Werewolves and Chocolate (3 page)

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Authors: Shauna Aura Knight

BOOK: Werewolves and Chocolate
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Licking up Jake’s spine to his neck, Kyle
sank his teeth into Jake’s flesh. “Harder?”

Jake grunted as Kyle flexed his hips and gave
him another hot flash of sensation. Ellie let out a moan and he opened his eyes
to look at her. Their mate got so turned on watching them together. His whole
abdomen clenched in lust; he needed Kyle to take him rough. They both craved the
fierce intensity when they got this pent up.

“Play with yourself,” Kyle growled at Ellie.

Jake knew both their eyes were golden. “Play
with your pussy for us, sweetheart.”

“Because we’re going to fuck the hell out of
you after this.”

Ellie leaned back against the pillows they’d
left piled and began to slowly circle her clit.  Kyle snarled and began to pump
his hips into Jake.

The intense sensation coiled up his spine and
Jake groaned into the bedding, reaching a hand behind him to grip Kyle’s hip.
He felt the sweat dripping from both of them, and loved every pant, every growl
his lover let out.

Finally Kyle flipped Jake onto his back. “You
feel so fucking good,” Kyle ground out, caressing Jake’s thigh before he began
shafting him again. Snarling, Kyle pulled Jake’s legs up to rest on his
shoulders and Jake was pulling Kyle into him harder by the hips. His cock was
so hard it lay along the muscles of his belly and he growled at every one of
Kyle’s thrusts.

He heard a muffled whimper and saw Ellie was
leaning forward, watching as Kyle’s cock drove inside him.

“Ellie,” Jake gasped. Kyle’s driving thrusts
had made him ravenous for her. “Please,” he let out a hoarse, strangled sound.
Kyle had pushed him past the breaking point and he was raw and aching for his
mate’s touch.

She crawled over to kiss him, softly stroking
her fingers over his cock. His hips jackknifed up in response and he smelled
the perfume of her cream. He loved how their play ratcheted up her need.

He dragged her over him so that she was
straddling him, Kyle behind her. Jake knew she often forgot how strong the two
of them were. He loved the low, purring groan she let out as he slid deep into
her pussy. No matter how many times they took her, she felt like a tight,
silken fist around his cock. She tipped her head back in bliss as he drove
every inch into her.

Kyle leaned down to bite Ellie’s neck and
resumed the pounding strokes that were driving Jake mad with lust. Gritting his
teeth, he held on as long as he could, reaching up one hand to tease at Ellie’s
breast, the other to thumb at her jewel. He swelled as she rocked down onto
him. He let her follow the rhythm Kyle was setting but the sensation of the
silken glide every time Kyle slid into him was pushing him to the edge. When
Kyle roared in climax and buried his cock deep into Jake it drove him right
over and he stiffened in ecstasy. Letting out a strangled groan in release, his
cock pulsed hard jets into his beloved mate before he could bring her to

Kyle leaned his head down to Ellie’s neck,
panting, and slowly she stilled her hips, then leaned down to kiss him. Jake
clung to her, his chest still heaving as he struggled to catch his breath.


~* * *~


Ellie slid off of Jake and lay next to him,
and Kyle collapsed on Jake’s other side. She thought it was a little bit
adorable how over sensitized and incoherent Jake got after getting fucked so

“Gods…damn hot, Jake,” Kyle murmured,
caressing Jake’s chest. He twined his fingers with Ellie’s. “Don’t worry,
sweetheart. We’ll recover in a minute.”

She felt the ache of her desire coiling up
within her again. They had worked her up so badly she needed to come again
already, but she could wait for a bit. She knew the buildup would be worth it.

They lay together for long moments just
caressing each other, holding one another. Eventually Jake reached down and
began to softly draw the pad of his finger across her pearl. When she squirmed
against him with a hungry sound, Jake growled and flipped her onto her back.
She could feel him hardening inside her, his cock hitting every nerve ending as
he filled her up again. He was hot and ready but when she bucked up against him
he chuckled and held still. He kissed her, his mouth like hot silk before he
began nibbling at her neck. Kyle leaned down beside them and began sucking on
her nipples until she was moaning. “Please,” she begged.

“So impatient.” Jake gave her a soft, rolling
thrust and she let out a groan.

