Read URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin Online

Authors: Shantel Johnson

URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin (63 page)

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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“Aww! You are so sweet. Thank you! I could never forget about you.”

“I know I don’t know you that well but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I first saw you. It took everything I had inside not to call you as soon as I walked away from you that day. For some reason, I feel a strong connection to you. I feel like I have known you most of my life. I’m sorry. I hope I’m not scaring you away. I just have to say what is on my mind.”

Sienna can barely get her words together just thinking that the man she has been thinking about for days feels the same way that she does. She says, “Oh no! Don’t apologize Derrick. I feel the same way you do. My friends thought I was exaggerating. I am just relieved that my feelings are reciprocated.”

They talked and ate dinner. Then they held hands and walked up and down the boardwalk at the harbor. The next thing they knew it was midnight. Sienna was too tired to drive home and she was actually meeting Tiffany in Baltimore in the afternoon. So she decided to get a room at the Sheraton across the street. Because of the way she and her friends bar hopped, she already had an overnight bag in the trunk of her car. Derrick would not allow her to pay for the room. So he paid for her room. He felt responsible for keeping her out so late.

The night ended with Derrick walking Sienna to her car and then up to her hotel room. He wanted to make sure that she got to her room safely. Sienna trusted that he was acting like a gentleman and it was safe to let him come up to the room. When they got to the door of her hotel room, she thanked him for the wonderful evening. Derrick bent down to give her a gentle peck on the lips. That single peck was the start to another gentle peck which led to a full blown kiss. That led to Derrick’s tongue in her mouth which led to Derrick slipping the key card into the door and carrying Sienna across the threshold of the door like a newly married couple.

Sienna found herself not wanting to end the night and not wanting to let him go. She was enjoying the soft gentle kisses that he was giving her while still holding her in his arms. She wasn’t ready for him to stop. She wanted him at that moment. She didn’t care about the time. Like Tiffany said, ‘We are grown and old enough to make adult decisions.’ Sienna decided to make a grown decision and give herself to Derrick. No holding back. Just then, he stopped and looked at her in her eyes.

Derrick smiled and said, “Sienna, I want you but I want to wait. This isn’t the right time. I don’t want you to think that this is all I wanted from you.”

“I don’t think that at all Derrick. I’m okay with whatever happens here tonight.”

“I’m not. I want the mood to be right. Plus I need to get up early in the morning. We will get together when you return from New Orleans. When you return, I will never let you out of my sight.”

Derrick kissed Sienna good night again and left. Sienna took off her dress, lay across the bed in her bra and panties and fell asleep with a smile on her face imaging what could have been.


Tiffany and Capone spent about another week flirting on the phone. He forgave her for hanging up on him and during those calls he continued asking to see her. She finally agrees to meet him at a small diner between Baltimore and Columbia after work. That way if things went wrong she would be close enough to home so that she could call someone to come get her.

Tiffany arrives at the diner and text Capone to let him know that she has arrived. He text back that he would be there in five minutes. The hostess seats her in a part of the diner that isn’t crowded. Tiffany is relieved. ‘What if someone she knew walked in and saw her with this thug? She wouldn’t know how to react to that situation.’

She orders a glass of unsweetened tea with lemon, while she waits for Capone’s arrival. She had been playing games with him all week. She told herself that he had started this game and now he was going to play her game. She thought, ‘This maintenance man from the hood won’t know what hit him. After all, she is a prize.’

From where she was sitting, she could see Capone when he swaggered into the diner wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. She forgot how attracted she was to him but at that moment she remembered that she loved that confidence that emitted from his body. When he saw her, he smiled and walked towards her seat. He sat down next to Tiffany in the booth and placed his hand on top of hers.

“Finally! I started thinking you were going to make me beg.” He said.

“Oh no! I hate when men beg me. It is such a turn off for me.”

“Oh! So you ARE turned on by me? I knew you wanted a thug in your life.”

Tiffany laughed, “Al yes I am attracted to you but honestly I don’t need a man in my life. Thug or no thug. I might WANT you in my life but NEED.... Humph! And I don’t think you are the type of man to need anyone.”

