Read Untouched Online

Authors: Sara Humphreys

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy

Untouched (22 page)

BOOK: Untouched
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Kerry shrugged. “I have no idea.” She nodded toward Dante. “He’s convinced I’m from one of the cat clans.”

Boris nodded as his intense gaze slid over her. Dante didn’t like the way he seemed to be inspecting his mate and fought the urge to break his nose. Boris glanced at Dante and smiled. He shook his head and popped some more snack mix in his mouth.

“Shit,” he said between crunches. “You are one jealous and protective guy. Relax, brother. I’m just trying to see if she’s from our clan.”

Dante shifted in his seat, embarrassed for being so bloody transparent. “Well?” Kerry squeezed his fingers reassuringly and winked at him playfully.

“You’re a cat alright,” he said to Kerry. “But not the Tiger Clan. I’d bet my hide on it. So, maybe you should give old Joseph a chance to help you out.”

“I doubt it.” Dante shook his head somberly. “I met the old goat today—out at the house in Braithwaite. He was less than welcoming. But he might respond differently to one of you,” he said with a nod to Kerry, Malcolm, and Sam.

“You approached him at his place?” Boris let out a low whistle. “He’s got a reputation throughout the city for being less than social. I’m surprised you didn’t wind up with a shotgun blast up your ass.” Boris scoffed, but then his face grew serious. “You’ve got to find out more about Joseph. But watch your back.” He sat thoughtfully for a moment, and his brow furrowed. “I think we should talk to that designer, Jacqueline. From what I hear, she’s the only one in town he will speak to with any civility.”

Kerry let out a sigh, squeezed her eyes shut, and rubbed her temples. “This whole situation is getting more twisted by the second.”

William glanced at his watch and stood abruptly. “I have other business to attend to. If you need me, do not hesitate to call on me.”

“You’ve been disappearing quite a bit lately, William.” Surprised by William’s sudden departure, Dante looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Steven said you took off today at the shoot too. Is everything alright?”

“You are not the only one with pressing business, Dante, or with a mate to find,” he shot back sharply. He turned to the others and bowed his head. “Good night.” Then he whispered the ancient language and disappeared into the air.

Kerry shook her head. “I am never going to get used to that disappearing act.”

Steven waved off her concern. “Ah, William’s always been a bit of a loner. He keeps it close to the vest. Who knows? Maybe his favorite men’s store got in more of those nifty suits he likes so much.”

Steven’s teasing comment had the desired effect and got them all laughing. The tension in the room dissipated, and he poured himself another beer. “Okay,” he began. “So the game plan is the four of you are going to go down to Jackson Square and try to talk to the cranky old goat Joseph. Boris and I are going to see if we can sniff out more information from Jacqueline, and see what we can find out about this Punisher guy,” he said.

Dante stood up from the table with Kerry’s hand firmly in his. “That sounds about right. I can count on you tomorrow? We’ll need extra eyes out at the shoot again.”

Steven nodded. “Absolutely.” Then he rose from the chair and elbowed Boris in the ribs. “First I’m gonna go downstairs and flirt with Pasha,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“She’s not your mate.” Boris rolled his eyes and sighed. “You’re wasting your time.”

“I know,” Steven said. “But dude, she’s hot!”

Boris held up his hand and made a face of disgust. “Okay, enough. That’s my sister we’re talking about.”

Steven laughed and slapped Boris on the shoulder on his way back downstairs. The others followed him down to the bar, which had gathered a few more patrons since they first went upstairs. Steven had, as promised, sidled up to the bar in an immediate attempt to lure Pasha into becoming his Miss Right Now. She smiled at them as they walked out and rolled her big green eyes as Steven began to flirt with her relentlessly. Boris, of course, went over in an effort to rescue his twin sister from her persistent suitor.

The two couples stepped into the warm night and began the walk over to Jackson Square. Dante enjoyed the feel of Kerry’s hand in his as they made their way back up Ursulines Street. Malcolm and Samantha walked in front of them, their arms wrapped around one another as if they’d been together for years, as opposed to weeks. Fate may be a cruel bitch sometimes, but it sure did know what it was doing.

