Read Vampire Sheikh Online

Authors: Nina Bruhns

Vampire Sheikh (11 page)

BOOK: Vampire Sheikh
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Chapter 12

” Joss exclaimed for the dozenth time. She felt exhilarated, awestruck, captivated and more alive than she'd ever felt in her life. “Seth-Aziz! That was

The huge lion regarded her with half-lidded, unreadable feline eyes. His head was lowered and his mouth slightly open as he fed his winded lungs with air. His upper lip curled in a snarl, showing vicious teeth as long as her fingers.

But she was no longer afraid. Lions were supposed to be scary. But this was Seth-Aziz. He hadn't hurt her before. He wouldn't now, even in his majestic

He padded closer to her on paws the size of her whole head, his unruly black mane falling about his leonine face as he looked down at her from high above. She
could smell him, the strong, musky scent of a wild animal.

was what you wanted to show me?” she said, flinging her arms out in a sand angel, unable, unwilling, to quell the joy in her voice. “Thank you,” she said. “Oh, thank you! I shall never forget that ride as long as I live!”

She reached upward and touched the riotous fur of his shaggy mane. It was thick and coarse, yet the strands were light as air between her fingertips. She lifted her other hand and combed her fingers through the formidable black halo. He stared down at her. She touched his rough cheeks, and drew her palms over the warm, bristly fur that covered his face. His nose was broad and flat, reminding her of a mysterious sphinx.

His nostrils flared, and he came closer, within inches, bringing those enigmatic eyes close enough to see the striations of his irises. They were on her like lasers, watching every move she made, drilling into her with a predator's intensity.

She wasn't worried. Gemma had told her story after story of his enlightened leadership and his immense love for his people—everything he did, he did for the good of Khepesh and his followers.

A man like that would never hurt her.

She stroked the backs of her fingers along his massive jaw. Okay, so he wasn't exactly a man at the moment. She knew she should be scared witless of this giant beast with its deadly strength and its saber-like teeth, but she was unable to summon any emotion save awe.

“You're magnificent,” she murmured. “Truly.”

She lifted up to place a kiss on one surprisingly
smooth-haired jowl. A low, rumbling growl sounded deep in his chest.

She smiled and lay back on the ground and closed her eyes, just savoring the moment.

He let out a roar.

Startled, she opened her eyes again. He was now standing right above her. His large body blocked out the spangle of stars above, his paws on either side of her, not touching her but effectively pinning her down.

She felt a brief pang of apprehension. Not fear, really. But… God, what was he doing?


His head lowered toward her, coming closer and closer, until his large, cool nose touched her cheek. She could feel his hot breath on her skin, and smell the distinctive scent of his lion's pelt. Under it, she caught a drift of the man himself, the unique sage and spice his skin carried, that she remembered so well from this afternoon.

“Seth…” she whispered, lifting her hand to the edge of his face, sliding her fingers into the fringe of mane that rimmed it.

With another growl, his mouth opened, and opened more, and then the angle of his head turned, and he placed his jaws around her throat, spanning it from ear to ear.

She could feel the pointed tips of his huge teeth scrape against her tender skin, the hot lion saliva soaking her in its languorous warmth.

Like blood.

Oh, Lord.
Her heart thundered.

His body crouched down, lowering itself until she
could feel the hair of his belly poke into the soft fabric of her tunic, and the muscles of his massive haunches press into the sides of her thighs.

He was aroused.

Oh, dear
Okay, now she was getting scared. She grabbed handfuls of his mane, tried to drag him away, but it was no use.

With another low growl, the sandpaper touch of his tongue scraped under her ear, a solid, living, vibrating force against her fluttering throat. The spell of the vampire bite under her opposite ear came instantly to life, sending a dark, agonizing ribbon of want through her center, just as he'd warned her it would.