“Gods, I love it when you do that.” He did it
again. The third time, she had her nails dug into his ass and was trying to
force him faster with her ankles around him.

“Share the love, Jake.” Kyle nipped at
Ellie’s neck and teased at her breasts. “My turn to drive her crazy.”

“Go wash off then. I need to make her come

Kyle grumbled and went to the bathroom. Jake
kept up the slow rolling thrust but wouldn’t let her get over the edge. She needed
hard, ramming strokes and he was making her mewl in need.

Ellie jumped at the sound of one of their
cell phones ringing.

Kyle muttered an oath, shutting off the water
and moving to the dresser. “It’s the Batphone,” he said. The ringtone was for the
phone they kept for shifter emergencies which meant bad news. “What?” Kyle
growled into the mouthpiece. Then, “Shit. Ok.” He hung up.

“Tell me it’s not a metaphysical emergency,”
Ellie said, panting at Jake’s slow rocking movement.

“Yes,” Kyle groaned, leaning back against the
dresser. “Fuck.”

“How much time do we have?” Jake asked,
looking down into Ellie’s eyes and giving her a soft smile. “I can get you
there fast.”

“None. It’s Taggert. He’s one of us, Uruz
pack. He’s on the porch. He called because we didn’t hear him knocking. He
needs immediate shelter.”

“Dammit.” Jake withdrew from Ellie and she
shuddered, curling around herself. “Sorry, baby.”

“I know, I know.”

“Why don’t you hop in the shower. We’ll see
what’s up.”

Kyle hauled on jeans and went to the door,
Jake not far behind him. Ellie noticed his muffled grunt as he stuffed his cock
in so he could zip the fly.





“Taggert, your timing blows,” Kyle stated as
he opened the door. Jake rolled his eyes at Kyle and then caught the injured werewolf
before he collapsed into the vestibule.

“How bad are you injured?” Jake asked,
hauling Taggert’s arm over his shoulder.

“Bleeding…pretty badly right now.”

Kyle moved to support Taggert from the other
side. “How did you even get here?”

“Wolf form….” Taggert passed out, sagging in
their arms.

“Come on, let’s get him to the couch.” Jake
and Kyle hauled the large redheaded shifter to the couch. Jake examined the
wound while Kyle got the first aid kit out of the hallway closet. They had
disinfected and bandaged the wound to Taggert’s stomach when Ellie peeked out
of the bathroom in her bathrobe.

“Everything ok?” she asked.

“Taggert.” Jake slapped the man’s cheeks. “Were
you followed? Are we in danger here?”

“No,” he grunted as Jake finished off the bandage.
“I killed the Hagalaz who did this.”

“You’re sure?” Kyle asked.

Jake shook Taggert awake again. “Taggert!” If
Taggert had led one of the Hagalaz werewolves to them, they’d be in danger.
Especially Ellie. Last year when she had mated them, the Hagalaz had tried to
kill all three of them. She was mated to them and thus they shared some of
their strength and ability to heal with her, but she was still more vulnerable.
And even though they had reached a truce with the Hagalaz wolf who had a beef
with Kyle, Jake knew that the Hagalaz pack did not forgive insults easily.

“Yeah…yeah I’m sure.” Taggert shook his head
dizzily and took in the spread of fruits and desserts on the coffee table. “The
three of you reek of sex.”

Ellie went crimson and retreated into the

“Well, your timing on getting clawed in the
gut was not fantastic,” Jake said.

“We did have a weekend planned with our
mate.” Kyle stood, folding his arms.

“I can tell. Damn. You three have been busy.
I didn’t even know three could mate.”

“Neither did we.”

“Gonna pass out again. I need to heal.


“I need to get back to the clanholding.” Taggert’s
head lolled back.


“My car’s a wreck. The Hagalaz asshole
destroyed it before I took him out.”

“Which clanholding?”


Jake and Kyle both swore. “That’s a five hour
drive, assuming we bend the law by approaching the speed of light.”

“Sorry.” Taggert passed out again.

“It is what it is.” Jake said, though when he
looked at Kyle he knew his friend had very different thoughts on the matter.
But, Kyle had past history with Taggert when his family had lived in the
Rockford clanholding. “He is bleeding a lot.”

“Nothing we can do about it if we can’t get
him to a shaman.”

