Urban Prey (15 page)

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Authors: S. J. Lewis

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Urban Prey
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“Where are you going, sir?” the man asked. His eyes were still fixed on The Female. She gasped and shrank up against Ron.

“Other men will see you,” Ron said quietly into her ear. “Other men will want you. Bug only I will have you. Stand up straight.” She obeyed with a tiny whimper. He turned back to the men.
“The slave pens,” he said. He held up two fingers to indicate that he meant the ones on the second floor. He’d had Lisa set everything up ahead of time, so the men should already know where he was going, but it never hurt to be sure.

“This way, sir,” the man grinned and winked. The Female had whimpered again when she’d heard him say ‘slave pens’, but she stood still and erect until he urged her along. She looked magnificent like that. He noticed how her breasts bobbed and swayed slowly as she walked.
He guided her carefully up the stairs to the second floor where the man opened the door for them and stepped aside. He winked at Ron again as he walked by with The Female. Before he shut the door behind them, he took a long, lingering look at The Female’s ass.

The second floor wasn’t as much of a maze as it had appeared to him originally. It helped that Lisa had gotten a simplified set of the floor plans for him to study. As they passed another one of those metal doors, they could hear the cries of a woman either in torment or in the throes of orgasm. The Female moved closer to him. He felt her shudder and wondered what she was thinking and feeling now.

They passed another door, and heard different sounds: Loud smacks, followed immediately by a woman’s muffled grunts. The Female kept as close to him as she could.

They arrived at the second-floor slave pens. Ron opened the door and ushered his prize in. Her cage was already picked out. It was in a corner, as far away from the entrance as possible. Rather than bring her directly to it, though, Ron made a small production of calling out for whoever was in charge of the place that night. He had to raise his voice, because in one of the other cells a woman was being trained. He could see her, or at least part of her, kneeling on a mat in front of a man in jeans who had his back to the barred door of her cell. She was whining and complaining, and it sounded as if her mouth was full. The Female could hear it too. Her head turned in that direction, even though she couldn’t see anything through the blindfold.
“Yes, sir,” Hines came bustling out of the small office, grinning hugely. He gave Ron a big thumbs-up sign. “What can we do for you?” His gaze fell on The Female, naked, bound and blindfolded. Ron gave him a moment to indulge himself.

“I want a cell,” Ron said.

“Certainly, sir,” Hines nodded. “This way.”

Ron inspected the cell before he brought The Female in. He left her standing just outside. Hines stayed nearby, very quietly walking around her, drinking her in with his eyes. She seemed to sense his attention, and reacted nervously.

The cell had everything he’d asked for: The same thin mat for sitting or sleeping on as all the other cells, a threadbare sheet and a one-quart plastic squeeze bottle of water. There was a small wooden box in the corner. It held a wide black leather bondage collar, ropes, a black ball gag and all the other items he’d requested. Satisfied, he led The Female into her cell and let her stand on the mat.

“Where are we?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Be quiet!” Ron snapped. “Your training starts now.”

She whimpered, but stood still as he put the bondage collar on her and buckled it snugly in place. She whimpered again when he made her kneel on the mat. She could still hear the complaints of the other woman being trained, and she probably thought he was going to make her suck his cock too. Instead, he pushed her over so that she was lying facedown.

“Get your ass up,” he ordered. When she didn’t move quickly enough, he gave her rump a hard swat. She yelped. Whimpering, she obeyed him. He gripped her by her hips and hauled upwards until she was on her knees, her face still on the mat. She looked very appealing that way. He moved closer behind her, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. He was already rock-hard. He made her spread her legs for him, then reached between them with his hand. She was already wet.

“Brace yourself,” he told her. She whimpered. Her bound hands clenched tightly into fists. He used his hand to guide his cock into her. He slowly thrust himself all the way in, savoring the moment. He gave her gorgeous ass a swat, making her flinch and yelp. Then he gripped her by her hips again and slowly withdrew his cock until only the head was still inside her pussy. He dug his fingers into her flesh and rammed himself in, up to his balls. She yowled, drowning out the sounds of the woman in the other cage. She spread her knees wider and arched her back just before he slammed into her again. She was a big girl. Most women he used this way tended to slide forward and away from him unless he kept a good grip on them. She was managing to stay more or less in place. He rammed into her again, driving a deep grunt out of her. Again. Another grunt.