What was he

The points of his teeth clamped a smidgen tighter around her throat, just enough so she didn't dare try to move away. The twin bite marks throbbed erotically, sending pangs of need shooting through her veins, the spell working its undeniable magic on her flesh. Her body awakened with a sensual jolt, quickening with a burst of desire. His supple lion's tongue moved slowly along its path with powerfully restrained intensity, toward the center hollow of her throat. When he reached the shallow dip, she wanted to swallow but didn't dare. His teeth were like an iron maiden around her vulnerable flesh. One slight move could slide his tongue onto the vampire bite and send her body into a mortifying paroxysm of pleasure.

The speed of his breath had gotten faster, the sensual crush of his body over hers a fraction heavier. His thick arousal pushed more insistently against her belly.

Ohgod ohgod ohgod.

She knew what would happen if his tongue went any closer. She could feel it already, the explosion that tingled and teased at the fringes of her physical craving.

His tongue moved. Blinding need tore through her. Her nipples zinged painfully. The pulsing pearl of want between her thighs begged for more, more,
His tongue kept moving.

“No,” she whispered desperately. “Not like this!”

But it was too late. The tip of his tongue glided hotly over her vampire marks. They flared to life.

She started to come apart. With a cry, she threw her arms around his head…and suddenly realized he'd shifted. It was Seth's lips and tongue bringing her to climax.

She plunged into the blissful agony of orgasm. She bucked and quaked and finally just let herself go, abandoning all vestige of control. She rode the storm and soaked in the pleasure, dizzy with its preternatural intoxication.

Suddenly her clothes were gone, and his were, too, and their naked bodies slid together, causing a cry of excruciating need from the core of her being. She opened her legs and rejoiced when his body surged between them. He thrust, and his cock plunged into her. He was long and thick, and filled her to the hilt. She moaned in exquisite pleasure.

His mouth moved up and covered hers, latching on with toe-curling erotic suction. The wet thrust of his tongue imitated the movements of his cock between her legs. In and out. In and out. Hot. Hard.
So good.

Too good.

She cried out as another orgasm swept through her body.

This time he came with her.

He roared his release with a shiveringly familiar, growling timbre to his primal mating call.

After the quivers subsided, a moan of pleasure and fulfillment soughed through her. Every nerve in her body felt wonderfully sated. “Ohhh…Seth…”

She clung to him, her arms surrounding his muscular back, the weight of him substantial and solid between her legs. Even in human form he was impressive…and impressively large. “That was…” She swallowed.
The most incredible sex she'd ever had in her entire life
. “Unexpected.”

He grunted, rolling her so she lay on top of him. He folded his arms loosely around her.

She opened her eyes and with a shock realized there was a bed under them. “How on earth—” she began. “Right,” she corrected herself. She didn't think she'd ever get used to his world of magic and spells and shape-shifting. “Is there anything you can't do?” she asked, gazing down at him.

He took a final deep breath and let it out. “Unfortunately, yes.”

Once again he didn't look like a happy camper.

She felt a crush of disappointment. Apparently she was alone in thinking their lovemaking had been amazing.

What. Ever. She was a big girl. She'd live.

With an effort, she summoned the proper sangfroid appropriate to a moment of passion that had caught them both by surprise. “You needn't worry,” she reassured
him. “Just because we made love, believe me, I'm not going to demand you take me as your consort or anything. I know you didn't really want this, or me.”

He gazed up at her for a moment with those black, black eyes that made her shiver. “Gemma's been talking to you, I see.” His voice was cool and neutral.

She nodded and slid off him. He didn't try to stop her. She landed on the mattress and sank into it. It felt good under her body. Like a soft, cradling embrace. Unlike him. So much for the vastly exaggerated “romantic vampire” myth. “Yeah. She told me about Nephtys's vision and the rest of it. Something you probably should have done.”


She rolled her head to give him an incredulous look. “You don't think that might be something I'd want to know, and, oh, maybe have a say in?”

“Why?” he repeated.