“Let’s let him rest for a bit and see if we
can rouse him. If he is healed up enough in a half hour, he’ll survive the

Kyle grunted and began cleaning up the mess
of desserts and putting them into the fridge.

Eventually Jake roused Taggert again. “Taggert,
where is your car?”

“Safe. Hidden,” he wheezed.

“And the body?”

“Hidden. Hard to describe where.” Taggert
blinked, and Jake could tell he was having trouble focusing. “Good news for you

“How’s that?” Kyle asked.

“The Hagalaz gunning for you are dead.”


“Some Hagalaz wolves hired out to a Faerie
lord. I overheard him say the Fae used them for cannon fodder.”

Jake’s eyebrows went up. “Well, that was

“I’m not complaining,” Kyle said.

Jake sighed. “I think you’re ok to travel. We’ll
make good time driving at night and we can be there by morning. If we hurry, we
can be back here by tomorrow night.”

“We would still have a day left with Ellie.”

Taggert snorted. “She has you two
puppy-whipped, doesn’t she?”

“Kind of. We don’t really mind.”

“You’d really like it. Being puppy-whipped.
Too bad you aren’t mated.”

“Ouch, Kyle.” Taggert leaned back. “I hate
gut wounds.” He closed his eyes again.


~* * *~


Ellie was still blushing when Kyle poked his
head into the bedroom. “Sweetheart, you ok?”

“I will be.” Ellie stood with her back to
Kyle as she toweled off her hair. It was bad enough that Jake and Kyle could
smell her when she was turned on. Though she was of course aware that any
shifter had the same heightened senses, she was fully unprepared to be teased
about it. Being cranky about their interrupted lovemaking wasn’t really helping
her mood any.

“Sorry to get you all excited and have to
stop in the middle. Taggert is a member of our pack and we need to get him back
to the clanholding in Rockford.”

“Isn’t that where you grew up?” Ellie turned
to face Kyle.

“When I was younger, yeah. We didn’t move to
the Bloomington clanholding until I was a teenager. That’s when I met Jake.” Kyle
came into the room, shutting the door. “Taggert was one of the reasons we


Kyle rubbed at his neck in that way that let
her know he was uncomfortable, even if she couldn’t feel the vague unease
through their mating bond. “There were a few wolves at Rockford who were
consistently jackasses. It’s complicated pack dynamics. My parents didn’t want to
put up with him. None of them are bad people, really. But they can be jerks.”

“That really sucks.”

“If Jake and I hurry, we can be there by
morning and back here by tomorrow night.”

Ellie’s stomach did a nauseating flip at the
thought of them leaving. “I haven’t really seen either of you in weeks.”

“I know. I’m sorry, this is shitty timing.
Why don’t you stay here and rest up. You’ve had such a long semester, I know
you’re tired.” He caressed her wet hair.

Suddenly Ellie couldn’t stop the tears from
spilling out of her eyes.

Kyle’s eyes went wide. “What’s the matter?”

“Do you not want me with you?” she asked him
in a rush.

“Why wouldn’t we want you with us?”

“I’m not a shifter.” Though the three of them
hadn’t been together for very long, Ellie couldn’t help but notice how Kyle and
Jake seemed to go out of their way to keep her away from other shifters. She
had begun to wonder if they were embarrassed about having a human for a mate.

“Oh, hon. No, I just thought you could avoid
all the drama and a long drive. That’s all.” He folded his arms around her and
she leaned her head into the curve of his. “I wanted you to get some rest.”

She shook her head. “I miss you guys. Even if
this is a shitty road trip, I want to go with you. We’re mates, right?”

“All right, if you really want to come with
us you’ll have to be ready fast. We’re going to have to get going pretty

Relieved, she let out the breath she had been
holding. “I’ll get dressed.”

Kyle nodded and left the room, closing the
door behind him.

Ellie wasn’t sure why it calmed her so much
to go with them. Or more accurately, that Kyle wasn’t going to shut her out of
anything having to do with other shifters. She really could use the downtime of
a day or two of sleep, and she certainly didn’t relish the prospect of spending
more time with Taggert. However, the prospect of being an outsider yet again to
the shifter part of their lives…that was worse.

