Virgin Outcast: Bred to the Beast

BOOK: Virgin Outcast: Bred to the Beast
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: Bred to the Beast

By Fannie Tucker

Copyright 2012 Fannie Tucker



Author's Note:
This story is a prequel to
Virgin Sacrifice: Bred by the Beast.
  Although this story's events occur long before its successor, I believe you will enjoy it more if you read
Virgin Sacrifice
first.  You can find it on Amazon


and song filled the night air, and
lively drumbeat matched Kara's racing heart as Mykal
lifted her
spun her about. 
The blacksmith's apprentice was strong enough to toss her about like a doll, but despite his broad shoulders and thick arms, he could dance with the grace of a mountain cat. 
His green eyes reflected the dancing firelight as he laughed
, and t
hey wove among the other dancers with
the exuberant energy of youth.

The green square was crowded; it seemed as though everyone in
Krall had come out to celebrate during this year's Harvest Festival
in defiance of the worries that had dampened
for months
.  A poor crop was one thing, but the villagers spoke in whispers
of a beast that
roamed the forest
in the night
preying on
cattle and sheep
vanishing without a trace

, the rumors sounded far-fetched; bandits
or wolves were probably to blame
.  Farmers exaggerated almost as much as they complained.  Besides, Kara had other concerns. 
Just three weeks ago,
Rela the Wise Woman
had decreed h
er to be a woman of marriageable age.  She and Mykal would be wed after the spring thaw.  Considering the things they'd done together behind his father's barn, spring couldn't come soon enough.

The musicians finished their reel with a flourish, then paused a moment for the laughter and clapping to fade before launching into a slow, swaying piece.  Some of the younger dancers blushed and hurried away from the dancing.  A few years ago, she and Mykal might have done the same, but now he wrapped an arm around Kara and they swayed together, her breasts against his chest, her hand clasped in his.

"I guess they don't want anyone to know they're sweet on each other," Mykal chuckled as the younglings scattered to play games or enjoy fresh-baked pies and cider near
roaring bonfire.

"Their secrets are safe with me," Kara said, following his gaze.  Her amused smile faded when she saw the Mayor. 
Mayor Shen
lurked beneath the slender young oak at the center of the green, and when Kara met his eyes, Shen's gaze
slid away from her
.  S
he wondered how long he'd been watching.

"What's wrong?" Mykal asked.

"Nothing," she lied.

"You shuddered."

Kara rose up on her toes to put her mouth near Mykal's ear.  "It's Shen," she said.  "He was
staring at
me again."

Mykal leaned back to smile at her.  "Is that all?  Well,
thank goodness
.  If he
stare at the
prettiest girl in the village, I'd worry about the man!"

Kara laughed and hugged her betrothed, but when she glanced over his shoulder, Mayor Shen was still staring at her.  "Let's go somewhere else, Mykal," she whispered in his ear.  "Someplace

Mykal never missed an opportunity to be alone with Kara.  He took her hand and led her away from the other dancers.  They weaved through the crowd, Mykal steering away from the long tables where Kara's mother and father sat talking and laughing with friends over a feast of
goose and potatoes.
  There was no beef or mutton on those plates; no one wanted to slaughter
livestock, even for the Harvest Festival.

Just as they reached the edge of the green, a cold voice stopped Kara in her tracks.  "Going somewhere, child?"  Rela the Wise Woman stepped out into the light, her golden hair tucked beneath a dark hood.  The corners of her mouth turned up in a secret smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Pa asked me to fetch more cider from the carts," Mykal said, the lie flowing smoothly from his tongue. 
"I asked Kara to help." 
Most people thought him slow of wit because of his size, but Kara knew Mykal was only quiet and shy around others.  His mind was as strong as his arm.

Rela arched an eyebrow and sniffed.  "And some of your friends wouldn't be better suited for carrying heavy kegs
than your sweetling here

Mykal nodded.  "If I could find them.  Van and Brom said something about finding some nightberries to mix in with the punch.  I think they went down to the brook.

Rela's eyes widened in alarm, and she hurried off into the night
.  Nightberries were harmless,
for the uncontrollable and extremely smelly flatulence
they caused
.  Rela couldn't let such a prank go unpunished.

"Won't Van and Brom be mad when they find out you sent Rela after them?" Kara said.

Mykal grinned and shook his head.  "Van's
already in trouble; his father made him stay home to muck out the stalls.  Last I saw Brom, he was dancing with Elza.  We've got a little time before Rela figures that out, though."  He took her hand again, and they hurried
away from the firelight
  In the darkness near the edge of the village, the night sky came into full view, a glorious, glittering display of shining lights that filled the sky, broken only by the dark bulk of the mountains on the western horizon.


Kara wanted the hayloft, but Mykal's farm was a mile
outside Krall
, and it wouldn't be long before
noticed they were missing.  Mykal led Kara to the blacksmith's forge.  Only warm coals remained of the day's fires, but it was enough to keep the open-aired forge at a comfortable temperature.

"What would
say if he knew we were in here?" Kara asked, teasing.

"He'd probably put me to work pumping those bellows," Mykal hissed.  "Keep your voice down so we don't find out."

