Vibrations (14 page)

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Authors: Lorena Wood

BOOK: Vibrations
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“Whitney, come back and stay
with me at my house for a while.”

“Um. I don’t know if I can do
that. Once the loose ends are tied up I have other responsibilities and other
cases. Besides, that sounds like it could be dangerous.” She gave a weak smile
knowing he wouldn’t like her answer.

“Sure,” he said with pretend
menace. “You can face danger on the job and a little bit of male attention
sends you running?” He dove under the water and came up in front of her. When she
tried to swim away he grabbed her and wrapped her legs around his waist. They
were laughing and struggling until Whitney realized she was pinned.

“I’ll let you bring your

“No way, you’d let those messy
birds in your house?”

“If that would get you to

“You’re so sweet.”

“Yeah, always putting others
ahead of my own interests.” He leaned in and closed his mouth over hers. His
tongue licked the edges of her lips and then slid into her mouth. Their bodies
melted together in the warm water. Whitney had never kissed anyone like this.
She had no idea she’d been missing this all those years.

Nick reached back and pulled
off the pink tie that held her hair. It fell around her shoulders and over her
breasts. His hands slid down her back and loosened the knot on her suit. The
top fell into the water. Whitney let out a gasp of air and he could feel her go
still. He gently cupped her breasts in his hands and brushed his thumbs over
the dark brown peaks. Whitney leaned her head back on the pool and as he
continued to explore her breasts. They were lighter than the rest of her body,
but he could tell that she sometimes suntanned in the nude. He imagined her
lying out on the deck looking like this and yet totally innocent and unaware of
what she could do to a man. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being with
anyone else.

Whitney couldn’t find the words
to tell him to stop. He moved his lips and then his tongue slowly over her
breasts, finally flicking his tongue over her nipple. Whitney shuddered and her
fingers tightened around his arms. He turned his attention to the other breast
and she felt her fears draining away. This is what she had wanted. He wanted
her. He wasn’t afraid of her. He didn’t view her as a freak.

She reached up and ran her
fingers through his wet hair. Nick lifted his mouth up to hers and crushed her
lips in a hungry kiss. Whitney could hardly breathe, her head arched back.

“Uuhhhh, Nick,” she moaned.


“Yes,” she answered in a husky

“Let’s go inside. I want this
to be perfect.” He was afraid to give her a chance to reconsider. He carried
her into the house and placed her on the thick rug by the fireplace. She hadn’t
come out and said it, but he knew this would be her first time. He hadn’t meant
to rush it, but there was no turning back.

“You’re right. I’ve never…” She
turned away from him.

“Whitney, don’t.” He touched
his finger to her chin and turned her head back. “You have nothing to be
ashamed of. You’re a beautiful woman and I am in awe that you chose me.”

Nick placed his hands on the
sides of her head and bent down to kiss her. “Don’t be scared Whitney. I’ll be
good to you. Don’t hold back. Just let it happen.”

As his lips moved down to her
breasts she inhaled the scent of his body. She couldn’t concentrate enough to change
her mind. He brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her. A small moan
escaped as her body thrummed with anticipation. He positioned himself over her
and ran his hand over her flat stomach and down her thighs. Whitney jumped as
he touched her where no one had touched before. She reached up and held his
shoulders. He was so strong and masculine. She knew they were just beginning
and her head was already spinning.

His finger slid into her warm
folds and her breath caught in her throat. He leaned in and kissed her. She
knew he was working hard to be gentle, but his mouth was fast and hungry. He
bit her lower lip gently and slid his finger farther into the hot, moist
entrance. He let out a groan and she could feel his erection pushing against
her thigh.

She’d tried to imagine this so
many times before. She couldn’t believe she wanted him so badly. She needed to
feel him inside of her. His fingers moved and she felt him rub against her
sensitive bud. He increased the tempo as his tongue moved in and out of her
mouth at the same time. Whitney arched up to meet his hand and she let out a

“Nick, Nick…”

“He kissed her throat and
placed his throbbing member against her wetness.

“Whitney,” he whispered.
“You’re so beautiful.”