When they’d mated last summer, her greatest
fear had been that the werewolf aspect of her lovers would force her to change
everything about her life. Now, she had to almost laugh at how she wanted them
to include her in their lives, even the werewolf weirdness.

For better or for worse, she loved them with
every cell in her body. Right now, though, she felt that nagging fear settling
in the pit of her stomach. What if the three of them really weren’t compatible?
What if shifters and humans really just weren’t compatible?


~* * *~


Once Ellie was more presentable she went into
the kitchen to help clean up the mess from all the food preparation. The
broad-shouldered werewolf on the couch watched her with a smirk and she tried
to ignore him. “Small little thing like you…how do you keep these two—”

Kyle growled. “Taggert, that’s enough. I’ll
gag you if I have to.”


“If you’re going to talk, tell us something
useful like where you stashed the body.”

Jake grunted. “No use. He passed out again.”

“Is he going to be all right?” Ellie asked.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’s just hurting now.”

Jake and Kyle had both cleaned up and pulled
on their shirts. Ellie wiped down the counter. “The kitchen’s pretty good. I
guess.” Jake and Kyle were pretty fantastic at making kitchen messes; Ellie was
better at cleaning them up.

“All right. Why don’t we get Precious here out
to the car and warm it up and then we’ll get going.” Kyle helped the larger man
up, wrapping the now bloodstained throw blanket around Taggert.

“I’ll pack up some road food. We don’t have a
whole lot to eat. Chocolate, yes. Food, no.” Ellie tried to give Jake a smile
but it felt a little forced. He smiled back before hoisting Taggert’s arm over
his shoulders.

“Don’t worry, sweet. We’ll definitely be
getting back to the chocolate.”

“For fuck’s sake, we know you three are going
to be bonking each other, can we just get going? The sweetness is making my
wound hurt. By the Great Hunter, you three are ridiculous.”

“Shut up, Taggert.”

Ellie finished packing up some lunch meat
when Jake came back into the house, rubbing his hands together. “It’s cold
enough to freeze a werewolf’s tit so you’ll want to bundle up.”

“Do you all really say that?”

“No, I just thought it would make you smile.
I’m sorry this got fouled up.” Jake took over packing up food while Ellie put
on another sweater and her coat and began winding her scarf. She laughed when
she saw him dropping some of the chocolate-covered strawberries into the cooler
pack. “Will we need those on the road?”

“Well, no reason you shouldn’t get to enjoy

“You two are very sweet. I can’t wait until
you see my Valentine’s Day present for you both.” She handed Jake his coat.

“I don’t think I can take hearing about it
right now. I still want you.”

“Let’s just get this road trip over with
quickly.” Her breath hitched at the look he gave her.

Jake opened the back door and settled in
awkwardly with Taggert and the small cooler. “What, you’re not going to let the
pretty one back here with me?”

“No.” Jake and Kyle said at the same time.
Ellie tucked herself into the front seat.

“Kyle, I brought your coat.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’m all right for

“Yes, everyone’s warm enough. Can I vomit

Ellie heard a thump and a muffled whimper and
smothered a laugh.

“Let’s get this over with.” Kyle put the car
in reverse and backed out of the apartment parking lot.

“I’ll call the clanholding and let them know
we’re coming.”

Even as tense as she was, Ellie was exhausted
enough to drop right to sleep.


~* * *~


The car stopped and she woke, stretching.
“Where are we?” she asked. They were pulling into a gas station.

“Madison. We’ll be there soon.”

“How’s Taggert?”

“Hopefully still passed out,” Kyle grunted.

Jake checked Taggert’s pulse. “He’s in a
healing sleep. The best thing for him, really. Most of us can heal from
significant physical trauma with enough time and rest.”

“Should we have waited?” Ellie asked.

Jake shook his head. “Getting him to our
shaman will help him heal faster. And he has important business at the

“Really, you don’t need to worry about
Taggert,” Kyle said. “He was only in danger if he got stuck out in the snow.”

Ellie took the opportunity to use the gas
station bathroom. When she returned to the car, Kyle was still pumping gas. She
yawned and stretched again.  “You sure you’re not cold?”

Kyle laughed and took her hands in his. His own
were hot to the touch. “I’m warm enough. Seeing you, smelling you…it’s enough
to keep me at a slow boil.” He leaned in toward her, kissing her softly, then
pinning her against the car.

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