Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (27 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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“You think I care
about your schlong?” Kellan countered. “It’s this girl’s ass I can’t stop
staring at.” He dug his fingers in deep to the flesh of her moons, inciting a
pained but delighted hiss from Lani’s lips.

“Oh!” she cried
out. “Again! Please, Sir?
!” Her voice became a scream when he
added harsh scrapes of his fingernails to the treatment, ending with more
attention to the fissure between her buttocks. As he slowly slid a thumb into
the opening, she winced. He groaned.

“That’s so good,
starshine. You’re doing great. Push back against my fingers like we’ve been
practicing, and you’ll help me get in a little deeper.” She focused on his
instructions, rewarded with his longer grunt of approval, followed by a drizzle
of soothing liquid into the tight opening. “You’re so fucking perfect,
sweetheart. Guess it was a good move to add a bottle of lube to the emergency
kit, as well.”

“Damn.” Tait
emitted it on half a laugh. “Did you think you’d sneak some quick anal training
while waiting for burgers in the drive-through?”

Kellan chuffed.
“With this goddess, it helps to be ready for any kind of adventure.”

“Kiss-ass. Last
time I checked, there was no boy scout badge called the domination do-gooder.”

“Bite me.”

“No, thank you.”

Despite her
shaky senses, Lani felt a smile breaking free. She loved being surrounded by
the warm timbre of their bantering. The affection they had for each other was a
tangible weave on the air, forming a unique, secondary safety net for her trust.
No matter what happened, the two of them were going to take care of her. They’d
already logged years of experience doing it for each other.

Kellan punched
out a rough grunt. “I’m going crazy here, T. You can’t imagine how beautiful
this woman’s ass is.”

Tait hissed,
matching it to hers, as he thumbed both her nipples. “If it’s half as good as
her sweet strawberry tits, I’ll bet I can.”

“I don’t know if
I can resist taking the plunge, dude.”

“Roger that,
brother. And copying big time.”

Lani whimpered.
She connected the euphemisms instantly because of the physical positions they
were in. The second her mind made the link, so did her body. Her pussy tickled
with its new infusion of moisture. Her jumped to hyper drive from the utterly carnal
scene they suggested.
Could they be serious?

Tait, observing
the connection on her face, pulled her down for a reassuring kiss. “You know
what we’re talking about, don’t you, dreamgirl?” When she managed a nod, he
prompted, “Then tell me. I want to see the words on your lips, to know that you
fully understand.”

She hesitated.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust them or denied wanting the wicked experience…but
saying it aloud? It represented a bridge her mind faltered to cross. A signal
that she was ready to fully, willingly transfer her body into their control. “I—I
don’t know if I’m comfortable with that.”

“Then are you
calling a red light?” He ran gentle fingers over her shoulder. “It’s all right
if you do. We won’t adore you any less.”

“No. This is
just new for me. And a little scary. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” A scowl
pleated the man’s gorgeous features. “Why? Because you’ve been handling
everything in your
Leo’s lives for so damn long that you’ve forgotten
how to let someone else do it for a little while? Because ‘surrender’ is a word
that’s always meant defeat, and ‘soft’ is a word that’s always meant weak?”
When she dropped her head, afraid to let him see how solidly he’d nailed her
emotional target, he wrapped a hand to the side of her head and pulled her back
up. “We’ve expected that, babe. And we celebrate it.”

She blinked at
him. “You do?”

Kellan joined
his friend in a chuckle before spreading his fingers across both sides of her
ass again. “We’re to enhance your light, starshine, not extinguish it.” His
hold intensified. “Like I’d really love to be doing to the skin tone in this
ass right now…”

“Mmmm.” It left
her on a higher note than before. With every word, every touch, and every
action, these incredible men pulled her closer to the clouds, physically and
emotionally. While many called her stupid for standing up to Gunter, they
deemed her brave. When most would label her a lunatic for listening to phantom
voices in a garden, they were visibly moved. Now they wanted to give her more,
a fantasy she’d only dreamed of. Best of all, it was the best gift she could
give them in return.

“I’m not a rocket
scientist, Kell, but I think that means she’d be okay with a little ‘skin
conditioning.’” Tait twisted his head to meet her gaze. She returned his grin, knowing
what he saw in her eyes: open longing, lust, anticipation. Her heart indulged a
girlish flip. How had she gotten so lucky to have
amazing guys wanting
to satisfy her like this? And why had she’d been so hesitant to cross the
bridge and surrender to them?

As her senses
ran over the last of that bridge, she pushed her hips back into Kellan’s grip
and moaned again. “Yes, Sir,” she pleaded. “Yes, that
what it means.”

Kellan emitted
an appreciative snarl. “Beautiful words, sweetheart. And this Sir loves every
one of them. Now put them into action.”

“Sir?” She gave
him a questioning glance.

“I want to see
more of your ass, Hokulani. Raise it up so I can spank it well.”

Tait growled in
endorsement. “Perfect idea, my friend.” He tugged at the backs of her knees. “Bring
these forward a little, babe. Now angle your backside up. If I wasn’t lying
here, you’d have your forehead against the floor and your hands stretched over
your head. Some Doms call this ‘presenting your ass’ or ‘kissing the floor.’ I
like to call it an invitation to Heaven.”

She smirked a
little as he pulled her arms over his head, mashing her chest to his, and
bringing their faces within inches of each other. “Heaven?” she quipped. “Yours
or mine?”

Tait grinned and
nipped at her lips. “Both, dreamgirl. Both.”

He’d barely
finished before Kellan landed his first smack to her raised bottom.

“Oh!” she
yelped. “

“Damn.” Kellan’s
murmur was unnervingly soft. The touch he used to spread the burn was even more

Closer in, Tait
raised his fingers to her face. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” she
whispered, drawing in a breath. “He’s just,” —she shrieked as Kellan’s hand
came down again— “
enjoying this.”

