Untamed (Wolf Lake) (10 page)

Read Untamed (Wolf Lake) Online

Authors: Jennifer Kohout

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #erotic

BOOK: Untamed (Wolf Lake)
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"You claimed me?" Sam asked, her disbelief evident.

"It was the only way to keep you safe," Nafarius said, his voice hard. "I would do it again."

Sam felt Nafarius' fierce need to protect her coursing along the mate bond. Orphaned as a child and aged out of the foster system, Sam had longed for someone to adopt her. Opening herself up, she let him feel the aching loneliness she had experienced as a child that belonged to no one, the feeling slowly fading until all that was left was the unquestionable sense of home she had now.

Nafarius watched his mate as soul shattering loneliness gave way to the warmth of their life together. She amazed him with her need and generosity. He knew that anyone else growing up as she had could have turned out bitter and angry.

"And I would do the same for Natasha," Roland said softly.

"Why?" Nafarius asked.

"Why did you claim Sam?" Roland countered.

Nafarius snapped his mouth shut, frowning at his beta. "Sam needed my protection."

"And Natasha needs mine," Roland said. "She has nowhere else to go."

"We could put the word out, see if any of the other packs need an alpha female," Nafarius suggested.

Roland frowned, it wasn't just a viable option, it was a good one. One he could easily see Natasha opting to take. "That would mean sending her from the only home she has ever known."

"Staying here means being close to her old pack and memories of her father," Nafarius countered.

"This is all well and good," Sam said, disrupting the debate. "But has anyone thought to...I don't know, ask Natasha what she wants?"

Nafarius looked surprised. "Why would he do that?"

Roland's face went carefully blank as Sam narrowed her eyes.

"Because you can't just
someone," Sam said, her words slow as if she was talking to a half wit.

"I didn't ask you," Nafarius said. He really did enjoy seeing Sam get riled and some days it was just too easy.

"You got lucky, buddy," Sam said. She could feel Nafarius' amusement and knew that he had no intention of forcing the female. "I say we ask Natasha what she wants."

"Not we," Nafarius said, shaking his head. "Roland."

"Me?" Roland cleared his throat of the sudden tightening.

"You want this claiming, you deal with the female," Nafarius gruffed. "Personally, I'd rather deal with the books."

Sam snorted but didn't say anything. One look, and Roland knew there would be no help from her.

Nafarius watched as Roland slipped his hands into his pockets, hunching his shoulders as he turned to go. Belatedly, he realized that this claiming meant more to his beta than Nafarius had thought.

Standing, Nafarius went to call Roland back but a quick shake of her head from Sam had him dropping back into his chair.

"Oh, and Roland?" Sam called.

Roland glanced back at the alpha female.

"Ask," Sam advised. "Don't tell."


Roland had left Natasha waiting for him in the common room. Most of the males were out hunting, leaving the females to take advantage of a quiet evening with friends. They watched Natasha warily, not actively excluding her but not including her either.

Natasha, for what it was worth, seemed content to sit, quietly flipping through an old stack of magazines.

Roland hesitated, suddenly gripped by doubt. The claiming had seemed like a good idea. But this was not how he pictured it. He thought he'd stake his claim, Nafarius would agree that it was a brilliant solution and Natasha would...

Natasha would what? Be eternally grateful? Hop in his bed and play Little Red Riding Hood to his big, bad wolf? What exactly had he thought would happen?

He hadn't, been thinking, that is.

He'd watched her scream out her pain and had held her while she cried. When the tears stopped, she'd picked herself up and pushed forward into a uncertain future. She was strong, stronger than Roland, surviving the type of betrayal that had destroyed him.

He'd known then that he wanted her, and not just for the casual romp she seemed interested in giving him. He wanted her to stay.

Looking around, Roland realized he couldn't say any of that to her. Not here, not with so many curious eyes and ears around.

"Come with me?" he asked, by way of greeting.

