Untaming Lily Wilde (11 page)

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Authors: Olivia Fox

BOOK: Untaming Lily Wilde
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His lips grazed my ear. "For now," he murmured. Christ! He scooped my hair to one side to kissed my shoulder. I’m sure he must have felt me shaking, I was so nervous.

"OK, Demetri, what else ja'got?" he said.

When Demetri pointed out that, he, Grayson, had ordered all this stuff, he just laughed. "Ah, but on your good advice, friend!" I nearly pointed out that this wasn’t quite true, but Grayson’s lips found my neck and I thought better of it.

Anyhow, Demetri seemed more than happy to be the authority on this particular subject. He pulled over a big ornate trunk, and lifted the lid to reveal a treasure chest full of rubber, straps, whips; peppered with shining condom packets. Then he threw something small, pink and thimble-like at me.

"You can add this to the vibrators," he said, and Grayson pounced on it. He stuck the thimble-thing on the end of his middle finger and pressed the top.

The thing buzzed into action."OK, Lily, this is the one for you... for starters anyways," he said (Cue major and panic and minor lust!)…

"Right now?!" I yelped.

Now, I'm not really sure how I imagined things would kick off but I guess I thought the others might ease my path into naughtiness by copping off with each other first. I looked round the room. The other dozen or so guests were chatting and laughing as though this were a regular party.

"Sweety, d'ya want more Dutch courage?" said Kay. She was swigging back her champagne like there was no tomorrow. I told her I didn't. One glass was a definite help, but I'm a light weight. Two glasses would have lowered my inhibitions way too quickly - and hell, if I was going to do anything crazy, I wanted to remember it.

Demetri yawned, "Slow down. Let the girl just soak it in for a while.”

"We keeping you up, honey?" said Kay.

Then, Demetri laughed and grabbed his dick. Man alive! That cotton toga skirt left nothing to the imagination. "I'm up, alright," he grinned. Another eye-roll from Kay… And I’m thinking ‘OK, fine, at least now I know: ORGIES ARE NOT MY THING!!!’

I was half right. Kind of. But not entirely. My motor was revving, failing, stopping, starting - one moment I was leaning back against Grayson, wanting his hands all over me, the next I was shrinking back from the Kay/Demi duo, wondering where I’d put the number for that cab firm.

Anyhow, Kay decided she wanted to give me a lesson in giving head. I assured her I'd done it before, but she bamboozled me with, 'not how Demi likes it,' then stretched a black rubber cock ring around his cock and balls to keep him hard, 'just in case'. Yeeeeeesh! I think my jaw dropped right down to my toes.

Grayson wrapped his arms around me, thank Christ. "Uh, no way. I'm playing with the new girl,” he said, then he whispered in his lush sandy voice, “Honey, the bra's gotta go, though. We need to loosen you up a little."

I kind of mumbled, "Fine. The bra can come off, but the blow job's another thing entirely."

"That's my girl," he said. His girl?

Demetri laughed, apparently happy to fore-go the blow-job, leaning back onto his elbows, on the fluffy rug, so that his erection stood totally exposed and candid.

Grayson unhooked my bra and eased it from my dress. Now, I was fine with him touching me - more than fine - but I didn’t want to be staring at Demitri’s dick while I did it. Call me strange.

I let myself glaze over, staring into the middle distance. My nipples were pert and totally obvious through the sheer dress, and I tried to ignore Demetri’s stare. I lent my head against Grayson’s shoulder, and he eased both his hands beneath my halter neck straps, cupping me. Then he whispered in a low groan, “I really think you should let me suck on these.” Eeeep!

"Not yet you don't." I squeaked. I wasn’t sounding my coolest.

He laughed, kind of nuzzling into my ear, "I like that you're not saying no. All at your pace. That's just fine with me."

Then Demetri called across the room, "Hey Ana, honey!" And she joined our little circle.

Ana smiled at Demetri, and kissed Kay on both cheeks, "Kay you look divine as always."

