Vines, Ella - Camille's Seduction [Dukes of Desire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Vines, Ella - Camille's Seduction [Dukes of Desire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“If I had known Titus’s marriage would mean this kind of cock sucking, I’d have urged him to marry years ago.” They all laughed.

“Do you still want to leave, princess?” Titus’s voice was soft as she lay on his shoulder, and he rubbed her stomach and hips, sending waves of pleasure through her.

“No. No, I don’t.”

* * * *

The days passed into a couple weeks gone. All three brothers had to leave on business a few days after the marriage, and Camille found her body and spirit yearning for their return. She also noticed her secret was growing ever more obvious despite the roomy dresses she wore.

“When they see me, they will know.” Her nipples were also turning darker. The evening before the brothers were due to return, she had a dream about Matthew. It was when they had lain together in the quiet of his bedroom five months ago, before his death in a fire in the small house he and his parents lived in down the street from hers. They had met at the market one day, and passion flamed inside them both. Matthew’s sweet face and curly brown hair were still the same in her dream, not charred by fire. She woke up in the middle of an orgasm like she had had their one afternoon together before he had died.

“We were going to marry,” she whispered to no one as she lay in bed alone, the pink stripes of dawn announcing morning. Instead, she had fallen pregnant and learned a month after Matthew’s death of her situation. Her mother’s sole obsession had been marrying her off.

“And how well that worked out.” She said the words as she sat up in bed, no longer able to sleep. As Brilla dressed her for the day in a gauzy, lavender confection with matching flowers in her hair and no corset, worry bubbled inside her stomach. Titus, her dear husband, would return today along with his brothers. She had fallen in love, but Camille had no idea what they would do when they learned her secret.

“Are you feeling quite well, my lady?” Brilla’s eyes showed her worry. Camille had confided her secret just a day before, knowing Brilla could see she was with child.


“All will be well, my lady. I just know it. The Duke is a good man.” She squeezed Camille’s shoulder, and Camille closed her eyes, hot tears slipping down her cheeks.

Chapter 8

A few hours later, the closed carriage rolled up outside, and Camille ran from the window and onto the lawn. The servants were watching, so she controlled herself, hugging and kissing Titus passionately. She felt his erection pressing against her stomach.

“I want you right now,” he whispered in her ear, nipping it in passion.

“Me, too.” Knoll and Mortimer greeted her sedately, kissing her hand, but their eyes burned with lust, and Camille’s knees trembled.

“Are you hungry, my dear?” she asked, her arm in Titus’s as they walked into the house.

“No. Let’s go to bed.” Camille wasn’t sure if the servants knew what was going on, but Titus had told her even if they suspected, they were paid so well they would be discreet. The two of them mounted the stairs, knowing they would be followed by Knoll and Mortimer soon enough, when the looks of the whole thing weren’t so obvious to anyone who might be watching.

“Oh, my sweet, I’ve missed you. I’m aching for you.” Titus groaned into her hair as he closed the door of her chamber. He turned her around, pushing her against the bed and hiking up her dress with a grunt. Camille moaned, pushing herself against him as he held her hips, letting his breeches fall, not bothering to take them off. His cock was so hard it hurt against her bottom.

“What do you want from me, pet?” he asked, his mouth hot on her ear.

“I want you inside me now.” Camille’s voice shook with her need. Her cunt dripped with her arousal.

“I can’t wait.” Titus thrust into her and she whimpered as his cock drove deep. He grunted as he pushed in and out of her, taking his own pleasure with little mind to hers. It only made her the more aroused, her nipples pressing against her dress and the bed, painful in their erectness. He slammed into her cunt one last time, shouting as he came. Camille moaned, her nub aching with need.

* * * *

Mortimer pounded up the stairs, his cock aching and full against his trousers. All he could think about was exploding inside one of Camille’s sweet holes. He had masturbated twice while away, thinking of Camille’s pink pussy and soft lips. Even more than that, he thought of Camille herself—of her laughter and kindness to him. She was perfection in human form or as close as he had seen to it. He couldn’t help himself from gratifying his lust while away from her, though he had wanted to wait and spend his efforts on the woman herself. He walked in to Titus’s shout of orgasm.

“I’ll take over here, brother.” He grinned as Titus slid out of Camille, moaning. He heard the door open, and Knoll stood right behind him.

“I’ll be glad to assist.”

“I want to see you naked, Camille. All I’ve thought about since I’ve been gone every night is your perfect breasts and your slick cunt.” He helped Camille off the bed, reveling in the feel of her body in his arms. His cock pulsed with a pleasure that was almost pain as he pulled her dress over her head, gasping at the sight of her naked bottom and slender back. He thought he was imagining that her hips looked even more luscious, a bit fuller, than they had just a few weeks ago.

“I need you.” He pushed her onto her back near the edge of the bed, lifting her legs. She moaned, staring into his eyes, which only made him more crazy with want. He had a moment of knowing when he looked at her stomach, obviously rounder than it had been recently.
She’s pregnant.
The thought stopped him for only a moment.
If she is, I don’t care.
And he realized he didn’t. He would have to talk with her about it, of course, and with his brothers, but he was mad about her no matter what.

“I have dreamed of your cunt every night while I was away.” Knoll moved on to the bed, lying beside her and kissing her as Camille groaned. His hands worked at her pink, erect nipples, teasing and twisting them. Mortimer laughed when he saw his brother had brought butter into the room until he took some off the crystal plate and rubbed it on her chest, between her breasts. Mortimer’s cock hardened further, and he moaned with the near pain of it as he nudged it to the entrance of her moist sex. The sight of Camille’s slick breasts and how she let them all use her body for pleasure threatened to push him to the brink.

