Authors: Gary Weston
Tags: #space ships, #future adventure, #alien attack, #world apocalpse
Valerie was in
high demand as both a parent to their adopted children, and as the
community doctor. The medical facility on the Goliath was always
intended to be that for decades after landing. She mostly treated
wounds from occasional accidents as they were labouring on many
activities. She also administered birth control to those wanting it
because with so many babies to care for, very few decided to have a
baby of their own at that time.
The rest of her
time was spent with her family and she shared all the duties with
Jacobs who was a natural as a father. They had given the babies
Latin names, the boy named Sono meaning to make a noise because he
cried the loudest and the girl, Una, meaning together.
It was a busy,
contented time. According to the occasional radio report from Otto
Gunther, the Earth was still in an uneasy peace and both sides were
too busy rebuilding to have time to kill each other. How long that
would last was anyone's guess. They swapped images of the babies
through the radio enhancer, Gunther's pictures often showing him
beaming with pride holding his granddaughter Juliet in his
None on Spero
expressed regret for leaving Old Earth. This was all about a new
start for the human race and Earth's survival depended on a fragile
peace. This was all about creating a better world.
'I'm getting
chilly,' said Valerie. 'And these bricks are are far from
They went into
their cabin, closing the door behind them. The babies were still
blissfully silent, even Sono and Valerie resisted the temptation to
look in on them. Although they thought the babies were sound
asleep, they weren't aware that Una had stirred. She stretched and
yawned. She opened her eyes and for a second, a strange light
glowed in them, then vanished. She closed her eyes again and
drifted off into a deep sleep.
The end.
Hi. Many thanks for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it.
This is NOT part of a series. But if you did like this one, here
are a few more space operas for you.
Flight for Craggy' A six part series, first one free. Here are a
couple of the many Amazon reviews.
A fun story where an old guy is being forced to retire but to
teach his replacement first. Been there done that. Things happen
and the crusty old guy ends up becoming a valuable resource of
practical knowledge who trains a bunch of new people and becomes a
hero in the process. A fun story with a bit of real life mixed
ell... how nice to read SciFi that
isn't all bang bang shot 'em up blood and guts!!! Great story, even
if it was a little mushy, and I liked the names he gave his
characters - "Raz Berry"? - (my favourite). And 5 stars is not to
say how I judged his skill as a writer... It's to say that I just
really enjoyed the read.
Space Intelligence: Complete is a follow on from the Craggy books.
A couple of reviews here.
This author is always a great read. Not just a great read but
as always a fun read everyone can enjoy.
Very good hard to put down, it was a interesting following to
the Craggy books, need more to go with the rest.
more where those came from. Now. I noticed more than half of my sci
fi reviews come from you ladies. Must be something to do with the
strong female characters. (Damned if I'd argue with any of them!)
So. Can I point you into another direction with a paranormal crime
thing? Dusty Miller. As tough as they come. Set in New Zealand. Her
Amazon fans say this.
Well written, couldn't wait to turn the page. The author
brought out each character as if, I knew them personally. It was if
I was part of the story. continue writing realistic
Now about this series. Dusty-Miller #2 looks into the vile
world of dog fighting. Why? At the time in New Zealand, gangs were
stealing dogs and fighting them. My own much-loved dog Minnie is
the character in this book. Trust me. It all turns out ok in the
More for you ladies. The
Abigail Jones.
Ok. The first chapter could
hurt, but get beyond that, Jones takes you places you couldn't
imagine. One smashwords reviewer wrote,
This is the first novel I
have read by Gary Weston. He has written over 47 books.
After fifteen-year-old Abbey Jones’ dismal introduction sets the
tone for her adventure, she has numerous hazardous encounters that
take surprising turns.
Part of what makes Abbey Jones’ adventures intriguing is Weston’s
writing style. It is crisp, straightforward and economical yet the
portrayals of the various characters and settings easily place the
reader into the scene. He uses brisk action, direct dialogue, with
little character introspection. With 72 short chapters, Weston’s
writing moves quickly from scene to scene from action to action as
Jones travels the world in a fashion a bit like MacGyver, a bit
like Crocodile Dundee, and a bit like Robinson Crusoe. My favourite
character was Pete.
Please explore my many ebooks and enjoy them. X