Web of Desire (19 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

BOOK: Web of Desire
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Her plans to seduce Jackie’s father seemed so wrong now. He was a lovely man, and he was loaded, but his daughter … What the hell did she feel for Jackie? Was it possible to fall in love with someone of her own sex? Thinking once more about what her parents would say, she reckoned that they need never know. She could introduce Jackie as a friend, and they wouldn’t have a clue that they were enjoying lesbian sex together. Maybe things would work out, she thought as Jackie offered to show her around the house.

Following the girl up the huge staircase, she wondered what Paula would think of the mansion. She’d grab Nick, and his money, she knew that much. Why had Paula lied to her? she asked herself again as Jackie led her into a large bedroom. The car, owning the company, two houses … Why the hell did she have to lie about everything? It wasn’t as if Mandy was rich and successful, so why should Paula make out she was some kind of high-flying businesswoman?

‘This was my bedroom,’ Jackie said, sitting on the edge of the bed. ‘It still is, I suppose.’

‘Wow, it’s lovely,’ Mandy said softly, gazing around the luxurious room. ‘This is a different world. My flat is so small and …’

‘But it’s your home. Money isn’t everything, Mandy.’

‘Try telling Paula that.’

‘There’s something wrong with Paula,’ Jackie sighed. ‘She’s a lovely girl, but there’s something very wrong with her. When she suggested that I should meet you … I think she was trying to get me to find out about you.’

‘Find what out?’

‘How well you’re doing with your business, how much money you have, that sort of thing. She also wanted to meet your male friends.’

‘The whole thing was a game,’ Mandy confessed. ‘She said that she owned her own company and two houses and the car … I suppose I made out that I was doing very well just to keep up with her.’

‘Will you tell her that you know the truth?’

‘No, I won’t say anything. I like her and we get on very well. Why ruin it by exposing her as a liar?’

‘Well, I won’t say anything to her. After all, she is my boss. The last thing I want is trouble in the office.’

‘Why do you work, Jackie? You said something about your dad wanting you to work.’

‘That’s right. He believes that, although I have a never-ending supply of money, I need work experience. Life experience, he calls it. He doesn’t want me to become a stuck-up little rich kid. I don’t want that, either. Come and sit next to me.’

Joining the girl on the bed, Mandy closed her eyes as they locked their lips in a passionate kiss. Jackie’s hand wandered over Mandy’s young body, squeezing
pert mounds of her breasts, toying with her erect nipples though her blouse. Trembling, breathing heavily, Mandy clung to the other girl, breathing in her perfume as she parted her slender thighs and allowed her to slip her hand up her short skirt. Their tongues entwined, Jackie pressed her fingertips into the warm swell of Mandy’s tight panties and massaged her there.

‘What about your dad?’ Mandy asked, slipping her tongue out of Jackie’s wet mouth.

‘It’s all right, he won’t disturb us.’

‘But …’

‘He would never just walk into my bedroom – trust me.’

Opening Mandy’s blouse and easing her firm breasts out of her bra, Jackie leaned forward and sucked on each milk teat in turn. Mandy gasped, her head thrown back as her lesbian lover suckled at her breasts like a baby. The girl’s teeth sank gently into the dark disc of her areolae, and Mandy clung to her head and whimpered as the sensations permeated the taut mound of her mammary sphere. The girl’s hand pulled her panties aside, her finger delved deep into her moistening vaginal duct, and she lost herself in her lesbian arousal.

She’d never felt like this before, Mandy reflected as her clitoris swelled. She’d thought that she’d been in love with John, but now she realised that it hadn’t been love at all. Was this love with Jackie? she wondered dreamily. Or was this purely lust? Whatever it was, she decided to enjoy her new relationship.

‘I want to lick you,’ Jackie breathed, slipping her finger out of Mandy’s tight pussy and kneeling on the floor. ‘I want to drink from your pussy.’

Reclining on the bed, Mandy sighed as the girl slipped her knickers off. ‘God, yes,’ she gasped as
ran her wet tongue up and down her opening vaginal crevice. ‘Lick deep inside me.’

Gazing up at the high ceiling, Mandy once more let out a gasp as Jackie’s tongue slipped deep into her juice-bubbling vaginal hole. Pressing her lips hard against the pink funnel of flesh surrounding the entrance to her wet sex sheath, Jackie sucked out her juices of desire. Mandy listened to the slurping, the gulping, as the girl drank from the sexual centre of her quivering body. She needed the relief of orgasm, but she knew that she’d be forced to wait until she writhed and begged. No man could do this, she reflected as Jackie’s nose massaged the solid bulb of her ripe clitoris.
Only a girl knows …

‘You know what I want,’ Jackie breathed.

