Waking Up in Dixie (2 page)

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Authors: Haywood Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Waking Up in Dixie
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He scanned the foyer and the rooms around it. “Everything looks perfect,” he said. Perfect was the only standard he tolerated, one he’d learned from his snidely superior mother. “I’ll start the fires.”

“In a minute,” Elizabeth deferred, doing her best to look and sound winsome. “There’s something I’d like to ask you first. A favor.”

Howe’s placid expression tensed. “I hope it won’t take long. I want everything done before the first guest arrives.” God forbid anybody should catch him in his shirtsleeves. “The old ladies are always so damned early.”

Elizabeth motioned to the festive living room. “It won’t take but a minute. Please.” She led the way to the silk camelback sofa that faced two English chintz chairs in front of the fireplace. “Let’s sit.”

His normally unreadable expression betrayed suspicion. It had been years since she’d tried to talk to him about anything that really mattered, and that clearly suited him just fine. “All right,” he said. “But please try to get to the point, Elizabeth. No Edith Bunker, if you don’t mind.”

Elizabeth bristled. Was that how he thought of her? Edith Bunker?

He waited till she subsided to the sofa to sit facing her. “Okay. What’s this favor?”

She licked her lower lip, her mouth suddenly dry. “It’s about Faith and Robert Harris.” She rushed forward with, “I know Robert’s behind on his construction loans, and he used their house as collateral, but Howe, please don’t foreclose on their home. Faith is my friend. You can afford to be merciful, just this once.”

Howe’s composure congealed. “Did Faith put you up to this?”

“Of course not,” she told him, encouraged by the polite tone of the question. “She’d be humiliated if she knew.”

He stood, signaling the conversation was over. “As well she should be.”

Elizabeth had no intention of giving up. She rose and caught Howe’s arm before he could escape. It was the first time they’d touched in months. “Howe, she’s my friend, and God knows, I have few enough real friends in this town. I’m asking you to do this for me, as your wife. Please. I never ask anything of you.”

“Except for your brothers’ legal fees. And the condo in Clearwater for your lush of a mother,” he reminded her quietly, prompting a flush of hot shame to her face.

“Besides that,” she said, wounded. Howe was a master at being cruel, yet unfailingly polite. The flame of anger burned brighter deep inside her.

P.J. would never throw something like that in her face. P.J. actually appreciated her, though she’d never risk her precious
respectability with an affair. His friendship had been a godsend. At least someone thought she was wonderful.

Strengthened by that knowledge, she persevered. “Howe, this is important to me.”

Howe extracted his arm from her grasp, then smoothed the pinpoint oxford as he met her pleading gaze. “I can’t believe you’d even ask this of me. You know I never mix personal and business matters.”

“Make an exception,” she insisted, sending up an arrow prayer for divine intervention. “Just this once. Howe, we can afford it, and nobody has to know. Robert and Faith won’t say anything. I swear.”

No lightning bolt from heaven arrived to thaw her husband’s heart.

“I’m really only asking for a delay,” she argued. “You know Robert will pay you back as soon as things pick up.”

“God knows when that will be,” Howe said, unmoved. “Elizabeth, you are so naïve.”

He’d once found that attractive. P.J. still did. “Maybe,” she said, “but the man I married would at least have tried to find a way to make this happen.”

They’d loved each other once. Surely some shred of that was still inside him somewhere.

Howe’s eyes went frosty. “The man you married was a spoiled kid who had no idea what it took to keep up the lifestyle he was accustomed to. A lifestyle, I might add, that you seem to have enjoyed over the years.”

Elizabeth would gladly have sacrificed every bit of it if she
could bring back the husband who’d adored her in spite of his mother’s objections. But Elizabeth had long since forced herself to accept reality. “Howe, I’m begging. Please.” She hated to grovel, but she only had access to her household accounts. Generous though they were, they couldn’t handle this. And Howe’s mother had made it clear from the beginning that Elizabeth would never receive any more of the family fortune.

