Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess (11 page)

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Authors: Pet Torres

Tags: #Children's Books, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy & Magic, #Teen & Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories

BOOK: Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess
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rock and roll concert was on that day. Hours before the event, I went to Mirta’s house. I brought some clothes in my backpack. My mother carefully took me by the hand and led me to our front door. Then she hugged me tightly for a while.

drink strong drinks, don’t smoke and behave yourself, ” I was well advised.

“You know I don’t do these things,” I said.

That’s alright, daughter,” she said and hugged me again.

hug was longer. I’d never hugged her that way. I felt a pang of remorse, as if I wouldn’t see her anymore.

“I love you, mother,”
I said, with a tormented voice and feeling a pain that I knew was inside me.

It’s nice to hear this,” she said.

I felt
she was smiling over my shoulder.

I don’t know if I’m the best daughter in the world for you, but you’re the best mother in the world for me,” I confessed and held her hands firmly.

I could have other child, I would like to have another daughter like you,” she admitted and we had another embrace … which lingered more than the first one…





I arrived at
Mirta’s house and we went upstairs in the direction of her room. Her house was large, beautiful and comfortable.

was almost ready and her make-up was finished. She helped me to choose my clothes, after I had gone several times in front of the mirror while I changed again and again. 

we were ready, I made a silent comparison between us. Mirta was dressed to kill, in a short, tight dress and her beautiful thighs exposed. She was a dazzling in gold, with her shoulder-length hair, her skin was delicate and eyes were light brown. The color of her lipstick was redder than her dress.

I took a look at myself.
I was dressed totally different from her. I was wearing doll style shoes, a sheath dress and pink high heels,with ribbons on them.  My makeup was light, despite the red lipstick on my lips, the same used by Mirta.

I untied my
long, black and curly hair. My eyes were almost the same color as my hair. My skin was blushed with a scarlet tone. We went downstairs as soon as we heard the sound of Christian’s car horn.




We arrived at the club. The place was crowded with people. I stopped next to the front doorstep, at the same time as I decided I would wait for Eros there.

Won’t you go in?” Mirta asked me, when she saw me standing in front of the club entrance.

I’ll stay here waiting for him,” I answered, looking all around.

He should have already arrived. If he hasn’t shown up until now, that’s because he won’t come,” she said firmly.

I was overwhelmed with despair
. Mirta was right. He would probably not come. Even so I waited for him for half an hour… and he didn’t come.

Then I walked into the
club, alone. There was a lot of excitement in there and finding Mirta and Christian would be a tough mission for me. I thought it would have been easier and much less disappointing if I’d stayed home.

I was in that
concert for a reason, because of someone who didn’t even care about showing up. He didn’t deserve what I felt for him. After all, he was a monster… a vampire. He should not have a heart. At least he should not feel anything for me.

It was too late
for me to explain this to my own heart, since it was ruled by him. That was very clear. Every time I saw him, my heart palpitated strongly.


I glanced up at the private booth on the second floor. I saw a dark shadow identical to Eros. He was staring at me. It seemed to be him, in his dark clothes.

Even as I was staring at him,
he got out of sight and was no longer there where I saw him. My glance was everywhere, looking for him in that club.

At that moment a soft voice came out of the crowd

Even with all that
boisterous noise, I could distinguish his remarkable voice at my back.

I was looking for you,” he said, placing one hand softly on my right shoulder.

Then I turned to face him and saw his face so close to mine, while
I stared into his dark gray eyes. It seemed we were the only ones in that place.

I thought you wouldn’t come,” I confessed with a gleam in my eyes.

“I said
I would come.” His voice was so persuasive.

He gazed back all around for a
long moment and saw everyone around him. He could hear everyone’s heart beating. It enticed him as if he’d been invited to drink human blood.

Let’s go,” he said and held my hand tighter, leading me through the crowd. We went to the booth, where there were half a dozen people.

he held my hand, I had the same feeling when he touched me for the first time, avoiding my fall to the ground. His hands were frosty, but the touch of his cold hands on my skin as always made my body catch fire.

Looking down at
the stage, I could see the rock and roll bands performing.

I saw Mirta
in a corner. She was kissing Christian on his lips. I watched Eros to see his reaction. He was examining that type of behavior of the couple.

Mirta was
in her red dress with beautiful bare legs.

She really attracted his attention
. Eros stared at Mirta all the time as she was in her red dress. She was so alluring…and seductive. Her neck was the main highlight.

Then he
quickly looked away at the stage. On his side, there were humans with blood running through their veins.

In his inner soul, the pulse of those people
looked evident for him. He could listen to the beats of human hearts and he was racked with torment.

He was defenseless
from his appetite for fresh human blood. I could feel the gentle, soothing touch of his lips on my neck.

That was a way
to keep him under control. I had a half-breed blood, half human and half vampire. Through my smell it made him stop wishing for human blood.

I didn’t
attract his attention in that aspect. But I couldn’t avoid his eyes as they changed color, nor his sharp teeth breaking out of his lips.

“Eros, are you all right?” I asked,
not understanding his strange reaction. I’d never seen him acting like that, uncontrollable.

