Van, Becca - Taming Olivia [Terra-form 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Taming Olivia [Terra-form 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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I’d agree, but remember what happened when Gage changed forms? April wouldn’t even look at him after what he did to her. I couldn’t live with myself if we scared Olivia like that.
Hugh sighed.

So what the hell do we do?

Damned if I know, brother.

Olivia whimpering and groaning in her sleep drew Cedric from his telepathic conversation and over to her side. He watched her moving restlessly, arching her body, shifting her legs. The scent of her arousal drifted to their nostrils, causing groans to emit from deep in their chests. He looked at Hugh then back to his aroused, dreaming mate. He couldn’t stand to be so far away from her and figured Hugh felt the same as he climbed onto the bed, making sure his body touched at her sides.

Olivia must have felt their presence subconsciously, because she wriggled around, making firmer contact with their bodies. She sighed, arching her hips, her legs moving more and more, and one of her hands slid down beneath the sheet to the juncture of her thighs. Cedric was so horny he could barely contain his inner feline. Cedric could stand it no longer. He wanted, needed, to touch their mate. He and Hugh looked at each other, and then both removed the sheet covering their mate. The sight that met his eyes made his canines elongate and claws sprout from the tips of his fingers. Her skirt was rucked up around her hips, no covering over her wet pussy, leaving her bare to their eyes. Their mate had her hands in her crotch. She was trying to pleasure herself.

Cedric ran his hands over Olivia’s belly until her eyes fluttered open. He wanted her consent to touch her and wasn’t going to give her the chance to use that as a weapon against him.

“Will you let us love you, Olivia?” he asked.

“Yes. God, please touch me,” Olivia sobbed out.

Cedric gently removed Olivia’s hand from her crotch, only to replace it with his own. He was careful not to hurt her with his claw, making sure only the pad of his finger touched her slick, swollen flesh. He slid the pad of his thumb over her hard little nub, rubbing and swirling gently. She bucked her hips up into his hand, subconsciously begging for more. He saw his brother pull her top up, revealing her lush breasts to them, and bend his head to take one of the dusky-pink nipples into his mouth. Olivia moaned and the thrashing of her head from side to side on the pillow was more than he could stand. Cedric soothed his hands up and down her legs and was relieved when she opened her eyes to look at him once more. She offered no resistance as he moved and nodded her head, letting him know she wanted his touch.

Cedric was between Olivia’s widely spread thighs in the blink of an eye, his mouth on her cunt a second later. He thrust his tongue into her body as far as possible, groaning with delight. The taste of her cream was pure ambrosia. He withdrew his tongue and slid it up between her slick folds, swirling and lapping over her engorged clit. She screamed. Her body arched up into his mouth, her release satisfying his beast as he began to purr. He gathered every drop of her cum, not wanting to leave any behind.

* * * *

Olivia jerked, her own voice sounding loud as she moaned and bringing her to a fever pitch of need. The sight that met her gaze had her in turmoil when the fog finally cleared from her eyes. Cedric moved between her thighs and began to lick her pussy, and Hugh was suckling and pinching her nipples. She spread her legs wider, giving Cedric access to her cunt, and moments later she screamed with pleasure as her body shook with orgasmic bliss. As the last pulse of pleasure died away, her muscles went lax with satiation, her mind spinning in circles. The scent of sex in the air caused her embarrassment to increase. She flew from the bed, her legs feeling like cooked noodles, heedless of bumping Hugh with her elbow and Cedric with her knee. She grabbed at the sheet on the mattress, pulling ineffectually as she tried to cover her nakedness.

“What did you do to me?”

“We pleasured you, mate.” Cedric growled, his voice deeper and more gravelly than usual.

“Why? Why did you do that? No one’s ever done that to me before. How could you lick me there? And stop calling me mate. I don’t belong to either of you,” Olivia grated out between clenched teeth.

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, mate,” Cedric responded, his body moving sinuously as he rose to his feet.

“Olivia, stay still. Don’t run,” Hugh ground out, his voice just as strange as his brother’s.

“What the hell is wrong with you two?”

“Our beasts are vying for control. If you run, they will take it as a challenge. We are on the edge of control, little one. We have not claimed you yet, and our beasts don’t like that.” Hugh growled.

“Oh. My. God,” Olivia said, her voice shaking with fear. Her first instinct was to turn and flee, but she was too scared to move. She could see their long canine teeth in their mouths and claws protruding from their fingers. The vision sent her into a panic. She couldn’t breathe. Her heart pounded against her rib cage, blood roared in her ears, and her lungs were incapable of taking a deep breath.

“What do I do? What do you want to do?” she asked, her voice shaking.

“We would never hurt you, Olivia, not even in our beast form. Please don’t be afraid of us. We want to bite you, and we want to love you.” Cedric growled. “We won’t do this if you say it’s not want you want.”

“But everything will change if I let you claim me. You won’t want me anymore just like everybody else. And if I decided to mate with you, I still won’t belong to you. I am my own person and I always will be.”

Olivia turned on her heel and walked quickly to the door.

“Olivia, please don’t run from us. We will be able to control our beasts if you stay still,” Hugh explained gently.

Olivia whimpered, her back to the two brothers, her hand still on the doorknob. She could feel their warm, moist breath on the back of her neck. She wanted more than anything to turn around and face them. To let them know she wanted them more than she had ever wanted anything in her life. She was beginning to fall in love with them, but she was too scared of losing them. She didn’t move.

“We know you are afraid, little one. We would never do anything to hurt you. We love you, Olivia. We want to hold you and show you how much you mean to us. Please, will you give us a chance, baby? Please, Olivia, let us claim you?” Cedric asked, anguished.

