Vampire in Denial (21 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult, #Paranormal & Fantasy, #Vampire, #Family Blood Ties, #Adult crossover, #Dale Mayer, #Paranormal, #Paranormal Romance, #YA

BOOK: Vampire in Denial
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"That is so gross. I didn’t like human blood before, but now I’m never gonna drink any."


Jewel’s tone reminded Tessa of her human friend Susan, who’d vowed to be vegetarian after going to an abattoir.


"Where do we go from here?"


Serus had already started to move along the back wall toward a series of large doors ahead of him. The others hurried to keep up. Cody grabbed Tessa by the shoulders, "Remember the monitors from the computer room. That means cameras everywhere. Keep your face down in case we're being watched."


"Shit." It was all she could do to not look up and search for the damn things. A frisson of fear slid down her back at the thought of being watched. Up ahead, her dad held out his hand in warning. Then a soft, intense look came over his face.


"Oh, my God, he’s found mom. Look, he’s talking to her telepathically," she whispered to Cody.


Thank heavens for that. Serus stayed still for another long moment while the others crouched behind a cart piled high with machine parts. Tessa shivered. Lack of food and sleep was giving her the shakes in these temperatures. She huddled up close to the person next to her.


Serus moved back and squatted down beside them. "They’re being held on the far side. Stay down and we’ll sneak along the perimeter."


"Did she mention my father?" Cody's husky voice sounded against Tessa's ear, startling her. It's the first time she realized she'd snuggled into his arms.


"They are all being held together in the one room and they’re fine, although the thirst is starting to affect a couple of them." Serus stood up cautiously.


Tessa frowned. Being hungry, so close to this operation, couldn't be easy. Vampires would respond to the metallic smell of blood, regardless of their discerning tastes. Even she would herself if she went too long without food or wore herself down too much. And she hated the stuff. They needed to get out as soon as possible. Following Serus's lead, everyone stood up beside him. Tessa was thrilled when she realized Cody had left his arm around her shoulder.


"She also saw four guards, one huge male and two more vampires working with the patients."


David did the math. "Seven against four."


"Not if we rescue our family and friends first."


"I’ll take those odds." Tessa had never fought, but figured she could handle herself somewhat. Desperation did that, but with her jumping skills, she was liable to get away easier than the others – except for the fliers of course. "So go to rescue Mom and then what? Take down the seven personnel
that we know of
and lock them up while we wait for reinforcements?"


The three males turned to stare at her. "Yeah, something like that. Only it won’t be quite that easy – these are vampires, not people. They are every bit as fast and as strong as we are."


Tessa knew that. She nodded. "Unless they are 'turned' vampires. Then who knows. Let’s go."


Just as they were ready to move, they heard voices.




Jared didn’t dare sit up again, not when it was likely to bring the nurses back. His window of opportunity was closing…fast. They could come for him any moment. He’d already removed the catheter, almost passing out in the process. He could only hope removing the IVs wouldn’t be as bad. Under the cover of the sheets, he removed the tape holding the needles flush against his wrist, wincing as hairs tore off with it. One of the needles slipped out with the tape. Now for the other one.


Rolling his head into the pillow against the pain, he pressed the backs of his hands against the sheet to stop the bleeding.


Free for the first time, he searched for a weapon. Anything. The IV pole was feeble, but all he had available. Sliding out of bed, away from the camera's view, he grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around him like a toga. It wasn’t much, but maybe his clothes were here somewhere. He ducked down to check under the bed but found nothing. With no cupboards or furniture in the room, other than the beds, he figured he’d have to go out Roman style.


He slipped over to the open door and peered out.


A flash of movement on the left side had him pulling back. Someone was out there.
He readied his IV pole weapon and waited.




Tessa hunched lower down, out of the men’s way. Neither she nor Jewel wanted anything to do with the fighting. She'd be happy to leave that part to the men. Between the cold temperature and the sinister location, her shakes hadn't eased any. The absence of smells also bothered her. It was probably too cold for any to linger. Fans hummed in the background, an ominous reminder of the industrial level of this center.


She listened as footsteps clipped closer. Her father's fangs slid out. Tessa winced. He had some seriously long fangs. It went along with his age and lineage. She blinked.


And missed it.


It was over so quickly, so quietly she didn’t understand what had happened until her father dragged the guy around the cart to her side. "Is he dead?" she whispered hoarsely. She winced at her father's glare. She'd take that as a yes. "That’s the short older guy from the house," she whispered. "He was with the really big pudgy guy. The big guy must be here too."


David groaned. "Why do the bad guys always come in extra large sizes?"


Her father bent down. "Come on, stay focused. Your mother says there's one guard in the room with them, too."


"Can't Goran and the others take him down then?" David suggested.


"No. They are tied up, I think. She said they were restrained."


Tessa didn’t want the details, she wanted the solution. "Come on. Let’s go."


Her father led the way with Tessa right behind him. They managed to remain undetected as they traveled down along the long back curved wall. Coming around the corner was a different story.


"Hey. Who are you?" A man in a lab coat walked toward them.


Serus stepped forward with a genial smile to greet him. "Sorry, son. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just came to check out my investment."


"Oh." The man looked around uncertainly. "We weren’t expecting anyone today."


"No, I wasn’t supposed to make it this early. But like most things in life, change happens." Serus smiled and chills ran down Tessa’s back. She’d never seen that look on her father's face.