“The scent from
your blood calms me down,” he said. So he set his face against my neck. I felt his icy breath, almost ceasing. That was a different breath from a normal
person, from someone who wasn’t a vampire.

His face
came back to normal.

Let’s get out of here!” he suggested.


He snatched my arm and led me into the throng.

We walked through the people,
pushing them, with many of them staring at us angrily.

frowned at me, impatiently, and pulled down a group of people in front of us. We walked out of the club with in a few minutes. That was much easier than when we entered it.

Then we reached the street
, walking side by side on the pavement.

“What’s the matter with you?” I asked.

“I can’t stay in the middle of so many people. The blood of some of them enhances my appetite for human blood.” Eros looked confused.

“Have you
bitten many people?” I asked, curious.

Enough.” His voice was aloof.


We walked on a deserted street in silence. There were only some cars badly parked.

After that, we heard a blaring noise of people coming after me.

“She must be there!” That was my doctor’s voice.

We’ll catch her,” other man said.

I didn’t understand why
the doctor was after me.

“What does he
want from me?”


“Let’s run!” Eros said.


We ran and stopped in a different street. I glared at him and he stared at my frightened eyes. There were five men along with the doctor.

They reached
us, we were trapped. Eros stopped and looked from side to side, between me and the gun.

The doctor was
pointing his gun in my direction.

“What do you want
from me?” I cautiously asked.

We want you to come with us,” the doctor replied, and made a friendly gesture in my direction.

hy?” My voice was frightened.

“You have a
rare type of blood. We need to examine you,” he stated.

I’m not going with you!” I said loudly.

I glanced up apprehensively
. I was very afraid.

Either you come with us, or you will die right here,” the doctor said.

I had no choice. After all,
I would die sooner or later.

I prefer to die now,” I said, in an outbreak of panic.

stood in front of me, trying to protect me from them.

won’t get what you want. I won’t let anyone hurt her,” Eros said and his face was very grave.

fought the six men. He didn’t use his vampire powers as he struggled like a human being. For a few moments he dominated the fight, until he was beaten and fell on the ground.

Run! Go away!” Eros yelled, in panic, looking towards me.

I can’t leave you alone here with them,” I said, fearfully.

Go way!” Eros vociferated.

had no choice and did it as he asked. I ran away.

I heard
shooting from the doctor’s gun. I stared back at them, alarmed, and I saw Eros lying on the floor.  His eyes were shut… he was dead.

I tried
to go back and die with him. I realized those men were pursuing me and then I ran even faster.

I reached
a street with several exits. I moved quickly towards one of them and saw a giant tree. I climbed it and stayed hidden on a branch. They walked from side to side but didn’t find me.

Then they walked away.

catch her,” the doctor said aloud.

I listened to
everything they said. 

I descended the
tree hours later, when I was sure that they weren’t close to me and I wasn’t in danger anymore that night. During  my escape I had lost my shoes. My dress was torn to shreds and I was dusty. My hair was untidy. I didn’t care about that.

I realized that
Eros was really dead when I climbed the roof of a house. I stayed there, sitting and looking straight ahead the darkness in that horrid night.

was dead, that was all I could think of. I remembered again the noise of shooting and Eros’s body on the ground.

I cried
in a deep despair. First I thought that in my life I just depended on my mother to survive. Now I realized that Eros had become a part of my world too.


What would I do without him?


I figured out I would never see his face again, nor would hear his voice. Wouldn’t touch his cold skin, wouldn’t
feel his gelid touch on my skin.


My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps on the roof. I looked slightly to the side and saw his image, standing in front of me, with three wounds on his chest.

“You’re dead
! I saw them killing you!” I said and my eyes were wide opened, shocked.

I thought
I was talking to a ghost.

Did you forget I’m immortal?” he asked and leaped over, in a unique, double jump and came quickly in my direction.

I stood up
quietly and verified the shooting holes on his chest. I touched his dark T-shirt; pressing my fingers against the three wounds in his dead flesh.

His blood was
dark and thick. He didn’t bleed like humans. His blood was gummous.

I was sure he wasn’t
an illusion. He had really survived, he was an immortal. It would be impossible for a human being to escape that ambush.

For the first time
I understood that being a vampire had some pros and immortality was one of them.

In a few hours I’ll be totally recovere,” he said, while removing the three bullets from his chest with his fingers. He contorted his face in pain after removing the bullets. The bullets fell on the floor, clinking.


When I looked into his dark eyes, they changed color. Now his eyes became light-gray and there were dark rings around them.

His teeth
sprung slowly. He needed to show his true nature by doing that.

I faced his light grey
eyes without fear. It occurred to me that his supernatural look was even more irresistible than his human face.


How could a creature from the darkness be dreadful and
at the same time

interrupted my thoughts after I heard him say something.

in danger!” He was so worried.

What should I do? They’ll certainly come after me, and you’re also in danger,” I deduced, watching his face.

I hadn’t realized
that I was very concerned about him, instead of myself. I wouldn’t forgive myself if something bad happened to him again.

You’ll have to come with me.” He stared into my eyes. “You
might behave like a human, but you can’t do all they do,” Eros warned me, with a harsh voice.

Where will we go?” I stared at him, confused.

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