He wrapped his arm around
and pulled her close, much closer than they'd been on the green.  Closer than was decent
for an unmarried young couple. 
She breathed in his scent, the sharp tang of smoke and steel and sweat from long hours at the forge mingling with his own heady musk to swirl in her nostrils, making her dizzy and light-headed.  It was hard to think straight around Mykal, but other things felt so much easier.  Too easy, some of them.  He hadn't taken her virginity yet, but they'd found plenty to do that would earn them a strong penance if the Wise Woman or the Elders found out.

Kara tilted her chin upward, and Mykal's lips found hers.  Despite the rough stubble of his beard, his lips felt soft and warm, and Kara's mouth opened to his probing tongue.
The taste and texture of his tender kiss overwhelmed her, and t
heir tongues slid together, caressing
at first, then wrestling as the intensity of their kiss grew hotter
.  Mykal's face pressed against hers, and he inhaled deeply, pulling her close with an arm too strong to resist.  His callused hand slid down the small of her back to cup the swell of her bottom, squeezing hard enough that Kara gasped in surprise as he lifted her up onto a workbench.

He bent and traced a line of wet kisses across her jaw line to nuzzle the gentle curve along the side of her neck, and Kara moaned and rolled her head back as his lips left a tingling sensation on her skin.

eat blossom
between her legs, smoldering embers
kindled by a
bellows, and she knew Mykal would coax that heat into a blazing flame.  She couldn't have him, not yet, but oh how she wanted to!

As though sensing her crumbling
, Mykal's big hands slid up her arms and gently cupped her breasts, round and full and firm
.  His thumbs rolled over her nipples, and she sensed his building excitement as she responded to his touch, her tips swelling to hard pebbles beneath the fabric of her dress.

Suddenly that fabric felt impossibly constraining; she needed it off, needed his hands on her bare skin.  She was breathing fast now, too fast.  Mykal could sense her urgent desire, and it fueled his own.  He moved his hands behind her back, and his fingers moved down the row of buttons with a deftness unexpected in those thick fingers.

Mykal slid his hands beneath the parted fabric and moved them down the smooth skin of her back, and Kara sighed, resting her head on his broad shoulder, kissing his neck.  He pulled the dress down over her shoulders
to expose her heaving breasts, and the fabric gathered at her waist.  The
pale skin of her bosom shone in the moonlight filtering t
hrough the forge's open walls, her
nipples like circles of darkness.

Mykal's curling mop of hair and pulled his head down ag
ainst her chest.  W
hen he took a nipple in his mouth, her back arched and she let out a groan.
  His lips pressed against her skin, and he suckled the firm tip of her breast gently, rolling his tongue around it in quick circles that stirred something deep inside her.

Kara raked her fingers through his hair, urging him on, and Mykal's hands slipped down past her waist and over the flare of her hips, then further, past her thighs.  He squeezed her calves, then gathered the hem of her feastday dress and pulled it up over her knees.  Creamy white thighs peeked out from the tops of her woolen stockings.

Mykal's rough fingers pushed into the darkness between her legs, and she cried out as he spread her apart, callused skin against smooth virgin flesh, parting her lips to find that velvety pink skin, wet now with her juices.  With surprising delicacy, those thick fingers found the quivering bud that had become the center of all sensation, and he moved against it, teasing at first, then rubbing
in smooth circles that made Kara's body tense and her eyes roll back in her head.  With his palm facing upward, he moved lower, deeper into her cleft, and one finger curled inside her, filling her tight hole with intense sensation that pulled the air out of her lungs and made her cling to his broad shoulders.

glided down his neck,
over the ridges of hard muscle on his
.  Mykal sucked harder at her breast, bringing a throbbing wave of pleasure that made her rake her fingernails down his back.  She bro
ught her hands around his waist, and
the laces of his trousers.

he fumbled open his pants,
Mykal shuddered as her trembling fingers brushed against the hard bulge there.  Kara's hands shook with eagerness, and she helped him pull his pants down over his waist.  His manhood fell out, as rigid as forged steel.  Her fingers closed around it, squeezing, stroking its smooth length
, exploring him from the thick base in its patch of dark hair to the swollen tip that pulsed with his need

Mykal let out a shuddering sigh as her hand moved over him, but his whole body tensed like a beast ready to pounce, his lust driving him to the edge of madness.
When he pulled her down off the workbench,
Kara knew that nothing her hand could do would b
e enough to sate that wild lust. 
She let go of him as h
e urged her down
into a kneeling position.  She barely felt the bite of crushed gravel against her knees as he cupped her head in one broad palm.

She rested her hands against the thick muscles of Mykal's thighs
as he brought her forward, and she opened her mouth to his pulsing length.  Mykal groaned as he slid between her lips, and Kara inhaled his deep, musky odor, a tang of forge metal and rich loam that made her heart race.  She gripped him in her mouth and sucked hard, rubbing and massaging his shaft with her tongue.  Mykal's fingers tangled in a fistful of her golden curls, and he held her head steady as he pushed his hips forward, thrusting deep into her throat.  Kara's eyes widened, but she tightened her throat around him, taking quick little breaths through her nose, holding him as long as she dared before pushing against his thighs.

Mykal relented for a moment, but when Kara looked up, she could see his eyes glimmering in the darkness.  He wanted more.  He needed more.

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