He stole a glance at Kerry and smiled as she moved in sync with him. Her long ebony hair blew off her face in the soft breeze, and he noted how perfectly chiseled her features were. Even her profile turned him on.

She turned and captured his eyes with her inquisitive brown ones. “What are you staring at?”

“You better get used to me staring at you. I plan on enjoying the sight of you for the rest of our lives.” He brought her hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on her fingers. Her flesh shivered under his touch, which only served to make him want her all the more. This woman had him completely bewitched.

They made the turn onto Chartres Street and walked the next couple of blocks to Jackson Square. Within a few minutes the narrow street opened into the lively, bustling square. St. Louis Cathedral loomed largely to the right, oozing with history and spectacular beauty. The square itself thrived with tourists and artists alike. Beautiful, colorful artwork hung along the wrought-iron fence that lined the square, and each artist sat proudly and patiently as tourists wandered by inspecting the various treasures.

Malcolm turned to Dante, who stood completely still as he scanned the crowds. “Do you see him?”

“I do,” Kerry whispered and pointed to the walkway on the left side of the square.

“How could you know? You didn’t meet him,” Dante said quietly.

“I’m not sure,” she said softly. “I just know.”

Kerry walked in the direction that she had pointed to. At the very end of the stone wall was an old man. He sat at a card table draped with brightly colored scarves. A red bandana was tied around his head, and a long gray ponytail was tied loosely at the nape of his neck. As they got closer, Dante saw that she was right. The man at the table was indeed Joseph Vasullus.



Kerry saw the old man hunched over at the table, and something inside of her stirred. Mesmerized by the odd sense of familiarity, she moved toward him as if in a dream. He looked up, and as soon as he spotted them he began to pack up his table. As the four got closer to Joseph, his panic slammed into them with ferocious intensity.

Dante squeezed her hand more tightly than usual.
don’t like this. He’s obviously upset that we’re here.

Kerry shot him an irritated look.
Well, wouldn’t you be if four shapeshifters came charging at you all at once? We’ve already determined that he doesn’t care for you very much. He’s not going to help us if we bully him.
Dante nodded his reluctant agreement and asked Sam and Malcolm to keep their distance for the time being.

Kerry knew that this old man was connected to her somehow. Boldly, she sat down in the chair across from him as if he weren’t trying to run away, and she was just another customer. Dante stood next to her protectively, his face dark and serious. Kerry stayed there for several seconds, while Joseph ignored her and continued to pack up his wares. He averted his eyes, refusing to look at her.

“Excuse me?” she said in the sweetest voice she could muster.

“I’m closing up for the night,” he barked. “No more readings.”

“I think you should sit tight, old man, and show my mate some respect.” Dante’s voice, low and deadly, cut through the air mercilessly.

Joseph’s gaze flicked briefly to Kerry. For a moment, she could swear she saw something that resembled tenderness. However, it was quickly replaced with a mask of stone. He looked at Dante, completely unfazed by his thinly veiled intimidation tactics. He narrowed his pale gray eyes and looked Dante up and down.

“I’m not afraid of you, boy. I told you earlier today that I want nothing to do with any of you. I suggest you go away and leave me alone like I said.” He proceeded to dismantle his table, forcing Kerry to get up from her chair. He wordlessly placed the folded chairs and table against the stone wall.

“Do you know anything about someone called the ‘Punisher’?” Kerry asked.

He stilled for a moment, but said nothing and continued packing up his bag. Kerry knew that she needed to touch him and see what secrets he held inside. Dante touched her back reassuringly.
ahead. You can do it. I’m right here if you need me.

“Please, Joseph. We need your help.” She reached out to touch his arm, but he picked up his bag and stepped back quicker than a snake.

“Don’t touch me,” he spat. “I suggest you leave here, young lady. Get out of New Orleans as fast as possible.” He nodded toward Dante, fear and panic undulated off of him relentlessly. “If your young man here really cares for you, he’ll take you away from this place tonight.”

