We Are the Children of the Stars (12 page)

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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Again, as smoothly as gears locking into place, we can use our new Hybrid Man theory and simply propose that the starmen moved members of the
species around the Earth.

Why? Because
was a culmination of their strenuous hybridization program, representing the breakthrough, so to speak, from ape-man specimens to manlike specimens who could in time lead to true Man.

Such a hybridization program is perfectly plausible, even in terms of the budding science of biogenetics on Earth today. The spokesman for one team of Harvard biologists said that a wellfinanced crash program (a la the Manhattan Project) could make genetic engineering on human beings a reality within a few years. By that, he meant manipulating the genes of people to “make them over” in any way desired. If our kindergarten biogenetics know-how is already that close to the goal of “engineering” humans in miraculous ways, then surely the college techniques of the aliens could easily accomplish their programmed plans in changing around the subhuman species of prehistoric times.

As for
then melting away into oblivion 300,000 years ago, this too may have been planned by the starmen when the next-higher type of
was bred. Not that
was ruthlessly exterminated by them but was perhaps simply left to shift for himself. Prey to carnivores and to a hostile environment, and without the brain development to survive against such odds,
huddled helplessly to be sent to the limbo for extinct species.

had to go because Neanderthal Man showed up, a far more advanced type of prehistoric human being with a much larger brain. Which leads to another “gap” that severely damages the case for Darwinian Evolution.

As our previously quoted book of anthropological authority puts it:

“The Auchelian [toolmaking] industry, introduced by
Homo erectus
, lasted from about 500,000 to 75,000 years ago, but
Homo erectus
[himself] did not. The last we know of him [via fossils] is more than 300,000 years ago, which means that there is a stretch of nearly 200,000 years from which no definite
Homo erectus
fossils are known, and at the end of which an entirely different type of man appears on the scene – Neanderthal man.”

An entirely different type of man!
Is that part of the smooth, uninterrupted process of Evolution in which species gradually change in many transitions, with each step traced in fossils?


Borrowing a physics term, it is a quantum jump of a whole magnitude, from one species of early Man to one totally different and far more advanced.

It almost seems unnecessary to point out that such an abrupt leap forward in subhuman species is not only covered by the Hybrid Man theory but is
to it. It almost shouts aloud that some
factor manipulated the development of the human species, not in slow steps by natural selection but in giant steps, by means of “unnatural selection” or planned hybridization techniques.

From the evolutionary viewpoint, 200,000 years are
for. But, in the Hybrid Man theory, these are 2 years in which the starmen found the way to create Neanderthal Man from the basic stock of
Homo erectus.

Of course, the anthropologists and evolutionists will always say confidently (or in wishful thinking?) that more and more digging in the ground will eventually reveal the “missing” fossils that
will fill this gap and also will fill the 12-million-year gap between the earliest and latest Hominids.

In fact, Richard E. Leakey, following in his great father's footsteps, has recently announced new fossil-finds at Lake Rudolph in northern Kenya, including “what is almost certainly the oldest complete skull of early Man.”

He means a species of genus
, not a Hominid of the Australopithecine type. This would antedate
Homo erectus
by far and put true Man's ancestry, back to 2.5 million years ago. However, these finds are too new yet to be fully evaluated and accepted, and Leakey's opinion must be called tentative. He first of all makes the startling suggestion that the
genus was contemporary with the Australopithecines, and that they both came from a common ancestral line (another unfound missing link), from which
broke off about 4 million years ago. This is highly speculative, it must be said, and will have to await much more close study by others than Leakey himself.

Obviously, Leakey is striving to fill that 12-million-year gap between the early and late Hominids, and he puts his faith in further fossil finds to bridge the chasm. But this easy way out of thinking more fossils will conveniently be found – is sternly denied by Ernst Mayr of Harvard, leading authority in evolutionary matters.
He refers to the Sewall Wright Effect which postulates that missing fossils are those of a species of such low population, or of such short duration in the geological scale, that there was little chance of a highly accidental event like fossilizing to occur. In short, an extinct species of numerous members existing for millions of years will, by the law of averages, leave a few of its fossilized skeletal parts around, whereas species of low numbers and brief tenure may leave none.

It sounds very logical – except for the fact that fossils of the second type
been found many times, notably Steinheim and Swanscombe Man. The rarity of the species is no guide to whether it will show up or not. And the finds of the bone-digging anthropologists cannot depend purely on
luck. They most often dig in the most
places for any particular type of
fossil, hence putting the odds strongly in favor of finding even the rarer species.

At any rate, Mayr chided his fellow evolutionists on this score, saying that bringing up the Sewall Wright Effect as an “explanation” for gaps in the fossil record is very “farfetched” – a “cover-up” that may soothe the mind of the harassed anthropologist with the thought of missing fossils, but hardly scientific when it is a wholly “manufactured” excuse.

