What He Craves (2 page)

Read What He Craves Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #bondage, #domination, #erotica for women, #domination and submission romance, #erotic bondage, #anything he wants, #what he wants, #alpha hero, #alpha billionaire, #alpha romance

BOOK: What He Craves
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Chapter 2

On Friday night, Shane knocked on the door at exactly seven
o’clock. Not one minute late; not one minute early. Shane was a punctual man.
He lived by the clock.

Knowing I’d be punished if I held him up, I opened the door,
purse in hand, ready to go.

His dark eyes widened as I stepped outside. “Bristol,” he said, voice breathy.

I couldn’t help grinning. To have that much of an effect
over a man that was this amazing made me feel
good. After
spending all week feeling like a failure, this was exactly what I needed. “I
clean up okay, don’t I?”

“Better than okay. You look beautiful.”

“You look amazing yourself.” That was no lie. He was sporting
a black tuxedo, cut to fit him perfectly. His dark hair was a riot of barely-tamed
waves, and a five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw, making him look both sexy
and a little dangerous at the same time.

He placed a hand on the small of my back as we walked
together to the waiting limo. He stood to the side, allowing me to enter first
then took a seat beside me. Within seconds we were on our way to wherever.

“Thank you,” I said as I smoothed my hand down my thighs.
“For sending this dress. I don’t know if anyone could look bad in this. It’s gorgeous.”

“It barely does you justice.” He caught my chin in his hand
and held me in place, giving me a kiss that made my toes curl. His tongue swept
into my mouth, stroking mine. In response, my body turned to molten butter,
soft and soupy. I sagged against him and enjoyed the sweet torment, hoping we
had time to burn off a little tension. Much too soon, however, he broke the
kiss. “Not now, minx. It’ll have to wait.”

Wait? Ugh.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I leaned
closer. He smelled so good and looked even better. I wasn’t touching him
enough. I needed more. So much more.

“A little dinner. It’s for a charity. I’m giving a

“A presentation?” I echoed as my hand slid onto his thigh.

“No worries. It’ll be short. Afterward, we’ll have to make
the rounds, shake a few hands. I hate this stuff, but it’s for a good cause. The
organization funds educational programs for at-risk youth in the city.”

“Sounds like a great cause. I can handle shaking hands and
making small talk.” I let my hand slide a little closer to the bulge hiding
under the zipper of his pants.

“Good.” He set his hand on stop of mine, halting its
progress. His lips curled slightly into a semi smile then straightened again. “I
need to warn you about something. Do you remember Jordan?”

“How could I forget?” I asked as I folded my arms across my
chest. I could feel my face burning. I hated that I was blushing. “He was the
one…he’s your ‘old friend’ who decided you were going to share me when we went
to Antigua.”

“Yes. Jordan will be there tonight. He’s a principle in the

I felt a slight chill work up my spine. “Oh.”

“Listen,” he cupped my sizzling cheek. “You have nothing to
worry about. Jordan and I have discussed everything. He won’t try anything.”

“He better not.”

His thumb dragged across my lower lip. “I can’t be at your
side the whole night. You’ll tell me if he says or does anything out of line.”

A big lump of something hard coagulated in my throat. “Are
you expecting him to say something?”

“No. Not at all.”

That lump didn’t go away. “Okay. If he does, you’ll be the
first to know.”

“Good.” He kissed me again. This kiss was sweet and tender.
My heart was doing somersaults by the time it was over. He cupped my cheek and
thumbed my lower lip again, which was still tingling. “I’m glad you’re coming
with me tonight.”

“Me too.”

The car rolled to a stop.

We were there already?

I glanced out the window. We were parked outside of a large
hotel. There were limos in front of us and behind us. We were most definitely
in the right place.

But…the ride had been too short. I wasn’t mentally prepared
to face Jordan or the billionaires and zillionaires attending tonight’s
event. I saw, as the driver opened our door, Shane had on his serious
businessman game face. He had me step out first then followed me.

