Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (213 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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My brain was so overwhelmed by the contracts I was working on, I had no time to think about anything else. Leif had to pull me out of the office I’d been so wrapped up with work that I’d forgotten the time. He was still the same carefree guy I’d come to admire and at least with him it didn’t seem awkward being back in a business setting.

The meeting was filled with new projects and information about the building going on with Fantasy’s Isle. Nothing was said about what we’d shared out there and after an hour in it felt like we’d never even taken that trip. Except for the remark about our walk where I overtaxed myself which led to the idea that there needed to be motorized vehicles in place for guests, nothing was mentioned.

We ate lunch in the boardroom during our meeting and by the time it ended I had so much information to process that I knew the rest of the week would be long. I was amazed that not one word had been uttered that was unprofessional and not one of them brought up anything that would’ve made me feel uncomfortable.

Things continued along that theme for the rest of the week and I was finally able to accept that I could work here without regretting the past. By the time Friday rolled around I was ready for a weekend of doing nothing but sleeping in and taking a much needed break.

Samson booked the restaurant for lunch and I was happy about not having to do another working one. I ordered the biggest steak they had on the menu and drooled when it finally reached the table. I dug in and noticed that all the guys were staring at me warily.

With a huge bite in my mouth, I quickly chewed and looked at each of them in turn. Swallowing before speaking I felt my defenses rise. “What?”

“We’re not at work so can we finally talk about this?” Leif spoke first and his words made me leery.

“Let her eat first.” Leon slapped him on the back and rolled his eyes.

“I think it’s a little too late for that.” Putting down my fork I pushed my plate back, glaring down at the food I’d just lost the appetite for.

“Dumb ass.” Leif and Leon began arguing and it was so funny to see two grown men acting like adolescents, I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped.

“God, I’ve missed that sound.” Miles looked at me longingly and I felt the own ache in my heart.

I’d missed just talking to them. I’d been so hell bent on keeping things professional that I’d distanced myself from them all. “I missed talking to you.”

“All this shit is my fault. I’m so fucking sorry for being an asshole, Zoey.” Samson looked like he’d just lost his best friend and I instantly wanted to hug him or slap his face and tell him to snap out of it. He was supposed to be the leader.

“There is no fault. Things just went a little too far, but it’s over now. Can’t we just keep the past where it belongs?” I didn’t want to rehash this again even if it killed me to think about never having them that way.

“Is that what you want, sweetheart.” Miles. My tenderhearted hero. I would always think about him that way. It just seemed to fit.

“What I want is to stop feeling like the biggest slut in the world for enjoying what we did.” That’s all I’d thought of night after night at home in bed. Of course that didn’t mean my dreams weren’t more erotic than they had been before the island.

“Why would you feel that way? We all loved what we did together. I know none of us thinks about you that way.” Leon was sitting to my left, and his hand rested on mine on top of the table. I looked around at the other men and they nodded in agreement.

“When you walked out of that room after sleeping with me I felt like a whore, Samson. I knew the night before I’d been pleasured by the other guys, so I felt I deserved to be thought of that way.” This was what bothered me the most. If he’d have shown me five minutes of tenderness after what we’d shared maybe I wouldn’t have felt guilty at all.

“So it was my fault. Please know that I never meant you to take it that way. I don’t do the flowery bullshit, Zoey, you know that. The way I felt after being with you made me feel things I wasn’t accustomed to.”

Was he saying he had feelings for me? “I’m confused. What did I make you feel?” The way we left things I figured I was just a fuck and he was ready to let Leif take over in his place. That kind of shit plays hell with a girl’s confidence and I didn’t have any in the bedroom as it was.

“I felt like locking you up on that boat and keeping you there until you agreed to belong to me. I wanted to slap a collar on your neck and demand that you never walked out of my life again. Since I didn’t think you’d be receptive to the idea, I did the only thing I could, walked out before I screwed up any chance with you. But I’ve done that already, haven’t I?”

I stared at him like he’d grown several heads as I let his words sink in. He’d wanted to keep me? Well wasn’t that just the opposite of what I’d thought. “You could have fucking said something.” I was pissed now. I felt like shit because of how he acted and if he thought I was going easy on him now? He had another thing coming.

“What would you have had me say, Zoey. I know how you feel about the domination stuff. I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving you with Leif.”

