Unmaking Hunter Kennedy (48 page)

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Authors: Anne Eliot

Tags: #contempoary romance, #sweet high school romance, #kindle bestselling authors, #social anxiety, #Fiction, #Romance, #Anne Eliot, #recovering from depression, #depression, #Almost by Anne Eliot, #Children's love and romance, #teens, #teen romances, #Ann Elliott, #suitable for younger teens, #amazon best sellers, #Love Stories, #best teen love stories, #teen literature for girls, #first love, #General, #amazon top rated teen romances

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That she’d totally screwed up! That she had just hurt the one guy she truly cared about and was now in front of absolutely the wrong guy for her.

Kristen had moved in to dance way too close with Curtis. She glared at Vere and stomped away when Curtis shoved her unceremoniously to the side as he spotted Vere watching them.

“Yo mamma. My Vere’s looking hot-to-nite,” Curtis hollered at the top of his lungs. “Let’s dance!”

As if. Did he really just call me ‘mamma’?

She had to get out of here. NOW.

Vere avoided eye contact with Curtis and turned away. Maybe she could just slip out and make some excuse to him tomorrow. She didn’t think she could even talk to him right now, let alone dance with this guy.

Her heart became trapped in her throat. Before she could squeeze back through the crowd, Curtis grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into an awkward, goofy dance. “Hey, did ya not see me? You’re late. What happened?”

Vere pasted on a smile. “Sorry. Got hung up.”

Making out with another guy.

Making out major with Hunter Kennedy?

Aaaah. A guy I really want to make out with again, I think.

She looked up at Curtis and wondered how in the heck she was going to get out of this. Curtis was still the same, gorgeous, dark-haired, green-eyed guy she’d always known. And he seemed genuinely happy that she was here. With him.

But right now, he kind of reminded her of a big Labrador Retriever. Nice, slobbery, cute enough...but just too slow.

And again, not for me.

“I’m so glad you made it. I really missed you.” He grinned.

She nodded, feeling super guilty. “Aww, thanks.” She had to figure out a way ditch him without hurting his feelings.

It wasn’t Curtis’s fault she was such a mess. That she’d changed her mind. He’d only ever just been himself with her—so she shouldn’t blame him for that.

She was the one pulling the flip switch.

Mind racing for a plan that wouldn’t come, she danced with him halfheartedly. He didn’t seem to notice she wasn’t into it, because he had his eyes closed and was singing along with the song at the top of his lungs as he shook around in a bizarre booty dance!

“I love dancing with you,” he shouted.

She nodded, and cracked a fake smile. The poor guy had no idea she was about to run on him. He shimmied his bootie dance toward her, inviting her to grind.

Ugh. Ew. EEEW. Never!

Vere side-stepped him and forced his shoulders back to facing her.

He grinned at her again.“I saved you a beer, but you took so long I had to drink it down for you,” he hollered, pulling her close. “Mmm. You feel nice. You look nice.” He gripped her waist and shoved his face into the hair at her neck and sucked in a monster breath. “And boy do you smell nice.”


“Don’t. I’ve got to tell you something.” She worked to peel his meaty hands off her back. If he only knew how far off the nice list she’d recently flown. “And I’m not nice.”

Jeez. I just made out with another guy. No one who’s NICE does stuff like that. And I’m about to DUMP YOU.

She shook her head to try and clear her thoughts.

Is ditching the hot football player who’s totally into you socially LEGAL? It’s not on our Facebook pages yet...so...maybe he just wants to be friends. Yeah...I’ll try that speech first...

“Ah, but you are so-so nice. Nice to look at, nice to touch.” He’d clamped his arms around her waist again. “Nice to dance with and nice to be with. As in, all mine.”

Vere worked to hide her frustrated grimace.

So much for plan A.

The music changed into a slow song, and more couples paired up beside them. He pulled her closer and her forehead bumped painfully against his chin.

Vere felt her temper rising. “Curtis. Listen,” she tried again, vowing to never say the word ‘nice’ to anyone again. That word did suck after all!

