Vincent (26 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brianne

BOOK: Vincent
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Chapter Forty-Eight

In Case of an Emergency


Lake couldn’t believe Nero and Elle lived right beside Vincent. She didn’t know why that shocked her, but she found it kind of cute that childhood best friends lived beside each other.
That also explains where Nero always disappears to.

Looking at his beautiful place, she saw it resembled Vincent’s in a way. They both had a modern flare, but Vincent’s was much darker. Nero’s place was black and white, not too dark and not too light. She could tell he had designed it to accommodate not only him but Elle. A lot of the things that had been put in there were for her. It made Lake a little envious; their love seemed so perfect.

Elle was a great person to be around and they got along great, finding themselves to be fast friends. Lake related to Elle in ways she honestly didn’t expect. She didn’t come from a rich family, having to go to Legacy Prep High on a scholarship, and from what she could gather, Dante didn’t care for her much, either. There was something else Lake saw in her, which reminded her of herself, but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it.

“It was hard for me, too, when I first started dating Nero, dealing with all the girls he had been with. I had to see them every day at school,” Elle told her.

Lake wondered how in the hell their story had even started. She still didn’t like the thought of Vincent working in the casino. It actually pissed her off the more she thought about it.

“I just don’t think I can get over the fact that he’s freaking working around half-naked women. Does that make me a bad person? How do you deal with it so well?”

Elle blinked, staring at her stupidly. “What did you just say?”

“Oh, shit.” Lake’s eyes grew big. “You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?”

“No … He’s working around half-naked women?” Elle looked hurt.

“I’m sorry. I just assumed you knew when you said Nero had told you I worked for Dante. I was a cocktail waitress in his underground casino.” She didn’t particularly want to tell her the next part. “Down there, girls have to dress in lingerie.”

“All he told me was you worked for Dante and he had to work every day for the next month to keep Vincent from killing people, making it seem like the hardest job on the planet. He didn’t mention anything about being surrounded by girls or lingerie or being half-naked.”

Lake got even madder seeing Elle’s pain. Nero obviously kept that a secret from her for a reason, the same way Vincent was eager to get back to work when she had wanted him to stay and play.

“Fuck them. They are assholes.”

“So, he’s just standing down there watching girls in thongs?” Elle was still trying to comprehend what her boyfriend was calling work. “That’s so unfair. He made me quit the diner because he didn’t like it when I poured guys coffee!”

She didn’t want to tell her what they were doing in their thongs.

“Vincent got pissed when he found out I was working down there, but he doesn’t give a shit that I don’t like
working there. I have a reason to be upset. One’s practically obsessed with him and refuses to cover her tits!”

Elle gasped. “He’s dead!”

Lake looked at Elle, wanting to even the playing field. “You wanna go have some fun?”

*  *  *

Bitch, say what
?” Sadie picked up her long curls off her neck and quickly put them in a bun.

Vincent had thought it was fair to warn Sadie that Kim was done, but he hadn’t expected Sadie to go after her. He followed behind her as she ran off to one of the rooms in the back.

“Oh, shit! Bitch about to get pimp-slapped!” Amo said enthusiastically as he followed behind Vincent.

“I ain’t fucking missing this.” Nero was right behind him.

I wanted to
—he watched Sadie practically kick the door in.
Never mind, this is better.

Sadie grabbed the back of Kim’s fake blonde hair, yanking her away from her knees as she was giving a very round, older man a blow job. She pulled her away so hard and quick the man screamed, grabbing his junk then running out of there.

Kim raised her arms above her head, trying to grab on to the hands that were pulling her hair. “

Sadie yanked harder, sliding her across the floor and finally pulling out a handful of extensions. “What did you say to Lake, you fucking little whore?!”

Kim’s eyes started to water. “Nothi—”

“Wrong answer, bitch!” Sadie started shoving her blonde extensions in her mouth.

Holy fuck.
Vincent felt like he was watching some show on the Discovery Channel where one female killed another in the wild.

