Valentine's Dates (7 page)

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Authors: Rhian Cahill

BOOK: Valentine's Dates
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Brent hadn’t been idle while she stripped. He’d managed to shove his pants all the way down and kick them off. She dropped to her knees and crawled up his body until her mouth hovered over his. “Condoms?”

“Bedside, top drawer.” Brent pointed to his right.

Vee leaned over and pulled out the drawer. She smiled when she found the unopened box. “New purchase?”


“Oh?” She glanced at him.

“Is that a subtle way of asking about my sex life?”

Was it? “Um, no.”

“I don’t have one, Vee. I haven’t dated anyone in over a year and it’s been longer than that since I had sex.”


“Your turn.”

“What?” He wasn’t asking her when she last has sex, was he?

“I showed you mine, now you show me yours.” He grabbed her waist, rolled until he’d pinned her beneath him. “Well?”

How could she tell him? She didn’t want to lie, but the truth was so far beyond embarrassing her cheeks were already flaming hot. If she could be vague… “A long time.”

“How long, Vee?” His eyes bore into hers, determination burning in their depths.

“A few years.” She’d slept with two men. Brent and a guy she’d met at university. Both had been a one night thing. Both ten years ago.

“Then we’re not rushing this.” Brent took the box from her hand and dropped it on the bed. “Anticipation is half the fun, after all.”

“Brent, I’ve been anticipating this moment for almost ten years. The fun went out of it a while ago.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’re more than satisfied.”

If his grin hadn’t hinted at the fact she was in trouble then his next move did. He did as he’d promised earlier and explored every inch of her. Starting at her neck, he worked his way down to her toes and back. Skirting around her breasts and between her legs, he touched and tasted each millimetre of skin with concentrated focus until she was breathlessly begging for him to finish.

“Please.” She writhed under his attention. “Brent.”

He chuckled against her hip, then did as she asked. His tongue moved over her. Lapping at her flesh, he drove her to the peak and over in seconds. But he gave no respite. No sooner had she come down than he was pushing her back up again. This time he used his fingers as well. Thrusting a finger inside her core while flicking his tongue over her engorged clitoris, he quickly brought her back to the brink of release only to keep her there, hovering on the sharp ridge of pleasure for long moments before pulling away completely.

“No!” Vee reached out only to find him gone.

Opening her eyes she found him next to her struggling to open the box of condoms. With a growl, he gave up trying to rip open the plastic wrapper with his hands and used his teeth. Tearing into it, he crushed the carton between his fingers before the box finally burst apart, showering them and the bed in foil packets. Laughing, Vee scooped one up and tore it open.

Brent snatched the condom from her and sheathed his length with shaking hands. Covered, he turned his attention back to her. He moved over her and she willingly laid back. As he pressed his body to hers, she widened her legs, her hips cradling his, the hot shaft of his erection nestled in her sex. His hands found hers and he wove their fingers together. Gazes connected, Brent rocked his hips and brought the tip of her cock to her opening.

“Don’t look away. I want to watch you when I make you mine again.”

His head lowered, his mouth drawing closer to hers. He brushed her lips lightly in a move that barely earned the word ‘kiss’. In slow increments he entered her, each push a welcome stretch as long unused muscles fought to accept him. She lifted against him, forced him a little deeper, but he wouldn’t let her take control.

He set the pace: a slow push in, a gentle pull out. Each drive forward took him deeper, took Vee higher into burning need. They moved together, a dance they’d done before. One they would do again. Brent kept his gaze on hers and she couldn’t ignore the overwhelming blaze of love shining in his eyes. She knew her eyes would reveal the same; there was no way to shield her emotions. Not when she’d spent years dreaming of this moment.

Brent went slow as long as he could, but he couldn’t hold off his need for release forever. Vee moved with him, followed his lead, pushed him further. His fingers tightened on hers, his hips rocking a little faster. He couldn’t look away from her eyes. They were like mirrors to her heart now that she’d allowed him close. Her eyelids drooped, but she did as he asked and focused her gaze on his. She tilted her hips and took him deeper.