Howe wasn’t used to having anyone argue with him, least of all his long-suffering wife. “What do you think the bank is, a charity?” he asked as if she were a child. “We’re one of the few solvent entities in the state—in the country, for that matter—and it’s because I never let personal feelings affect my business decisions.”

As if he had any personal feelings in the first place.

Elizabeth did her best to keep her disappointment from showing. “I know, Howe, but I want this.” How could she convince him? “Consider it my Christmas gift.” She’d never cared about the expensive furs or cars or jewelry he always gave her, prompted, no doubt, by his guilt about the whores she pretended not to know about. “And my birthday gift. And next Christmas, too.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s impossible,” he dismissed as cheerfully as if it were
good morning
. Crouching at the hearth with his back to her, he struck a match to a stick of lighter wood and ignited the aged hickory their handyman Thomas had laid in. “This conversation is closed,” he said firmly but politely. “Permanently.”

The doorbell chimed “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” before Elizabeth could ask again.

Howe stood and looked out the front window to the well-worn Lincoln Continental parked at the curb, then glanced at his Tag Heuer watch. “Now look what’s happened. Miss Emily Mason is here twenty minutes early.”

“She always comes early,” Elizabeth said. Miss Emily was one of Howe’s mother’s cronies from Altar Guild, and she invariably came early, probably trying to catch Elizabeth unprepared, so she could tattle.

“Thanks to your nonsense,” Howe added in a rare glimpse of pique, “only one of the fires is lighted, and I don’t even have my coat on yet.” He rolled down his sleeves to button the starched cuffs. “Please don’t answer the door till I have my coat on.”

Furious and fighting back tears, Elizabeth headed for the foyer, accompanied by repeated choruses of the chimes as Miss Emily jabbed away at the bell.

She’d never change her husband’s mind. How was she going to face Faith and Robert at the party knowing Howe would take their home from them?

Elizabeth wished she could just walk out, leaving Howe to manage without her, and drive to Atlanta to see P.J. That would teach Howe a lesson. Let him explain to everybody why she wasn’t there.

Maybe P.J. could loan Robert the money. He had plenty—not as much as Howe, but plenty. He’d made it in software after losing his shirt in the S and L crisis, so he could surely sympathize with Robert’s plight.

At least P.J. wouldn’t ridicule her for asking. He always made
her feel special, like a desirable woman. She dearly wished she could see him.

But she didn’t dare leave. It would embarrass the family if she wasn’t there for the party, and she’d sworn on her drunken father’s grave that she’d never embarrass her own children. So she opened the door and stayed and smiled for Charles’s and Patricia’s sakes, not for Howe’s. But the party was a disaster. She could barely face the Harrises, who responded to her avoidance with confused concern. And Howe deliberately circulated just out of Elizabeth’s reach.

Elizabeth managed to soldier on till late in the evening, when a drunken Katie Madsden—the wife of one of Howe’s business associates who was nowhere to be seen—draped herself seductively over Howe and started talking about when they’d slept together, in front of everybody who was anybody in Whittington, including Elizabeth.

Conversations halted abruptly as all eyes turned their way.

Howe laughed, trying to escape and pass it off as drunken nonsense, but Katie just got louder and lewder.

Elizabeth’s complexion flamed. Shocked and humiliated, she scanned the room for reactions and got a warning glance and shake of the head from Howe’s mother. God forbid, she should make a scene.

But what about Howe? The scene was his, in their home! And Elizabeth had every right to react.

Their guests went brittle with anticipation of what might come next.

“Tommy,” Howe called to Katie’s husband. “Come get your
wife! She’s had so much to drink, she thinks I’m somebody else.”

“Oh, no I don’t,” Katie insisted, grabbing Howe’s crotch. “I remember you, mister, and this.”

An audible gasp escaped the watching guests.

Elizabeth froze. This was too much. Nameless, faceless whores were one thing, but this woman was local, and anything but discreet.

She could have killed Howe.

How could she look the other way when everyone in town had seen this?

