WhatHeDemands (domination erotica) (2 page)

Read WhatHeDemands (domination erotica) Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #erotica for women, #erotic bondage, #anything he wants, #what he wants, #50 shades of grey

BOOK: WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)
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“Later, my sweet girl.” He pinched my chin, holding it
steady. “I’m going to make you so hot and desperate you’ll beg for me.”


“Promise. But there’s no time for that now. We need to
leave.” He took my suitcase in one hand, my hand in the other, and escorted me
out to his car. He’d driven his zoomy BMW. It was black and sleek and classy,
like him. The engine purred as he hit the accelerator, and we were on our way.

He was quiet during the drive to the airport. It took every
ounce of willpower I possessed to keep from asking where we were headed.
Somehow, I managed. We drove down a winding street, within the property of the
sprawling Detroit Metro airport, but we  turned away from the commercial
airline terminals. We parked outside of a large metal framed building. A small
plane was just rolling out.

A private jet? We were flying in a private jet?


Shane pulled the car into the now empty building and cut off
the engine. Then he unbuckled, popped the trunk, said something to the man
who’d come into the building as he circled the back end of the car. Finally, he
opened my door for me and offered a hand as I stepped out of the low-riding

My nerves ignited as I straightened up. He looked so
amazing, my chivalrous master. He was close enough for me to touch, to kiss.
But it was forbidden. He could touch me anytime he wanted. Me, I could not.

But the rules were what made things so much fun, as I was
coming to appreciate.

As we boarded the plane, my nerves were jumpy. I’d only
flown once in my life, and that was a long time ago. My mother and I had flown
down to Florida to visit some relatives. We’d taken a big commercial jet,
smashed into little seats, along with hundreds of other passengers. Now I was
reclined in a comfortable seat, watching Shane work on a laptop computer while
we waited for the pilot to prepare for our departure.

He glanced at me, smiled. “You should sleep now. We’ll be in
the air for a few hours. I have work to do.”

Knowing there was a good reason why he was suggesting I
should sleep already, I nodded. “Okay.” I closed my eyes.

It was still fairly early, and I wasn’t very sleepy. But the
seat did feel comfortable. And it was fairly quiet. I concentrated on relaxing,
willing myself to fall asleep.

* * * * *

I woke to the sensation of the plane bouncing. I didn’t know
if we were taking off or landing. I opened my eyes, glanced out the window to
my left and saw a lot of water. Very blue water. And white sandy beaches. And
palm trees.

We weren’t in Michigan. That was for sure.

“We’re here.” Shane had his computer all packed away. “And
I’m finished with my work. I’ll be able to focus on you for the rest of the
weekend, only you.”

I really liked the sound of that. I let him know by flashing
a big, wide smile. “Thank you, sir.”

He reached for me, ran a hand up my leg. It slipped under my
skirt, and my breath hitched in my throat. Little waves of need pulsed through
me. I craved his touch. Any touch. Even the smallest brush of a fingertip made
little electrical charges buzz and zap through my body. And when his fingertips
moved up my leg, closer to my sex, my stomach, chest, and legs tensed. Heat
rushed to my center. I opened my legs a little, giving him access to my flesh.

He chuckled. The low rumble vibrated through me. “You’re
such a greedy girl.” 

Greedy when it came to him, oh yes I was. “Yes, sir.”

His fingernail grazed my labia, and I shuddered. “Hmmm. Wet
already.” That finger dipped between my nether lips then withdrew. I almost
cried out, the agony was so great.

His placed that finger on my lip, and my tongue darted out.
I could taste myself. Sweet and mellow. He pressed his finger deeper into my
mouth. I cushioned it on my tongue and pulled on it, sucking it deeper.

“Mmmm. Is my girl hungry?”

I nodded, suckling his finger, a tasty treat. Fire flickered
in his eyes. I liked that fire. And I liked how his gaze was wandering down my
body, his tongue moistening his perfect lips.

He pulled his finger free. His jaw clenched a little, just
enough for the muscle to visibly tighten. “Later, minx. You’ll get your treat

The door opened and we debarked. I noticed the rather large
lump in his pants, proud that I had produced such a visible sign of his need.
We were met by an agent, who asked for our passports with a heavy accent of
some kind. After answering a few questions, I learned we were on the island of Antigua. Antigua!