"Ana, do me a favour and fuck about with my girlfriend," he said. And I expected her to laugh it off, but she said, "Favour?! It's my pleasure," and within seconds the two women were all over each other: tongues, fingers, the works. And, unlike Demetri’s dick, which pretty much stayed where it was, Ana and Kay seemed to be everywhere. It was impossible not to look at them.

Grayson’s hands slid down to my belly. I had this momentary flush of guilt, like I was about to step over some fuzzy moral line. Like I was about to betray Seb; which is crazy. But as Grayson’s hands inched down between my legs I didn’t stop him.

"Wanna watch?" he asked, while Ana and Kay gyrated enthusiastically.

"Uh, no that's OK," I said. I must have been a good cadmium red by that point.

"Don't be embarrassed, it'll help ease you into the swing of things. Hell, Demetri's usually here for the view too, isn't that right?" he said.

"Born voyeur," nodded Demetri.

Grayson clicked the teeny finger vibrator into action. I’d forgotten he still had it. He traced it along my inner thighs, then slid his fingers into my knickers. It buzzed like a fat little honey bee on the end of his finger, moving slowly down towards my sweet spot.

"That feel OK?" he said.

And I said… wait for the stunning display of sexiness…"Yep. Thanks." Thanks?! I ask you!

But it was a multi-faceted 'thanks'. Thanks for not abandoning me here. Thanks for going slow. Thanks for working out five nights a week. And, yeah - the foreplay - thanks for that too. God, I’m such a dork.

"Do you know your breathing's changed?” he said. “It's OK. Go with it.”

He held his finger steady, buzzing, pulsing against me, as he lazily caressed my ear with his nose, teeth, tongue… and I’m no good with vibrators at the best of times. No stamina for the long drawn out buzz fest. Just a few minutes vibration and my clit’s tingling and dancing to it’s own blissed out tune.

…Which is basically what happened.

Grayson laughed, "Did you come so soon?” But apparently we weren’t going to stop there. “That'll have to be one of many,” he said. “I'm not done with you yet."

"Well what about you? Do you want me to - I don't know… Do you want me to - touch you?" I said, really not sounding my coolest ever :-/ !

"A girl who likes to please,"

"I sound like a moron don't I…"

He held my face and turned me a little to hold eye contact. "You sound a little nervous, that's all. I like it actually, but that's just one of my quirks I guess," then he kissed me on the lips, closed mouth - kind of sweetly - and winked.

"You like it? Why?"

No answer. Then he piped up, "Sweety, d'ya really wanna do something for me, coz I've got just the thing if you mean it." And suddenly, I’d swear Ana flashed him a warning look.

"Maybe you should tell me more before I sign my soul away," I said.

Ana definitely raised eyebrows.

"Maybe we'll save the soul-signing for another time,” he said, casually, as though nothing was going on between Ana and him. “How would you feel about being our ritual sacrifice?"


"No pain involved, only pleasure. And remember, cherry's the safety word. No need to do anything you don't like."

If anything, mention of the safety word made me even more nervous. "I don't know... What exactly would I be sacrificing?" I said.

Straight away, Ana interjected, “Your virginity." Grrrr… That whole virginity thing was really starting to get old.

“Your pleasure-party virginity,” Grayson clarified. “It's all very playful, but there would be sex, so if the idea's too shocking for you, it's OK…"

Too shocking? Was he doing it on purpose? I felt like Marty in Back to the Future: “Nobody calls me yellow!” I couldn’t resist the bait.

“Sex with…?” I started.

“Me. To begin with. Then, we’d see how you were doing,” he said. I was sold.

“And I can change my mind? Everyone knows the safety word?"

"Cherry," nodded Ana.

"Cherry" repeated, Kay, then Demetri.

"Cherry. Honey just try it for size. Have fun," Grayson sighed, into my ear.

Ana shot Grayson a look. Something unspoken seemed to go between them, just momentarily. She whispered something to Kay, kissed her as if to say don’t-go-anywhere, then dashed out.

Grayson was straight down to business, "Demetri, you got any tape in that trunk?"

Up until this point, I hadn't noticed, but the petite blonde who'd been chatting to Ana across the room, was now kneeling between Demetri's legs, giving him a vigorous and enthusiastic deep-throat blow job. Christ.