Heart pounding, she grimly approached her husband and his lover, then heard herself say in a low voice that trembled with suppressed rage, “Katie, I’ve never asked a guest to leave my home before, but I’m asking you to, immediately. Get out. You have abused our hospitality and insulted both me and my husband, and you are no longer welcome here.”

Tommy appeared and grabbed his wife, pulling her toward the door. “Sorry, Howe. She gets crazy when she has too much. It doesn’t mean anything, I swear,” he said to Elizabeth, then repeated for the room, “It doesn’t mean anything, I swear.”

“Good-bye, Tommy,” Howe said smoothly. “I don’t want to see you or Katie again. Our business relationship is terminated.” Howe put his arm around Elizabeth’s waist. “You’ll hear from my attorneys tomorrow.”

A wave of sympathy for Elizabeth erupted from the room behind them. To keep from crying, she took a steadying breath and channeled Miss Melly, then turned to their remaining
guests. “Some people shouldn’t drink at all,” she said, brows lifted. She motioned toward the buffet and the bar. “Please, everyone, let’s go back to the party and put this little unpleasantness behind us.”

The tension ebbed as conversation resumed. Elizabeth stood rigid, a forced smile plastered on her face.

“Well done,” Howe said quietly from just behind her left shoulder.

Hating him for the first time in all their long, challenging years together, she faced her husband with stone-cold anger. “You owe me for this,” she bit out. “Make it right with the Harrises. Now.”

He eyed her with renewed admiration. “Done. But only this once.”

“We’ll see,” she said, then resumed her duties as hostess.

When she looked for the Harrises, she saw Howe shaking a much-relieved Robert’s hand, and Faith was crying happy tears.

At least someone here was happy tonight, Elizabeth thought, and bitterly wished herself a Merry Christmas.

Chapter 2

The past: Greenville, Georgia


Eleven-year-old Bessie Mae dragged the scraggly pine sapling she’d cut down in the back door of the abandoned Piggly Wiggly her family had appropriated. Once the tree was safely in, she carefully closed the door, even though the insides of the windows were coated with frost. At least the door blocked the raw December wind.

She carefully selected a battered bucket from the store’s leavings and poured it half full with water from the trash cans they’d used to collect rainwater from the downspouts.

But she made too much noise. After a spate of shuffling footsteps on the broken linoleum, the sour smell of BO and cheap wine preceded her father’s appearance at the opening to the front of the store. He scowled, his arms akimbo under the coats and sweaters and multiple pairs of jogging pants piled onto his gaunt frame. “What the hell is that?”

“It’s Christmas,” she said as cheerfully as she could manage. “So I got us a tree.”

He collapsed into one of the scavenged chairs around the huge cable spool they used for a table. “Bullshit. Christmas is a hunnerd percent bullshit,” he slurred, waving a hand in dismissal. “Totally commercial. All them Jews soaking all them dumb-ass Christians for money, that’s all it is.” He leaned back to holler, “Jacob! Git in here.”

Elizabeth tensed. If only she’d been quieter, she’d have had a chance to put on the string of popcorn and colorful paper chain her teacher had let her take home for the holidays. Then maybe her daddy might have smiled instead of gotten mad. She was his pet, after all.

“I’ve got some decorations for it, Daddy,” she said. “It’ll be real pretty. Just you wait and see.”

“Jacob!” her father blared. “I said git in here! If I have to call you again, it’s a beatin’!”

Daddy was always whaling away at her big brothers, even Liam, who was a strapping man at nineteen. Especially when all of them had been drinking, which was most of the time. Why Daddy spared her, she’d never been able to figure out. And though she was grateful, Bessie Mae felt guilty every time she escaped his wrath.

She let out a sigh of relief when Jacob—at sixteen, already four inches taller than Daddy—sidled into the room, his expression dark and sullen. “Whut now?”

Daddy pointed to the little tree. “Put that into the stove in my room and light it. Then git yer coat and cut some more.” He glared, pulling his clothes tighter around him. “This place is colder than a witch’s tit.”

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