As he pushed against the
tightness he felt her stiffen. He kissed her gently and whispered her name. She
was moaning louder and digging her nails into his skin. He felt her arch and
tremble as she peaked for the first time. His mouth trailed down her breasts
and then back to her lips. He pushed himself harder against her and moved his
hand back and forth over her tender bud. She was moving in rhythm with him when
he finally pushed inside. She gasped in surprise and opened her eyes. His eyes
were locked on hers as he began to move slowly inside her.

They moved together and Nick
began moaning. He held out as long as he could, but the feeling of her warmth
wrapped around him pushed Nick over the edge. They both cried out as his body
emptied into hers. Nick felt a flash of heat and his whole body lit on fire. He
screamed and thrust one last time before he collapsed onto her.

Whitney was still as they both
lay there panting.

“Are you alright?” Nick rolled
off her and looked into her face. She nodded and turned to face him. She just
stared into his eyes with a look of amazement.

“Are you sure you’re Okay. Did
I hurt you?”

She smiled and shook her head
no. “I just didn’t understand. It’s not like what I imagined. I’ve felt how
people feel about sex and been exposed to their memories, but it never seemed
like this.”

“Well, it’s never been like
this for me either. Something happened…at the end. Something I’ve never felt
before. All of sudden it was like my whole body was…connected. My body was on
fire and my mind was…suddenly more aware and…”

“Connected…to me.”

“Yes. Did you feel it?”

“Yes, I felt it. But I have
nothing to compare it with. I think maybe it happened when I…you know. I felt
myself kind of melt into you.”

“That was weird.”

Whitney’s eyes flashed down in

“No, it’s not bad. It’s
weird in an amazingly awesome way. If you could bottle that and sell it you’d
be the richest person in history.”

“Well, there is that rumor that
psychics have unusual experiences during sex.” She had heard the stories too
but had never met anyone that could validate the experience.

Nick watched the thoughts
flickering across her face.

“Hey, let me in. What’s going
on in that head of yours?”

She looked down at his chest
and laughed. “I’m still trying to take it all in.” She traced her finger along
a scar that ran from his lower rib to his hip. “What happened here?”

Nick looked down and grinned.
“I wasn’t fast enough to get out of the way. I got cut with a knife. But you
should see the other guy.”

Whitney could see a few other
scars on his arms and chest. “Pretty dangerous job, huh?”

Nick nodded and a twinge of
guilt hit him. That was the reason he never did this. He didn’t want to cause
anyone else pain if he got hurt. He especially didn’t want to leave someone he
loved behind in grief. He could see her following his thoughts.

“Nick, I understand about not
wanting to involve someone in your life when it’s not normal. Look at me.” She
cast her eyes away but not before Nick could see the tears forming.

“Does that mean you’re not willing
to consider a serious relationship in your life?”

She smiled and
fluttered her lashes at him. “If I ever find the right man I might consider
it.” She wasn’t sure if she was willing, but now wasn’t the time for that
conversation. She resorted to humor as usual.

He grabbed her and
pinned her underneath him. “If you find the right man? If?” He nibbled her
earlobes and growled into her neck. “You must need a little more convincing.” With
that he began to show Whitney more of what they could share together.

Whitney woke in her bed and
felt the pressure of Nick’s arm around her waist. He was snuggling up to her
back and his breath felt warm against her neck. She could tell he was still in
a deep sleep so she slid out from under his arm as quietly as possible. His arm
shot back around her and held her tight.

“I have to go pee.” She

“Go ahead,” Nick mumbled.

“You have to let go of me.” Nick
held on for another minute and finally moved his arm. Whitney glanced at the
clock and realized it was already late.

“Nick, we have to get up. You’re
supposed to be at work in two hours.”

His breathing changed so she
knew he had heard her.


“I quit. Let’s just stay here

“Okay. I’ll just go make us
some coffee and something quick to eat. We’ll talk it about it over breakfast.”
Whitney walked to the bird room and let them out for some exercise. She had
some egg sandwiches ready to go by the time Nick stumbled into the kitchen
after his shower.