Shane took my hand once again, leading me to a dock where we
boarded a luxurious boat. I stood on the deck, hands on the railing and breath
caught in my throat as we sailed across clear blue waters. “We’ll be there
soon. I’ve called ahead. Dinner will be waiting for us.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You’re welcome.” He watched me for a moment. “Are you
enjoying yourself?”

“Very much. I’ve never been anywhere so beautiful. Thank you
for bringing me here.”

He said nothing. But his expression said a great deal. He
was pleased. He took my hand, leading me from the deck. “We have a little time.
Let’s go downstairs where we can have some privacy.”

Privacy. My insides hopped around like caged rabbits.

“Yes, sir.”

He escorted me downstairs, a hand at the small of my back.
Because I was wearing a thin summer dress, I felt the heat of his touch on my
skin. It made my nerves sizzle and my blood simmer.

I stopped at the bottom of the narrow staircase, in an area
that looked like a living room or lounge. I turned to face him, not sure which way
he wanted me to go. He caught me by the waist and walked me backward until I
was flat against a wall. Trapped. Dark flames burned in his eyes and I went

A hand closed over my breast, kneading the soft fullness and
making me moan. The other hand gathered my wrists and pinned them against the
wall, over my head. “You drive me crazy,” he murmured as he slanted down to
nibble my neck.

“You drive me crazy too,” I said on a sigh as I tilted my
head to give him better access. When his tongue flicked over the sensitive spot
just under my ear, I shivered. I felt goose bumps prickling my arm and

“Good.” He sounded satisfied. He nipped me, a little harder
than I expected and I yelped in surprise. Then he laved my stinging skin with
his tongue and the pain morphed into pounding need, pulsing through my body.

I didn’t know how he did it, turning pain into carnal need.
But somehow he knew exactly what to do and when to do it to make that happen.
It was strange and wonderful and scary all at once.

The hand that had been cupping my breast skimmed down the
front of my body, and I sucked in little gasps as anticipation danced up and
down my spine. The flesh between my legs was throbbing with carnal heat. I
needed him to touch me there. And then I needed more.

Down it went, over my lower stomach, over my pubic bone. “No
underpants, right?”

“No, sir.”

Moving quickly, he turned me around, kicked my feet apart.
He pinned my hands over my head again, holding my wrists with one hand while
the other flipped my dress up to expose my ass.

“Mmmm,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about this ass all

And I’d been thinking about his ass all week. And his broad
shoulders. And his abdominals, which could be on a romance novel cover. And
those mesmerizing eyes of his, where I spied dark shadows.

“Please, sir.”

“Please, what, minx?” His flattened hand glided over the
globe of my ass, and the muscles beneath quivered. My inner muscles, deep
inside, clenched as a rush of heat gushed to my center.

I heard the sharp slap before the pain registered. I jerked,
a reflex, and screeched. Then I groaned as the heat burning my flesh seeped in,
spreading through me.

The second strike surprised me as much as the first. A fresh
wave of warmth crashed through me on the wake of that brief moment of pain. At
the third one, my spine arched, thrusting my ass out. My insides were clenched.
I was burning with fever. And I needed him to stroke me lower, between the

“You see how your body responds? You see it?” His hand
smoothed over my heated buttocks, and my back arched more, pushing my simmering
flesh into his hand.

“Yes, sir,” I whispered, blinking back tears. I wasn’t sad.
I wasn’t scared. I was flying high on endorphins already, and my eyes were

“This is what drives me crazy.” His finger dipped into the
crack of my ass.

I shivered at the edge I heard in his voice. He sounded
dangerous now. “I’m sorry, sir.”

He turned me around again and pushed me to my knees and I
blinked up at him through watery eyes. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his
thick erection and shoved it into my mouth.

