Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (143 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Brie nodded and soon voiced her discomfort. He turned it one more full rotation and she squeaked. “It will start to feel better in a few seconds.” He moved to the other nipple and used the same technique. Brie’s nipples throbbed, but not in an unbearable way like they had in the past, and she felt the heat rush to her pussy. Master Anderson truly was a talented Dom. No wonder Sir respected him so much.

“And now for the pièce de résistance.” He put the chain in her mouth. “Pull on it to your comfort level. Up and side to side.”

Brie did as he asked and felt her nipples tug in the direction of her mouth. It was erotic to have that kind of control over her own nipple stimulation. She experimented with how much tension she could handle, completely forgetting about the men until Master Anderson spoke.

“I never tire of that, Cobar. I don’t believe there is anything more exquisite than a woman pleasuring herself.”

“Although it is beautiful, Brad, there is something I enjoy more.” Her new partner moved between her legs and started fingering her pussy, taking light licks of her clit. Brie moaned against the chain.

“Somehow, I’m not surprised…” Master Anderson murmured as he leaned over and began sucking on her neck.

Oh, my God, I am in sub heaven
, Brie thought.

Mind Over Matter

fter such an erotic party, Brie had struggled to fall asleep. She’d never guessed what hotness lay behind Master Anderson’s reserved manner. That Dom was a submissive’s dream—if that sub wasn’t already torn between four men. Brie chose not to dwell on her decision. She trusted Sir’s assertion that comparing Dominants side by side would make it evident who was her true Master. Besides, Brie wasn’t about to let her indecision ruin her last few days of training.

She was surprised the next evening when she entered the room for her practicum. Lea was already there, kneeling in her ritual pose, waiting for acknowledgement. Brie quickly stripped off her corset and knelt beside her. Even though they couldn’t speak to one another, it was exciting to be in class together.

Mary showed up a minute later and bowed at the threshold of the door.

Sir’s smooth voice flowed over Brie. “Before you begin your practicums tonight, we have a longstanding tradition at this school.” He stood up and walked over to Lea first. “Stand before the panel, Lea Taylor.”

Lea stood up, but kept her head bowed.

He walked to Brie next and touched her on the shoulder. She trembled under his hand and wondered if he could feel it. “Brianna Bennett, stand before the panel.”

She rocked back on her heels and stood up. His proximity felt like the disturbance in the air before a lightning strike.

He walked over to Mary last. “Mary Wilson, come forward and stand before the panel.”

Mary moved up beside Brie. The three submissives were now in a straight line in front of the panel. It felt like old times again.

Master Coen spoke to the students. “You are coming to the end of your training at the Center. As a reward for your dedication, one of your trainers will fulfill the last entry in your journal.”

Brie stopped breathing.
Please don’t let it be Ms. Clark!

Marquis Gray stood up with their fantasy journals. He walked over and handed them out to each of the girls. “You will pick a name at random. The trainer selected is your partner for the scene. You will then hand over your journal.” He sat back down before adding, “Expect to hear from your chosen trainer tomorrow before class begins.”

Ms. Clark got up next and walked over to the girls, holding a red velvet bag in her hand. She addressed Lea first—naturally. “Pick a name, Ms. Taylor.”

Lea stuck her hand in and swirled it around a few times before choosing. She pulled out a piece of paper, which Ms. Clark took from her. The Domme opened it up and announced, “Master Anderson.”

Lea obediently walked over to the trainer and handed over her book. Brie couldn’t help noticing the blush that colored both Lea’s cheeks and her chest.
Must be happy about getting Master of the Bullwhip as her partner.

Ms. Clark skipped over Brie and went to Mary next. Mary dug into the bag and unceremoniously handed her choice over to Ms. Clark. “Master Coen,” the trainer stated.

Mary dutifully handed her journal to the muscled trainer. Knowing of her friend’s hots for the guy, Brie suspected she was pleased, but Mary didn’t show it.

