Werebeasties (2 page)

Read Werebeasties Online

Authors: Lizzie Lynn Lee

Tags: #Ménage à Quatre MFMM/ Paranormal/ Wereshifters

BOOK: Werebeasties
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“Okay,” Sam said breathlessly.
Butler. They got a butler.
“Thank you.”

Nigel’s gaze cut to her luggage. “Let me help you with that.” He snatched the heavy bag with the agility of a man half his age. The butler was stronger than he looked.

“Thank you again.”

“My pleasure. Please, follow me.”

Dual grand staircases leading to the second floor greeted her sight. An enormous crystal chandelier hung between the staircases, illuminating a round, glass table that sported a huge vase filled with long-stemmed roses. A gold and caramel colour-theme splashed throughout the interiors, from the pristine marble floor to the padded wall-covering, shades, and draperies. Sam mouthed ‘whoa’. She had never been privileged to go inside a rich man’s house before.

Nigel paused. “Your room is on the second floor, Ms Knight.”

“Okay. Thank you.” That was the third time she’d thanked him in less than five minutes. Sam hoped Nigel wouldn’t think she was ditzy white trash with a limited vocabulary. She didn’t know what to chitchat about with somebody she’d just met. She wasn’t a social butterfly. Besides, butlers weren’t usually chatty, were they? They were serious, impassive, tight-assed people like the ones she had seen on TV.

Sam followed Nigel. As soon as they reached the second floor, the butler led her to the left, into a long hallway. Her room was the third door.

Her jaw dropped when she saw her accommodation. Tall ceilings. Arched windows. More cream-coloured marble dominating the floor and walls. Perched in the middle of the room was a four-poster bed with crisp, white linen bedding. The furniture in her room matched the mansion’s colour scheme. Light-grained woods carved in intricate details with gold inlay. Luxuriously upholstered sofa and benches. More antique knick-knacks graced the armoire and tables. Sam made a mental note not to touch anything. If she broke something in this place, she was sure as hell she wouldn’t be able to pay for it.

Nigel carefully put her bags at the foot of the bed. “Mr Hauser will be with you momentarily.”

“Thank you, Mr Burford.”

“Please, call me Nigel.” He bowed his head and silently withdrew from the room with the grace of a swan.

The door was closed, leaving Sam free to gawk.

She inspected the adjoining rooms, which turned out to be a bathroom and a walk-in closet. The bathroom was bigger than her home in Indiana and a thousand times nicer. It had a deep, claw-footed tub—its faucet glimmered as if it was made from solid gold. Sam poked around with the curiosity of a fickle cat. The walk-in closet was spacious and looked like one of the high-end designer boutique showrooms she’d seen in downtown Chicago. The walls were lined with empty shelves for shoes and rows of unused hangers. A vanity with three-fold mirrors sat elegantly against one wall. The vanity top was carved from the same pristine marble that was the signature of this mansion, and the bench in front of it was upholstered in a rich, gold fleur-de-lis print fabric.

“Do you find everything satisfactory?” A voice startled her from her gawking.

Sam jumped.

She swivelled at the closet door and blushed. A handsome man dressed in a black designer suit leaned against the doorframe. He was tall. Six-foot-nine or ten or something. He was athletically fit with a broad chest, powerful shoulders, slim waist, and long legs. His golden-coppery hair was cut very short, military style. The man seemed to be in his early thirties. His eyes were an unusual shade of amber and his smile was dazzling.

“It’s amazing.” Sam quickly recovered and stuck out her hand. “Hello. I’m Samantha Knight.”

The man shook her hand, but didn’t let her go. “I’m Adam Hauser. Nice to finally meet you.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Y-you’re Adam Hauser?”

“In the flesh. Were you expecting somebody else?”

Her cheeks flushed instantly. She hadn’t expected one of her employers to be this…young and stunning. She thought she would be entertaining a bunch of middle-aged corporate fat cats. Wasn’t it that kind of man who usually could afford this lavish lifestyle? “No, sir. I just had no idea what you looked like.”

Adam let go of her hand and quirked his lips into a faint smile. “What did you expect I’d look like?”

