What's a Witch to Do?: A Midnight Magic Mystery (34 page)

Read What's a Witch to Do?: A Midnight Magic Mystery Online

Authors: Jennifer Harlow

Tags: #North Carolina, #Soft-boiled, #Paranormal, #Mysery, #Witch, #Werewolf

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“Is she dead?” Sophie asks, voice quaking.

“No, she’s still breathing,” Debbie says, sounding relieved. “She couldn’t have—”

“She did,” I say. “She murdered Cheyenne in cold blood too.”

“Why?” Debbie asks.

“Because she thought I was lucky. Because I failed her.” I stifle the tears that want to come. That poor girl. We make it down the stairs, then stop and all gaze down at our cousin. She hasn’t moved an inch. “Debbie, take the girls over to Sara’s and stay there. The squad is on its way.”

“What about—”

I don’t take my eyes off Collins with my finger pointed out as Debbie grabs the girls and runs out. They don’t even close the front door. Her breathing is shallow. The wind from outside blows in, and I get a chill. A big part of me is happy she’s still alive. Murderer or not, she’s still the girl whose knees I put bandages on. “Oh, Collins.”

“Adam!” Cora shouts outside.

I spin around to see Adam standing next to an SUV on the street. I almost faint from relief. He looks confused and concerned as Cora sprints over to him. The other wolves get out too, but the movement out of the corner of my eye makes my head whip around. Collins’s finger is pointed right at me, as deadly as a gun. Her bloody grin chills me to the bone.

“Mona!” Adam shouts, panicked.

“My fucking luck,” she mutters as she flips over. “Guess I need a hostage. Hands up.”

Adam is through the door as she sits up. “What—”

“With one word, I kill her, loverboy. You know I can do it. Move and I will.” Her hate-filled gaze whips toward me. “Hands fucking up, Mona! You’re not as skilled in black magic as I am. Your finger is just a finger right now.” I raise my hands and she smiles, a tooth falling to the floor while blood and saliva dribbles down her chin. I may throw up. “Shit.” It takes effort but she gets to her feet. “Fuck, I think I broke my leg.”

“You hurt her, and I will rip you apart limb by limb,” Adam growls.

“Blah, blah, blah. By the way, if you’re supposed to be her bodyguard, you really suck at it. Get on the lawn, loverboy. Go!”

He listens. With her free hand, she grabs and spins me around, using me for support and holding her finger to my temple. “Walk, oh mighty Priestess.” Slowly, we shuffle to the door as she groans in pain with each step. My eyes never leave Adam, who waits outside tight as a spring. His eyes keep shifting to my right to signal me. Okay.

I take the first step onto the porch and see Jason to my right waiting to pounce. The moment she sets her good foot outside, I elbow my cousin in the stomach just as Jason grabs for her arm. She’s so shocked she releases me. Jason grips her arm as she struggles, wiggling like a worm on a hook. Her mouth opens to say something, but I cock my fist, spin around, and slug her in the face with all my might, just like Daddy taught me to.

She slumps against Jason, down for the count. Her luck has run out. “You are so excommunicated.” I sigh and look at Jason. “Now
what I call cooperation.”

  • Enjoy being alive

The F.R.E.A.K.S. arrive five minutes later to find Auntie Sara serving the werewolves coffee, Adam icing my tender hand, and Collins tied up and gagged on the couch, still unconscious. Sadly, I’ll bet this isn’t the strangest crime scene they’ve pulled up to.

They take Collins to their mobile command center to be treated and shipped off to a secret prison never to be heard from again. In spite of everything, my heart breaks for her as they wheel her out on a gurney, hands cuffed. I let her down. I did. I’ll never forgive myself for that. As I’m beating myself up, my hand is checked by the F.R.E.A.K.S. doctor and deemed fine. Bruised and battered, but I’ll keep going. Always do.

About an hour later, after they separated us to get our statements, I’m allowed to bring the girls back from Auntie Sara’s and put them to bed. To my amazement they fall asleep almost immediately. They’ve been through worse, I guess. Never again. Debbie called Greg, who rushed right over. Pretty sure he kissed away her cold feet before taking her home. Guess the wedding’s back on.

The wolves are willing to take over helping the squad, so I can have a few minutes of peace out on the porch. What a week. This is how Adam finds me, curled up on the swing staring into space. I move to make room for him and rest my head on his chest as he puts his arm around me. We just rock for a few minutes. Heaven.

“So,” I finally say, “how long did it take you to realize you couldn’t live without me?”

He looks down at me with a sly smile. “About five minutes. Took me longer to convince them to turn the car around though.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Five whole minutes, huh?”

“Shut up. It took you eighteen years.”

“True. You definitely have the smarts in this family.”

“Then let’s hope our kids get my brains and your beauty. And your right hook.” I grin and he returns the favor. “She was right though. I do make a lousy bodyguard.”

“My love, for the nine hundredth time, I do not need you to save me.”

“Then what do you need from me?”

I gaze up into his bright blue eyes. “Just for you to be yourself. And love me.”

“Think I can handle that,” he says after a kiss.

I pause and move my head to its spot right over his heart. “And sex. Lots and lots and lots of sex. I have a whole slew of years to make up for.”

“More than happy to oblige, ma’am.”

George and two of the squad walk out of the front door. “We’re finished in here,” George says. “If we have follow-up questions, we’ll call.”

“We’ll be here,” Adam says.

George smiles and follows his men to the car. “See you next year, George!” I shout.

