When Heaven Weeps (58 page)

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Authors: Ted Dekker

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BOOK: When Heaven Weeps
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She began to cry again and Jan lost consciousness, in the arms of an angel. In the embrace of true love.


Six Months Later

A LIGHT New England breeze swept over the tall black cliffs that held the Atlantic Ocean at bay, and lifted Helen's hair from her shoulders. Before her, as far as she could see, whitecaps dotted the blue sea. In either direction, green grass rolled with the hills. It was the ideal setting to convalesce, she thought. Beautiful and healthy and perfectly peaceful.

She sat in the gazebo across the small glass table from Jan and breathed the salty air deep into her lungs. He sat in his wheelchair and stared at the ocean, wearing a loose cotton shirt and looking stunningly handsome.

Fifty yards behind them, their white colonial house sat stoically on the lawn. She would be in there preparing supper for them about now if it weren't for her knees. But they'd hired Emily to do more than nurse them to health, Jan insisted. On a day as bright as today Emily would probably serve them on the sprawling veranda.

Helen faced Janjic. “I love you, Jan.”

He turned to her and his hazel eyes reflected the sea's green, smiling in their wrinkles. “And I'm mad about you, my dear.” He extended a hand and rubbed her pregnant stomach. “And you, Gloria.”

They'd already decided it would be a girl and they would call her Gloria, because of the glory that had set them free.

Helen smiled. “Thank you for bringing me back.”

“What, to America?” He chuckled. “Did I have a choice?”

“Sure. We could have stuck it out in Bosnia.” She looked out to sea. “Of course, you wouldn't have gotten the new book deal for
When Heaven Weeps
. Nor the movie.” She smiled.

“And I wouldn't have the luxury of living my life in peace with my bride and my child,” he added. “Like I said; did I have a choice?”

“No, I guess not.”

“My only regret is that you're not well enough to serve me hand and foot.” He smiled wide. “A celebrity deserves no less, don't you think?”

“Jan Jovic, how could you say such a thing? Don't worry, my knees are better by the day. I'll be at your beck and call before you know it.” They laughed.

Helen stood and walked behind him. Ivena's red-and-white flowers cascaded over the thatchwork, spreading their sweet, musky scent. They'd brought a shoot with them six months ago and planted it along the south wall of the house and here, by the gazebo. Only Joey's Garden of Eden also featured the new species of lily and there it had nearly taken over the botanical garden's east wall.

Helen drew Jan's hair back, bent over and kissed behind his ear. “It's you I worry about, my dear. I don't know what I would do without you.”

“Then let's make sure you don't have to live without me,” he said. “I've lived through worse. You think a hole in my liver will hold me back?”

He said it with courage and she smiled.

Helen leaned over and kissed his other ear. “Well, I promise that I will love my wounded solider until the day that I die. And I have no intention of going anytime soon.”

She laid her head on his hair and closed her eyes. How could she have possibly betrayed this man? The memory of her treachery sat like a distant pain at the back of her mind—always there but incomprehensible. An insatiable love for this man had replaced her addiction in whole.

The details of the last few months were written in black-and-white for the world to read in Jan's new book. The fact that Glenn's estate owned the legal rights to
The Dance of the Dead
was now irrelevant. His old book wasn't the complete story—he'd told them clearly enough at the news conference.
When Heaven Weeps
was. And as a new property it wasn't under the restrictions of the old contract he'd signed with Glenn's company.

Neither Roald nor the council could argue with that. Jan had graciously omitted their most ugly moments from the story. But not the woman that they had scorned. Not Helen. Jan had put her on nearly every page, both her ugliness and her beauty. Mostly her beauty, Helen thought.

She kissed the crown of his head.

He pulled her hand. “Come here.”

She walked around the chair and sat in his lap.

He took her chin and looked into her eyes. “You're everything to me. You're my bride. You make my heart pitter and my knees weak. You think I would leave that for the grave?”

“No. But maybe for the laughter.”

“I have the laughter already. I carry it in my heart, and it's for you.”

Helen smiled and leaned forward. “You're very sweet, my prince.” She kissed him lightly on the lips and then pulled back. His eyes were on fire with love.

“I love you. More than life,” he said.

“And I love you. More than death.”

She kissed his lips once again. She could not help herself. This love of theirs— this love of Christ's—was that kind of love.


Just keep telling yourself.

Of all the novels Ted Dekker has ever written.
this one


From the mind of Ted Dekker.
the ultimate Showdown


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