Olivia released the doorknob and turned to face the two men. Their eyes were glowing a golden-yellow color, and the skin on their cheeks was hued red and drawn tight against their skulls. The heat in their eyes was practically melting her. She lowered her eyes, slid down the door, pulled her knees up into her body, and placed her head on her knees.

“I can’t. I’m too scared,” she whimpered.

A loud roar made her flinch and whimper, but she didn’t look at them again. The roaring was coming from the other side of the room now. She slowly lifted her head and peeked. Cedric was hunkered down in front of her, staring at her. She peeked around him to see Hugh pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

Cedric lifted a hand toward Olivia’s cheek then dropped it again when she startled.

“Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me why.”

“I can’t,” Olivia sobbed. “It’s too painful.”

“We can’t help you if you don’t talk to us,” stated Cedric. “Please, trust us. Talk to us, sweetheart. Maybe if we understand, we will be able to control our beasts,” Cedric said gently.

“My mom and dad divorced, separated, when I was a young child. My mom hooked up with a man when I was eight. One night, while my mom was sleeping, he came into my bedroom. He ripped off my nightgown and was intent on touching me. He held me down. I tried to fight him, but he was too big, too strong. He had a hand over my mouth and came down on top of me. I bit his hand as hard as I could, until I drew blood. He must have moved his hand away, because I could hear this terrible screaming, but it wouldn’t stop. My mom came into my room, turned the light on, and found her boyfriend naked in my room. She hit him, hard, on the head with a bat. He fell to the floor, but he didn’t get up again. My mom had knocked him unconscious. She called the police, our law. They eventually came and took him away. I…I haven’t b–been able to l–let anyone t–touch me since,” Olivia sobbed and stuttered. By the time she’d finished explaining, she was shaking uncontrollably. She was ice cold but sweating. She was going into shock after reliving that horrific night from so long ago.

* * * *

“Shh, it’s all right, sweetheart. We’ll never hurt you,” Cedric crooned, scooping Olivia up into his arms. He glanced over his shoulder, pleased to see Hugh’s beast had backed down, as had his own. Their beasts were letting their human side control things, not willing to scare their mate. Cedric walked over to the adjoining bathing room, taking them both into the warm water of the huge, sunken bathtub, heedless of their clothes. He sat down on the molded bench seat, cradling her in his lap, rocking back and forth, offering comfort as his mate cried her heart out. He didn’t try to stop her, knowing she needed to purge the horror from her mind and body. He just held her until she had no more hurt or revulsion at what had nearly been done to her. She slumped against his chest, her body shuddering every now and then, the results of the now-purged storm. Cedric moved aside, making room for Hugh. His brother sat beside them, stroking up and down Olivia’s back, soothing, offering comfort.

Thank the Goddess she finally explained,
Hugh said to his brother telepathically.
That was the only way we could have gained control over our beasts.

Yeah, I know. But what the hell are we going to do now? She’s so afraid of intimacy, and we need it to complete our bond.

She is asleep. Why don’t we get her dried off and back into bed? If our queen is up to visitors, maybe we should ask for advice,
Hugh suggested.

Yes, I think that is a good idea. We should wait until tomorrow, though. Our Alphas are not going to be indulgent or worried about our problems. Their mate has just given birth,
Cedric pronounced.

Agreed, for now, we take care of our mate.

Chapter Five

Olivia awoke alone. She remembered pouring her heart out to the two men claiming to be her mates. She wondered if she had turned them off by telling them another man had touched her, tried to rape her. She should just leave. April was happy with her three men and now had a new baby to care for. No one would even miss her. She scrambled from the bed, gasping at her own nakedness. She opened a closet door, grabbed her jeans and pulled them over her hips. She pulled a top over her head then bent down to straighten the cuff on her pants. She found her boots, pulled them on, and tucked the material of the pants into the top of the boots. She only hoped she could find her way out.

Olivia stuck her head out the bedroom door. She looked up and down the corridor, sighing with relief when she saw no one. She exited the room, walking slowly, casually, not wanting to draw attention to herself if she encountered another person. She had no idea where she was or where she was going, but it didn’t matter. She just had to get out. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She reached out to the handle on the glass doors and slid them open, listening, expecting to be stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief and walked out into the humid air. She took a deep breath then released it. She was outside, and no one had stopped her. She was in the garden where April liked to relax in the hammock. She perused the perimeter of the garden, surveying for nonexistent fences. She scanned, breathing easier when she saw no one. She walked quickly, bypassing the hammock and pond, and just kept right on going.

Olivia followed the faint track, the oppressive air and her own anxiety making her perspire. The gigantic trees in the forest filtered out the sunlight as she continued on. She had done it. She had escaped. Now all she had to do was find a way to get back home.

Olivia was tired, hot, and thirsty. She felt as if she had been walking for hours. She was covered in sweat and would have gladly begged for a drink of water, and she was totally lost. She turned in a circle, not knowing from which direction she’d come. Everything looked the same. She sat down on the leaf-strewn ground, leaning back against a large tree trunk. She was going to have to wait to be found. She had no doubt in her mind she would be, eventually. She just hoped it wasn’t too long. Then April’s words came back to haunt her.

“You could actually be a mate to more than one species of shifter. If they don’t claim you sexually, as well as bite you, and make you theirs, any other species of shifter can claim you.”

Fuck. What have I done?
Now Olivia prayed the two brothers claiming to be her mates found her, and fast. The last thing she wanted was to be claimed by someone else. God, she was so stupid. If only she’d stopped to think before acting so impulsively. She turned her head at the sound of rustling in the bushes in front of her. She squinted, peering through the growth of limbs and leaves. Two pairs of yellow, glowing eyes were staring at her intently.

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