Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2 (26 page)

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Her eyebrows shot up. “Do you think I’m going to be looking for someone else? The two of you are more than enough for me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Valarian smiled and chuckled, a deep rich sound that made her feel like a melting Hershey’s bar on a s’more. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, then turned off the water and opened the shower door, letting out a cloud of steam.

“I think Jacob’s waiting for us.”

They toweled dry and then walked into her beautiful bedroom, so calm and restful with its oyster-shell walls and the hypnotic fish tank. Jacob had lit candles and drawn the drapes to block the daylight. The twilit atmosphere was hushed and seductively sexy. Akila and her two handsome, bare-assed lovers. It was almost too much gorgeous man-flesh for one woman to handle, but she was willing to give it her all.

Jacob drew back the covers and the three of them climbed onto the cool, smooth sheets of her bed. Hot flesh surrounded her on both sides, chests, groins, arms and legs, encompassing her in a cocoon of warmth and testosterone.

She kissed Valarian while Jacob nuzzled her shoulder and slid a hand around one of her breasts. His cock nudged against her rear, sliding over her anus and making it clench. The one thing they hadn’t done together yet was simultaneous penetration, and suddenly Akila was desperate to feel both their cocks inside her at once. The idea of the act was hugely arousing, but it wasn’t just about the thrill of something so extreme. She simply wanted to share herself with both these amazing men she’d grown to love. For a few precious moments, they would truly become one.

Valarian plucked at her lips with soft, caressing kisses alternated with a more passionate exploration, slicking his tongue between her lips and invading her mouth. His hand smoothed down her side to her hip then moved to the front to toy with her clit. She gasped into his mouth as tingles sparked through her.

Hands touched her everywhere, sliding over her skin, plucking at her nipples, delving between her legs to tease her pussy. She was lost in the sensation of touch, surrendering her will and letting them do with her what they would. It was an alluring, fascinating feeling—that giving over of herself.

Jacob’s moistened finger found her rear entrance and he probed gently inside. Akila groaned and pushed back against him.

“Good?” he asked.

She broke away from Valarian’s mouth to mutter, “Yes.”

Valarian kissed her jaw, her neck, slid his tongue down her jugular and swirled it in the hollow of her throat. A low growl rumbled in his chest and Akila half expected his fangs to pierce her neck at any moment. But only his soft lips grazed her flesh as he moved even lower and latched onto one of her breasts.

Akila watched with heavy-lidded gaze the appealing sight of the dark-haired vampire suckling her tit and Jacob’s hand cradling her breast. Her nipples were pebbled hard, and each tug of mouth or fingers sent a shaft of pleasure shooting down to her pussy. Pride at being the focus of the two men’s attention swelled through her. Or maybe pride wasn’t the right word, but delight and a tiny bit of smugness that she was the axis on which they turned. But that wasn’t precisely true either. The three of them were a delicate balancing act, like those Chinese acrobats that did amazing feats. Right now, she was the fulcrum, but at other times it might be Valarian or Jacob who was the center of their union.

As if to underscore her thought, Valarian reached over her hip to stroke Jacob’s. The sight of his long fingers gliding down the other man’s hairy thigh made her wish to watch them together. Only them, without her involved. Although she’d occasionally seen them touch or kiss in the past, she had yet to play voyeur as the two men made love. That would be a beautiful sight.

But her fantasy of hard male bodies thrusting together was interrupted as Valarian’s hand returned to her clit, rubbing with just the right pressure to drive her up the steep slope to the edge of orgasm. Her thoughts focused on the physical present and on Jacob’s fingers, lubed with something and thrusting into her backdoor. Her sphincter stretched to accommodate him and she begged for more.

“Do it. Fuck me, both of you.”

Spurred by her command, Valarian growled louder and brought his cock to her entrance. He pierced her with one hard thrust that made her yelp in surprise. He faced her, looking down into her eyes. “Like that?”

“God, yes,” she moaned.

Behind her, Jacob introduced the tip of his penis to her rear. He’d stretched and widened the way, but even so it was a tight fit. He groaned as he pushed inside her as slowly and carefully as he could.

“You’re so tight,” he muttered near her ear, “so hot. It feels like…” He left the thought unfinished but his hungry growl made her shiver. He continued to push in easy increments until he was fully seated inside her. Valarian held steady, not thrusting, waiting for her to be completely filled.

Akila whimpered as her body adjusted to the thickness of Jacob’s cock. It wasn’t a whimper of pain, although there was a burning sensation as her channel stretched around him. She was overcome with emotion, with the sheer intensity of sheathing both of her lovers at once. Incredible heat surrounded her. The masculine smell of their clean sweat filled her senses.

She moaned and shifted, uncertain whether to push forward or back. But she didn’t need to do either. Valarian pulled out and thrust again. Then Jacob eased out of her body before filling her again. They set up an easy seesaw motion—one then the other driving into her. They caught each other’s rhythm and worked in sync to bring her pleasure. Waves of joy swept through her and receded again and again. She caught her breath and closed her eyes, tears leaking from beneath her lids to trickle down her cheeks.

Immediately Valarian stopped. “Are you all right?”

“Oh yes. It’s good, so good. More!” she gasped.

