UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set (40 page)

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The boys are throwing a bachelor party for me, which is fuckin’ stupid, considering they were too damn cheap to actually take me to a strip club. Instead, they have the bitches from the club giving me lap dances—like I haven’t seen these sluts before. Most of them have nothing to even get hard over. I’m sitting in a smoke clouded haze. Ass and tits are everywhere I look. I lean back in my cheap plastic chair with a beer in my hand and a joint hanging from my bottom lip. Pres walks over, takin’ my joint and laughing. “Got you a present, boy,” he says as he smacks the back of my shoulder hard.  A few bitches are standing behind him. “Take your pick. Take one or take ‘em all.”

“You.” I point to the skinny brunette who does nothing for me—she’s a safe choice. I’m faithful to Hilary, but I’m also a man and shit happens. I’ll be damned if I let it happen tonight and ruin what we have, though. I’ve never stepped out on Hilary, never even had the desire to look at another woman in that way since we started dating.

Lisa is grinding on me as I’m talking with Jasper, who keeps supplying me with shots as I run out.  The liquid doesn’t burn my throat because I’m too drunk to feel it.

“Man, you gonna be okay to stand up for me tomorrow?” I say, grinning at him, knowing he’s getting just as drunk as me. I’m surprised he’s even up for this; he spends every free minute he gets with Eden.

He grins. “Oh yeah. Are you gonna be okay to stand up at all tomorrow?” he asks, laughing.

I shake my arms, and they feel about as limber as a wet noodle. “Yup, I’m good.”

“Want me to give you something extra special tonight?” Lisa asks me as she finishes up with her dance, a dance I barely even paid attention to. This really isn’t my shit, but Pres said it was his gift, so whatever. Can’t deny anything he gives. I once saw a guy turn down one of his whores, and he stabbed him in the dick with a carving knife. Said if his dick was too good for his whores, then it was too good to use at all. Thinking of it now has my dick wanting to hide.

“No, you know I don’t do that shit,” I tell her. Pres didn’t say shit about letting the bitch touch me. She pouts but moves away. Why would I want her skanky snatch when I’ve got a mighty fine good woman more than willing at home. Fuckin’ Vinny’s just standing around at the back of the club, shakin’ his head. Asshole’s judging me like I’d let these whores ride my dick willingly. I’d much rather be home in bed with Hilary.

Lacey tries to get on Jasper, but he shoves her off. “But, Jasper,” she whines while pushing her tits in his face as she squeezes them.

“What’s my rule?” he shouts at her, getting pissed.

“No talking to any members that are loyal. Blah blah blah,” she says with attitude, rolling her over-painted eyes—bitch wears too much makeup.

“So get fucking gone,” he growls with a flick of his wrist.

“But Mason lets us grind on him,” she points out. Fuck, here we go. Some cunts just don’t take the hint.

“Yeah, because Pres asked you to, but did you even see me pay attention to that shit?” I say to her, grabbing my crotch. “This look hard to you?”

She gives another eye roll and walks off, shaking her jiggly ass.

“Bitches be trippin’,” Jasper says.

I laugh. “Trippin’? You’re hanging around Eden way too much, bro.”

He gives me a grin.

“You gonna tell her about this shit?” I ask him. Eden doesn’t know anything about the club, and so far, she hasn’t even clued in. She knows about Satan’s Law MC only because sometimes she sees them riding through town, but she doesn’t know we’re all a part of it.

“Not yet. I promised Martha I wouldn’t until she finished high school. Plus, we both know Eden. She would only make a good Old Lady if she wasn’t so damn in your face. She wouldn’t let my answers of ‘club business, babe’ fly.” I can understand that, considering Big Willy, Eden’s dad, is VP of the club. I know he doesn’t treat Martha right.

I nod. “Got that shit right. Plus, she’d probably force you to get rid of all the club whores.”

He chuckles. “You’d be right about that.”

I check the time and realize it’s just past midnight. “Alright, we should probably get going. Hilary will kill us if we show up looking hung-over and tired.” Tomorrow’s a big day for my girl. I want it to be perfect for her.

We stand up and walk out of the clubhouse. “Where you stayin’ tonight, man?” he asks me.

“Was gonna head to a hotel for the night. Hilary said I wasn’t allowed in the house because her dress is out in the open.” Stupid rules and traditions. I should be home right now, getting between those heavenly thighs and making love to my pussy. Fuck, I gotta stop thinking about her. The thought of her ass in those damn shorts she wears to bed is enough to kill a man.

“Come to my place. You can have the couch. No point in wasting money on a cheap hotel.”

“Thanks, man, but I need some time to myself. Might even head to the church and see if Hilary’s mom needs any help before I call it a night.” That’s total bullshit. I’m hopin’ to get to the hotel and have phone sex with my woman.

“Alright.” He holds his hands up and heads out.

I make it to the hotel, and as soon as I get in my room, I dial Hilary. “Hey, babe, whatcha doing?”

“Trying to sleep, but I miss you,” she whispers.

“Miss you too. What are you wearing?” I ask her as I’m getting into bed after getting undressed.

“Mason!” She begins to laugh.

“Fuck, I love it when you say my name. Makes me hard. Makes me wish I was with you, tastin’ that sweet pussy. I’m strokin’ my dick right now, thinking about you wearing those tight shorts that hug the curves of your ass.”

She breathes hard into the phone. “What else are you doing while thinking of me?”

”It’s your turn. I want you to take your shorts off and start fingering that tight pussy for me, baby,” I demand, gripping my growing erection.