Ms. Clark then turned to Brie. Only three names remained: Sir, Marquis, and…Ms. Clark. Brie tentatively put her hand into the bag, as if it were full of poisonous snakes. As soon as her fingers landed on a piece of paper she grasped it. She was certain it was the Domme’s name, but her fingers wouldn’t let it go. Brie slowly drew it out and handed it over with an inward groan. She watched Ms. Clark’s face as the trainer opened it and was disheartened when her eyes narrowed.

Double crap!

The Domme frowned when she announced, “Sir Thane Davis.”

Brie wobbled a little, not quite believing it.

“Don’t just stand there. Hand the journal over, Miss Bennett,” she barked.

On feet that seemed not to touch the ground, Brie glided over to Sir and gave him her precious fantasy journal. His face was devoid of emotion as he took it from her. Brie did not miss the look of reservation on Marquis’ face and understood that Sir would have to tread lightly.

As she walked back to the girls, she gave them a huge victory grin.
A whole night alone with Sir!
She could just die.

Her joy was soon tempered, however. After Ms. Clark sat down, Sir addressed the girls. “Tonight you will each be working with one of the trainers in an area requiring specific expertise. Based on your recent questionnaires, as well as our observations over the last six weeks, we feel tonight’s exposure will benefit you. If the experience proves to be more than you can handle, you are free to use your safe words. Keep in mind that you are in the hands of experts. We would not jeopardize your health or well-being.” His warning sent prickles down Brie’s back.

“Miss Wilson, you have expressed an interest in blood play. Marquis Gray is well versed in the practice, so you will join him in room nineteen.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Mary said, her voice hinting at her obvious excitement.

“Miss Bennett, you will be joining Ms. Clark to experience erotic hypnosis in room thirty.”

Brie wanted to cry out for mercy, but she bowed her head and said, “Thank you, Sir.” If enduring Ms. Clark was the price she must pay to be with Sir, so be it.

“Ms. Taylor, you have shown interest in fisting. Master Coen has extensive experience with the practice. You will join him in room two.”

“Oh, thank you, Sir!”

Brie shuddered. What was Lea thinking? That girl was into all kinds of kink.

“Miss Bennett and Ms. Taylor, you may re-dress before you follow your trainers out. Miss Wilson, you are free to leave with Marquis Gray.”

Mary looked positively radiant as she followed Marquis out the door. Lea quickly slipped on her thong and practically skipped behind Master Coen. Brie took her time as she retied her corset. Ms. Clark was not in the mood to wait and came over. She tied it far tighter than Brie was used to. The trainer looked her over and said, “Now you look enchanting.”

Brie had to slow her breathing to endure the tightness of the corset. Although the tighter look appealed to Ms. Clark, it made serious demands on Brie’s body. It reminded her of Tono’s binding, but was not nearly as sexy.

She left the safety of the panel to follow the Domme to their designated room. Brie had images of being made to cluck like a chicken. She thoroughly expected to be humiliated by the woman, but at least she had the safe word. Tonight, of all nights, she was grateful for that power.

Their heels echoed through the hallway together. There was something sexy about the sound of it. Ms. Clark opened the door to a room which contained a bed, a table set with candles, and a single red satin chair.

“Undress except for the corset and lie on the bed.”

Her Mistress went to a panel on the wall, and suddenly the air was filled with soft music. She lit the candles before she turned down the lights. Mistress looked approvingly at Brie and said, “Your body looks charming in candlelight.”

Two compliments within minutes of each other? It didn’t seem natural, but Ms. Clark sounded sincere. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Mistress removed her jacket and shirt sensually, then she unzipped her tight business skirt and shimmied it to the floor. Ms. Clark certainly had a knack for stripping. She stood before Brie in a red bra and thong, with black garter belt and hose accenting her long shapely legs. Brie found herself thinking again,
If I had a thing for women, I think I would be in love.