‘What?’ Mandy murmured.

‘I’m thirsty, Mandy. Give me a drink.’

‘But … what about the bed? It’ll get wet and your dad …’

‘I won’t waste one drop, I promise you.’

Squeezing her muscles, Mandy released a dribble of golden liquid. Listening to Jackie repeatedly swallowing hard, she realised that, only a few weeks previously, she’d have thought the act was disgusting. But then she’d met Paula and her life had changed. Now she was heavily into any and every possible lesbian sex act. What would David think of her? She flexed her vaginal muscles again as Jackie sucked hard. More to the point, what the hell would her parents think?

Her clitoris grew solid in its arousal and Mandy begged her lover for her orgasm. With the girl’s father downstairs, they had very little time, and Jackie moved up her vaginal valley and sucked her ripe clitoris into her wet mouth. Mandy’s orgasm came quickly. Writhing on the bed, stifling her gasps of
pleasure, she grabbed Jackie’s head and forced her mouth hard against the pink flesh surrounding the base of her pulsating clitoris.

Mandy rode the crest of her climax as Jackie mouthed and licked on her orgasming clitoris and sustained her amazing pleasure. Mandy involuntarily let out another gush of hot liquid, soaking her lover’s face as she cried out in the grip of her lesbian climax. Again and again, waves of pure sexual bliss crashed through her trembling body, reaching every nerve ending, tightening every muscle. Her mind was made up, she decided in her sexual frenzy. She was in love with Jackie, and she’d stay with her.

‘God,’ she breathed shakily as her climax began to fade. ‘That was … that was amazing.’

‘I’m soaked,’ Jackie said, chuckling. ‘It’s all down my blouse.’

‘I can’t get up,’ Mandy said. ‘I feel like I’m floating.’

‘You stay there and recover, and I’ll go downstairs. Join me when you’re ready.’

As the door closed, Mandy managed to haul her trembling body up. Swaying on her sagging legs, she slipped her panties back on and brushed her dark hair away from her flushed face with her fingers. Jackie certainly knew how to please a girl, she thought happily as she looked around the room. Imagining Jackie growing up in the huge house, slipping into the bed each night, she thought about the future.

Making her way downstairs, Mandy decided that the next step would be to see Jackie’s house. They couldn’t share her own flat as it was far too small but, if Jackie’s place was big enough, they’d set up home together. About to wander into the lounge, she stopped by the door as she heard the girl talking to her father.

‘Yes, I am in love with Mandy,’ she said.

‘That’s good,’ her father said. ‘I want you to be happy and, I must say, I’ve not seen you this happy in ages. Will Mandy be moving in with you?’

‘I hope so. I don’t want to push her, but I think she’ll move in.’

good news. How long are you staying? Only I need to talk to you about money.’

‘That’s up to Mandy. I think we’re going back to her place and …’

‘I’ll walk home,’ Mandy said, entering the room. ‘If you two need to talk, I’ll walk back.’

‘Take my car,’ Jackie said, grabbing the keys from her bag.

‘Are you sure?’ Mandy asked the girl as she took the keys. ‘How will you get back?’

‘I’ll borrow Dad’s car.’

‘Oh, will you?’ her father said, with a chuckle.

‘Actually, if it’s all right with you, Mandy … I might stay here tonight. I need to chat to Dad about things, so I’ll come round to your place tomorrow.’

‘OK, that’s fine.’

‘Now, you listen to me, Mandy,’ her father said. ‘I want you to be happy. You’re a lovely girl, and I want you and Jackie to be very happy together.’

‘We will be,’ Mandy said, smiling at him.

‘OK, you go home – I hope we meet again very soon.’

Kissing Jackie’s cheek, Mandy smiled. ‘You’ll be seeing a lot more of me,’ she said, leaving the room. ‘See you tomorrow, Jackie.’

‘OK, bye.’

As she drove home, Mandy hoped that she’d see Paula in the street when she passed the wine bar. No such luck, she realised. It would have been fun to
the horn and wave. Finally pulling up outside her flat, she locked the car and walked into the small hallway. After Nick’s huge house, the flat seemed so poky and dull, she thought as she filled the kettle for coffee. She was going to check her emails, but she had other things on her mind as she sat in the lounge.