Capone looked deep into her eyes, “You are wrong Miss Tiffany. I need you and I really want you. I want you so bad that I can taste you.”

He takes his hand that was once sitting on Tiffany’s hand and slides it up Tiffany’s dress touching her thigh. He slides his hand over her thigh and reaches across her thigh and in between her legs. The motion was so quick that Tiffany didn’t have time to clasp her legs together to stop him from sliding two of his fingers in her vagina pulling them out and placing them deep into his mouth and then pulling them out to kiss her on her lips. At this point, she couldn’t resist his full lips and his warm tongue. She wanted him at that moment. Their kiss was interrupted by the server asking them if they were ready to order.

While they ate dinner, their conversation got more sexual as it went on. Their phone conversations had already established that they had a connection but the sexual tension between them was intensifying the longer they spent together. After dinner, they decided that they would go to Capone’s apartment. It was closer and he wanted her to be able to get to his apartment just in case she needed to know.


Once in the apartment, Capone showed her around. His apartment was nicely furnished. It wasn’t what she expected for a maintenance man. She especially didn’t expect the big flat screen televisions or the surround sound in both his living room and bedroom. He offered her a glass of wine while they watched a movie. While sitting next to each other on the sofa, they began moving close to each other and then kiss again. This time there would be no interruptions. Capone laid Tiffany down on his sofa and then got on top of her. He started sucking on her neck and ear.

He whispered in her ear, “Miss Tiffany, I want you. Can I have you? Can I take you now?”

Not able to speak, Tiffany shakes her head motioning that she was ready.

He moved his lips from her ears down to her neck. He kissed her neck and gently sucked it while his hands were slowly moving down her dress searching for a place to enter. At the same time, Tiffany was using her hands to lift up his shirt and feeling his muscular back. Just then he stopped, stood up and pulled her up his body. With their bodies touching, she could feel that he was ready as well. He kissed her and at the same time he moved her down the hallway which led to his bedroom.

The lighting in the bedroom was perfect. Capone led her to the side of his elevated bed, lifted her dress up and in one swoop he swept her dress up over her and threw it on the floor. Standing back to look at her in her bra and panties, he pushed her down onto the bed. She had anticipated him laying on top of her but instead he went to finish what he had started in the diner. This time he removed her panties, spread her legs open and placed his entire face between her legs using his tongue to enter inside her. Tiffany screamed out in pleasure from what she was receiving. When Capone felt that he had done his job there, he came up and laid on top of her and slid his dick inside of her while he kissed her. Tiffany was in ecstasy. While he was giving it to her, he kept talking to her. He was clearly enjoying himself as much as she was. He kept asking her if she was his. Tiffany wouldn’t answer which made him keep going and delivering himself into with more force and aggression. Tiffany didn’t mind. It just made her counter his aggression with her own. She rolled on top of him and started delivering her own blows while on top of him. Then she whispered in his ear, “Does this belong to me? Do you like this?” She was shocked when his answer was yes. After about two hours, they fell asleep snuggled up together tired from their evening.

When Tiffany woke up, she discovered that Capone was not lying next to her. She noticed that he had a robe lying on the chair in the corner of his bedroom. She heard the television on in the living room. So she decided to go snuggle up next to him on the couch.

When she came around the corner, she was stopped dead in her tracks by what she saw. That wasn’t the television that she heard. Capone was sitting on the sofa counting a large sum of money and a group of men were seated around his dining room table. In the middle of the table, there was a scale with white powder on it. There were small baggies and other tools for measuring. The men at the table took one look at her nodded their heads and kept talking and completing their task. On the other hand, Capone jumped up, forcefully grabbed her by the arm and took her back to the bedroom and closed the door.

“I knew you were a drug dealer. I should have gone with my first instinct. I’m getting out of here and I never want to see you again. I hope you enjoyed the pussy because you will NEVER taste this again.” Tiffany said in a pissed voice.