True, new finds like those of Leakey in Tanzania are great “bonanzas” that help fill the fossil gap for recent Hominids, but to blithely believe that “the more digging, the more fill-in fossils” is tantamount to believing in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Some fossil gaps will never be filled out, simply because there
no such “progressive” fossils. That is a false hope based on one great
of Evolution – that an endless chain of microchanges in any certain species eventually results in a macrochange. This is disputed by the majority of evolutionists today.

In fact, Evolution Theory today no longer follows classical Darwinism, except for a stubbornly faithful group. Not that the remaining majority of evolutionists have agreed on any single concept or principle to replace Darwinism.

They have instead fragmented it into three separate “modes.”

  1. Speciation
    : The formation of new subspecies and species by means of “point mutations,” a complex viewpoint that is sponsored mainly by geneticists.
  2. Phyletic Evolution
    : Paleontologists work at this phase, sorting out large groups of fossils into phylogenies, or “family trees.”
  3. Macro-Evolution
    : The concept that major changes in a species result from a long series of

But a fourth group has arisen that denies any evidence of micro-Evolution being necessary for macro-Evolution. Instead, they believe in
Quantum Evolution
, wherein species, for some unaccountable reason, make a sudden jump into a major change.

In the case of the origin of Man, this form of Quantum Evolution is plain to see and is the only possible concept that fits the facts.

And the cause of these “mysterious” quantum jumps would not baffle the experts if they accepted this book's proposal of wholesale biomanipulations by the starmen who created Hybrid Man and “jumped” from Homo erectus to Neanderthal Man to Cro-Magnon Man (the human race) in “macro” style.

The authors believe that, by the end of this book, they will have presented
overwhelming evidence
that this can be the only answer to Man's origin.

Homo Clues

E ARE NOW done with the pre-human Hominids and will deal with the various genus
species, or the “true” men, who have hardly any simian characteristics. The time period advances to about 600,000 years ago, the final days of Australopithecine Hominids. As we saw in the previous chapter, the first
species came in at that time –
Homo erectus

Homo erectus
rather mysteriously died out 300,000 years ago, we suggested that this might very well have been an extinction planned by the starmen to make room for newer and better

The picture is not at all clear, from the fossil records, as to just what happened next. Anthropologists only know that
Homo neandethalensis sapiens
appeared 110,000 years ago, after that fossil gap of almost 200,000 years. Neanderthal Man was a great leap forward in the Evolution of Man, for his brain was much larger than primitive
– 1,400-1,500 cubic centimeters and about 975 cubic centimeters, respectively.

There are two fossils that form the only possible link between
and Neanderthal, but they both appear “out of place” in the time scale and hence are among those baffling anomalies that give anthropologists sleepless nights.

One is Swanscombe Man, of perhaps 250,000 years ago, who amazingly has a skull shaped almost like modern Man's, plus a brain capacity close to ours. As one paleoanthropological writer puts it when talking about the Swanscombe skull bones found:
“Their size, their proportions and particularly their curves are much the same as modern Man's; they are definitely not those of
Homo erectus.
This is absolutely astonishing. What on earth was a modern-looking skull like that doing way back there?”
A verbatim quote! From an apparently stupefied anthropologist.

He goes on to say that the Swanscombe skull “seems to indicate a kind of precocious modern Man sneaking into the picture along with, or even before, Neanderthal Man.”

The reason he and his colleagues are “absolutely astonished” should be apparent. If a more modern skull and brain (Swanscombe) shows up
of a less modern skull and brain (Neanderthal), then Evolution is working backward. This almost undermines Darwin's theory in itself (in the case of mankind only), for the whole concept of natural selection is that Evolution always goes
to better and better species.

Yet how easily Swanscombe can be accepted in the Hybrid Man theory!

He would simply be the result of an abortive genetic experiment by the starmen, an attempted “improvement” on
, say, one that didn't work out. Perhaps, in spite of his “modern” skull, his brain was inferior because of a low blood-supply, or a paucity of nerve paths, or some other cerebral blemish that made him an inferior specimen of
. Only three bone-parts of one Swanscombe skull have ever been found, and we can assume this rarity means his stock was not allowed to perpetuate itself. The starmen superbiologists did not want this “freak” with faults to continue as a species.

One other skull, that of Steinheim Man, comes from that 200,000-year gap, and is also too “advanced” for its time. Unlike anthropologists to whom this threatens the very foundations of Evolution, our Hybrid theory can again accept it without fear – in fact, welcome it – as another abort in the great biogenetic program of the starmen.

We want to repeat this point: that out-of-place skulls and misfit
the Hybrid Theory, strongly indicating that a Man-controlled kind of “Evolution” was being practiced, with certain setbacks coming up during the experimentation.

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