Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series)
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Adam glanced up and spotted Kaitlyn and smiled at her; she smiled back. The blonde turned and surveyed Katherine curiously before turning to the front with a flounce.

Katherine watched Adam move her way and admired him; he was such a good looking man.

“Hi,” he greeted.

“Hello,” she smiled back at him. “I see you have an admirer.”

“She’ll get over it. What brings you here?”

“I was wondering if you would like to go to the mountains with me tomorrow.”

“I would love to. What time and where do you want to meet?”

“Lobby of my building at eight?”

“I’ll be there,” he promised. “Let me walk you out,” he volunteered and asked a co-worker to cover for him for a moment. “I never have taken a break so I figure they can survive without me for a minute,” he shared.

Adam walked her to her car and kissed her before letting her leave. Katherine drove to the store and packed a picnic before setting it in her trunk; she was looking forward to spending the next day with Adam.

He arrived in the lobby of her building at five to eight and helped Katherine load their gear into the car. Katherine handed him the keys, suggested a quick breakfast, and then settled back to enjoy the day with him. They did some hiking and a scenic drive before having a picnic and then ended up back at Adam’s place. He wanted her to see
Reality Bites
. She snuggled against him to watch and decided it was the perfect ending to a great day.

“So what do you think of my taste in movies?” he asked her.

“Interesting,” she laughed, “but I liked them.”

“Good; I’m glad,” he pulled her a little closer and kissed the top of her head.

Adam inhaled the scent of Kaitlyn’s shampoo and rubbed her back lightly. He enjoyed being with her like this; the two of them relaxed and watching movies together. His phone rang and he reached for it.

“Hello,” he answered.

“Hi,” his mom greeted.

“Hey, Mom; how are you?”

“Wondering why you haven’t called in a bit,” she admitted.

“I’m sorry, I had a busy week,” he admitted.

Kaitlyn tilted her head back to watch him and he smiled at her.

“How’s school?”

“School is good,” he assured her.

“I still can’t believe you left a sure thing at the factory and for what? Have you chosen a major yet?” she demanded.

“Not yet,” he admitted.

“So what are you doing tonight?” his mom asked.

“Watching movies with Kaitlyn,” he shared.

“You’re still chasing that one? She must be playing hard to get.”

“I’ll call you later,” Adam snapped.

“Wait! I’m sorry.  I guess I’m just shocked at the type you went for this time,” his mother insisted.

“You don’t even know her, Mom.”

“You’re right; I don’t. Call me soon, okay?”

“I will. Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too.”

Adam placed his phone back on the stand and brushed a kiss across Kaitlyn’s lips.

“How’s your mom?” Kaitlyn asked him.

“Difficult as usual but she didn’t sound too drunk,” he admitted.

“Too drunk? What is too drunk?” she asked.

“I’ve seen her so drunk that she will lay in her own vomit,” his voice was heavy.

“Adam, I’m sorry,” she laid a hand on his cheek.

“Not, your fault,” he assured her. “I worry about her now that I’m not there to take care of her,” he admitted.

“Adam, she’s supposed to take care of you, not the other way around,” Kaitlyn gently reminded him.

“I started taking care of her when I was quite young.”

“It hurts to think of you as a little boy with no dad and a mother who needed your care when it should have been the other way around,” she told him.

“I survived it and I’m stronger for it,” he assured her.

“You aren’t so tough,” she argued.

“I let you close, Kaitlyn; I don’t usually do that.”

“I know,” she admitted and scooted further up in the bed so she could kiss him. “I appreciate that you did.”

“I didn’t intend to.”

“I didn’t intend to get close to you either,” she smiled at him.

“You just seemed to slip past my guard so damn easy, Kaitlyn. I don’t know why that doesn’t piss me off.”

“I told you, you aren’t so tough,” she teased again before she pressed her lips to his. He cupped her face and leaned forward to deepen the kiss before she found herself lying on her back with him leaning over.

“Kaitlyn, if I ever make you uncomfortable, cross a line, or you feel that I am pressuring into something please speak up. For as much as I want you, I want you in my life a lot more. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or scare you away and you never tell me why.”

“I will,” she assured him.

“Thank you,” he kissed her lightly before he rolled onto his back and grabbed the remote.

Katherine snuggled against him to watch TV with him and promised herself she would leave for home soon.

Adam looked down a few minutes later to find her sound asleep. She looked quite comfortable and content snuggled up under his blankets and her head on his chest. He wondered if she would commit murder if he left her where she was for the night. Kaitlyn never woke when he flipped off the lamp and TV and shifted to hold her.

Katherine first became aware of a weight across her side, then of breathing on her ear, and finally put together the pieces to realize she was not in bed alone. The last thing she remembered was trying to convince herself that she should be going rather than enjoying snuggling with Adam. The sun shining through the blinds suggested that had been some time ago. She blinked until Adam’s arm came into focus and then rolled onto her back. Adam shifted but didn’t wake. She glanced at the clock and her eyes widened.

“Adam,” she shook him gently.


“Wake up.”

“Kaitlyn,” he blinked at her a moment and then smiled. “Hi.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” she demanded.

“Because you looked so peaceful,” he admitted. “And I didn’t really want you to leave anyway,” he added.

“My mom usually calls on Saturday mornings; what am I supposed to tell her when she doesn’t find me home?”

“The truth? You’re over eighteen, Kaitlyn.”