Sam paused to think. She decided to be honest. Brown nosing wasn’t her forte. “Fat. Balding. Twice my age.”

A gleam of amusement twinkled in his eyes. “Are you disappointed?”

She cringed.
Is he kidding me?
“No, sir,” she answered in a small voice.

His faint smile turned into a leer. Adam crooked a finger in her direction, motioning her to follow. “Have a seat. I want to you give you a quick rundown.”


Her new boss walked to a wingback chair near the fireplace. The way he moved was sinuous and predatory. It reminded her of big cats in their natural habitat. Like lions that stalked their prey. Dominant and deadly. Adam settled in gracefully. He grabbed a folder from the side table and started to flip through the pages. The contracts Reyes had had her sign were longer than the Congress’ annual budget bills.

Adam peered from the top of the folder. “Have a seat, Ms Knight.”

Sam decided to sit in a chair next to him. The room had a small sitting area across from the bed. The chair was plush and comfy, making her want to sink in and take a snooze. She couldn’t do that. Sam straightened her posture, hoping she’d appear more sophisticated than she really was.

His gaze cut to her. “We hired you here for nothing but to fulfil our pleasure. Do you understand the extent of your employment?”

Sam gulped hard and nodded.

“Please state yes or no.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That means you can’t refuse any request we have in mind.”

“I understand, sir. Yes, sir.”

“Do you?” Adam leaned forward. The twinkles in his eyes burned bright. “If I wake you up at three in the morning to bunny fuck you, you have to be willing and enthusiastic.”

Heat seared her face. She understood what she was going into without needing it to be put out so bluntly. “I understand, sir. Ms Reyes explained each clause of the contract very thoroughly.”

Adam looked pleased. “Are you an anal virgin?”

The heat slammed back tenfold. “I…uh yes, sir. Sorry, I’m inexperienced in that area.” Jared was the king of vanilla and his laziness included sex. She’d had to do all the work and the kinkiest thing she had ever tried was a reverse cowgirl. She hadn’t cared for that either. “But I’m a fast learner, sir,” Sam added hurriedly, hoping her haplessness in sex wouldn’t make her employer change his mind.

Somehow, Adam didn’t seem disappointed. He flipped through more pages. “Why did you divorce your husband?”

The question came unexpectedly. Jared had been her high school sweetheart. She and Jared had married right after they’d graduated. They’d been young and very much in love. Love alone didn’t warrant a good life. A year had passed when she’d finally seen Jared for who he was—a lazy, good-for-nothing bastard. While she wallowed elbow-deep in cleaning up animal carcasses in the factory, Jared sat in front of the TV and drank beer. Laziness alone she could tolerate. After all, he was her husband and they had taken a vow, for better or for worse. But then Jared had started to cheat on her and hadn’t bothered being secretive. She’d asked for a divorce. Jared had refused. He’d said he wouldn’t let her go, no matter what.

At first, she’d thought Jared’s reluctance for divorce was because deep down, he loved her. It had taken her six more years to realise that Jared didn’t want a divorce because he didn’t want to lose his lifestyle. If they split up, he would’ve had no one to support his habits. So when Sam hit him with the divorce papers, Jared had gone to an expensive divorce lawyer and hit her back with a ridiculous divorce settlement. Her own lawyer had lost in front of the judge. She had to pay Jared a sizeable sum or she’d lose everything.

Sam cleared her throat. “He’s an ass, sir. And I finally realised that and did what I should have done a long time ago.”

Adam flooded her with a pitiful stare.

She didn’t know why, but a roll of anger quickened past her. She didn’t need pity. She could take care of herself, thank you very much. All she needed to do was lie on her back and spread her legs for Adam and his colleagues for a month and she’d be home with that hundred grand and could settle all of her problems.

Adam returned his attention to the folder. He skimmed and plucked some sheets. He handed them to her. “These are our health examination papers. We are clean. Same as you.”

“Yes, sir.” Her gaze darted from top to bottom of the document. The doctor who had signed the paper was from the same exclusive clinic that had also examined her. Then she noticed her employers’ age. Adam Hauser was thirty-two, only six years older than her. Calvin Neutzel was thirty-three, and David Strauss was thirty-four.