Grateful, I took him as deep as he wanted, relaxing to allow
him to plunge to the back of my throat. My tongue cushioned his length,
swirling round the head a couple of times when he withdrew before flattening
when his rod shoved deep inside again. He held my hair in his fists, and I
thrilled at the burn of my scalp. He was fucking my mouth greedily, and I was
loving every minute of it. I slurped and sucked and swallowed, relishing the flavor
of his skin and the sound of his moans and groans as he became lost in his

He was the one holding my hair, keeping me in place. But I
was the one in control, really. It was my mouth that possessed him. My motions
that made him so hot, so desperate. He growled, slammed deeper yet, and I
swallowed hard, grateful for every thrust. More, I wanted more. I wanted him to
use me anyway he wanted, to teach me how to please him. God, I loved this.

“Dammit,” he growled. He nearly pulled out then jerked his
hips forward again, and the product of his lost control spurted down my throat.
Hot and salty.

Oh yes, I’d done it. I’d driven him to a swift, hard orgasm
with my mouth for the first time. I’d made him lose complete control.

Using my hair, he pulled me to my feet and stared into my
eyes. I licked my lips, savoring the flavor of his skin and wondered what he’d
do next, what wicked pleasure he’d show me.

“You have no idea what you’ve started now, minx,” he said,
eyes hard.

Thrill raced through me. I had no idea, but I figured I’d
learn soon enough.


Chapter 2

One minute, I was standing before him, my hair in his fist,
my heart hammering against my breastbone, and dampness warming my inner thighs,
and the next I was shoved into a small but very chic bedroom. I lost my
footing, fell onto the bed, flat on my stomach, my spread legs sort of hanging half
off the end of the bed.

Shane grunted behind me, grabbed my ankles and pulled until
only the top half of my body was on the mattress and I was bent at the waist,
my ass right there for him to spank again. I tensed, expecting a sharp slap.
But instead, he hesitated. “Hands over your head.”

Of course, I did what he asked.

“Where did you learn to give head like that?” he demanded,
voice sharp.

Was he genuinely displeased? Angry? My lungs burning for
air, a little chill swept up my spine as I waited for him to make his next
move. Until now, this thing with Shane had been more like a game, a naughty,
exciting game. But he’d never acted or sounded this way.

He grabbed one wrist, pulled my arm up and out toward the
top corner of the bed. While he wasn’t exactly cruel as he handled me, he
wasn’t gentle either. Then he buckled a cuff around it. The other wrist was
next. Now I was kneeling on the floor, my wrists bound. Helpless. I was
helpless, and he was acting strangely.

“Are you angry with me?” I whispered.

“Don’t speak.”

“Yes, sir.”

He growled, went back to the drawer, grabbed something else,
and the next thing I knew, I had a ball stuffed into my mouth, a gag tied around
my head, holding it in.

Now, my eyes were watering, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t say
my safe word if I needed to. This was getting more intense than I’d expected. I
tried to say his name, but all that came out were muffled, garbled sounds and

What was he doing?

I felt my arms and legs trembling as I waited. I sucked in
air through my nose and tried to tell myself this was all part of the game. He
was just playing. I’d known Shane Trant for many years, since I was a child. He
was a good friend of my mother’s. He wouldn’t hurt me. At least, not badly.

I didn’t quite convince myself, though. Not one hundred

Without saying a word, he walked around the foot of the bed.
I clenched my buttocks, expecting him to spank me again. The sharp pain would
come any time now. He was waiting, letting the anticipation build. I knew it.

No slap.

He smoothed his flattened hands over my ass. “Your ass pinks
up so pretty when I spank it.” His voice had lost a bit of that edge. Even with
the gag, I breathed a little easier. He hooked his fingers, gently raking his
fingernails over my skin, and a little wave of pleasure washed through me.

“Since you made me come so quickly, minx, it means I’ll need
a little time to get things going again. You don’t want me to need to do that.
I get into trouble when I have free time on my hands.”

The way he said that made me quiver. It wasn’t a threat,
although it could be, if taken at face value. No, it was a promise. I heard the
slough of fabric. He was undressing. My insides pulsed. My flesh warmed. I
imagined him standing behind me, nude, his skin gleaming, a sheen of sweat
making every line cutting between his muscles distinct. He pulled my ass cheeks
apart, wide apart. “Mmmm.” I felt a soft touch, damp, at the base of my spine.
Instantly, my back was covered in goose bumps.

I wanted him inside me now, plunging deep, taking me hard.
But I knew he would torment me after what I’d done. There was no way he’d be so
kind. He would show no mercy.

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