As we approached the building’s entry, my gaze jumped from
one stranger to another. Women sparkling with jewels and gorgeous evening gowns
strolled majestically toward the entry. Men knotted up in tuxedos accompanied

“This way,” Shane whispered, steering me toward the entry.

Before we reached it, someone called out, “Shane Trant?” It
was a female’s voice.

Shane stopped. I turned to watch him greet the woman. She
was breathtakingly gorgeous. Well dressed. Well groomed. A string of diamonds
glittered at her neck. And a huge stone of some kind caught the light as she
lifted her hand to give him a hug. A camera flash blinded me for a moment, a
photographer capturing Shane and the woman embracing.

“It’s been such a long time,” the woman said, beaming at him
as she smoothed her hand down his arm. “I was beginning to think you’d
forgotten me.” She fiddled with Shane’s tie. The intimate gesture made my
insides clench.

He gently moved her hands away, lips curling into a ghost of
a smile. I knew that expression. I knew it well. My clenched insides twisted.
“I could never forget you.”

The woman was pleased by his words. Me, I wanted to get back
in the car and go home.
I could never forget you
. I wondered exactly how
much he remembered about her. And how many others he remembered too.

Here I was, all dressed up, pretending this wasn’t the most
awkward moment of my life, while that beautiful, rich woman reminded Shane of
days gone by. Or maybe it was
gone by.

How many hours of this would I have to endure?

Ever so discretely, Shane glanced my way. Evidently he could
read my body language. He excused himself.

As he returned to my side to escort me into the building, he
dipped his head and whispered in my ear, “It isn’t what you think.”

“Are you a mind reader?” I whispered back, forcing a smile.

“I don’t have to be. I can see what you’re thinking. It’s
all over your face.”

I amped up the wattage of my fake smile. “What are you
talking about? I’m smiling. I’m happy. See?”

His chuckle was low and rumbly. “You can’t lie to me, Bristol.”

Watch me try.

He gave me one last assessing look. “Are you ready to meet a
few of our biggest contributors?”

“Sure. Lead on.” I swept my arm across my body.

With his hand on my back, he did just that, escorting me
from one small group of attendees to another. I felt awkward, standing silent while
Shane chattered away. I’d never seen him so talkative. It was a different side
of him, one I hadn’t realized he possessed. I gathered more than my share of
curious glances. But other than that I was mostly ignored. I was a trophy date,
there to stand by his side and look good and smile on cue. I played my part to
the best of my ability until a man came up to us, muttered something about
getting started to Shane then hurried away.

Shane pulled me aside, away from anyone who might overhear. “Okay,
this is it. In a few minutes I’m going to take you to our table, and then I’m
going to make my presentation. You’ll be on your own for just a little while.”

“I can handle it.” I glanced around. “Though I’d like to
make a visit to the restroom to wash my hands first.”

“Very well. It’s this way.” Shane helped me maneuver through
the thickening crowd out in the hallway. I found the women’s room and ducked
inside, grateful for a little anonymity and a break from the pressure of being
on display. Even though I didn’t have to go, I locked myself in a stall and
took a few deep breaths. While I was in there I heard the door open and close,
footsteps, high heels clacking on stone tile.


“Did you see the one he’s with tonight? Shane Trant. With
that little…nothing? I can hardly believe it. He could have brought any woman
he wanted, but he brought
? What rock did he dig her out from under?”


“I don’t know,” said a second voice. “Ever since his wife
died he’s been a wreck. He’s got someone new on his arm practically every week.
But that’s okay. I can be patient. I know he’ll come back to me when he’s ready
to settle down.”

That one sounded pretty damn sure of herself. I wondered if
there was a reason for her confidence. What if what they said was true? Maybe I
was a nobody, a passing fancy, a little fling, a distraction. Maybe when Shane
was ready for something real, something beyond the whips and chains and yes,
sirs, he would look for someone else.

Someone like that woman out in the lobby.

Someone totally unlike me.

The second woman added, “I just hope that girl’s clean, if
you know what I mean. He doesn’t like condoms.” The women giggled. “I mean, I’m
sure he goes to the doctor regularly, but when he’s ready to put a ring on my
finger, I’m going to insist he have some tests run.”