Wet heat surrounded him, the snug clasp of her sex tightening his balls and pushing him to the brink. He drove into her again and again. He flexed his hips and lunged. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met each thrust with one of her own. Her hands squeezed his before she tugged them free to run them down his back. When she reached his arse, she dug her fingers into his cheeks and pulled him closer. Little breathy moans slipped through her lips, driving him crazy, and he had to taste them.

Her mouth was hot and slick when she opened for him, their tongues sliding, chasing, catching. He took his fill, explored her teeth, nipped at her lips, and fused his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue inside. His hips sped up, the need to climax rolling down his spine to settle in his groin. But Brent wanted to feel her muscles clenching him before he took the leap. Separating their mouths, he leaned on one elbow and slid his other hand between their joined bodies.

She arched, bucking her hips into his touch when he found the hard knot of nerves at the top of her sex. Moisture coated his fingers and he swirled it around her clitoris. The bundle pulsed beneath his skin, her sex grinding against him, and he knew she was close. He added pressure, circled his fingers faster, and shifted his hips to change the angle of penetration. Her body stilled, one half-beat of time when she didn’t breathe, didn’t move. And then she exploded.

Brent had no choice but to follow. Her sex clamped around his, rippled along the length of his shaft until her climax milked him of his. He pumped into her, buried his cock as deep as he could, and let go. Pleasure burst through him, wave after wave of ecstasy swamped him, draining everything he had. His arms and legs shook; his heart raced. He’d thought he remembered, thought he’d known what to expect, but either his memory was faulty or they’d stepped beyond the fumblings of new lovers with surprising ease.

He collapsed, half-on half-off Vee’s quivering body. Dragging in a breath, he heaved himself to the side and took her with him. His softening length slipped from her body and a shudder rolled down to his toes. Her breath fanned out over his chest, ruffling his hair and causing his nipple to harden. Brent slipped his arms around her and held her close. If it wasn’t for his heart still beating against his ribcage he’d think she’d killed him.

“I think you killed me.”

Brent chuckled. “I was just thinking it was you that killed me.”

“Okay, we killed each other.” Her fingers played with the trail of hair below his belly button. “Guess that means we can’t do it again.”

Her fingers travelled lower and his sex jerked with renewed interest reminding him of the used condom. “I need to clean up first. How about a shower?”

“Speaking of cleaning up, we totally trashed your quilt.” She raised her head and propped her chin on his chest. “And we left our lunch outside. The seagulls will be having a field day with the scraps.”

“Nag, nag, nag. Is this another
‘wet clothes in the machine’
moment?” Brent grinned.

Vee’s eyes narrowed. “Are you making fun of me because I like things to be put away properly?”

“No. I’m making fun of you so I can see that spark in your eyes.” He tapped her on the tip of her nose.

Her mouth drew into a frown and he kissed her to stop the protest he could see forming. He intended it to be a quick peck, but long minutes later his mouth still ate at hers and the arousal he’d thought sated roared back to life. Rolling her beneath him, he pressed his hips to hers and was brought back to reality with a slap. The wet slap of a used condom half hanging off.

“Shit. See what you do to me? I forgot about the condom and getting cleaned up.” Brent reached down and removed the offending latex. It was the least romantic or sexy moment in his life, but when Vee slipped out from under him and bounded off the bed he figured the view was worth the embarrassment.

“Race you to the bathroom,” she called as she dashed across his room.

He chuckled and rolled off the bed to follow. Pausing, he spun around and grabbed a foil packet. No point getting caught without when he knew full well hopping in the shower with Vee and getting slicked up with soap bubbles was guaranteed to lead somewhere.

Steam billowed as he entered his ensuite. He dumped the used condom in the waste bin and stepped into the shower behind Vee. Reaching past her, Brent placed the unopened condom on the soap holder.

“Oh, who’s a good little boy scout then?”

He nuzzled the back of her neck. “There’s nothing
about me.”

She moaned, her head falling to the side to give him better access. “Mmm…”

Encouraged, he set out to prove just how far out of boyhood he was.

Vee had just stepped into Brent’s room with a towel around her when Wade walked in. They both froze. If she hadn’t been nervous about what he’d think, she’d have laughed at the sight of him. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide enough to drive a car through. She searched her brain for something to say, for some excuse as to why she was in Brent’s apartment other than she was having sex with him.

