Wanted (Addicted Trilogy Book 3)

BOOK: Wanted (Addicted Trilogy Book 3)
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S. Nelson


2015 S. Nelson


Editor- Hot Tree Editing


Cover Design

CT Cover Creations


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the author, ex
cept in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are a product of the publisher

s imagination. Locales a
nd public names are sometimes used for atmospheric
purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses,
companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


/ S.Nelson. -- 1st edition


ISBN-13: 978-1514808917


ISBN-10: 1514808919


I dedicate this book to my sister Pam.
I can’t thank you enough for all of your
continued love and support as I follow my dream.
You’ve been there through every single stage
of this new journey, encouraging me along the way.
You were the first person to read my first
book, and even though the rough draft is still sitting on your bookcase, I know
you won’t show it to anyone.
Can you believe this is the end of the
And my fifth book?
It’s so crazy yet wonderfully amazing.
I love you and can’t wait until I have
another story for you to delve into.



I woke
up with the worst headache I’d had in a long time. It’d been years since I felt
that way—eight years, to be exact.

the previous few hours weren’t a nightmare, everything came crashing over me
like a tidal wave.

parking lot.

being hit in the head and toppling forward.

Me on
the ground.

looking into the face of the one man who turned my sweet, innocent life upside-down.
The one man I’d tried to block from the deepest recesses of my mind.


He was there
in the dark, stifling room with me. I could sense it from the way my body reacted,
an innate fear radiating through every cell of my trembling body.

How long have I been here? Where did he take me? Will anyone
find me this time?

those years before, it took the authorities nine long, agonizing, torturous
days to find me, and they’d been informed Samuel was the last person to see me.
He was identified as giving me a ride, for Christ’s sake. And it
took them that long to rescue me.

How long
would it take for someone to come save me this time? There in Seattle, if I was
even still there, left it wide open for the possibilities of where he could be
keeping me. It would be so much harder this time around.

longer I laid there, the more I seemed to drift in and out of consciousness. I
tried to will myself to stay awake for longer than five minutes at a clip, but
my body had other ideas.

I could remember exactly all the feelings I was going through and, oddly
enough, with lucid clarity.

remembered the headaches, the aches from where I was being restrained, the
fading in and out of blackness and the utter fear. Fear which traveled
throughout my entire body, my soul even.

I didn’t
know how long I’d been there, waiting for something else to happen, anything to
happen. I didn’t want to succumb to what I undoubtedly feared Samuel was going
to do to me, but I didn’t want to prolong it for endless hours…days even. If he
was going to kill me, I would rather he do it and stop torturing me.

I heard
his shoes scuffing the wood boards above my head.

I heard
the jingle of keys.

Then I
heard the door open and heavy steps descend the creaky stairs.

surrounded me like a blanket of despair while I waited for Samuel to make his

The area
I was being held in had to be some sort of room hidden in the basement. The
dank, musty smell was a tell-tale sign. He was smart enough to know he would be
in more danger of being caught if he held me on one of the main floors.

So many
questions raced through my head. Was the house abandoned? Did he rent the
place, waiting for the opportunity to snatch me up? Was he watching me? If so,
for how long?

biggest question afflicting me was what were his plans for me this time?

It was
then I heard short, rapid breaths hitting the shell of my ear. Instantly, my own
breathing quickened and goose bumps broke out all over my skin, giving me a
feeling of pure dread.

missed you so much, Sara. You’re all I thought about when I was locked away. I
told you I never wanted to go back, but you made me.” His fingers slid along my
jaw. “You made me go back there, Sara,” he repeated.

To drive
home his complaint, he gripped my hair and painfully yanked my head to the
side, making me cry out.

Samuel. Please, don’t do this to me.” I trembled, unable to control the shakes which
had taken over my body. “I want to go home. Please, just let me go home.”

him?” A question at first. Although, the next time he spoke, it was a
statement. “You want to go home to him.”

I begged. I knew better than to mention Alek. Knowing it would enrage him
further, I did my best to keep off-topic from the man he apparently already
knew about.

“I saw
you with him, Sara. I saw you kiss him. Hold his hand. I saw you hug him.” His
hot breath fanned my face. “It should have been me. But you sent me away. And
now, you must pay for your sins. Pay for every one of them.”

The man
before me wasn’t the same man from eight years ago. Yes, he was crazy,
certifiably out of his mind. But the Samuel from long before wouldn’t have
wanted to punish me so. He simply wanted to be with me. We were involved in
some sort of twisted—albeit normal, in his mind—relationship.

certainly had enough time over the years to dream up all sorts of ways for
making me pay for what he thought I did to him. In his warped brain, I was to
blame for having him locked up in the nut house.

With his
acknowledgment of Alek, there was no doubt in my mind he thought I’d been
cheating on him. What was his punishment going to be for my infidelity? I had
to derive some sort of argument when he broached the subject again.

I had to
think like a crazy person. What words would satisfy the insane?

are you going to do to me?” Maybe I should have thought about the possible
answer to my question before I asked it. Sometimes ignorance
bliss, especially in a case such as

I had
everything to live for, more so than when he’d stolen me before. I had great
friends and had finally found the man of my dreams. A man who was never going
to hear me tell him I loved him. A man who would forever blame himself for
whatever Samuel was going to do to me.

I knew
how much Alek tried to protect and keep me safe. My abduction was going to
destroy him. Even if he found me, the damage was irrevocable. Knowing how much
he’d sacrificed over the years to see to it no harm came to me, Samuel had
destroyed his security in the blink of an eye.

captor shuffled across the room, ruffling through drawers and tossing things
around. When he was finished, he made his way back up the stairs, never answering
the question I’d asked him.

was the one thing which was going to unravel me. Obviously, I didn’t want him
to harm me, but there was no telling how long he would drag out the
anticipation for what was to come.

The more
time I had to contemplate my new fate, all sorts of scenarios running rampant
inside my head, the more my reality drifted away from me.

And I
needed to be in the present if I was going to have any chance of survival.

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