“Close your eyes and let me touch you. Listen to my words, but do not feel the need to focus. Let go and relax…”

At first, Brie felt stupid. Her Domme lightly brushed her hands over Brie’s skin, but she couldn’t stop herself from twitching when Mistress grazed her mound.

“Let my fingers help you to unwind.”

Brie took a deep breath and forced her muscles to relax. She put herself in the mind of a submissive. This wasn’t about her—it was about giving in to the experience Mistress was creating. It was okay if her body enjoyed the stimulation.

“That’s better… Listen to my voice and relax for your Mistress. Let the tension drip from your fingertips to the floor.”

Brie lay there willingly in the hands of her Domme. The woman had a way with her delicate but sure touch, to which Brie’s body responded. It wasn’t long before she was floating on a blanket of calm.

Mistress laid a weighted blindfold over her eyes. It served not only to blind, but also to lightly hold her head in place. Surprisingly, it was comforting and Brie felt another layer of resistance fall away.

“Do you smell the candles?” Mistress asked.

“Yes, they smell of vanilla.”

“Odd. They are jasmine.”

Brie could just pick up the slightest hint of jasmine.

“Jasmine aids in opening all your senses. Concentrate on the smell and let it unlock your mental boundaries.”

Brie was unsure if Mistress was playing a trick on her, but when she inhaled again, she definitely detected the distinct aroma and drew it into her body.

“Have you ever orgasmed to palm stimulation?”

Brie would have shaken her head because she was feeling so relaxed, but the blindfold prevented it so she answered verbally. “No, Mistress.”

“Spread your legs apart slightly so that your clit is exposed to the air.” Mistress helped her to position her legs and cooed soothingly, “A lovely cunny…one that deserves to climax.”

Hearing those erotic words come from Ms. Clark’s lips helped Brie to understand Lea’s crush on the woman. Whether the trainer was faking it or not, Brie’s pussy appreciated her suggestion and was beginning to feel the heat.

Mistress took Brie’s right hand and turned it palm side up. She lightly traced her fingernails over the contours of the sub’s hand. It sent shivers throughout Brie’s entire body.

Ms. Clark said soothingly, “As I stimulate your palm you will begin to feel an ever-increasing temperature rise in your loins. I want you to resist it. I do not want you to come until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She began making concentric circles in Brie’s palm. Every time she reached the middle, the burning in Brie’s groin intensified. “Resist it,” Mistress reminded her gently.

Brie’s palm tingled with an electrical current that traveled up her arm into her core. When Mistress took her hand away for a second, Brie’s pussy began to throb. She gasped when the fingertip returned and continued its sensual stimulation.

“Is your pussy wet?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Is your pussy eager?”

Brie moaned, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you feel that burn deep inside?”

Brie’s inner muscles contracted lightly in response. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Concentrate on your nipples. Are they tightening in anticipation?”

Brie felt her nipples push against the corset as they squeezed into hard buds. Her body was primed and ready for the sexless orgasm.

Mistress stopped what she was doing and brought Brie’s hand to her lips. Brie felt the lightest breath of warm, moist air on her skin and whimpered.

“This time, I am going to count down from five. When I reach one, you will come.”

Brie’s breathing came in short gasps. Mistress gently laid Brie’s hand on her lap and started slowly circling the inside of her palm. “Five…four…three…” Brie thighs squeezed together of their own accord. “Two…” The chill washed over her. “One…”

Brie cried out as her pussy started pulsating. Her orgasm was subtle, but it was definitely a real orgasm.

“Good sub.” Mistress patted her palm before standing up. Brie waited several minutes before Ms. Clark took off the blindfold. Brie noticed she was fully dressed.

“What did you think, Miss Bennett?”

Brie suddenly understood how Ms. Clark must have felt when Brie had made her orgasm through cunnilingus. It was weird to have experienced pleasure at the hands of an unwanted partner. But the experience itself had been amazing. To come without any stimulation to her pussy had been extraordinary and she was grateful for the experience.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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