“Cook is going to wonder where all the butter goes.” Titus laughed, smoothing Camille’s hair with his hands as he sat on the bed near her head. Knoll rolled over toward Camille and straddled her stomach.

* * * *

Camille wondered what Knoll had planned. She sighed as the head of Mortimer’s cock nudged her cunt.

“Mortimer...” she whispered, urging him on.

“I’m getting there, you cock hungry wench.” He picked her legs up, putting them around his stomach as he buried his dick inside her and she whimpered.

“Is that what you wanted while I was gone?”

“Yes.” Camille clutched at the sheets. Knoll leaned over her, sliding his cock into the buttered, tight space between Camille’s tits. She closed her eyes, finally understanding what he might do. Mortimer plunged in and out of her as he grunted.

“Sweet slut, your hole is so tight, it’s incredible.”

“I think it's just your large cock.” The pressure of his cock against her button made tingles go down her thighs, and she felt herself on the edge of paradise. Knoll slid his hard, long cock along the crevice between her two breasts, squeezing them as he went.

“Oh, your breasts are sweet. I’ve wanted to do this all week. It kept me up at night fantasizing, Camille.”

“It feels very nice,” Camille murmured, the friction pleasurable, her breasts tingling as was her cunt.

“I’m going to come in your cunt. I can’t hold back any longer.” Mortimer slid his fingers along her button as he pushed deeper inside her. His shout of release sent Camille spiraling into her own orgasm, the pulses of pleasure clenching inside her cunt. Mortimer gently put her legs down, breathing hard. He smacked her on the thigh.

“You have the nicest cunt I’ve ever been in.”

“Thank you, Mortimer.” Camille rolled her eyes at the statement, figuring he had been in a few. Knoll caught her eyes and tweaked her nipple, grinning as he shifted and slid his cock along her breasts as he squeezed them tightly around it. Camille saw a single drop like a tear hanging off his cock, and she tried to lick it, making Knoll shudder with pleasure. Mortimer lay beside them, watching and playing with himself lazily. Titus remained near Camille’s head, tousling her hair and rubbing his renewed erection. Knoll moaned with pleasure.

“I’m going to come, Camille. Where do you want it?”

“On my breasts.” Camille rubbed his back lightly as he worked between her tits, his cock demanding her attention. Knoll groaned at her words, pushing up and holding his cock in his hand as his hot seed spilled out on her perfect breasts. He rubbed the cum onto her pink, pointed nipples as Camille moaned.

“I love how you take my seed anywhere on your body.”

“I love it when you come on me.” Camille purred, rising to kiss Knoll’s mouth.

“It’s so good to come home to you,” Knoll said, touching her cheek.

“I’ve missed you all so much.” Tears filled her eyes as she realized the truth of her statement.

“So we’ve won you over?” Titus’s tone was mocking.

“Yes, yes you have.”

“Good. Because you weren’t leaving us anyway. You aren’t leaving us no matter what.” Mortimer stared into her eyes, his black eyes hard and knowing. Camille gasped as realization flooded her that he knew her secret. She thought it was obvious to anyone who looked at her body with a critical eye.

“I’m not. I’m yours.” They talked and cuddled some more, but worry about what Mortimer knew niggled at the back of her mind. Would he use it against her somehow? The three men took their leave to eat lunch, ravenous after their romp with Camille. She sighed in some relief, knowing they would likely eat and take naps after their long journey. Camille slipped on a silken chemise and climbed back into bed, still not feeling well, though she was happy her men were home. She pulled the rope, and Brilla brought lunch up to her on a tray. As she finished her last bite of her cold beef, her stomach feeling better, the door swung open. Mortimer hadn’t bothered to knock.

Chapter 9

“Hungry, are we?”

“Not now.” Camille smiled, hoping to disarm him as she let the strap of her chemise fall on her shoulder.

“We must talk, Camille.” He sat on the edge of the bed, taking her tray and putting it on the nightstand.


“Because I know about you.”

“What do you know?” She clutched the covers, hoping he didn’t know, that somehow his knowing look had been about something else.

“You know. You’re with child.” Camille just stared at him, saying nothing. He moved next to her on the bed, seizing her violently by the shoulders.

“Tell me whether it is true!” Tears pooled in her eyes.

“It is, but please, please...”

“Don’t tell my brothers?” His laugh was hard.

“Yes,” she whispered as his grip grew gentler around her arms.

“Don’t worry. I won’t. Not yet. They can figure it out for themselves in a few weeks. Would that make you happy?”

“Yes. Yes, thank you, Mortimer. It would give me time to break the news myself.” She squeezed his hand in her joy.

“Whose is it?” The question was like a slap.

“His name was Matthew. We were in love. He died in a fire before I knew...”

“I’m sorry.” He touched her face. Then his expression grew hard, and a sly look played about his eyes.

“You do know this silence won’t be free, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?” Camille let go of his hand as if it were a snake.

“I mean, if I’m to remain silent, it must buy extra time with you doing things I want to do but that the others might not like as much.” He snaked his hands under the sheets, rubbing her thighs under the chemise. She closed her eyes, shivering with pleasure and arousal.

“What things?”

“You shall see. I plan to make sure my brothers are out tonight. They have business to attend to. They will think I’m out also, but I plan to have you as mine here in this chamber all night.” He moved his hand up her thigh, and she caught her breath as his touch of her clit with a gentle stroke electrified her.

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