“It sounds so reasonable when you say it; much more frightening when I contemplate doing it,” she admitted and watched him smile.

“I’m sorry, Kaitlyn; I should have woken you,” he offered.

Katherine knew she should be angry at him but instead snuggled closer; she wasn’t really all that upset that she had stayed, only at the prospect of trying to explain to her mother why she hadn’t been there when she called. Adam’s phone rang and he reached for it.


He handed the phone to Katherine a moment later.

“Hello?” she said cautiously.

“Hey, your mom called last night to see how your hiking trip had gone and two more times before the night was over. She’s already called twice this morning,” Amy related.

“I fell asleep watching TV with Adam,” Katherine explained.

“Uh huh, you need to call and let your mom know you are okay.”

“I did, Amy. I fell asleep.”

“Did I say otherwise?” Amy demanded.

“Your tone did,” Katherine accused.

“Sorry. Call your mom. I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, see you later.”

Katherine blew out a breath and found Adam watching her.

“You want to call my mom and explain?”

“I can,” he shrugged.

“No, you can’t,” she laughed.

Adam took the phone from her and had dialed before she realized he wasn’t bluffing.

“Adam!” she grabbed for the phone; he dodged her.

“Hello, Mrs. Mayfield, how are you this morning?” Adam asked her mother.

“Adam, give me the phone,” Katherine hissed.

“Kaitlyn was worried that you’d be concerned. We were watching movies last night and she fell asleep. I probably should have woken her and walked her home but I left her where she was. I’m sorry if I caused you any worry. She’s a little put out with me.”

“Adam, give me the phone,” Katherine said through gritted teeth.

“Yes, we did; it was a beautiful day for a hike,” Adam was smiling now. “Yes, I am being glared at; she didn’t actually think I would call you.”

“Would you give me the phone?” Katherine was no longer trying to be quiet.

“What’s that, Mrs. Mayfield? I can’t hear you over Katherine,” Adam was now holding her off with one arm.

Katherine finally managed to get the phone from him.

“Hi, Mom; when I suggested he call and explain I didn’t think he’d actually do it,” Katherine was sitting back on her heels and glaring at Adam. He grinned and crossed his arms behind his head.

“Hmmm. What movies did you watch?” Her mom sounded mildly amused.

Reality Bites
You probably aren’t familiar with them,” Kaitlyn shared. “They were good.”

“How did your hike go?”

“It went great; I don’t know how many miles we hiked. We even saw a couple of bears. You and Daddy should come up and take in the mountains with us.”

“That would be nice, maybe we can get away to do that,” Julia returned. “You two are spending a lot of time together,” her mother noted.

“We are,” Katherine admitted. “After being separated for a year we don’t seem to like being apart.”

“I’ve noticed.”


“So when will you be this way again?” her mother changed the subject; Katherine let her.

She talked with her mom for several more minutes before she disconnected the call.

“I should skin you alive for that,” Katherine informed Adam; he grinned in return. “It’s not funny! I am sure she is already convinced a lot more happened than did.”

“Kaitlyn, I would never want to mislead your mom in either direction but we aren’t kids anymore. If we want to have sleep overs we can.”

“Sleep overs?” she was trying not to laugh.

“We behaved.”

“Mostly,” she noted.

“We kissed.”

“A lot.”

“So,” he shrugged; she did laugh then.

A moment later she squealed as she found herself pinned to the bed; the phone clattered to the floor.

“You look incredibly sexy with your hair all tousled and your eyes bright with laughter,” he informed her.

Katherine swallowed nervously as she stared up at him. Her eyes slid closed when he kissed her. His kiss was heated. She felt his hand on her waist beneath the edge of her shirt; he groaned, deepened the kiss, and let his hand slide part way up her ribs. Katherine could feel him pressed against her, knew exactly the effect their kisses were having on him. She heard him moan again before broke the kiss and launched himself to his feet.

“Shit. Kaitlyn, I’m sorry,” he shoved a hand through his hair. 

Katherine lay with her body humming and asked herself if she was relieved or disappointed that he had stopped; she wasn’t entirely certain.








After a short delay, Adam and Kaitlyn got a later start for Thanksgiving break than they intended and found themselves caught in rush hour traffic. Adam had been unable to reach his mother for over a week and Katherine had asked her parents if he could stay with them that night and perhaps the remainder of break if his mother couldn’t be found. They had agreed and her mother promised to have the spare room ready. Given that their break would be short, they were taking her car and sharing the driving.

“If you don’t quit yawning over there I’m not going to let you drive,” Adam threatened her.

“I’m sorry. I was so keyed up last night trying to make sure I had everything that I couldn’t sleep,” she admitted.

“I spent most the night worrying over my mom. I figured with Thanksgiving being tomorrow she would find a way to contact me,” he admitted.

“Do you think she’s okay?” Katherine asked him.

“I hope so.”

“We can go by tonight if you would feel better,” she offered.

“It’ll be awfully late when we get there,” he reminded her.

“I don’t mind,” she assured him.

“Thank you, Kaitlyn.”

“You’re welcome.”

By the time they factored in their delay, a stop to eat and couple of bathroom breaks, it was almost eleven o’clock when they finally reached Jackson. They detoured to Adam’s first and found his mom’s car gone. Adam fished his key from his pocket and let himself in. Katherine watched him sigh as he surveyed the mess the place was in. A note was taped to the fridge; Katherine read it over his shoulder.

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