Before Kerry could say more, he shuffled away. They watched him scurry off, and Dante wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into the shelter of his body. When Joseph reached the end of the street, he turned around and shouted one last message.

“Don’t trust anybody. You hear me? Nobody!” Then he rounded the corner and disappeared into the dark Louisiana night.

Chapter 13

They walked back to their hotel in thoughtful silence. None of them understood why Joseph harbored such ill feelings toward the Amoveo. In fact, no one uttered a word until they reached their floor of the hotel. Dante finally broke the silence with unabashed anger and frustration.

“This doesn’t make any goddamn sense,” Dante seethed. “Why is he so dead set against us and so completely unwilling to help? He must be involved in all of this.”

Samantha shrugged, and her voice stayed steady. “It’s anybody’s guess. But I agree with you. He definitely knows something.”

Kerry nodded. “Absolutely, he’s hiding something. I could feel it. He was terrified of us, but he also seemed fearful for us too. I don’t think he’s dangerous. At least, not for me.” She made a loud sound of frustrated disgust. “I can’t explain it.” She sighed. “Lately, I don’t have a logical explanation for anything.”

“Let’s get some sleep,” Malcolm suggested. “Tomorrow while you’re at the shoot, Samantha and I will reach out to Davis and some of the other Vasullus to see what we can find out about our friend Joseph. I’d rather not bother the prince with all of this nonsense, especially since Salinda is pregnant. I don’t want to take him away from her in her delicate condition.”

Kerry and Dante bid their friends good night before heading into their suite. The instant the door closed behind them, an ice cold ripple of dark energy streamed through Kerry’s body. A wave of dizziness came over her, and she grabbed Dante’s arm to keep from falling over. She looked up at him with wide, startled eyes.

“Someone’s been in here,” she whispered. Panic threatened to overtake her, and darkness started to close in. Someone had been in the suite when they were out. She could feel it. The energy they left in the room was thick and sticky, like molasses. “Oh my God. I feel like I’m going to pass out. Why is this happening?”

“Breathe with me,” he coaxed. “Close your eyes, and filter it out. Your psychic abilities have intensified since our mating was completed.”

They stood together, face-to-face, her hands clasped tightly to his thick, muscular arms. Slowly, the dark sick energy faded and was replaced by Dante’s tender, soothing musings. Her breathing slowed, and her heart beat once again at a normal pace. Kerry let out a long slow breath and loosened her vice-like grip from Dante’s arms.

“I’m okay now,” she said slowly. Kerry looked up at him with gratitude. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. God, when did I become such a girl?”

Steady on her feet once again, she slowly surveyed the living room. It looked completely undisturbed. Nothing had been moved or seemed out of place, but an intruder had most definitely been in their suite.

“Someone was in here, Dante. I’m not crazy, and I’m not talking about housekeeping. Someone bad was here. They must’ve been.” Kerry shivered and rubbed her arms in an effort to warm herself. “It’s like they left some kind of residue.” Her voice trembled with a mixture of awe and fear.

It fascinated her that her psychic abilities were now amplified after her mating with Dante, but it unnerved her as well. She had never felt so completely uncertain, and she began to feel like a surprise lurked around every corner. Kerry made her way into the bedroom, and her blood went cold at the sight before her.

A bright red envelope lay on the pillows of her bed. Looking at it, she couldn’t help but conjure up images of blood. The twisted gift sat there, mocking her. She didn’t have to read it to know there was nothing good going on inside that note. It had to be from the Punisher, which meant that the sick bastard had been in her room.

“Dante!” She’d meant to yell it, but it came out more like a squeak. She cringed for sounding as helpless as she felt.

Dante pushed past her, and his eyes shifted harshly when he saw the unwelcome surprise. Anger pulsed from him wildly, and Kerry sensed every muscle in his body go rigid. His breath hissed out in one massive rush as he snatched the envelope. It hurt her to see him so upset, but it was even deeper than that. His anger raced through her and around her, and her own fear was immediately replaced with an urgent need to soothe him. She knew his anger stemmed from his fear for her safety.

BOOK: Untouched
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