A few seconds after the SUVs pull away, Jason and his wolves come onto the porch. Adam doesn’t move, he just smiles at them as I do. “Y’all leaving too?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Jason says.

“Thank you for all your help tonight,” I say.

“I’ll think of a way for you to repay me,” he says, voice icy as always. Can’t wait. He looks at Adam. “Are you absolutely sure about this?”

“Never been more sure of anything in my life.” He pauses. “Better make it official. I, Adam Paul Blue, do hereby renounce any and all allegiance to the Eastern Pack of America, and in doing so am declaring myself a Rogue with all that entails.”

Jason bows. “Very well, then. Goodbye, brother. You will be missed.” He steps off the porch with his men, then turns around. “Oh, Mona. Vivian wanted me to invite you to our Frankie’s birthday party next month. All the pack will be there. You can bring a guest if you like.”

Both Adam and I smirk. “We will definitely be there,” I say.

“Good,” he says with a nod. With that, he leaves. I am actually beginning to like that guy.

I sit up and stretch. “Well then,” I say with a sigh. I stand and look down at Adam. “All our guests are gone, the girls are tucked into bed, and we have nothing on the agenda for almost twelve hours. Whatever shall we do?”

He raises an eyebrow, smiles mischievously, and grabs for my leg, but I leap away, giggling. Can’t make it too easy for him. I take off inside running with him hot on my heels. He catches me halfway up the stairs, tosses me over his shoulder, and carries me to our bedroom.

Goddess, I do love this man.

Sunday To Do:

  • Iron mine and the girls dresses
  • Find a suit for Adam
  • Answer the million phone calls about last night
  • Try to get a few online orders done
  • Shower and makeup
  • Go over to Debbie’s and help out
  • Run errands for Jocasta
  • Sit patiently while get hair done
  • Help Debbie on with her dress
  • Wedding
  • Reception
  • Get the girls home

As quietly as we
can, Adam and I creep into the house carrying our slumbering girls. The wedding really took it out of them. Debbie decided to go through with it—no surprise there—and Kaylee became maid of honor. It’s such a shame Collins skipped town without a word to anyone but me. Everyone, save Maxine, understood. Still, a lot of tongues were wagging. I didn’t care. Debbie looked glorious and Greg got teary when he saw her. I raised her right. They’ll make it.

As for me, I had a blast. I did the “Electric Slide” with Tamara, got to see Clay and Bethany making out under the gazebo, heard Auntie Sara gossip with everyone, watched as Adam taught the girls “Y.M.C.A.,” and felt pretty darn good as all those people who usually come up to me and say, “Don’t worry, you’ll be next,” held their tongues as Adam spun me around on the dance floor in-between kisses. Yep, best wedding ever. At least until mine.

We put the girls in their beds, tuck them in, and both stand by the door for a few seconds watching them sleep in their flower girl dresses, dreaming only good dreams. He kisses my head, takes my hand, and leads me into our bedroom. “You know, nine people tonight asked me when I was making an honest woman out of you,” he says, taking off my daddy’s old tie. “
. I kept count.”

“Welcome to Goodnight,” I say, falling face first into bed.

A few seconds later he climbs in too, spooning me. “So. The shop’s fixed, the demon slayed, the coven meeting and co-op over with, the evil witch is in jail, your sister is married and on her honeymoon, and even the litter box is clean. What’s on the agenda for this week?”

“Shut up,” I mutter.

“Because, you see, the full moon is Thursday, my birthday is Friday and you have to find a schoolgirl uniform and a can of whipped cream to celebrate. Not to mention all of my stuff is still at my house in Maryland and needs to be moved, the house itself has to be put on the market, those showers of yours are in dire need of grouting, and—”

I flip over and press my hand over his smirking mouth. “Baby,” I say, “I love you to death, but shut the hell up and kiss—” He brushes my hand away, and raises his lips to mine. The whole world stops as it always does. He rolls me onto my back and pulls away, gazing down at me with such love I feel like I’m made of stardust. “Hell’s bells, I love you.”

The biggest smile I’ve ever had is only for him. Hell’s bells are ringing indeed.

Monday To Do:

  • Lie in bed all day with the man I love


First, I just want to acknowledge all of you who sent me letters and e-mails telling me how awesome I am and how much you enjoy my books. They mean more to me than words can express. Keep them coming.

Thanks as always to my agent, Sandy Lu, for all her hard work and determination. She keeps going even when I fumble.

Thanks to Terri Bischoff for loving this book so much she championed me to another three-book deal. You have changed my life. I owe you a million thanks.

Thanks to everyone else at Midnight Ink, especially Nicole Nugent for her edits and Courtney Colton for being a wonderful publicist.

Thanks to my Beta Bunch: Susan Dowis, Jill Kardell, Ginny Dowis, and Theresa Fredrich for their honest criticisms and for helping me make this book better.

A special thanks to my good friend Lydia Vigna for including me in her wedding so I knew a little about what they entail. It was beautiful.

Also to the Prince William and Fairfax Library systems, for giving me a place to go and work—I would definitely be considered a shut-in otherwise.

As always, thanks to my family for all their support both mentally and monetarily. I love y’all.

Finally, to all the Wiccans out there, including my aunt and late great-grandmother: blessed be.

© Bill Fitz-Patrick

About the Author

Jennifer Harlow (Manassas, VA) earned a BA from the University of Virginia in Psychology. Her eclectic work experience ranges from government investigator to radio DJ to lab assistant. Visit her website www.jenniferharlowbooks.com to read her blog,
Tales From the Darkside
; listen to the soundtrack to this book; and more.

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