Amo and Nero’s faces resembled his gaping mouth and unable-to-even-blink eyes as Kim started choking on her own hair.

Sadie kept forcing it in until the long, blonde hair disappeared.

“It wasn’t enough that I demoted you down to the slutty cum girl, was it?” She forced Kim’s mouth closed, holding it shut and making Kim gag. “I can’t fucking hear you over all the choking you’ll be doing behind trashcans.”

As soon as Sadie let her mouth go, Kim coughed out most of the hair and continued gagging as she cried, trying to get the rest out.

Vincent liked choking people, finding it satisfying, but Sadie took it to another level. Hearing her awful gagging stilled his anger, finding peacefulness in the violence. He didn’t feel bad for the bitch in the slightest, knowing she had said cruel words to Lake and made her run away from him without a word.

Amo slapped the back of his hand. “Pimp-slap, please!”

“A fucking hard one,” Vincent agreed.

Nero held up his hand. “Wait for it…”

Sadie kicked Kim’s boob with her stripper heel. “Get up, bitch, before I pop that implant with my heel.”

Kim tried to stand while still choking, her wails not making it easier for her to stop. Finally, she was able to manage, holding her throat.

Sadie stared at her a moment before she reeled her hand back and slapped Kim across the face with the back of her hand, giving her one final blow, which made her fall back down to the ground.


Amo started slowly clapping, giving her his applause and appreciation. “Pimp-slapping goddess.”

“Second greatest bitch takedown I’ve seen.” Nero applauded.

Vincent started praying,
Dear Father, thank you for bitches slapping bitches.

*  *  *

Lake pulled her black dress down a bit. She was happy Elle had told her Nero kept a key for Vincent’s place in case of an emergency.
This is an emergency

She had put on the black dress Vincent had kept for months, not wanting to touch the new ones he had bought. Elle wore one of her many sexy, white tight dresses that Lake didn’t think she needed to accumulate one more of.

Elle didn’t want to open the door. “Are you sure we should do this? Vincent told me not to let you leave, and Nero will—”

She put her hand on her hip. “You know there are poles down there, right?”

“Fuck it.” Elle threw open the door.

Lake and Elle stopped in their tracks when they saw Lucca coming out of the door across the hall. His hair was all wet and he seemed a little out of breath, but his reaction to them seemed to be the same as theirs from getting caught.

She liked Lucca more since their last encounter, and Amo had only gone down the more that asshole had spoken the past month. However, Lucca’s points to win over Chloe just took a hit.
Minus fifty points.

“Well, where do you think you two are going dressed like that?” He leaned against the door and looked them up and down.

“I told you this was a bad idea.” Elle shot Lake a look. “We didn’t even get past the door!”

Considering they were already busted, she didn’t have anything to lose.

“We want to go dancing at Poison because we’re mad at Nero and Vincent. Is there any way you can just pretend you didn’t see us?”

Lucca laughed at her. “Darlin’, what the fuck makes you think I would do that?”

Lake returned the favor of looking at him up and down. “How about we also pretend we didn’t just see you.” She turned to Elle. “Chloe doesn’t need to know about this, does she?”

“Hmm, I don’t know…” Elle crossed her arms, trying to somehow look intimidating in a sexy dress.

Lucca leaned off the wall and walked slowly to them, his eyes piercing their souls.

Oh, shit.
Lake tried to keep her stance, but she was about to run away, pissing herself.
How do I always do this to myself?

He finally stopped an inch away, easily able to snatch them up and beat some sense into them. “I’ll drive,” he grumbled, turning down the hall.

*  *  *

Sadie released her hair from the bun then fluffed her curls back out, acting like nothing had happened and Kim wasn’t lying naked on the ground, crying.

She turned to Vincent. “Satisfied?”

He looked down at Kim who was pulling another piece of hair out of her mouth. “That’ll do.”

“What did I miss?” Lucca came into the room, taking in Kim’s appearance.

Amo smiled. “Sadie choking and pimp-slapping the shit out of a bitch.”