So the other two were also young. Here she’d thought she was going to entertain a bunch of fat, balding, rich old men. The job suddenly didn’t sound that bad at all and maybe she would actually enjoy it.

Adam closed the folder and put it back on the table. He steepled his fingers. His expression wavered between solemn and curious. “I want you to strip, Ms Knight.”

“Strip?” she echoed.

“Take off your clothes. We want to see what we’ll get for our money.”

Self-consciousness knifed her back. They had taken photos and videos during the interview, but none of them had involved nude pictures. Now she was worried. What if Hauser didn’t like what he saw and decided to cancel the agreement?

During her seven-year marriage, Jared had complained that she’d let herself go. But Sam hadn’t really cared what he’d thought. Try working twelve-hour shifts in the factory and coming home to cook and clean up his lazy-ass mess. She hadn’t had time to take care of herself. Sure, she had plumped over the years, but she hadn’t really ballooned either. Still, it didn’t make her feel pretty or presentable in front of her new employer.

Gathering the rest of her wits, Sam hauled herself from the chair. She unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged it from her shoulders. Her jeans came off next, after she’d slipped off her sneakers. She regretted not wearing sexier underwear or a bra. Hadn’t thought to buy some, on account of her limited budget. Her undergarments always came from a Kmart bargain bin. White cotton panties and a cream-colored bra. They looked like granny gear, but they were comfortable to wear.

Adam stared at her critically. “All of it, Ms Knight.”

Sam unhooked her bra clasp and let her heavy breasts free from their containment. Her hands trembled when she slipped her panties down to her ankles. She felt vulnerable under Adam’s sharp stare. She picked up her strewn clothes and folded them into a neat pile. It was a habit. Jared was an expert when it came to messing up the house. Then it occurred to her that she should probably act sexy, instead of fussing like a housekeeper. After all, Adam and his friends had hired her to fuck. But she didn’t know how to be sexy. She wasn’t a flirter.

She decided to stand straight, her gaze fixed on her neatly clipped toenails. She felt so awkward.

Adam rose from his seat. He tugged her face up. “You’re blushing.” He smiled. “I like that. Very innocent.”

Innocent? Had they hired her because she was innocent? Who would have known that?

Adam caressed the side of her jaw with the tip of his fingers. Her neck. Her shoulder. Chest. Nipples and her belly. His touches left trails of red blazes of heat on her skin. Her heart beat faster. Her nipples hardened instantly.

“And very responsive,” he added.

Adam noticed her reaction and looked pleased with it. He slipped his hand down. Sam jerked. He found her clit and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. A jolt of pleasure seared her spine.

“Oh…” Sam instinctively grabbed on to his shoulder. Her knees weakened. “Mr Hauser…”

“Relax.” He released her clit and parted her dampened seam. He touched her entrance.

Adam pushed a finger inside her and she bit her lip. It felt rough against her inner passage, despite her growing arousal. Adam thrust his finger until the pad of his palm mashed her vulva. He stroked her. Slowly at first. She shivered from the delicious intrusion. He quickened his strokes, and Sam found herself becoming very wet. Morsels of pleasure burst out in her depths. She moaned at the sensation. The ecstasy edged towards a climax. Adam suddenly stopped.

She shot him a wide-eyed look, objecting. She was so close…

A smirk came as a reply, then, “May I remind you that you’re here for our pleasure. Not otherwise.”

Sam blinked and collected herself. “I’m sorry, sir.”

His gaze softened. “But if you behave like a good girl, you might have a reward.”

A reward. What kind of reward? More money? Orgasm? Sam silently hoped her reward would come in the form of an orgasm. What Adam had done was incredible. All he’d done was pet her like a kitty cat and she had been ready to drop to her knees and keel over for more.

She gulped. “Yes, sir.”

Adam withdrew his finger and gave her pussy a playful pat. He padded to the walk-in closet and returned with a gown in his hand. He placed it carefully on the bed. “You are to wear this tonight during dinner. You will find matching undergarments in that dresser. Calvin gets a kick from women in lacy bras and thongs. But I prefer you without any panties at all.” He winked.

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