Her enthusiasm stimulated the two men, making them lose some composure and their rhythm as they both thrust simultaneously. Akila cried out at the powerful invasion. Stuffed full. Not a corner of her body belonged to her. She was theirs, all theirs. And they were hers. And each other’s. Three become one.

The tension deep in her belly spiraled up and up through her entire body as she quaked between their heaving bodies. Her climax exploded through her, a star gone supernova. Whirling galaxies flashed behind her closed eyelids and the other aspect of her moved in the vastness. Ra, or whatever elemental force it might be, filled her and she became superhuman.

She was barely aware of Jacob shuddering against her back, his blunt teeth biting lightly on her shoulder. She was too far outside herself, floating above the trio on the bed and watching with an almost detached view as Valarian threw back his head and howled, revealing razor-sharp canines.

This is where I belong. With them.
Calm assurance filled her. Akila returned to herself as her two lovers disengaged from her, pulling back into their own spheres on either side of her. Valarian lay back on the pillow and smiled at her. She flopped onto her back and cast a glance at Jacob on her other side. Roses bloomed in his cheeks, heating his pale complexion. He met her gaze.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“That I’ll take both of you home to meet my parents,” she answered. “The holidays are coming soon, but I think we should go before that. I’ve talked to my mom every day over the past weeks since the story broke, but she’s still a mess. She needs to see me to know that I’m okay. And since you’re going to be a part of my life, she and Dad need to meet you too.”

“Oh.” Jacob’s eyes widened.

“Not what you expected, huh? But I think it’s time.”

“Of course,” Valarian said. “Your family is important. We’re anxious to meet them. Aren’t we, Jacob?”

“What have you told them about the three of us?” Jacob asked.

“So far, only that Valarian is a vampire and my boss and that you’re his assistant. But she’s not dumb. She can tell there’s more.” Her stomach clenched at the thought of revealing the extent of their relationship to her parents. The part about Valarian being a vampire wouldn’t be nearly as alarming to them as the idea of their daughter living in a ménage relationship. They wouldn’t take it well, but if this was to be a long-term thing, they would eventually need to know—in increments. No need to rush.

“For now, we’ll keep to the vampire and destiny stuff. My dad would be thrilled to know we’re descendants of Ra. The part about us being together will come out with time.”

“Good plan.” Valarian rose from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Jacob rose up on his elbow and regarded her. “Are you sure you’re all right? Not regretting anything?”

She touched his cheek. “Not regretting, I promise. This is my new life and I’m eager to see it unfold. But I know you’ve been chafing at being Valarian’s thrall. Do you still feel like you want to leave?”

He paused before answering, thoughts flitting like shadows over his transparent blue eyes. “He and I have worked some things out. I no longer feel locked into a role I’d outgrown. I could never leave him anyway. We’re too connected. But with you here, I’ll be content. You add the piece I was missing. The thing that makes me feel complete.”

“I’m glad because I feel the same way about you. Both of you.” She could sense that restlessness she’d felt in him when they first met had smoothed like the ruffled surface of a lake gone calm. “Valarian loves you, you know.”

Jacob looked toward the bathroom from which Valarian emerged with a damp washcloth and towel for Akila. “I suppose I love him too. It’s complicated.”

She laughed. “I imagine. Everything about the three of us will be.”
But I couldn’t imagine having anything less than both of these amazing men.

“I think we’re up to the challenge.” Valarian sat on the edge of the bed and offered Akila the cloth. “‘The results achieved are in direct proportion to the effort applied.’”

“Buddha?” she asked.

“No, I think that’s MacGyver,” Jacob said.

Akila and Valarian exchanged a look and then turned to him.

His eyebrows arched. “What? I watch TV sometimes. I know current quotes.”

Valarian laughed. “No. You really don’t. But I love your reliability, Jacob. I always know what to expect from you. I can count on your cluelessness about popular culture.”

“It’s kind of adorable,” Akila added, tickling his side. “The fact that you think MacGyver is current is…cute.”

Jacob grunted and pulled away from her fingers, his taut abdomen twitching in an intriguing way. “Show some respect for your elders, young lady.”

Valarian joined them on the bed, lying behind Jacob with an arm thrown over his hip. “Now, don’t tease Jacob. He’s a very sensitive man.”

Jacob elbowed him sharply in the ribs before leaning back into his master’s casual embrace.

It would be easy to feel a little excluded by this duo who’d known each other for nearly three times as long as she’d been alive, yet Akila felt completely welcomed into their world. Two had become three, each side of the triangle dependent on the others.

Jacob reached out for her, and she snuggled close, resting her head against his chest. She was exactly where she wanted to be and she could see a bright future spread out before them. They would enlighten people about vampires and promote harmony between human and paranormal beings. Maybe she’d write her true story, laying to rest the outrageous rumors that had been plastered on the supermarket tabloids.

Someday she could even picture a child playing with its mother and two fathers on a beach on a moonlit night. The boy, or girl, would be special not because it might save the world or was progeny of a vampire, but simply because it was theirs and they loved it.

Everything was possible. A full life awaited her and Akila couldn’t wait to start living it.

About the Author

To learn more about Bonnie Dee at
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© 2010 Bonnie Dee


Magical Ménages, Book 1

Waitress Sherrie Stolz never thought she’d need her chatting-up skills to play along with a hot, sexy kidnapper who rants about were-animals and psychic possession. Then he proves his story by changing into a wolf before her eyes.

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