“Hey, Wade. You guys are back early.” Brent spoke as he walked passed Vee to the chest of drawers across the room. “I didn’t think you were coming home until tomorrow.”

“Obviously.” Wade’s eyes never left hers.

She couldn’t tear her gaze from her brother. Her heart had picked up a beat and sweat coated her palms. Why was she so concerned about Wade’s reaction? It wasn’t like she needed his permission to be with a man, including Brent.

“Here.” Brent handed her a shirt and boxers. “These should fit.”

“Where are her clothes?” Wade’s voice came out strained.

Vee and Brent looked at each other before swivelling their heads to take in the swimwear strewn around the room.

“Never mind.” Wade pointed at Brent. “My office. Now.”


“What?” Her brother paused in his turn to leave.


Wade seemed genuinely confused by Brent’s refusal to come to heel like some misbehaving dog.

“Enough, Wade.” Vee sighed and walked over to her brother. “You’re not my father and, even if you were, it’s none of your business who I sleep with.”

“Jeez.” Wade rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and index finger. “Not an image I want in my head, Vee.”

“Too bad. If you’d walked in half an hour ago you’d have gotten the full visual effect.” Brent chuckled behind her as he placed a hand on her shoulder in support.

“Dammit, Vee.” Wade closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and looked at her. “Just tell me he didn’t force you.”

She didn’t get time to answer. Brent’s arm shot past her shoulder and his hand wrapped in the front of Wade’s shirt in a fist. “I should punch you for that, Johnson.”

“Fine. Okay. That was uncalled for.” Wade tried to remove Brent’s hand. “But I’ve watched you moon over her for years, Brent, and I’ve watched Vee fight with you every chance she got.”

“There’s a fine line between love and hate, Wade,” Vee said. “Brent isn’t the only one who’s been mooning. Obviously I’m better at keeping it hidden than he is.”

“You should show a little more confidence in your sister. You know as well as I do Valentine does nothing she doesn’t want to.” Brent removed his hand from Wade’s shirt.

“So what you’re trying to tell me is I should leave you alone and go back to my wife and son.”

“Yes.” Brent moved beside her and slung an arm over her shoulders. “We’ll come down to say hello later.”

Wade spun on his heel. “Damn. Now I’m gonna be wondering what the hell you two are doing,” he muttered as he left the room.

Vee let out a breath. “Well. That went brilliantly.”

“Yeah, I was kinda hoping we’d have us sorted out before your brother came home and threw a spanner in the works.” Brent turned her into his chest and tucked her head beneath his chin. “At least the first awkward moment is over with.”

“Awkward is a good word for it. Do you think it’ll get any easier?”

“He’ll get over it once the shock wears off.” Brent rubbed his hands up and down her back. “Don’t forget he didn’t just find you in my apartment, he found you wearing nothing but a wet towel.”

“True. Plus it’s quite obvious what we were doing before he arrived.”

“Look, as much as I want to make sure Wade isn’t going to freak out over this, I’d prefer if we got dressed and talked about us and where we go from here.” He tipped her chin up until their eyes met. “Let’s get dressed and go clean up our lunch. We can figure things out while we work.”

“What is there to work out?”

“Our next date.”


“Be my Valentine.” Brent smiled.

“Are you trying to confuse me?”

Brent reached for her hand and cradled it in both of his. “This has to be the least romantic setting in the world, but I want you to know how I feel. I love you. Have loved you for as long as I can remember and I don’t want to spend another day of my life without you in it.”

Vee’s hand shook as he brought it to his lips for a soft kiss. She threw herself into his arms and they tumbled to the floor. Her mouth found his and she poured everything she felt into their kiss. He might not think his declaration worthy, but it was the most romantic thing she’d ever experienced because it came from his heart. It came
his heart. Vee eased her mouth from his and stared at his smiling face.

“I love you, Brent.”

“I love you too.”

Brent rolled them over and pinned her beneath him for another long kiss. As always with him, a kiss turned to more and it was a few hours before they made it downstairs to clean up.

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