Her father reached out as if to pat the guy on his back, but his hand clamped around the guy’s throat, pressing hard on the carotid artery. The guy slid toward the floor. Her dad caught him before he hit, then dragged him around a large laundry cart and dumped him behind it, out of sight.


"That’s two," David crowed.


Optimistic, they picked up their pace and made it around the corner to find a series of doors dotting the long wall. Tessa counted six. Two were open. "Can you tell which one Mom is in?"


"No. Just that she’s here somewhere. She's waiting for an opportunity to move on their guard, too."


"Good." David slipped around in front of them and casually opened the first door. He stuck his head in and pulled back. "Empty, except for long rows of beds."


They slipped down to the second door, with David once again opening the door. He motioned for someone to go with him. Cody entered behind him. Tessa and Jewel stared at each other wide-eyed when they heard muffled noises. Then David and Cody came back out. Something had changed. If they were Native Americans then it would be as if they’d have gone through a manhood ritual of some kind. There was a thirst in their eyes but they were calm, taller and straighter. Tessa shook her head and smiled.


"Another male down."


The next door was open. A woman sat at a desk checking over sheets of paper stacked beside her. The men all looked over at Tessa. Her eyes widened. "What?"


David answered. "It’s a woman; we don’t want to have to hurt her."


"But I do?" Shaking her head, Tessa dragged Jewel in behind her.


"Hello." The woman jumped up. "What are you doing here? Get out. No one is allowed down here." As Tessa steadily approached, the woman pulled out a phone. "I’m calling security."


"I don’t think so." Jewel hissed, her fangs sliding out as the other woman bared hers.


"You bitch."


Tessa picked up the chair as the woman went for Jewel. She crashed it down on her head.


The nurse crumpled. Tessa bent down, picked up the cell phone and removed the woman’s set of keys from her pocket. Grinning, the girls made a fast exit and locked the door behind them. They were greeted by looks of new respect when they faced the males again.




Tessa held up the keys. "Thought we might need these."


They raced to the next door to find it locked. Tessa tried several keys before finding the right one. She quickly unlocked the door and looked inside.


Her mother lay crumpled on the floor, her legs and arms tied behind her. Tessa ran in. "Mom. Are you okay?"


"Look out!"


Shit. Tessa had forgotten there was a guard. Spinning around, she barely saw Goran launch himself at the guard. Arms tied together, his fingers clawed into the guard's neck. Serus stepped up, blocking Tessa's view. The guard slumped to the ground, unconscious.


Tessa shuddered and raced to her mother's side to make sure she was all right. She wrapped her in a warm hug.


"Honey, I’m so glad to see you."


Serus joined them and quickly undid the bindings to help his wife to her feet. "Take it easy when you stand up. The blood is going to be painful as it moves through your limbs." He supported her gently, the love for his wife naked on his face. She gasped and leaned into his strength. With his arms around her, they looked so intimate that Tessa turned away to give them some privacy.


Goran wrapped an arm around Cody’s shoulders. His voice shook with emotion as he said, "Thanks, son."


"Hey, Dad, I think you missed our meeting?"


They grinned at each other.


Serus looked at him over Rhia’s head. "We’ve taken out three men and one woman. How many more?"


Goran frowned. "Of those we know of, one badass, one unknown and one of us. I’m going to kick that boy’s arse something fierce when I catch up to him."


"Jacob?" Tessa spun around at his comment.


Almost backing up in surprise, Goran glared at her. "You know about him?"


"I saw him talking with strangers when he shouldn’t have been – at one of the vampire holdings." She glanced toward the open door. "Is he here?"


"I don’t know. Saw him a while ago. Dumb punkass kid."


"If you can travel, we need to get going." Tessa shot Goran a questioning look.


He glared at her. "I am
ready to get down to business."


"Easy, Dad, Tessa’s had a hard day."


"Like how," snorted David, easing back to the front door. "My kid sister was kidnapped and when they gave her back to us she had this Wonder Woman thing going on."


Tessa grinned, pride straightening her spine. "Yeah, Wonder Woman. That’s me.


Her mother reached over and gave her a quick hug. "I really want to get away from whatever hell is going on here. We are not enforcers."


David turned back to face her, a question written all over his face. "Weren’t they like a vampire army that kept the peace among the clans?"


"They were. There are only a few of them left. Without the need for their skills any longer, they’ve pretty well disbanded."


"That’s too bad. That’s exactly who we need right now." Cody turned to face his dad. "Do you know any of them we could call for help?"


Goran hesitated. "Maybe, but there’s no guarantee they’d be on our side and not with this lot." He nodded out to the warehouse and its gruesome contents. "They believe human blood makes them fierce hunters." He exchanged grim looks with Serus. "Had you considered them?"


Serus glanced down at Rhia tucked up tight in his arms. "No, I hadn’t, and honestly, that thought is enough to make me want to pack up my family and run. That means there’s war ahead. For all of us – with humans becoming the discarded, undervalued casualty."


"I don’t understand."


Tessa and David stared at each other. "You’re saying these old enforcers could be behind this factory?"


"Or they could be the beneficiaries of the blood."


Tessa’s eyes widened. "But how many are there? Surely, they couldn’t consume this quantity?"


"Not unless someone is building an army of them."




Jared couldn’t stop his legs from trembling. He wouldn't make it out of the room in this condition. His feet had turned to mini glaciers.


There. Noise sounded next door to him. Men approached.


He waited, his fingers tense on the makeshift weapon.

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