Wet: Undercurrent (4 page)

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Authors: Zenobia Renquist

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“And here?” He moved one hand between their bodies so he could rub her clit.

Lulu nodded as she keened her pleasure and bit her lip at how good he felt. She hugged his shoulders and kissed his neck, his chin, his lips, and everywhere else she could reach.

Hotsuma chuckled at her fervor even as he let loose a satisfied groan of his own.

She clenched her inner muscles when her climax came. Her shout of joy at the sensuous wave that flowed over her echoed off the walls. She thanked Hotsuma between panting breaths and rained kisses over his neck and shoulders.

He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his lips when he came. Lulu breathed quickly through her nose as she took Hotsuma’s kiss with a hunger that wasn’t yet sated. Her body moved on its own, demanding more.

The jiggling of the doorknob as someone tried to open the door brought Lulu back to her senses. She looked over her shoulder and stared in confusion at the long tendril of water that stretched from the pool to the door. It was keeping the lock from turning. She looked back at Hotsuma.

“You cannot be caught here. They will know the barrier is weakened and try to refortify it.”

“There’s no place for me to hide.”

“You don’t need to hide.” He laid a soft kiss on her lips. “We aren’t finished, Lulu. I will come for you again.”

Something pulled Lulu out of Hotsuma’s arms and under the water. When she surfaced, she was back in her little cubby of the hot spring. She peeked around the corner to see if anyone had noticed her disappearance or reappearance. Most of the women who had been there earlier were gone. The few who remained paid her no mind.

Lulu left the hot spring, changed in the locker room, and went back to her room. Every movement made her muscles twinge and sent tingles through her body. Lying on the bed pulled a longing moan from her lips as her clothes rubbed over her sensitized skin. She opened her shirt so she could squeeze one breast.

Hotsuma said the shocks of her weakening the barrier spell had stored up energy inside her that needed to be dispelled through sex. The fact that she was still aching to feel Hotsuma buried to the base and pounding deeper meant they hadn’t had nearly enough sex. She planned to remedy that as soon as she figured out how to get to him without being caught.

“You so owe me for not finishing the job, you horny water spirit.”

Chapter Three


Hotsuma retracted the water tendril he used to keep the door locked and dropped back into the pool without leaving the tiniest ripple. The man who had struggled with the door fell into the room, confusion making him frown.

“Who’s in here?” He looked around.

“What are you doing?” Masato asked as he entered the room. “No one is to enter this room.”

“Sorry, Mr. Mizuno. I heard a woman’s scream and came to investigate.”

“Obviously it didn’t come from in here. Get out.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” The man rushed away, leaving Masato staring at the pool.

Hotsuma gazed up at his mirror image. Everything about Masato, from his slim angled jaw line to his piercing dark brown eyes, matched Hotsuma. Masato’s lean, muscled physique probably came from hours in the gym rather than practicing with a sword, but even that part of him matched. The only differences were the close-cropped beard that dusted his chin and his short black hair. Hotsuma had always been clean-shaven and wore his hair long.

Masato was the first descendant Hotsuma had seen who resembled him so closely. True, Hotsuma normally only saw his descendants as babies when they were brought to the pool room to be blessed with his water so they would come under the protection of his power, but the resemblance couldn’t be a coincidence. Hotsuma might have thought it was such if not for his encounter with Lulu. Fate was giving Hotsuma clues to his release. He only had to figure out what they meant and how to use them.

His dick twitched when he remembered the way he had used Lulu a short while ago. She was right. He hadn’t had sex in centuries, and he was eager to make up for lost time. Leaving Masato to frown at the pool, Hotsuma moved his consciousness through the water system of the hotel. He followed the trail of his scent that he’d left on Lulu’s body.

He’d marked her the first time she’d visited him, but hadn’t had the strength to follow her. Now that four of the twelve wards were broken, that restriction was lifted. He could go anywhere in the hotel that water flowed. Once all the wards were broken and the barrier gone, he could go anywhere water existed. The Mizuno family would no longer keep him prisoner.

Until that time, he had unfinished business with a very vocal woman whose passion matched his own. He ended up in the fire extinguisher sprinkler in the ceiling above Lulu’s bed. She lay there moaning under her breath and writhing her beautifully curved body over the sheets. Her dark brown skin glistened with sweat Hotsuma wished he could manipulate so he could feel her. The barrier spell must still be affecting her.

“You so owe me for not finishing the job, you horny water spirit.”

Hotsuma smiled as he forced a single drop of water from the spigot. It landed between Lulu’s full breasts. She squeaked and sat up quickly, searching for the source of the water. Hotsuma wished he could place a kiss on her full, upturned lips as a surprise. He didn’t have that ability, not yet.

Lulu held her hand under the spigot as she frowned at it. “Great. That’s just what I need. A leak.”

Hotsuma pushed another drop free. When this one hit her hand, he retained enough connection to make the drop travel up her arm. Lulu jumped off the bed and swatted at it, making Hotsuma laugh.

She stopped her frantic behavior and peered at the spigot again. “Hotsuma?”

“Yes.” He couldn’t speak loudly but he didn’t need to.

Lulu’s body relaxed and she sighed. “You scared the crap out of me. Don’t do that.”

“I had to get your attention.”

“You have it. I thought I left you in the pool room?”

“You did. I followed you. You said I owe you, after all.”

Lulu nibbled her bottom lip. “Yes you do.”

“Go to the shower and you can collect.” Hotsuma laughed at how quickly Lulu ran to her bathroom. He traveled along the pipes to the shower and waited.

Lulu stopped the tub and turned on the water. Hotsuma used a water tendril to pull the faucet stop so half the water flowed out of the spout and the other half flowed through the shower.

“Join me,” he said.

“Love to.” Lulu removed her clothes, entered the tub, and then pulled the shower curtain closed.

