinger across my outer lips, found my clit and gently circled it. I leaned back against Simon, feeling his cock hardening against my ass.

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