Calmly Capone says, “Oh wait a minute Miss Tiffany. You have seen too much. Plus you belong to me. I believe I asked you several times and you gave yourself to me. Also, I told you that you were going to be mine. You are my bitch now. I don’t care how much money you make a year because I probably make that in a week.”

“You lied to me Al. You told me that you were a maintenance man. I was at least willing to lower my standards to screw you but I’m not stooping to this level for some dick. Yes it was good but I’m not compromising my morals to get involved in your illegal activity.” Tiffany turns to gather her things so she can leave.

Capone turns her back around and slaps her mouth and says, “I didn’t lie to you. I am a maintenance man. I maintained you didn’t I? But besides that I do work in that building downtown. Who do you think my clients are? Plus I have to maintain a real job. I own you now. You have no idea who I am do you? Do you know how many bodies I have? Let me call one of my soldiers in here to tell you.” He releases her, walks over to the door and yells, “Yo, Peanut get in here.”

“Yo, what up boss?” Says Peanut, a young man just out of high school wearing a white t-shirt, Levis and some expensive sneakers.

“Tell her who I am.” “Dis Capone. He runs this side of Baltimore. Whatever you need, he can get it. I work for him. All the niggas on the streets on this side work for him. If he tells you to do it, you do it; no questions asked.” Peanut looks at Capone looking for approval.

“Thanks man. That’s what I’m talking about.” Peanut leaves and Capone turns back to Tiffany. “Did you hear him? I control these streets. I’ve killed niggas for this position. You are now a part of my secret world and you ain’t going nowhere until I’m done with you.”

By this time, Tiffany has tears in her eyes. But this whole conversation has turned Capone on. He removes his robe from Tiffany and commands her to lay on the bed and spread her legs. Tiffany does what she is told and again Capone lets himself in and takes over her body. Tiffany tried not to want him but she couldn’t resist him. She gave in. Sexually he is exactly what she wanted. She is Capone’s: mind, body and soul. He owns her. She is now in his world and has no way to escape.

After work, she finds herself running errands for him. Picking up supplies for his business, picking up money from soldiers and dropping money off to various people. Running errands for Capone takes her to some of the shadiest places in Baltimore, but she knows that she is safe because everybody knows that she is Capone’s bougie girl. Nobody wants to be responsible for harming her.

Capone starts to trust her but he won’t let her in on everything. He keeps her away from the drugs and some of the other illegal activities that he is involved in. The less she knows the better. He keeps her close enough so that she can’t snitch on him and so he won’t have to kill her. He liked Tiffany. He knew that she was the one that he would take to meet his family. She wasn’t like any woman he had dated before. She actually presented a challenge for him. She was a lot like him with her business sense. He would groom her to join him and to eventually help him start a legitimate business. He knew that he just had to keep her satisfied in bed, buy her expensive gifts and keep her from finding out about the other chick he was dating.

Tiffany did not trust Capone. Why would she? After all, he was a drug dealer. She hadn’t told Sienna anything about Capone’s real occupation. When they were in New Orleans, she wanted to tell her but she was ashamed and didn’t want to hear what Sienna had to say about the situation. She wouldn’t understand. So Tiffany decided to keep quiet and enjoy their trip and just listen to Sienna talk about Derrick, the new man in her life. She was happy for Sienna. She was glad that Sienna was taking it slow.

Tiffany arrived at Capone’s apartment after completing an errand for him. He had given her a key to his apartment. So she let herself in. When she walked in, Peanut and some others were sitting at the table in the dining room with what Tiffany assumed was new product that needed to be broken down. Tiffany spoke and walked back to Capone’s bedroom. He did not hear her approach the door. He was on the phone so Tiffany stood back and waited for him to finish. She was shocked by what she heard.

“Hi Sienna! How are you today? Are you ready for tonight? I have a special evening planned for us. Oh no! Let me take care of everything. Derrick has everything under control. I’ll meet you at the restaurant. Bye!” Capone hung up the phone. Tiffany stood at the doorway with tears in her eyes. “My best friend? You are fucking kidding me. How long have you known that you were dating my best friend?”

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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