Untitled (2 page)

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      Everyone watched as she took his hand and allowed him to help her stand beside him. The people who'd gathered at their wedding feast clapped as Ziyad lead her away, across the sand to his caravan. The caravs were deserted as most of his people had attended their feast.
      "We must consummate our marriage, to make it binding in truth," he said, still holding her hand.
      Gods, but the thought of making love to him… No, it wasn't making love. It was sex, pure and simple—in order to conceive. Her heart cracked a little.
      "I know."
      "You are not scared?"
      "Not of the act, your Highness."
      Ziyad raised his hand. "Do not be so formal with me, Amani. You are allowed to say my name."
      She nodded, but didn't speak it. It seemed too personal, even though he was now her husband.
      "Has your mother prepared you for what will happen?"
      Marad, her mother, had told her on more than one occasion that the union of a husband and wife was a glorious thing. Nothing compared to the ecstasy, the sheer rapture that overcame one's heart. If Amani was not to have the Spider's love, then perhaps she could at least find joy in what they would do together.
      "Yes, I know what will happen."
      Ziyad stopped walking and held out his hand to an empty carav. It was not his royal carriage, but she entered it anyway, and gasped when he snapped his fingers. A few lamps lit, revealing a modest home, with a small black carpet on the floor and black fabric hanging from the walls. A few scattered pillows lay about while the lamps themselves were non-descript save for an embossed figure of a spider on their face.
      "Believe me, I wish we didn't have to do this either, but we must. This is your carav. I trust you find it to your liking."
      Amani's eyes widened. In the same breath he told her he didn't want to have sex with her and he didn't want her in his carav, either. Pain twisted in her chest like a knife.
      "It is lovely," she murmured, just to have something to say in the quiet. Thankfully, she sounded stronger than she felt. The Spider Prince had clearly loved her friend Karis to the depths of his soul. So much so, that even from the grave, he didn't wish to defile her memory by having his new wife sleeping with him in the carav he'd once shared with the Spider Princess.
      Oddly, that thought put Amani more at ease. She'd loved Karis, too, before she left Suridesh with the Spider's caravan. Amani couldn't have asked for a more loyal husband for her friend than Ziyad Bihar. For Karis, Amani would do the honor of bearing that loyal man his heir.
      Turning to face him, Amani finally raised her eyes to his. He seemed uncertain. Surely even he knew putting his wife in a separate carav wasn't conventional, but she wouldn't argue with him. He'd told her what he wanted of her before they'd been wed. She was the one who'd followed through. If she hadn't been willing to accept this, then she could have walked away at any time.
      But she hadn't.
      "We can douse the lamps if that will make this easier for you, Spider." She kept her voice low as she reached for her belt-wrap. It was odd, wearing Ziyad's colors, but she loved the black of his people, and would wear it with pride.
      He opened his mouth then closed it. He seemed shocked by her words. Once her belt-wrap was loose, it fell and pooled at her feet. Ziyad looked away.
      Amani used her own magic to dim the lamps. She didn't douse them, but she barely left them lit. The shadows gave her the courage she needed to shed her robes. But the moment she stood naked before Ziyad, she had to question the wisdom of her mother, who had insisted she wear no undergarments on her wedding night.
      Her heart raced when Ziyad's eyes returned to her, taking in her body from head to toe. He didn't reach for her, didn't beckon her to come to him. He didn't even seem to like what he saw. Amani couldn't take much more of his scrutiny.
      Perhaps seeing her naked reminded him why he'd rejected her long ago. Amani turned and gave him her back. She hugged herself and tried hard not to shake. She was about to bend down and grab her robes when Ziyad stopped her.
      "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice practically in her ear. He must have moved directly behind her without her hearing a sound.
      "I was going to cover myself."
      "Because you…you didn't… We can do this with my robes on. If you like."
      Ziyad's arms wrapped around her from behind until his warm palms slid along her belly. His touch alone made her pussy tighten. Amani resisted the urge to lay her head on his shoulder.
      "Can I not merely admire my wife before I take her?"
      His hot breath grazed her ear moments before he kissed her there. When his lips claimed her earlobe, she couldn't help but lay her head back.
      "Can I not imagine your nipples in my mouth? Or the taste of your skin on my tongue?"
      Ziyad dipped his head until his mouth latched on to her neck, giving her playful bites. Amani's mind went blank the moment his fingers found her breasts.
      "Mmm," he said. "You're bigger than I thought you'd be."
      "I'm sorry." Of all the things to say to the Spider, she hadn't thought she'd apologize for the size of her breasts.
      Ziyad chuckled. "Don't be. You make my mouth water."
      Amani's stomach leapt. Gods above, but the man was turning her inside out. She bit her lip to keep from whimpering. A sound escaped her regardless.
      "Do you know how long it's been for me?" he asked, walking her to a nearby wall.
      "Years," she whispered. At least two, since Karis died.
      "Years," he repeated. "This might be over quickly."
      She heard the chuckle in his voice, but knew he was probably being honest.
      "I don't mind," she answered, gazing at him over her shoulder. Surprisingly, Ziyad didn't turn her in his arms.
      "Put your hands on the wall," he commanded. She obeyed. "Spread your legs, Amani. Let me feel your pussy."
      She gasped and did as he said, knowing he'd find slick skin. Once his fingers touched her clit, she jumped at the unexpected feeling of ecstasy.
      "Easy," he cooed. "Gods, but you're so ready for me. I can't wait anymore."
      Amani felt the probing of something hard between her legs. It had to be his cock. But he hadn't pulled away from her to disrobe. Perhaps he hadn't worn undergarments himself. That thought had her stomach leaping again.
      "Spread your legs more. Yes, like that."
      Ziyad took his arm and lifted her hips until her ass was in the air, offering herself to him. Without any more talk, he drove into her pussy, as deep as he could go. Amani tried hard to keep in her squeals of pain by tugging on the fabric on the wall. Tears stung her eyes at the pressure of him.
      She knew this would hurt, but she hadn't been prepared for just how much.
      His hand rounded her hips and caressed her clit as he thrust again. This time, however, she didn't jump with pleasure at his touch. All she could feel was his claiming as he plunged in and out.
      "Are you all right?" he asked, panting. Amani couldn't find the breath to speak. All she did was nod furiously and hope it would be over soon. It was better that he couldn't see her face and the agony that was no doubt twisting her features.
      She wouldn't be able to quell her cries for much longer.
      With three more thrusts, it was over as Ziyad shuddered and yelled behind her. He rolled his hips a few times and spread feather-soft kisses along her shoulders.
      "Gods, Amani," he whispered. "You are so tight. Did I hurt you?"
      She didn't answer. She couldn't. He was still inside her. As if he could read her mind, he withdrew and she moaned with relief. He turned her to face him.
      One look was all she needed to confirm that he hadn't bothered to take off his robes before claiming her. A strange disappointment overcame her heart.
Ziyad's palm cradled her cheek. "I did hurt you."
      She didn't bother denying it. "I was a virgin. It is to be expected."
      "I am sorry."
      "My job is not to feel pleasure with you. It is to bear you sons," she told him. Amani gave him a soft smile.
      "I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted you to enjoy it."
      Amani placed her hand on his chest. "My mother told me my first time would be the worst. I am just thankful you didn't ask for me to put my robes back on before we…"
      She glanced at his robes and looked away. Ziyad cleared his throat and seemed flustered. She hadn't meant for him to take offense that he hadn't gotten completely naked, she merely wanted him to understand her point of view.
      "Yes, well," he said, stepping away. "It shouldn't hurt any longer."
      "Thank you, Spider." Amani retrieved her robes and put them back on, hugging her stomach in an effort to stay in one piece.
      He looked as if he wanted to say something more, but thought better of it. "We have both had a long day," he said, running his hand through his hair. "I suppose I should leave you in peace."
      Ziyad walked to the door, but Amani's voice stopped him. "Wait."
      She slowly padded up to him and stood on her toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight, husband."
      He blinked in confusion before his eyes softened. "Goodnight, wife."
      Opening the door, Ziyad disappeared into the night, leaving Amani to close the door behind him. She did and leaned against it, hoping to the gods she'd made the right choice to marry the Spider Prince.