“Oh yeah.”
Kellan swept his fingers to distribute the pain again. “He really is.”


The blow was
even harder than the first two. Lani twisted her lips while flipping through
her mental insults file. There had to be something good and filthy she’d heard
from Franz at some point, a zinger this soldier wouldn’t forget. It wouldn’t be
like throwing the safe word at them, just a clever nudge to make him back off
on the impact a little…no matter how good her ass started to feel, suffused
with heat that blended to the most tender tissues of her body…


“Owwww!” She
reared up. Well, attempted to. She bolted a nonplussed stare at Tait, who’d
spread his arms as if lazing at the beach while keeping her wrists captive
beneath his hands. His lips even curled in a laid-back surfer’s grin. “Are you
actually smirking at me?” she seethed.

“Everything okay
there, T?”

“Couldn’t be
better. You may proceed. Throw some muscle into it, would you?”

“No!” Lani
yelled. “N—”


When she
screamed this time, she let Tait have the full impact of the sound. His eyes
lit up with the victory of gold medals.
. The nervy bastard
her like this, squirming and seething, unable to think about anything except
the fire whipping across her ass, the heat bubbling through her veins—

And the warmth
suffusing her sex.

Okay, there

Smack. Smack

“Owwww! Damn
it!” She slammed her eyes shut. “
Damn it

Tait’s breath washed
over her lips. “Hokulani. Baby. Look at me.”


“Do you trust

She grimaced.

“Then look at
me.” His face awaited her stare, stronger and more tender than she’d ever seen.
“Then give it all over…to us.” The afternoon sun filtered into the car,
igniting the glints in his eyes, playing over the crinkles at his eyes and
lips. “It’s time to let the pain transform, dreamgirl. To let it heat you, soften
you…so we can fill you.”

Her breaths
twined with his as he finally released her wrists. As he glided his knuckles
back up her arms, she sighed from their wakes of luscious warmth. He widened
his fingers as he continued around the curves of her shoulders and into the
lengths of her hair, where he spread the strands with adoring strokes. Through
every moment, she was exquisitely aware of every touch, breath, and caress.
Every move he made was wrapped in a magical gauze of altered reality, soft yet
tingling, alight yet shadowed. Her muscles liquesced. Her resistance waned. And
the heat that began in her ass flowed everywhere in her body, making her a flame
ready to be lighted by these two incredible males.

“Yes,” she heard
herself whisper. “Gods, yes. Please…”

Tait glided his
lips along the bottom of her jaw. “Please what, Lani? Say the words for us now.
Your Sirs need to hear the plea from your own lips.”

She nodded,
understanding him now, even in her heated haze. They’d be taking over her body
in one of the most illicit acts of consummation, and they needed to hear that
she wanted them in that sinful way.

me,” she finally answered. “I want this. I want both of you. At once.”

His eyes
narrowed at the corners. “You’ve already had both of us, babe. How is this
going to be different?”

He was really
going to make her spell it out, wasn’t he?

Sometimes, a
girl just needed a volcano instead of magma. Kellan came through as that vital
explosion, landing two sharp swats to her ass before demanding in an
irrefutable growl, “Out with it, starshine. No more shame, doubts, hiding, or
fears.” The sizzle of his descending zipper ripped through the air. In seconds,
she felt his throbbing penis against her hot backside. “Tell me where you want
my cock.

“Y-yes, Sir!”

He laid another slap
across her buttocks. “That wasn’t an answer, sweetheart.”

Lani swallowed. He’d
left her no other option but the obvious. The core of her desire. The
naughtiest of all her fantasies. “In—in my ass. Please, Kellan…Sir…I want you to
slide your cock into my ass.”

As the words
tumbled out, so did a slew of her inhibitions. Locks fell free in her mind,
accelerated by Kellan’s approving growl then Tait’s praising kiss.

“Damn, that
sounded nice,” Tait murmured. He shifted a little underneath her, and she felt
him opening his fly, as well. His face was captivating to watch, its open
relief from the freedom followed by the fast clench of his jaw, holding himself
back from the simple thrust he needed to be buried inside her. As it as, his cock’s
steely crown pushed against the heated folds at her core. At the same moment,
Kellan dripped more lube into her back hole and used a finger to work it in.
She gasped and shuddered from both illicit contacts.

“Now tell me
where you want mine to go, dreamgirl. Say it sweetly, like you did with Slash.”

With his sexy
lips so close, a smile naturally bloomed on hers. “In my pussy. Please,
Sir…will you give it to me deep?”

He answered her
with a look that conveyed a multitude of things, most of them making her wonder
if she’d just accidentally read him some sappy sonnet instead of asking him to
join his best friend in taking her to the stars via Starship Kinky. In a thick
murmur, he replied, “Thank you, babe. For everything you are and all you’re
entrusting us with. Thank you.”

Kellan’s grunt
formed the ending dot on that sentence. “Mark me down as a ditto on everything
he just said—but I swear, you’ll be hearing it from a dying man if I don’t fuck
this beautiful ass soon.”

He spread her
cheeks, bringing cool air into the deepest valley of her backside before
working more lube into her hole with a slick twist of two fingers. Then three.
Lani gasped, but immediately wondered why. The pain wasn’t new. Kellan had been
fascinated with her back hole for days, and made no secret about wanting to sample
it with his cock. But now, the burn carried erotic new meaning and a world of
fresh arousal. This wasn’t just training. In a few minutes, her body would
accept his in a way that had only been a forbidden dream before now.

“On the same
page, scoutmaster.” Tait glanced up at his buddy. “Toss me a Trojan, and we can
start worshipping this goddess the right way.”

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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