Walk With Me (33 page)

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Authors: Annie Wald

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“things that were unlovely”: See Philippians 4:8


“not complaining or arguing”: See Philippians 2:14–15

6. I

“one could often see a well-off traveler”: See James 2:14–17


“Rich travelers built large houses”: See Luke 12:13–21


“to worry about what they would eat”: See Luke 12:22–31


“their love of its pleasures grew”: See Mark 4:19


“felt the strain of earning enough”: See James 4:1–3


“Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink”: Isaiah 55:1–3


“Call on the King”: paraphrase of Isaiah 55:6–7


“lavish in his forgiveness”: paraphrase of Isaiah 55:7b


“the King’s words cut through him like a two-edged sword”: See Hebrews 4:12


“They were dying for heart food”: See John 4:34; 6:35


“But you walked away from your first love”: Revelation 2:4–5


“I see what you’ve done”: Revelation 2:3


“Today, if you hear His voice”: Hebrews 3:7b–9


“See to it, brothers and sisters”: paraphrase of Hebrews 3:12–13


“false teachers may come among you”: 2 Peter 2:1, 3, 14, 15


“it is easier for a camel”: paraphrase of Matthew 19:23–24, 26


“responsible to love Celeste”: See Ephesians 5:25


“not by lording it over her”: See Matthew 20:25–28


“You will go out in joy”: Isaiah 55:12–13


“There’s nothing to these people”: 2 Peter 2:17–18a


“all the good and perfect gifts”: See James 1:17


“keep my heart and mind set”: See Colossians 3:1–3


“Many travelers want to serve both the King and Money”: See Matthew 6:24


“Yes, the orchard is the King’s”: See Psalm 24:1


“Don’t love the world’s ways”: 1 John 2:17–18


“The Servant turned water to wine”: See John 2:7–9


“went to parties with people who were not traveling to the King’s City”: See Matthew 9:9–12


“the Chosen People had the same problem”: See Deuteronomy 8:7–17


“People do not live by bread alone”: Paraphrase of Matthew 4:4


“enough love to cover over the faults”: See 1 Peter 4:8


“Who needs a doctor”: Mark 2:17


“The eye is the lamp of your body”: Matthew 6:22


“Ask the King to strengthen you”: See Ephesians 3:16–17


“Only Your grace is sufficient for me”: See 2 Corinthians 12:9


“The Breath of the King filled him, and he lit the match”: See Philippians 4:13


“The walls there are made of jasper”: See Revelation 21:18–21; 21:4


“Forget what is behind”: See Hebrews 12:2


“surefooted like deer”: See Habakkuk 3:19

7. A

“the King still cared for them”: See Isaiah 44:21–22


“the Breath of the King reminded him”: See John 14:26


“wanting to drink the chalice”: See Matthew 5:27–28


“The lips of a Honey Woman”: See Proverbs 5:3–6


“Keep to a path far from her”: See Proverbs 5:8–14


“the Servant sympathized with Peter’s weakness”: See Hebrews 4:14–15


“Oh, what a miserable person I am!”: See Romans 7:24


“could approach the throne of grace with confidence”: See Hebrews 4:16


“For there is now no condemnation”: See Romans 8:1–2


“the Breath of the King spoke to him: ‘Flee, flee’”: See 1 Corinthians 6:18


“Do you not know that your body”: paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 6:19–20


“angels and demons, heights and depths”: See Romans 8:38–39


“When my heart was grieved”: paraphrase of Psalm 73:21, 23, 24, 26


“Have mercy on your fellow traveler”: See Matthew 18:17–25


“You were taught to love your enemies”: See Luke 6:27–30


“love keeps no record of wrongs”: See 1 Corinthians 13:5


“Long before you even knew you were lost”: See Romans 5:8


“they claimed to be walking in the King’s light”: See 1 John 2:9–11


“knowledge of the Servant and the sweet fragrance”: See 2 Corinthians 2:14


“all sorts of evil things—quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger”: See Galatians 5:19–21


“if you love the King you must love”: See 1 John 4:20–21


“Anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness”: See Matthew 19:9


“your whole life has to be shaped”: 1 Peter 1:13–16 paraphrase of


“Because these trials test your faith”: See James 1:2–4


“a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner”: 1 Peter 4:13


“Don’t be short-sighted”: See Hebrews 12:16–17


“and He loves you”: Ephesians 5:1–3 paraphrase of


“remembered he was set free for freedom”: Galatians 5:1


“the King has forgiven us completely”: I am indebted to Tim Keller’s sermon, “And Kissed Him” for this explanation of forgiveness.