Be polite, Vere. You’d have paid money for him to talk to you like this yesterday.

She glanced around, gripping his arms to get his attention. “Curtis, it’s so noisy in here and I really need to talk to you. In private. Alone.”

He grinned down and had that dumb,
expression. “That’s my line. You scooped me. We can go upstairs. Or I have my mom’s van out front.” He winked.

She bit back a small urge to dry heave.

Aaaah. Aaaaaaaah. No. No. No!

Accidental party come-on. Failed at Party Pointers 101.

“No. That’s not what I mean. I really DO want to talk.” She met his gaze and held it.

“Oh, so do I. I can’t even wait to get you alone. How about we start talking right now, right here, in front of everyone?”

“Uh. Okay?” Maybe she could pull it off in this crowd. She raised her voice. “I want to tell you that I...JEEZ!”

Vere looked up in time to duck her head to the side.

Curtis had tried to plant a kiss on her!

Bait and switch not working.

ABORT talking! ABORT talking!

Vere twisted in his arms and tried to unlock his dance-death-grip. Thank God she would not have to repeat this suck dance with him next week.

Because homecoming is off.


“Hey. Why so skittish?” He dragged her toward him again. “Come on. Show me what you’ve got. Let’s make this official.”

“No. Seriously? NO. I just want to talk. Please.”

“You’ll like it. I guarantee. Then we’ll talk. You are just so adorable and so hot right now. C’mon.”

Vere glanced wildly around. Couples danced in a crush in every direction. Behind them, a sea of endless babbling, drinking, yelling high school kids pressed in on the edges of the room.

Jenna came into view just as Curtis tried to pull her even closer. Vere shot Jenna her most desperate
face signal before she lost sight of her.

She still hadn’t spotted Charlie. Her brother would help her. Where was he?

“Come on, Vere, don’t be so darn shy. You’re my girlfriend now,” he said, in the lame, pouting, baby voice as he bent his head down, straining toward another kiss.

“That’s just what I want to talk about.” Vere twisted her head out of his reach. She’d worked her arms free and pushed him back.

“So do I. Isn’t that why you’re here? To make it official?” Curtis frowned.

“Vere. Vere. I’m feeling sick. We have to go.” Jenna, her true hero, had worked her way through the crowd and was attempting a brave, and wonderful rescue.

Vere shot her the

Jenna winked back just before she clutched at her stomach and bent over with an amazingly realistic, pained howl. “Vere, you’ve got to help me get outside. I need air. So...DIZZY.” Jenna had shouted the second part of her performance at the top of her lungs right when the song ended.

She’d drawn so much attention to herself that Vere didn’t even have to pretend to be surprised as she blinked stupidly at her friend.

As if Jenna sensed there was no going back, she kept her face in check, and groaned even louder. “Does anyone have some water or any ice? Ohh...woah....” She stumbled and half collapsed on to the floor.

Jenna’s Drama Grade: A++

A few kids wandered over to see if they could help and blocked Vere’s view. “Curtis. Let me go. I’ve got to get her outside. She’s going to puke. I can just tell. I know her.”

Curtis stopped dancing finally, but instead of letting her go, he’d tightened his grip. “Can’t your friend find another baby-sitter? She’s totally fine. Look. Other people can handle her.”

Vere looked. There were three kids kneeling around Jenna.

“I don’t think I can move,” Jenna moaned. “Vere! Someone find me VERE!”

“I thought you wanted to talk to me,” Curtis said.

“Curtis, she’s my
. She needs my help. What’s wrong with you?” Vere’s head was pounding. Why did Curtis sound like such a whiner? She tried again to pull out of his embrace. The guy was just too strong.

Her heart rate sped up. And not in a good way.

“I sure hope this isn’t some kind of pattern with you two. I only want to date you. This is not a package deal.” He looked into her eyes but made no move to let her go.

“Did you really just say that?” Vere asked, her mind going white-hot mad.

