Wanted: A Family (21 page)

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Authors: Janet Dean

BOOK: Wanted: A Family
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Yet Jacob, a brand-new believer, just taught her what genuine forgiveness looked like when he'd taken the man who'd denied his fatherhood and badgered Jacob at every turn into his arms and wept with him.

“Oh, Jacob, I'm sorry. I'm the one who hurt you. I didn't trust who you were when you were exactly as you appeared—a man I can respect.” She raised a palm to his jaw. “If you'll forgive me, I'm ready to take a chance on love again.”

He wrapped Callie in those strong arms of his. “You're the woman I want to be my wife.” Then he opened his arms wider to include Commodore and Dorothy—his parents—and Grace and Joanna as they stepped close and joined an ever-widening circle of love, of family. Clearly showing by his actions that he would not only love her, he'd share her mission to care for unwed mothers.

Mrs. Sunderland came forward. “If folks weren't so fast to judge, perhaps Commodore would've stepped up and raised his son.” She glanced over at Pastor Steele. “I've learned a lesson today. A lesson I won't forget.”

Glancing at Callie, eyes wet and apologetic, Loretta patted Mrs. Sunderland's back. “We'll show these young women God's love.”

Mildred wiggled into the circle. “And to show Jake how much I respect his skills, what he's made of himself, I want him to remodel my home, shed its years and purpose, turn it into Peaceful's Historical Museum. I've got enough stuff to fill it,” she said with a laugh, then offered her hand. “I'm your first client in that business you plan to start.”

Jake took her hand. “It's a deal. If you'll keep us stocked in gingerbread boy cookies.”

Mildred chuckled. “I'll save the smiles till last.”

“I don't need any smile but Callie's.” Jake squeezed Callie's hand and gazed into her eyes with such intensity that the crowd faded, and all she could see was the man. A man who cherished family and commitment, a man of faith and integrity, a man she could trust.

“I've repaired your home, but I want more than a business arrangement with you, more than three meals a day and a roof over my head. I love you, Callie Mitchell.”

At his declaration, the lonely shell surrounding her spirit shattered, releasing her from the pain of her past. “Jacob Squier Mitchell, I love you. You've repaired more than my home.” Tears stung her eyes. “You've repaired my heart.”

“As you have mine. I've wanted a family all my life. I love that baby you're carrying. I want to be more than an uncle to him. I want to be a father. We'll start that family with three. Add Commodore and Dorothy, Mildred here and the ladies of Redeeming Love and their babies—” He laughed. “I'm losing count. But we've got plenty of love and that big old Victorian.”

Jacob shared her dream, wanted it as much as she did. He would be a wonderful father, a considerate husband. What had she ever done to deserve this man?

He dropped to one knee. “Callie, will you be my wife?”

With her heart overflowing with peace and love, knowing God had brought exactly the right man into her life that day when a drifter had shown up on her porch, and now took residence in her heart, Callie smiled down at him. “My answer is yes. I want to marry you, Jacob, have a family with you.” He rose and tugged her into his arms, arms that felt like home. “No other man will do.”


Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing
Wanted: A Family.
I hope you enjoyed Callie and Jake's story. This book means a great deal to me personally. One glance in the mirror of my soul confirms how often I fail in my Christian walk. I'm thankful every day for God's perfect grace in the person of Jesus Christ and what He did for me. Sadly, we know people have hurt or been hurt by judgment. When we extend grace to others, as Callie and Jake did in this story, we're not condoning the sin. We're forgiving the sinner as God's Word commands.

I love to hear from readers. Write me at Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, New York 10279. Or email me through my website, www.janetdean.net. Visit my blog at www.janetdean.blogspot.com and my group blog www.seekerville.blogspot.com.

God bless you,

  1. Callie felt responsible for her husband's death. Did you understand her guilt? Was her view logical?
  2. Commodore Mitchell, Callie's father-in-law, carried a heavy burden of guilt. How did he handle his mistakes? What impact did his past have on others?
  3. Did you understand Callie's passion for unwed mothers as well as the town's resistance? What did Callie's friends and church members fear? Were those fears justified? Should we allow fear to guide our decisions?
  4. Jake's experiences in his past shut him off from others, including God. He trusted no one, relying only on himself. Did you understand his reasoning? How did his self-imposed isolation impact his relationship with Callie?
  5. In Callie, Jake sees a woman who doesn't let hardships in her past dictate her choices today. How is she able to overcome those hardships?
  6. Callie senses that Jake is hiding something. Why is she especially sensitive about his lack of openness?
  7. When opposition to the unwed mothers' home escalates, who and what does Callie turn to for wisdom?
  8. How do the unwed mothers in the story affect Jake and his attitude about his birth mother?
  9. Why does Callie believe Jake schemed to bring about ownership of her house? What is behind her suspicion?
  10. Is it believable to you that Pastor Steele was able to teach an important biblical truth by using God's creatures? Why?
  11. When Commodore reveals Jake's parentage, how is Jake able to forgive his father for denying him? What has Jake learned? How did his newfound faith in God enable Jake to love and be loved by Callie?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8867-0


Copyright © 2011 by Janet Dean

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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