The look of dejection on his face was enough to deflate my anger. “Maybe that you didn’t regret sleeping with me and I didn’t suck in bed?” I laughed self-consciously.

“Is that what you think? I’ve never had a woman feel better underneath me Zoey. If I hadn’t thought you’d lose your shit I would have tied you up and fucked you until you couldn’t walk.”

“I wouldn’t have minded watching that.” Leif’s comment broke the seriousness of the moment and we all laughed.

“I would have wanted to join in.” Miles was sitting on my other side and his hand stroked my arm softly.

“Ditto.” Leon winked at me and I was amazed at these four incredible men wanting me in that way.

“So have we lost our chance with you Zoey?” Samson’s smile turned into a frown as he studied my face. The sincerity in those beautiful eyes almost made me tear up.

“I don’t want to lose any of you.” Keeping things on a professional level was killing me with these guys. I loved them all in different ways. I didn’t understand it, but I refused to lie to myself any longer. “I just don’t know where we go from here.”

“Maybe we take it one step at a time. We’ve got a lifetime to explore this.” Leon smiled warmly and my heart melted.

“I know where I’d like to start, but here in the restaurant probably wouldn’t be the best place.” Leif’s boyish grin told me exactly what he had in mind, and the thought brought some fantasies to life.

“I’m not against the idea.” Did I really just say that? Obviously I did since Samson flagged down the server for the check. Leon had our meal piled in to-go boxes and we were in his car before I had time to really catch my breath.

As we drove I was having trouble breathing knowing what I’d just agreed to. Sitting in the backseat with Miles and Leif, my heart was racing in my chest as we pulled up to a gorgeous mansion. I had no idea whose home we were at, but it didn’t really matter. What would happen behind those doors was the reason I trembled when the ignition was finally turned off.

“This is your fantasy Zoey, you tell us how to please you and we’ll make sure you’re never disappointed again.” Leif took my chin in his hand and lowered his lips to mine. I lost myself in that kiss before he broke away.

Samson and Leon held each of my hands as we walked to the front door and Miles opened it. I had no idea what would happen next, but I couldn’t wait to find out. Maybe that’s really what we all crave, a fantasy, custom made to order.

What happens when four gorgeous billionaires decide that you’re the woman they want? Is giving your heart to more than one man possible, or would it even be about the love. In the second book of the Fantasy’s Bar & Grill series, Zoey realizes she wants more than just the few memories of their island adventure. Taking a chance she gives her all to the men she’s come to adore hoping that the reality can live up to the fantasies playing in her mind. Coming soon! Visit
to find out more!

About the Author

Michelle lives in Alabama with her husband and four children. As a former singer/songwriter, she began writing after leaving a successful career in music to raise her family. Her love of romance began early in life when she use to “borrow” her grandmothers Harlequin romance novels. When she began penning her own books she wanted to take those happily-ever-stories and spice them up with contemporary elements.

Those who know her in real life say that she’s Betty Crocker when it comes to her home life and a deviant diva when it comes to her work. There’s a hidden sex goddess in all of us, and Michelle enjoys sharing her fantasies with readers who enjoy a little extra spice in their reading adventures.




Master of the Inn

The Pleasure Inn Series

Ella Jade

Copyright © 2013, Ella Jade

Editor: Annabelle Crawford

Proofreader: Rebecca Wolfe

Beta Reader: Tamaria Soana

Cover Art: Designs by Viari

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Pleasure Inn… Where all of your fantasies become reality.

Executive chef Elyse Clapton has had it with city life. She’s spent the last few years building her cheating boyfriend’s trendy New York City restaurant into a success. When their relationship ends, so does her desire to be in his kitchen. She flees to a quaint inn she remembers visiting as a child. She gets more than she bargains for when she meets the sexy, reclusive inn keeper.

Handyman Logan Cole inherited Pleasure Inn against his wishes. Ever since he got caught up in a scandal involving another man’s wife, he keeps to himself – finding solace in a bottle. He didn’t realize how lonely he’d become until Elyse shows up on his porch. He’s instantly drawn to her and persuades her to stay at the Bed and Breakfast.

Elyse comes to town looking for a getaway. She never expects to fall for Logan. It doesn’t take her long to believe the inn’s motto. Logan’s dominance in the bedroom makes all of her fantasies a reality.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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