      Ziyad spent most of the night staring at his ceiling. The memory of Amani's warm skin had him hard even now. He'd never expected to want her again so soon after consummating their marriage. But more than that, he hadn't expected her gentle acceptance.
      Of all the things he thought Amani would do, he never once imagined she'd disrobe in front of him of her own free will. From her behavior earlier in the evening, she'd been aloof and distant. He'd prepared himself for soothing her, for getting her used to the idea of lying with him. But Amani had been the one doing the soothing, thinking of him by asking if she should douse the lamps, or perhaps put her robes back on.
      Despite her words, she'd been scared of him and his reaction to her. But the moment he'd taken in her breasts, with her erect nipples staring him in the face, Ziyad's cock had strained for release. She thought he hadn't wanted her, but he'd merely been keeping himself in check so he didn't pounce on her.
      God of Spiders, but the memory of her nipples on his palms had him groaning. Right now he was questioning his reasoning for putting her in her own carav. If she were lying beside him, he could partake of her again.
      No, he thought, shaking his head. He wouldn't. She'd been in obvious pain, even though she'd tried to hide it from him. He knew he was a big man. He remembered Karis's pain and closed his eyes with a groan. Ziyad hadn't meant to claim Amani so ruthlessly, but lust had been riding him.
      Now, however, his lust didn't compare to his guilt.
When she'd given him a kiss on his cheek, she'd hobbled over to him in the doorway. Her slow gait gave her away. Even in her pain, she'd called him her husband.
      Gods, but he didn't deserve her. The Falcon was right. She deserved a man who could return her sentiment, who would love her and cherish her. Her acceptance would only be wasted on him, the Spider Prince, who was nothing more than a shell of a man.
      But it didn't matter now. She was his wife and he'd have to make the most of it. Amani had been an excellent choice for his caravan. If he thought only of his people and not of himself, he'd be all right.
      He hoped.
~ * ~
      Amani awoke the next morning to sunlight streaming into her carav. The darkened fabric hanging from the walls helped to keep out the glare, but it was bright regardless. After Ziyad had left the night before, she'd curled up into the pillows and wept. Not only for the pain in her body, but for the pain in her heart.
      Ever since she was a young girl, she'd dreamt of the man she'd marry. Long ago, she'd once thought that man might have been Ziyad himself.
      In his youth, Ziyad had been stunning, with flowing hair and an easy smile. He'd flirted with her on more than one occasion, but all flirting had ceased when he first laid his eyes on Karis. Amani couldn't blame him. Karis had indeed been a beauty, with exotic eyes and thick black hair. Amani's was black as well, but stringy in comparison.
      Where Karis had been thin, Amani had curves. For a long while after the Spider's rejection, she'd wondered if her curves repulsed men. Four others, including the Scarab Prince, had rejected her as well, until Amani was certain no man would ever take her off her father's hands.

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