“Are you serious?” Wow. “So it never occurred to you that I might not
to marry you, or whatever being a consort entails?”

“No,” he said.

Incredible. No ego there, or anything.

“Anyway,” she said. “You've obviously changed your mind, so it doesn't matter anymore. And I'm fine with that.”

More than fine. Honestly.

She gazed up between the four tall corner posts of the bed he'd conjured for them, artfully tied with sheer silk curtains wafting in the breeze from the finials. The
square of indigo night sky above was spangled with a million stars, glittering and winking like diamonds.

It was so beautiful. Like everything about Khepesh and this man. And for a single, crazy moment she thought, jeez, too bad he
want to marry her. Because where would she ever find another man who was quite so handsome, sexy and…thoroughly magical? But…

“Sex isn't everything, Seth-Aziz,” she said, figuring that was the reason he couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to become his consort. He'd only see how much she enjoyed their bed play.

“Call me Seth,” he said, ignoring the real substance of her statement. Apparently vampire demigods were no different from other men when it came to being obtuse. “I appreciate the show of respect,” he told her, “but we're lovers now. You can drop the formality.”

How casually he made the mental switch from adversary to intimacy. For her the transition wasn't so easy. Nor was the assumption of their relationship quite so simple.

“What I mean is,” she said, “lovers or no, we just met. We might not even like each other. Hell, fifty percent of mortal unions end in divorce. And, well, forever is a really long time.” A
of a long time to be tied to someone who openly resented you. Even if he was a god in bed.

“None of that matters,” he said, not looking at her.

Was he even

“In any case, it's all moot. I'm glad you changed your mind. About both things,” she added. “I'm not usually one for jumping into bed with a man five minutes after
I meet him, but…I'm glad I made an exception with you.”

“You didn't have a choice,” he said impassively.

She hiked a brow. His aloof tone was really starting to bug her. “Are you saying you wouldn't have respected my wishes if I'd told you to stop?” A strange thing to tell her now. Kinda spoiled the mood. “You
have told me to stop. Your mortal blood in my body has bound us physically. If I want you, and bid you come to me, it's impossible for you to refuse. You'll never want to refuse me.”

She blinked. She could have sworn it had been her own idea to sleep with him. But this unnatural world was so insane, she supposed it could be his influence making her think so.

“Oh,” she said, even more deflated. “That sucks.”

“Why? You just said you enjoyed our coupling.”

“I did. At least I think I did. But if that's true, how much of my desire was real? How do I know if I really enjoyed it, or if your vampyric powers just made me think I did?”

He finally looked over at her, his eyes questioning. “What difference does it make?”

Double wow. He really had to be kidding. “A big difference,” she said. “Like, oh, the difference between mutual consent and rape.”

“Rape?” he echoed. “Surely not, if you enjoyed it? If you wanted me?”

“But if you
that want, if it's impossible for me to refuse…” She turned away and gazed back up at the stars, extremely unsettled. She sighed. “I guess we'll never know the truth.”

Fabulous. He'd managed to totally ruin the moment. Now all she wanted to do was forget all about it.


She sat up. “I think you'd better take me back to my sister now.”

He sat up behind her. His hand touched her shoulder, and she tried not to shudder. His other hand extended a goblet of wine around to her. “There's no hurry. Let's just relax for a while before—”

“No, thanks. I'm really not in the mood any more.” She looked about for her discarded tunic and pants. Not that she remembered taking them off… “My clothes?”

Again he ignored her question. “Josslyn, there's something I need to—”

“I'd also like to see my parents,” she went on, taking a page from his own playbook. “Hopefully I can arrange passage back to the States for all of us. They'll need new passports and—”

His hands grasped her arms from behind. “Josslyn, stop. You know that's not going to happen.”

She frowned at him over her shoulder. “The passports? I think it'll be possible. Somehow I don't believe the State Department is so organized that they know my parents are supposed to be dead.”

BOOK: Vampire Sheikh
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