Not enough water had gathered for Hotsuma to form his body but he didn’t let that stop him. Using the water flowing from the showerhead as his hands, he caressed Lulu’s ample breasts. Lulu arched into the spray with a muted moan of pleasure.

Her body was still hot and ready from the encounter in the pool room. Hotsuma used that to his advantage. He curved the water between her legs so he could tease her pussy. She spread her legs as far as the tub would allow her and jutted her hips forward.

Hotsuma inserted one finger into her hole while he teased her clit with his thumb. Lulu moaned loud and long. The sound made Hotsuma’s dick ache to be inside her. Soon. The tub almost had enough water for him to form a body. Almost. He redirected as much water as he dared to fill the tub faster.

In the mean time, his sweet Lulu leaned back against the shower wall and rotated her hips against the hand he used to pleasure her pussy. He wanted to know her taste. Could he taste in this form?

He would find out. The water reached a level that suited his purposes. After shutting off the flow, he formed his body with him kneeling in front of Lulu. She didn’t seem to notice he no longer touched her since she continued moving her hips.

Looping one of her thighs over his shoulder, he latched his mouth onto her slit and kissed her pussy deep. He flicked his tongue over her clit and then delved into her hot, slick hole. As he thought, he couldn’t taste her but her impassioned cries more than made up for the lack of that sense.

Not restricted by the normal limitations of a human body, Hotsuma was able to follow Lulu’s hips as she thrust in frantic motions against his mouth. He didn’t try to hold her, but he was happy the wall was at her back, though he would catch her if she slipped or fell.

She convulsed instead as she climaxed. Hotsuma removed his mouth and replaced it with his hand, stimulating her flesh and making her moan as he changed positions. With her ankle resting on his shoulder, he spread her lower lips and drove his dick into her depths.

Her precarious position standing on one leg didn’t stop Lulu from meeting him thrust for thrust. She gripped his shoulder with one hand and swiped at the wall with the other, searching for a handhold. He offered her his hand. She gripped it a few times before bringing it to one of her breasts. He obliged her and squeezed it.

She had a full-body reaction, her pussy muscles clenching tight enough that he grunted at the sweet pressure. Not enough. Lulu’s body was still hot and begging for more.

He lowered her leg from his shoulder and pulled his dick free. Lulu whimpered but he didn’t plan to leave her wanting. He urged her to face the wall. She planted her hands and pressed her ass back. It wiggled as she spread her legs wide. Hotsuma took a moment to enjoy the sight.

Lulu whimpered, coupled with a pleading look directed over her shoulder, and her hips dipping in a scooping motion. If he wasn’t eager to return to her heat, he could entertain himself for the rest of the night watching her beg.

Her body distracted him like nothing else before it. He wanted to see all the ways she could move and bend as they pleasured each other. They had time. There were more wards to be broken. Lulu would need release after each.

He placed his hand on her hip. Lulu arched her back down and pushed back against him. He used his free hand to spread her pussy and then thrust home.

“Yes! Oh, yes! Yes!”

Hotsuma stood still, letting Lulu rock against him. Her motions were short and quick. The tip of his dick struck the deepest part of her pussy over and over. Her moans told him that was what she wanted.

He slipped the hand on her hip forward and down until he reached her clit. Pressing one finger against the hard nub, he moved his finger in tight circles. Lulu stopped her motions so her body could shake. He rubbed his finger faster and stroked his dick into her, mimicking her earlier speed.

“Oh, please. Oh, please. Oh, please,” Lulu said between panting moans.

When her knees started shaking, he curved his arm around her waist to keep her upright and taking him deep. She must have trusted him not to drop her or was too far gone to care because she let her body droop. The wall and his arm were the only things keeping her standing.

Her orgasm shook her whole body and wrenched a pitiful cry from her that was a mix of passion and relief. Her inner muscles squeezed his dick, wringing his release from him. He shuddered as his body found its release, simulating human ejaculating.

Both he and Lulu sighed in fulfillment as he freed his dick. He retained his hold on her so she didn’t fall. Lowering her to her knees, he let her use his legs as a backrest. The lazy kiss she placed on his thigh made him smile.

He said, “I cannot carry you to bed, Lulu. I don’t have that much power. Not yet.”

“Give me a few minutes and I can get there on my own.”

“You’re sure?”

She nodded with an affirmative noise.

Watching her nipples bob as she breathed held him mesmerized. He wanted more of her body. Breaking the remaining wards guaranteed he would get more but he wanted her now. She needed rest though.

“I don’t even know what you look like.”

Hotsuma caressed the top of her head. “Look to Masato for that. His appearance makes him my twin.”


“Thank you. I find your appearance pleasing as well.” He bent so he could trail his fingers down her neck. He should stop. Lulu should stop him. She shifted her head to the side with a small sigh, and he moved his hand lower until he cupped one of her breasts. “You’re exhausted.”

“Yes, I am.”

“You need rest.”


He cupped her other breast and laid a kiss on her neck. “Why aren’t you stopping me?”

“Because you are very good with your hands.” She tilted her head back and kissed the underside of his chin. “Tell me about your family and why they did this to you. I was only half listening before.”

If any subject could cool his passion, it was that one. Hotsuma lowered his hands to Lulu’s belly and let his forehead drop to her shoulder.

“Hotsuma?” She patted his head. “If it’s too hard, you don’t have to tell me.”

“I want to tell you, Lulu. I want you to know me. I feel close to you, as though our relationship is about more than sex. There has to be a reason you can break the wards holding the barrier in place.”

“I don’t know. I’m a normal person, leading a normal life.”

“And your ancestors?”

“No clue. No one in my family has ever reported sleeping with water spirits, if that’s what you’re asking.” She chuckled a little.

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