The past few days had drained him more than he’d expected. As he kept pounding away, she grunted and moaned with each hard stroke, pushing back into him as best she could. She brought her knees forward to give herself better leverage.

He slapped her ass again, more out of frustration than anything else. His release was a long time coming. She jerked and yelped, breaking the rhythm of her grunts. He slapped the other cheek just as hard, and was astonished when he felt her body and her pussy quivering all around his cock. She opened her mouth and shrieked as she came. He could feel his own orgasm building now. He redoubled his efforts and when he came, he made no attempt to stifle his groans. He held her tightly against him as he emptied himself into her.


“I’d ask you how it was, but I think everybody here already knows,” Hines grinned. The Female lay quietly on the mat, spent. Her hands were freed now, but she still wore the collar and blindfold. Ron looked around. Besides the woman who had been getting training in oral technique…her lesson seemed to be over for now…there were four more captives in the cells here. All of them were staring at him.

“I guess you’re right,” Ron admitted. “Look, I’m going to go get something to eat and rest up a bit. I’ll be back later.”

“Okay,” Hines nodded. “Any special instructions, aside from nobody else touches her?” He nodded towards The Female.

“No,” Ron shook his head. “Let her rest.”

Chapter Eleven

“Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith, wake up.”

Ron awoke from his dream with a jerk. Someone was shaking his arm gently.

“What?” he yawned. “What is it?” He blinked his eyes and looked up. Lisa was bending over him.
“You’ve been asleep for two hours,” she said. “You asked to be woken up?”

“Oh,” Ron yawned again. “Yeah, I did. Thanks.” The cot he was lying on was only marginally less uncomfortable than the couch in his apartment. He swung his legs out over the side and sat up. “How is she?” he asked.

“Sleeping, I’m told,” Lisa shrugged, then smiled. “You must’ve worn her out. You want some coffee?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Ron mumbled. Lisa scurried off to get some caffeine while he stretched and yawned again. He stood up. He felt like he needed another ten hours of sleep. He tried to recall the dream Lisa had interrupted. It had been extremely vivid, but even now it was fading away. All he could remember of it was The Female’s face, eyes shut tight, mouth gaping wide as she came. He stretched again and started walking around to get his blood flowing and work the kinks out of his muscles.

It was dim and quiet in the room. He didn’t remember which floor it was on, but it was laid out something like a barracks. There were ten cots, five each along opposite walls. He could see sleeping men on two of the cots. It was a place to catch a nap, and little more than that.
Lisa returned with a mug of hot coffee, which he accepted it gratefully, then he sank down on one of the folding chairs that were positioned between the cots. Lisa sat down on one of the cots.
“Tired?” she asked.

“A little,” he lied. “I’ll be all right in a minute.” The coffee was hot. He gulped it down anyway.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” Lisa asked timidly.

“Maybe.” He took another gulp of coffee. “Give me a minute. I’m thinking.”

“All right. Are you hungry at all?”

“No,” Ron shook his head. “I had the meatloaf in the cafeteria before I sacked out. I’m good. Just let me think.”

“Okay,” Lisa agreed. “I’ll go get myself some tea.”

He watched her leave. She’d changed out of her uniform and now wore jeans, an oversized light blue shirt and running shoes. She did fill the jeans out nicely. He took another swallow of coffee and turned his thoughts back to The Female.

This was getting difficult. He was only one man, and as aroused as he got when he was close to her, he had his limits. They were physical limits, and not something he could get around. He’d been right about what she was looking for: Her outlaw. That was gratifying. Now he had to figure out how far and how hard he could push her limits. So far, she hadn’t fought or objected to anything he’d done. Being displayed naked in front of other men seemed to excite her. Of course, she had a body that any man would want and any woman would envy. Being fucked while others could hear her seemed to excite her as well. He wouldn’t have bet on either of those things happening based on the limited experience she’d claimed on the tapes. Maybe she had a lot of repressed fantasies that she’d never admitted to. Maybe he was introducing her to new things and she found them every bit as exciting as her fantasies. He wished he could just sit down and talk to her about it, but that was out of the question. It would kill the mood and the mystery he’d worked so hard to create. All he really could do was push the captor/captive master/slave game. He wondered how far she would go. He’d told her that once she came with him there was no getting out until he was done. In fact, if she made a big enough scene, she would be set free. It was standard policy, even if no one ever admitted it to the clients. His ambitions went beyond keeping her from backing out, though. He wanted to run her through everything he could think of, and leave her wanting even more. He didn’t know for sure if he could do it, but he was certainly going to try.