“If I’m going to drive back to
Phoenix I’d better have a gallon of coffee. Someone kept me up all night.”

“I think you had some part in
that. You didn’t seem to mind being ‘up’ when it was happening.” She chided and
handed him a large travel mug.

Nick laughed and pinned Whitney
to the counter with his body. Well, since I’m ‘up’
now I’d suggest we head
back to the bedroom.” His kiss suggested they might not even make it that far.

Suddenly they heard a key in
the front door and it swung open. Tina yelled, “Hey, thought you’d be gone
already.” As soon as she stepped through the kitchen entrance she stopped in
her tracks and her jaw literally dropped open. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to…I didn’t
know that anyone else was here.”

Whitney felt a bit flustered
but she couldn’t help laughing. This just wasn’t something that could happen to
her. “Sorry, it’s my fault. I thought we were leaving last night. Tina, this is
Nick. Nick, my bird sitter Tina.”

She turned to Nick and realized
that he was still only wearing a towel. He was smiling at Tina and drinking his
coffee as if it was perfectly normal for him to be there. Whitney whisked Tina
to the bird room to check on her babies and give Nick some time to get dressed.
Tina giggled and pestered her for details the whole time they were together.

When they finally got on the
road Nick called Teddy to let them know he’d be a little late. The long night
had caught up with Whitney and she slept almost all the way back. She opened
her eyes as they were pulling up to her motel.

“Thanks for letting me drop off
my stuff first. Sorry I wasn’t much company.”

“I’m glad you could nap and
we’re not dropping off your stuff. We’re picking up stuff and checking you out
of here.” Whitney’s eyes widened and Nick wasn’t sure if it was surprise or
anger. “You don’t need to stay alone here when you can stay at my house. You’ve
already slept there and I won’t take no for an answer.”

Whitney looked at the motel and
then back at Nick. Her face finally relaxed and she leaned over and kissed him.
“You’re very sweet. Thank you. But you know just because you’ve had your way
with me doesn’t mean I’m moving in. Once this case is tied up I have to get
back to my house, and probably a new case.”

“We’ll deal with that when we
need to. For now, let’s get your things and head downtown. We’ll drop your
stuff at my house later.”

When Whitney and Nick arrived
at the station Teddy was already gone. He’d left a message for Nick to give him
a call and they’d meet up somewhere. Hollerman and the other agents were busy
filing reports and making phone calls. Agent Hollerman was in the command
center typing on his laptop.

“Welcome back Whitney. Did you
enjoy your day off?” The agent moved his things so Whitney could sit next to

“Yes I did Roger. Thanks.” She
was afraid he could tell just how wonderful her time off had been.

Nick sat across from them and
shuffled through the papers. “So what’s the latest on the case? Are you still
convinced it was Ann Marie?”

“The evidence is pretty damning.
She has refused to explain where the blood came from and she will only talk with
her lawyer present. She’s insisting she is innocent, but she’s not helping her
case any.”

“I’d like to talk with her if
that’s alright.” Whitney said.

“I’m sorry Whitney. Her lawyer
insists that you stay away from her. Any proof you get from her won’t hold up
in court, unless she confesses on paper. The lawyer is afraid you’ll bring the
media circus down on her worse than it is.”

“Is that how Ann Marie feels

“I wouldn’t know about that.
Could be she’s afraid you’ll identify her as the killer. If you’d like you can
get a ride to the hospital and check on Kevin Hunter. They thought he was
getting better, but he’s had a setback. They were afraid his kidneys were
shutting down, but he seems to have pulled through for now.”

Whitney felt bad that she
couldn’t speak with Ann Marie. They wouldn’t be able to use her findings in
court to prove the case, but she may be able to find out something that would
help. She just wanted to re-assure herself by giving it a try. She hadn’t
sensed anything sinister when she had talked with her before, but that didn’t
prove her innocence. If she was guilty, or protecting someone, then she had
committed some terrible acts and was probably suffering from some kind of
mental condition. Sociopathic killers didn’t feel guilt over their conduct so
they didn’t send out strong signals of guilt or fear. Other people could just
block her out without knowing they could do it.

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