Alerted by the somber note of his voice, Natasha looked up and found Roland watching her, his face serious as he held out his hand. Behind him, the others watched discreetly.

Looking back at Roland, Natasha thought she saw a hint of vulnerability in his face, uncertainty tightening the skin around his eyes. He wasn't a male used to asking, she realized and slipped her fingers into his hand.

Roland pulled Natasha to her feet, her long frame unfolding from the floor to brush against him before he stepped back. Holding on to her hand, he pulled her through the common room and back towards the pack's private quarters.

Realizing where they were going, Natasha dug in her heels. "I can't go back there," she whispered fiercely, trying to pull her fingers free.

"You're with me," Roland said. No one would question him.

Natasha looked around frantically as Roland continued pulling her behind him. Blushing furiously, she felt her face heat up as the other watched. A few brows rose in surprise, but no one sought to stop them.

"We need to talk," Roland said. "Privately."

Natasha stopped struggling, her protests ending on a silent groan. Shit. She knew he'd been to see Nafarius, this was probably the part where Roland asked her to please leave, don't let the door hit you on the tail. Well, she couldn't really blame them.

But even the seriousness of the situation couldn't quench Natasha's curiosity as she followed Roland into the pack's private quarters. She'd heard descriptions but the real thing was nothing short of amazing.

The corridor leading from the common room was long and narrow, winding its way back into the mountain. Small, battery powered lanterns were used to help light the way as the corridor branched off in several different directions.

Some of the branches immediately opened up onto alcoves of various size, each one filled with the personal belongings of the families living there. A few of the corridors fed back far enough that Natasha couldn't see beyond the one she was on, affording the inhabitants a greater degree of privacy.

The place was huge, the entrance and common area giving the impression that the den was smaller than it really was.

Natasha perked up as Roland broke off from the main corridor, leading them down a narrow passage.
His burrow.
His scent was stronger here, the subtle essence seeping into the rock until it became permanently marked.

Roland dropped Natasha's hand, stepping into the room and turning up one of the lanterns. Silently, he watched Natasha, saw her eyes touching on the surface of his bed and belongings. He wondered what she saw, what the room told her about him.

Natasha blinked as warm light slowly illuminated the room.
Oh, wow
. She was surprised by the warmth of the room. The space was comfortable, almost welcoming, with a deep rug, rich blankets and earthy tones. Across from the entrance, a thick mattress sat on the floor covered with a rumpled duvet and large pillows. Books and papers were scattered across a small table, while his clothes were folded neatly and stored in a cubby style set of shelves. Too easily, she could picture Roland curled up on the bed, his bare feet crossed at the ankle.

"You wanted to talk?" Natasha asked when the silence continued to stretch.

Roland took a deep breath. Scrubbing at his face with his hands, he felt the rough skin of his scar against his palm. Why did he think this was a good idea?

"I spoke with Nafarius," he finally said. It seemed as good as any place to start.

"You told him I'm no longer pack?" Natasha hated to think how that conversation had gone.

"He's my alpha," Roland said. It never occurred to him not to tell Nafarius. "He has a right to know."

"I understand," Natasha said, quietly bracing herself. "When does he want me to leave?"

Roland blinked. "He's not turning you out."

"Oh," Natasha said. "Then what - ?"

"He mentioned waiting and returning to your pack after your father..."

Natasha was already shaking her head. "I can't go back." At least not yet, maybe never.

"He offered to send word to the other packs, see if anyone is looking for an alpha female." Roland watched her face as inside his wolf growled.
She's not ours
, he reminded the animal. The look he got was nothing short of accusatory, his wolf staring at Roland before turning and disappearing into the background.

Natasha blinked in surprise. "I never thought..." She'd never thought about the possibility of joining another pack. She had assumed leaving meant going it alone.

"There's no guarantee," Roland warned. He'd made the offer, nothing said he had to paint a pretty picture. "Chances are good you'll have to fight for a place..."