“What if the girls hear me or walk in on me? They are already checking in on me, making sure you don’t sneak in and that I don’t sneak out to you.”

“Just do it,” I growl into the phone. I continue to pump and stroke as she gives in to my desires.

The sweet sounds coming through the line have me so turned on. “My pussy is so wet for you, Mason. I wish you were here right now. I wish I could feel your tongue licking and tasting my pussy.” I picture her lying in bed with her legs spread, that pretty little pussy wet and swollen and ready for my cock. I continue to pump and stroke my dick.

It isn’t long before she’s panting hard in my ear. I’m about to get off when Hilary suddenly cries out in embarrassment. I chuckle as she screams out, “Don’t you fucking knock?”  The phone clicks off, and the line goes dead.

“Fuck!” I yell into the dead line. I’m tempted to dial her back, but now the mood’s been killed. Time for a fuckin’ cold shower and some shut eye.



I peek into the church and see everyone seated. It makes me smile because it’s really happening. The church looks beautiful. I can’t believe my mom and her friends went to so much trouble for us. Mason doesn’t care much about the decorations, but it all really is beautiful. The pews are adorned in red and white roses, and candles are lit—it’s so romantic. It feels like a fairy tale. All girls dream of their perfect wedding day. Mason’s standing in his tuxedo with his friends by his side, all of them in suits, which I didn’t think would ever happen. They are devastatingly handsome.

“Hilary!” Eden snaps. “Get back here. People will see you before they’re supposed to.” 

She and Lilly look great in their red satin, floor length bridesmaids’ gowns. They look so grownup. These two have always been by my side. I think back to when we were in elementary school and we would play makeover. We used to dress up in my mom’s dresses, do each other’s hair and makeup, and fantasize about the future. Today, it’s finally real. Today, my fantasy is coming true. Mason will slip his ring on my finger and make me his. 

I grin. “I can’t help it. I’m excited,” I say.

“Yeah, yeah, just think- you’re going to be stuck to Mr. Broody for the rest of your life.” Eden wiggles her nose. “Nope, I’m good. Glad it’s you and not me.” She fidgets with her earrings.

I Laugh. “Just think, once you’re done with high school next year, this will be you and Jasper,” I tell her. I wonder what she’ll do, though, once she finds out that Jasper’s a part of the club. He still hasn’t told her, and I’ve kept my mouth shut about it, because Mason told me to give Jasper the chance to do it himself.

She smiles huge, almost blindingly. “I can’t wait,” she breathes out.

Lilly comes in, smiling at me. “It’s almost time.” She hands me my bouquet. I bring the roses to my nose and smell them, and Eden snaps a picture of me.

“Awesome. You guys have school Monday, don’t you?” I ask them. I’ve always hated being two grades ahead of them in school, but it’s never stopped our friendship.

“Yeah. Big test too. Fucking sucks,” Eden says.

A knock on the door comes a few seconds later, and my mom’s head peeks in. “Alright, let’s touch up your make-up, and then we can head on out.” I finish touching up my make-up while my mom secures my veil in my hair with pins.

I take a look in the mirror, and my dress... just damn. It’s perfect. I refused to do pure white because I’m so not a virgin. It’s off white, more of a cream color, and fits me like a damn glove. It flows out into a tulle, beaded ball gown just below my ass. Lilly thought I should go with straps, but when I tried this on, the sweetheart neckline without the straps, I just couldn’t see me wearing straps. It would have looked stupid.

The girls make their way down the aisle, while I impatiently wait my turn. I’m so anxious; I’m ready to kick off my shoes and run down the aisle into Mason’s arms.

I shift uncomfortably, anxious to be his wife. Finally, it’s my turn. The doors open, and I can’t see anything other than him standing at the altar waiting for me. I reach him a little quicker than we rehearsed, but I can’t hold back my excitement. I’m beaming. 

Mason takes my arm in his, and my father begins the ceremony.  I thought about us writing our own vows, but Mason isn’t the best at expressing himself, so we agreed to do the traditional stuff.

“Today, I feel so honored to stand before you all and before God to unite two very special people in holy matrimony. Mason and Hilary fell in love at a young age. Not many people could understand why I would let this roughneck boy date my precious baby girl at the time, but they didn’t know this man the way that I did. I knew without a doubt that one day we would be standing right here, celebrating their union.” My father actually has tears in his eyes as he speaks about Mason and me. He really does love him as if he were his son. My father and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but one thing we can agree on is how great of a man Mason is. 

“Do you, Mason, take Hilary, to love, honor, and cherish for all of your natural born days? Do you promise to stay by her side through the good times and the bad, through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer?” 

“I do.” Mason has a huge smile on his face as he says those words.  My father repeats the vows to me, and I answer proudly, that I too promise all of that and more.

Words are said, promises of in sickness and in health are made, and our rings are exchanged. The moment I have been waiting for is here. My father pronounces us husband and wife.

Mason lifts my veil, cups my chin, and plants the sweetest kiss on my lips. I know it’s hard for him to show restraint out of respect for my father. In reality, Mason would much rather squeeze my ass and shove his tongue down my throat. He whispers so that only I can hear against my lips, “Tonight, I get that ass.”

Blushing, I turn away and shake my head at him.  He can try all he wants, but it so isn’t happening.

We make a very short lived appearance at dinner. Mason has big plans for tonight, or so he thinks. I get a dance in with my father, and Mason dances with Eden. Jasper brings Lilly out on the floor for a twirl. Vinny’s off in the corner talking to Kayla, a girl from school. I don’t even remember inviting her, but whatever.

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