“don’t use your freedom to go your own way”: See Galatians 5:13–14


“Take his yoke and learn from him”: See Matthew 11:29


“submit to each other”: See Ephesians 5:21


“He is faithful and he will do it”: See 1 Thessalonians 5:24


“As you obey the King”: See Isaiah 58:11


“may the King bless you”: See Numbers 6:24–26

8. T

“working together with one mind”: See Philippians 2:2


“In light of all this”: Ephesians 4:1–4


“love binds you together”: See Colossians 3:14


“Then the king called in the man he had forgiven”: See Matthew 18:32–34


“So I will ask the King”: Ephesians 3:16–18 paraphrase of


“to give without expecting anything in return”: See Luke 6:35


“Don’t you know Me after”: See John 14:9


“If you want to save your life”: See Matthew 16:25–26


“Please give me another way”: See Luke 22:42, 44


“When you pass through the waters”: Isaiah 43:2


“Peace be with you”: See John 20:19


“My peace I give you”: John 14:27


“Not my will, but Your will be done”: See Luke 22:42


“by My wounds, you have been healed”: See Isaiah 53:5


“Remain in my love”: See John 15:9–10


“How great is the love”: 1 John 3:1 paraphrase


“Not by might, nor by power”: Zechariah 4:6 paraphrase


“Everything is possible”: See Mark 9:23


“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief”: Mark 9:24


“You are My beloved”: See Deuteronomy 33:12


“trusting in the King’s unfailing love”: See Psalm 13:5


“Fix your eyes on the Servant”: Hebrews 12:2 paraphrase


“And hope does not disappoint us”: See Romans 5:5


“a great cloud of witnesses”: Hebrews 12:1


“The husband could not take care of her”: The story of Robertson McQuilkin is told in his book,
A Promise Kept
, Tyndale House Publishers, 1998.


“money could have been given to the poor”: See John 12:4–5


“Cancel the debt”: See Romans 13:8


“How many more times will I have to”: See Matthew 18:21–22


“she asked the King for what she needed—again and again”: See Luke 11:8–13; 18:1–8


“She worked hard to keep up with Peter”: See Ephesians 4:2–3


“have the biggest log to sit on”: See Philippians 2:3–7


“how much she appreciated”: See 1 Peter 3:9


“her love covered over his sins”: See 1 Peter 4:8


“amazed at his kindness”: 1 Peter 3:7


“the King calls you to love”: Matthew 5:38–42 paraphrase


“one of his sheep had gone astray”: See Matthew 18:12–14


“the King longs to be gracious to you”: Psalm 107:4–9 paraphrase


“the King is your shepherd”: Psalm 23 paraphrase


“May the King strengthen you with His Breath”: Ephesians 3:16–19 paraphrase.


“Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged”: See Joshua 1:9

9. U

“listened with kindness and gentleness”: See Galatians 5:22–23


“moved with the joy and freedom of a well-loved child”: See Romans 8:5–17


“I lift up my eyes to the mountains”: See Psalm 121:1–3, 5–8


“Be bold; you are free”: 1 John 3:21 paraphrase of


“You are a compassionate and gracious King”: Psalm 86:15–16 paraphrase


“Let all that I am praise the King”: Psalm 103:1–5 paraphrase of


“freedom of being fully known”: See 1 John 3:19–22


“renewed in the knowledge of the King”: See Colossians 3:10, 12


“The way became straight”: See Isaiah 40:1–5


“It was always dry”: See Psalm 63:1


“they were still thirsty”: See Psalm 42:1–2


“they were bound to have hardships”: See Romans 8:35


“I’ve learned by now to be quite content”: See Philippians 4:10b–13


“We are still the children of the King”: 1 John 5:19 paraphrase


“Therefore we do not lose heart”: 2 Corinthians 4:16–18


“all these trials come”: See 1 Peter 1:7


“you can boast of your weaknesses”: See 2 Corinthians 12:8–9


“you will always have difficulties”: See John 16:33


“you longed for a better country”: See Hebrews 11:13–16


“Those who belong to the Servant”: See Galatians 5:24


“we shall be like Him”: See 1 John 3:2


“Be blessed as you journey”: See Psalm 119:1–7 paraphrase


“The city appeared as an unshakable mountain”: See Hebrews 12:22


“shone like a brilliant diamond”: See Revelation 21:11


“made of gold so pure”: See Revelation 21:18


“it did not need the sun or the moon”: See Revelation 21:23


“the River of the Water of Life”: See Revelation 22:1


“no mourning or crying or pain”: See Revelation 21:4


“a crowd of ransomed and redeemed travelers”: See Isaiah 35:9–10


“How beautiful is the place”: Psalm 84:1–4 paraphrase


“all their incompleteness made whole”: 1 Corinthians 13:10, 12 paraphrase of


“the love of the King reaching”: See Psalm 36:5


“they would always find refuge”: See Psalm 91:1


“walking the paths of this love”: See Ephesians 5:2


“They would always praise the King”: See Hebrews 13:15–16


“He would always go with them”: See Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:21


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