"But I would be pack," Natasha whispered, tears burning behind her eyes. The place where her pack had always been felt icy cold and dead, an emptiness where once there was life. She couldn't understand how humans could go through life so alone, never feeling the reassuring presence of pack.

"There's another option," Roland said. "You wouldn't be pack but..."

Natasha looked up at his hesitation.

"I could claim you," Roland offered, dropping that bomb into the center of the room and waiting. He half expected her to reject the idea outright. It was an old custom that would tie her to him, however temporarily.

"You - " Natasha blinked, her mouth opening and closing silently.

"You wouldn't be pack," Roland continued, hurrying to fill her stunned silence. "But you would be under my protection."

"I know what a claiming is," Natasha said, still stunned. He wanted to claim her? No. He said he
, not that he wanted to.

Natasha's eyes snapped back to Roland. "Why?"

"Why?" Roland echoed, drawing a blank. She wanted to know why?

"Why would you offer to claim me?" Natasha asked.

"I..." Roland found himself stumbling over his answer. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Natasha snorted. "I'd hate to think what you consider a bad idea."

Roland stiffened. "You can't stay here, not as a lone wolf and Nafarius isn't willing to risk a confrontation between you and Sam by making you pack."

"I never thought he would," Natasha said, quietly. But maybe she had hoped...everyone was happy here. Life was about living, loving and sharing. Once upon a time, her pack had been like that. Lately, her life had become about survival.

"You need protection," Roland said. He wanted her to see what he had to offer, even if it wasn't much. "You can't stay here without it."

Natasha wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing warmth into them at the stark reality of her situation. She was here on Nafarius' charity and eventually it would run out.

"You have nowhere else to go," Roland said softly.

Natasha dropped her arms, her fists clenching at her sides. Roland was watching her, his eyes soft. "I don't want or need your pity."

Roland watched as Natasha spun on her heels and walked out. It took him a moment to realize his misstep and go after her. "Natasha! Wait!"

Catching up to her, he grabbed her wrist.

"Don't touch me," Natasha growled, spinning around and twisting her wrist from his grasp.

"I'm sorry," Roland said, holding up his hands and backing up a step.

"I'm sorry," he said again when her eyes flashed from green to gold, not sure if he was apologizing for grabbing her or for his comment. Probably both. "Come back so we can finish talking, please."

"There's nothing left to talk about," Natasha said. "Tell Nafarius I would appreciate it if he would check with the other packs. I'll head into Roslyn in the morning, and get a hotel room."

"You can't go," Roland said when she once again turned to leave.

"My pack..." Natasha stumbled over her words.
Not my pack anymore
. "My father has resources," she amended. "I'll be fine." Her father had accounts set up in town. Nothing extensive and she wasn't sure if she would be able to access them on her own but she was willing to try.

"I already made the claim," Roland announced. God, had he ever fumbled this bad with a female?

Natasha pulled up short. Turning slowly, she found Roland watching her warily. "You what?"

"I made the claim," he repeated, resisting the urge to duck his head. "I already talked with Nafarius and Sam."

"How very noble of you," Natasha said. She could see it, the three of them sitting around talking about her and Roland offering to make the ultimate sacrifice.

"There wasn't anything noble about it," Roland snarled. Damn, but the female was stubborn.

"Whose idea was it?" she asked. "If Nafarius ordered - "

"It was my idea," Roland snapped. "Nafarius knows better than to order me to do anything relating to a female."

Natasha blinked but let that statement slide for another day. "Why would you claim me?"

Roland looked at her and realized that she wouldn't let this one go. If he wanted her to stay, he was going to have to tell her why.

"I did it because I wanted to," Roland said. "Because I want you," he added quietly, his voice warming considerably.

Natasha dropped her arms. "You don't need a claiming for that," she said, softly. Nothing in her situation had changed her desire for the male. If anything, the uncertainty of her future leaving her more inclined to seize the opportunity. She had nothing left to lose.

"It was the only way I could think of for you to stay." Roland said.

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