“Send me the tape?” Lucca asked Sadie, pointing at the camera in the corner.

“Sure thing.” Sadie smiled at him as she left the room.

Amo followed her out. “I want a copy, too.”

Me, too,
Vincent thought.

Lucca pulled out a cigarette then lit the end. “I see you got your girl back from Kentucky. Does everyone there really fucking wear camo?”

“I didn’t see much camo, but I saw a lot of fucking leather,” he said with a bit of a growl in the back of his throat. “How’d you know? I just brought her back.”

“Remember I told you I didn’t want her back, because she’s a pain in my fucking ass? Well, she literally looked me in my damn eyes and threatened me.” He pointed his cigarette at Nero. “And
girl backed her the fuck up.”

Nero laughed, finding it amusing. “Two girls threatened you?”

Vincent wanted to be mad but between Lucca’s face and Nero laughing, he found it hard.

“What was the threat?”

Lucca took a hit off his cigarette. “They threatened to tell Chloe something.”

Nero and Vincent about died laughing hysterically that the two clearly knew what would get under his skin.

“I’m sorry. I’ll talk to her,” Vincent told him, trying to stop from laughing.

Nero tried to stop, as well. “Yeah, me, too. You going to go play poker?”

“No, I just came by to tell you fuckers I just dropped Lake and Elle off at Poison.” Lucca didn’t look pissed off anymore.

“What!” Vincent and Nero yelled in sync.

“Yeah, they looked pretty hot,” Lucca rubbed it in.

Nero’s nose started flaring. “Fucker, you better hope no one’s touched her.”

Vincent turned, rushing to leave, remembering all the guys who had surrounded Lake the first time she went dancing.

“Motherfucker, I’d kill you if I had the time!”


Chapter Forty-Nine

The Devil and the Angel


Vincent and Nero tore through the crowd, looking for their women.
He realized Lucca was right; Lake running away and getting into trouble was too much of an everyday occurrence.
I swear to God, I am going to fucking lock her ass up from now on.

“Lake is a fucking bad influence. She’s not coming around Elle anymore! I can’t have her rubbing off on my girl again!” Nero yelled at him over the loud music. They both were getting agitated when they couldn’t find them immediately.

He yelled back at him, “How the fuck is this all Lake’s fault? I’m sure Elle had something to do with it!”

Nero turned to Vincent, giving him a ‘you’re stupid’ look.

He’s right; it is
Lake’s fault.

Nero pushed a guy to the floor who had run into him while grinding on a girl so hard he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings.

“I’m going to spank Elle’s ass for this, and you need to fucking get Lake under con—”

Vincent followed Nero’s eyes to Lake and Elle dancing. The two looked sexy as hell together, and every man who looked their way had one dirty thought in mind about them together. Even Vincent did.

When Nero took a step forward, Vincent reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. “There’s no rush.” He wanted to watch the two for a little bit longer.

Nero didn’t move when he saw Lake teach Elle how to shake her ass by going behind her and putting her hands on her hips.

Nero cleared his throat. “You’re right.”

. He knew why he liked that black dress so much. If she popped her ass out an inch more, then nothing would be left to the imagination. It accentuated her long legs and tight ass to perfection. Her black dress with her long, light-brown hair and hazel eyes next to Elle with her strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes in a white dress was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. The two looked like opposites, the devil and the angel, and he could only imagine how great they’d look together fuc—

“Motherfuckers, hurry!” Vincent yelled when he saw them have to push a guy off them.

*  *  *

Lake shoved at the guy again when he grabbed at them. “We don’t want to dance with—”

“Get the fuck out of here,” Vincent growled, grabbing the boy by his shirt then shoving him to the ground, making him and all the others watching the two cower.

Lake and Elle’s mouths flew open at the sight of Nero and Vincent.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Nero reached for Elle, clearly pissed.

Lake grabbed Elle’s hand, pulling her close to her. “We can do what we fucking please since you two clearly do, working in the casino with pole dancers and half-naked women.”