He drank the last of the coffee and leaned back in the chair. This was one of the rare times he wished he hadn’t quit smoking years ago. A cigarette right now would help him to relax, make it easier for him to think. He tried to plan his next move. Instead, his thoughts kept wandering back to The Female…and why did he keep thinking of her as ‘The Female’? Wouldn’t ‘The Woman’ fit just as well?

No…it wouldn’t. There was no doubt that she was a woman. He’d seen plenty of naked women over the years, but The Female’s long, strong, shapely legs, her abundance of breasts and hips, the concavity of her waist, her rippling mane of hair, and especially those lively brown eyes affected him on a deeper level than he’d experienced in a long, long time. The sight, the scent and the feel of her went straight to some very ancient and primitive part of his brain, bypassing everything else on the way. She was The Female.

He stood up and stretched again. If she was sleeping, it was time to wake her and get on with the next part of her training. Better yet, he’d thought of a way that Lisa could help. She’d offered to, hadn’t she? But first, he needed a cold shower and a change of clothes. The suit would be out of place for all the things that came next. Jeans and a t-shirt would be better.


“Wake up,” he shook The Female’s shoulder roughly. She stirred, making a noise of complaint.
“Wake up!” He shook her again, harder, and pulled the blindfold off her face. She murmured something and opened her eyes. The lights in the slave pens must have seemed glaringly bright to her. She blinked rapidly, turning her head away.

“Up!” He slapped her rump hard, making her squeal. She started to rise to her feet. It was a small consolation to him that she seemed even more dragged-out than he felt. She kept blinking and yawning. Though her hair was a tousled mess, she looked gorgeous.

“Hands behind you,” he ordered once she was standing. She obeyed. She stood with her head bowed as he buckled narrow black leather cuffs around her wrists. The cuffs had small D-rings set in them, suitable for a small padlock. He locked the cuffs together, then standing behind her, he ran his hands down her flanks. She shivered at his touch.

Identical narrow cuffs went around her ankles. He stood up behind her and reached around to feel the weight, warmth and softness of her breasts again. She moaned, leaning back against him, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

His hands didn’t want to let go, but he had more to do. He clipped a six-foot long chain leash to The Female’s collar and led her out of the cell. She walked proudly, head up and shoulders back, placing each foot directly in front of the other. It was a trick she’d probably picked up from her runway modeling years. As he led her out into the hallway, he saw Hines staring after her. He looked as if someone had just struck him over the head with a baseball bat.

As he led her out into the hallway, she seemed content to follow along at the end of her leash. They passed down the hall to another one of those metal doors. He knocked on it before he opened it: Three knocks, the signal to start the show. He led The Female in. As he shut the door behind them, he heard her gasp.

It was one of the larger rooms, used for training. On the far side was a man in long black robes, his face hidden by a black hood. The robes hung open. He seemed to be naked underneath them. A slender naked woman knelt before him, handcuffed. She was struggling and protesting wordlessly. The sounds she was making were muffled, and it was apparent why. The man’s hand held her by the back of her blonde head, keeping her from pulling away. Her arms, fettered behind her, twisted and writhed as she tried vainly to free her hands from the steel cuffs. Another man, wearing identical robes and an identical hood, stood to one side, watching her performance and waiting his turn.

The first man brandished a riding crop in his free hand. He tapped the woman twice, lightly, on her hip. She kept struggling, grunting and whining through her nose. Ron could hear small, wet sounds. The Female started to shrink away from the scene, but he brought her back into place with a sharp tug on her leash. He looked to see what effect the show was having on her. She was staring only at the woman, her expression undecipherable, her eyes wide and her mouth half-open.
The first man reached to strike Lisa’s cute little ass with the riding crop. The hard slapping noise of the impact was followed immediately by a painful nasal grunt from Lisa. When she continued to struggle, he whacked her ass again, harder. Lisa squeaked loudly through her nose. It was a beautiful job of acting.

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