Gary, David, Henry, Jackie … Sipping her coffee, Mandy thought about the people in her life. The temptation to move in with Jackie was overwhelming, but could she stay faithful to the girl? Jackie would want her to make a commitment, and she’d never agree to Mandy screwing several men on the side. The time had come to decide. Nick’s offer to pay off her mortgage obviously came into the equation, but she didn’t want to be swayed by money.

‘What do I really want?’ she sighed. ‘What the hell do I
want?’ As the phone rang, she remembered that she’d arranged to see David. God, she thought, realising that he was waiting for a decision. Ignoring the phone, she sighed. Her life had become a complete mess. Although she had feelings for David, she wished that she’d never bumped into him and agreed to go out for a drink. Gary was a great guy and an amazing lover. His life wasn’t complicated. He didn’t put pressure on her or want anything more than sex. Even though Gary was married, he was able to get out and enjoy sex on the side. If only David was more like Gary. David was in love with her, that was the problem.


she kicked the quilt aside and climbed out of bed. She still hadn’t reached a decision, and she was beginning to think that she’d better not arrange anything with Jackie for a while. Fortunately, Jackie wasn’t pushing her, so there was no hurry. After a shower and breakfast, Mandy was about to get down to work when the phone rang. Her heart missing a beat, her stomach somersaulting, she hoped that it was Jackie.

‘Hi, sexy,’ Gary said. ‘How about having a little fun today?’

‘This evening, you mean?’ Mandy asked him.

‘No, during the day. I have a friend who wants to meet you.’

‘He wants to meet me? Why?’

‘Why do you think?’

‘Oh, I see. Look, I’m working today and …’

‘You can take an hour off, surely,’ he persisted. ‘I thought you enjoyed having two cocks?’

‘Yes, yes I do,’ she murmured pensively. ‘It’s just that … I have to work something out. I need to make a decision.’

‘What about?’

‘The future. This friend of yours … what’s he like?’

‘He’s young, only eighteen. Do you fancy three cocks?’

‘Three? Well, I don’t know.’

‘Come on, Mandy. I know you’d enjoy three hard cocks. I have two friends, if you’re interested.’

‘Actually, that might help me to decide,’ she thought aloud. ‘OK, bring your friends round.’

‘Good girl, I knew you’d be up for it. Say, half an hour?’

‘Yes, yes – I’ll be ready.’

‘Great. I’ll see you soon.’

Mandy replaced the receiver and paced the lounge floor, deep in thought. She knew that, unless she experienced three men, three cocks, she’d be forever wondering what it would be like. If she did decide to commit herself to Jackie, then she wanted to be one hundred per cent certain that she was doing the right thing. And she wanted to be sure that she wouldn’t stray and cheat on the girl. Three cocks, she mused excitedly. A dream come true?

Gazing out of the lounge window, Mandy felt her clitoris stir and her juices of desire seep into the tight crotch of her cotton panties. Trying to push thoughts of Jackie out of her mind, she wondered what David was doing. She imagined living with him and couldn’t see how he’d be happy for her to enjoy three cocks. Recalling his words, she knew that it wouldn’t work.
You can fuck ten different men every day, that wouldn’t change the way I feel about you
. There was no way he could sit at home waiting for her, knowing that she was being screwed by three men. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair.

Answering the door, she gazed at Gary. ‘Hi,’ she said, eyeing the two young men standing behind him. ‘Come in.’

‘This is Rod,’ he said, stepping into the hall. ‘And this is Tony.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ Mandy breathed, feeling a little embarrassed as she led them into the lounge. ‘Er … I suppose I’d better …’

‘Take your clothes off?’ Gary said, winking at her.

‘Yes, I …’

‘We’ll sit down and watch the strip show.’

As her audience watched from the sofa, Mandy felt like a common stripper. This was purely a sexual thing, she reminded herself as she unbuttoned her blouse. There was no need for guilt or embarrassment. This was also a means to an end, a way to decide what it was she really wanted. She didn’t look upon the young men as lovers. They were simply people with cocks to be used for her own gratification. They weren’t particularly good-looking, but that didn’t matter.

Slipping her blouse off her shoulders, she unhooked her bra and allowed the cups to fall away from the firm mounds of her young breasts. The men gazed longingly at them, licking their lips as they focused on her elongating nipples. A feeling of power gripped her as she realised that she could have any man eating out of her hand. This was what Paula had boasted about, she reflected as she slipped her skirt down her long legs and kicked it across the room. A string of men in tow, every sexual experience imaginable, sex with girls … But Paula had been lying.

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