Ring? There had to be a reason why that bitch figured she’d
be the one to wear his ring someday.

“What are you going to do if the tests come back positive?”
asked the other woman.

“I’ll figure out something. No way I’m going to turn down
that bank account.”

More giggles.


And I was willing to bet they thought I was just like them,
only after him for his money. They were wrong. Wrong!

“Did you hear the rumor?” Bitch Number One asked. “I heard
People is going to make
Shane their most eligible bachelor this

“That’s fine. He can be their eligible bachelor
year. Next year, he won’t qualify.”

Louder giggles.

God, it was no wonder Shane was trigger-shy when it came to

I considered hiding in the stall and waiting for those two
money-grubbing bitches to leave, but I decided I wanted to face them head-on. I
pushed open the door, met their shocked gazes. I recognized one of the two
women right away. She was the one who’d accosted Shane when we’d first arrived.

So you think he’s going to marry you?

Within a split second, the surprise was gone, replaced by
cool, assessing glares that irritated me instead of intimidated me.

Those bitches thought they knew Shane.

They thought they could control him.

They didn’t know a damn thing.

I smiled. It wasn’t a fake one. It was one hundred percent
genuine. “Hello,” I said, smile at full wattage. “I’m sure Shane can tell the
difference between someone who’s interested in
versus his money.
He’s not a stupid man.”

Feeling much better, I touched up my lips, fluffed my hair
and headed out to the ballroom. Shane intersected me just inside the entrance
and escorted me to the front table. After making sure I was comfortable, he
gave me a little wink and left.

I glanced left and right. No sign of either woman from the
bathroom. I was relieved. Sure, I’d put Miss Rich Bitch in her place, and I was
feeling quite powerful for having done so, but I didn’t know what she’d do,
given some time to plan her retribution. I expected she’d say or do something

What I hadn’t expected was what came next.

Or rather, I should say, who.

“Bristol, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” Jordan, Shane’s
old friend
took the seat beside me.

Oh, this was just…perfect.

Sure, Shane had warned me Jordan would be there. But he
hadn’t told me I’d be forced to sit next to him.

“Hello.” I gave him a polite smile then turned to the woman
who was seated a couple of chairs away. Unfortunately, she was engaged in a
conversation with the man next to her. My gaze moved to the next pair of
people, two women, also chatting with each other. And the next three seats were
empty, as was the seat meant for Shane.

That left only me and Jordan.

“Shane is so much better at this kind of thing than I am,”
he said, resting an arm over the back of my chair.

“Isn’t that good for you?” I said, leaning forward. This was
awful. Awkward and uncomfortable. I didn’t know which would be better, ignoring
him or making small talk.

I went with ignoring him at first. But after having to knock
his hand off my shoulder several times, I concluded it might be better to keep
him busy by talking so he’d stop touching me. “Shane told me you’re old

“Yes, very old. We met in sixth grade. His family moved into
the house across the street from mine. We went to the same high school and
college. Then, after we graduated, we went into business together. We’ve been
partners ever since.”

“That’s a long time. I haven’t spoken with any of my friends
from grade school in ages.”

“Shane is like a brother to me, the brother I never had.”

“I see.”

He leaned closer, completely invading my personal space
bubble. “You’re a very beautiful woman. I can understand why he’d like to keep
you to himself. For now. But in time he’ll change his mind. He always does.”

I scooted my chair away from his. “Don’t be so sure about

He chuckled. “I’ve known Shane a lot longer than you.”

“True, but I know myself much better than you do, and I’m
telling you that
won’t allow him to share me. Not with you. Not with

He scooted his chair next to mine again and angled toward
me. I was really getting annoyed, and I made sure he knew it. Ignoring my
squinty glare, he said, “The last girl we shared said the same thing. Now,
she’s begging us for another night.”

I bit my lip against the temptation to shoot back a
sarcastic comeback. I could see, by the dark glitter in his eyes, that he was
baiting me. He wanted to keep me talking.

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