“Yeah, I did. Hello? Earth to Vere. If you’re going to have a real boyfriend then you’re going to have to give up hanging 24/7 with your dork entourage. I expect you to hang out with me. Only me. A lot.”

“Oh, really.” Vere closed her eyes in a last ditch effort to stay calm, but it was way too late.

She saw spots. Little burning spots behind her eyelids, and when she opened them, Curtis Wishford was right in the middle of those spots. He was still talking like a jerk, and he was way too close to her face.

She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid. Why had she come to this party? She pulled and twisted against Curtis’s embrace.

Please don’t let it be too late to apologize.

Please let him forgive me. Please....

“Come on, Vere, don’t be all PMS. Now that we’re a couple I was hoping to bury some of our seventh grade teasing tonight. I want to kiss you in front of everyone. One kiss for your boyfriend before you go. Be nice.”

He brought her forward, his expression determined.

Vere fixated on his giant puffy lips as they jutted obscenely from his face in full pucker. And her imagination took over. He looked exactly like a big, stinky fish.

A giant, pawing, labrador-dog-fish!

Vere squirmed in a panic and shouted at the top of her lungs. “I said, no! As in, never. We are not a couple. I’m not your girlfriend, I won’t go to homecoming with you. And STOP calling me
. LET. ME. GO.”

Vere didn’t know how her arms got loose. She simply felt the back of her fist come into direct contact with Curtis’s chin.

Surprised, he released her, stumbled backwards, and tripped on his own big feet.

Or were they paws?

Vere felt just like Jack the Giant Slayer as Curtis stumbled again, and crumpled into the middle of Kristen Hodjwick’s living room.

“My friends are not dorks,” she finished, but no one heard her, especially not Curtis, who’d been swallowed up in a wall of stunned, shouting people.

Jenna, having just staged the world’s fastest recovery, ran over just as the living room erupted into laughter. “Oh. God.”

Vere grabbed onto her for support. “Which door is closer? Front or back?” Vere whispered.

“Neither. We’re trapped in a sea of drunk creeps.” Jenna blinked. “My only word for you, and for what just happened is, WHY?!” Jenna whispered low, “I’ll say it again.
Why. Why? Whyyyyyy?

Vere clutched onto Jenna as though she were a life preserver. How could she make Jenna understand? She opted for the truth: “I have to get home. I think—no—I
I’m in love with Hunter Kennedy. That’s why!” Vere smiled.

“What?!!” Jenna moved in face-to-face with Vere. Jenna had gone completely pale and she seemed to be trying to analyze Vere’s pupils. “Tell me it’s not that. Tell me you’ve gone bonkers. Tell me you’re drunk, even. But don’t tell me you punched Curtis Wishford because you’re in love with a pop star on TV?” Jenna hissed. “You don’t even like

Vere laughed long and hard then. Her voice had gone high and giggly. “Not true. I LOVE them now. I know every single song they wrote by heart. Don’t you see? I am in love with Hunter Kennedy. Head over heels, in love, with Hunter Kennedy! I even made out with him, for a really long time.”

“In your dreams, maybe? Stop talking like this. You’re scaring me. People might hear you.” Jenna’s expression had grown so freaked out that Vere couldn’t help but break out into another fit of giggles.

“Oh. God. I know. It sounds so bad.” Vere put both hands over her face and tried to clear her head, wondering how she could ever explain this.
she could ever explain it. She’d forgotten that this was all supposed to be a secret.

“What in the heck does Hunter Kennedy have to do with your real life?” Jenna placed her hand on Vere’s forehead. “Are you sick? I know what this is. It’s hallucinating. Did you smoke anything, or take any pills at this party? Maybe someone slipped you something.”

“Jenna. No. He’s so great. And sweet. And he used to be so sad. And I made out with him, and he said he loved me.” She blushed. “And he’s a
really, really, really, really
good kisser.”

The noise in the room grew impossibly loud, the crowd around them even tighter. Howie Rutherford was now standing on the desk in the Hodjwick’s den. He was whooping and hollering as he strove to get a better glimpse of Curtis, who was still lying flat on the ground.

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