With concentrated effort, Demetri groped around in the trunk, then threw something white into Grayson's lap.

"Hands in front of you. Wrists together. And don’t worry," he said.

"Jesus. You're not going to go all Fifty Shades on me are you?"

Ignoring my question, he bound my wrists meticulously with the soft sticky plastic tape.

"You never know, you might enjoy it,” Grayson laughed, “Anyhow, imagine if we had an escapee sacrifice! What would the neighbours say?!"

"What neighbours?"

"If we had them."

"OK, you're good to go," he said.


Grayson scooped me into his arms; a cradle of warm flesh and muscle. Seconds later, he put me down, stretched out on my back on the make-shift altar. I recognised it vaguely from Bellevue’s decorating-day, but it looked wholly different in the dim, flickering candle-light. He deftly fastened my wrists to a hook protruding from one end of the huge mahogany surface, and I fought back against a second wave of major guilt. I’d come to Hatherly to sleep with Seb. What on Earth was I doing?!

Seb showed up right on cue. No sooner had I told Grayson ‘I can't believe I'm letting you do this’ when Seb stepped into view, half naked in just his low slung jeans (imagine the guy from that Coke advert- all abs and biceps- but really, REALLY pissed off). Ana held his shirt and I gathered later that she'd made him ditch it if he wanted to come in. She'd deliberately gone to get him, and the look on his face said it all. Oh boy, did he look out for blood. It was lightening fast but Ana definitely winked at Grayson as Seb stormed over in our direction.

I couldn't take my eyes off him but had absolutely no idea what to say. I wasn't embarrassed exactly, though you'd think I might be, given the situation- more defiant I suppose. I'd had enough of his crap, and wanted to deflect what I thought was an impending stress-fest with minimal drama. But what could I say? Sorry, I'm a bit tied up at the moment...? Nah, bit corny. Fuck off, I’m busy? …maybe not. So I just lay there speechless, waiting for the kindling to ignite around me.

I'd misread him though. Close-up there was clearly more to his mood than anger. Something else was mixed in there too -
maybe? Perhaps that's too extreme a word. But he was definitely battling with some major inner-turmoil, and the look he sent Grayson was brutal. Another pang of guilt rippled through me, fiercer this time. He leaned in close and insistent, "You don't have to do this. You've proved your point. Come back to bed with me."

I glanced at Grayson, who backed off, throwing his hands up in mock surrender.

As it turns out, relief, lust and determination are a heady ol’ cocktail, and we've already established I'm a light weight... I still can't believe what I said next. Who knew I could be such a diva?! Word for word: "You want to fuck me? Do it here. Now. You know how I feel about your marriage. I'm not moving." I meant ‘not moving’ on the whole adultery issue, but I guess the statement worked literally too. I really wasn't going anywhere, even if I wanted to.

Seb looked seriously torn. His nostrils flared as he forced himself to breath out mega-slowly, like he was trying to decide whether to punch Grayson's lights out, screw me, or walk out the way he came.

"You're bad for me," he said. His voice had an edge to it, but the bulge in his jeans said it all. He was staying. He was going to fuck me, in the middle of the hall, angry and lustful and out of control, and - Jesus - I wanted him. He climbed up onto the altar and knelt between my legs, never once taking his eyes from mine.

"Untie my hands," I panted. I so desperately wanted to touch him; to kiss him; to trace that sexy path of hair leading from just below his naval down into his trousers; to slide my hands down the back of those jeans and grab his tight little butt. But oh no, Seb shook his head.

"You know the code word?" he said.

I nodded. Nuff said. My hands were apparently staying put.

He pushed up my knees. He grabbed my knickers with both hands and ripped them nearly in two. Sorry, Em :-/ ! He stroked a thumb tentatively against my sex, then satisfied - I guess - that I was ready, unbuckled his leather belt, clasped my ankles, and bound them behind his back. He reached into his pocket for a condom, unbuttoned his fly, and slid it onto his sizable (no joke) manhood. Then, in one swift action, he was inside me. I gasped. I went weak. Blissful but weak. He stared at me, assessing my reaction, then pushed in further, right up to the hilt.

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