“Fucking get her before I kill her,” Nero growled at Vincent while he took Elle’s other hand.

Vincent grabbed Lake’s hips, pushing her back and making her let go of Elle’s hand.

“Stay strong!” Lake yelled at Elle when Nero leaned down to whisper in her ear.

Vincent grabbed Lake’s jaw, forcing her to look at him. “You’re the one you need to worry about right now, baby.”


No, don’t look in his eyes!

“No, Vincent. I’m mad at you. You couldn’t wait to get back to work with all those women.”

“If you must know, I was eager to get down there and beat the shit out of Kim for what she did to you.”

Her eyes grew big. “Tell me you didn’t?”

He shook his head. “No, but Sadie did.”

I don’t know which one is worse…

She looked over at Elle to see her dancing and kissing Nero. “Really, Elle? It hasn’t even been a minute.”

Vincent laughed. “You know, Nero didn’t even want to work down there. I had to beg him. He loved getting in that fight ‘cause he hoped they would pull him from working down there.”

“Wish I could say the same about you,” she spat at him.

He tugged her chin up a bit more to make her look in his eyes. “Lake, today
going to be my last day working there until you made me run out.”

She bit her lip, not wanting to give in. “It was?”

Vincent rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb. “Yes. The only one I want to look at in those sexy little outfits is you.”

She opened her mouth when his landed on hers. It was a quick and very hot kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth before he stopped and quickly spun her around, making her gasp when he pulled her hips back to put her ass on his very hard cock.

Pushing her long hair back over her shoulder, he spoke in her ear, “This is the last fucking time I will be nice to you if you run away from me again.” He leaned down to bite her exposed ear lobe. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes.” She moaned when he grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him, and started swaying to the music. She moved against him, letting her ass feel just how hard he was.

He kissed the faint bite mark on her neck he had given her the week before. “I don’t like how you wore
dress out without me.”

dress?” She leaned her head back on his chest when his hands slid down to the top of her bare legs.

“Yes. This is
fucking dress, and from now on, you are only allowed to wear it out with me.” His fingertips went under the dress, making it ride up a little bit more. “I told you I planned to fuck you in this dress.”

Yes, please
. Lake could feel the bottom of her ass ride up against his pants. Leaning forward slightly, she pressed her ass against him more firmly, feeling his hard covered dick just through her panties. She rolled her hips to the music, moving his dick against her.

His hands moved over her taut ass cheeks, lightly squeezing them before they wrapped around her waist, his hand going between her legs and cupping her pussy. He could feel the slight dampness and heat coming from her panties, revealing she was just as turned on as he was.

He whispered harshly in her ear, “Do that again, and I’ll fuck you right in the middle of the dance floor.”

A whimper came from her lips when his finger pressed against her clit before he returned his hand back to her hip. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but Elle and Nero were the closest and they were wrapped up in their own little world as they danced.

Lake didn’t expect Vincent to not only like dancing, but be good at it, too. She should have known he was, considering he was perfect at everything.

They continued to dance along to the music, becoming more and more turned on by the second. Dancing against each other, matching their rhythms to the songs, kept them in the moment of wanting to fuck each other, hard. Then it had to be multiplied by ten, considering they hadn’t been with each other for a week.

When a slow part of the song played, Lake matched her hips ever so slowly, moving her ass against his dick again. It sent chills down her body to feel his hardness smashed between her ass cheeks.

Vincent was kissing and sucking on his favorite spot of her neck when she had done that, and it made him bite down on the tender flesh.

“Fuck, baby, what did I tell you?” His voice was strained as he held her still to him.

After a moment, he was able to take her hand then started tapping on Nero’s arm several times before he finally removed his tongue from Elle’s mouth.

“We need to go. Now.” His voice still sounded strained.

“Agreed.” Nero took Elle’s hand, pulling her behind him.

Lake was glad Vincent still had his judgment; hers was a little hazy.
I would have fucked him right here.

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