When Lightning Strikes (9 page)

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Authors: Sedona Venez

Tags: #Credence Curse#2

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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Mom gave me an incredulous stare. “This is not all about you. There’s the whole family’s safety to consider. Sweetie, I know you could have handled the truth, but you’ll soon discover the Credence women sometimes have to do things we’re not too proud of… make sacrifices, for the betterment of all, not one.”

I processed her words. I loved my family and would do anything in my power to protect them. Even at the expense of my own happiness and safety. That is after all, how the Credence family survived all these years, by making sacrifices. There were times we fought bitterly, but we always stood together in the end. We were the Credences. And I would be damned if I let the Shadows or Raphael, tear my family apart. Mom, Aunt Ava, and Storm opened their arms. I stepped forward for the group hug. I languished in the strength of their love, knowing the times ahead were going to be rough for all of us.

I sighed, stepping back. “So what now?”

Mom pushed the hair back from my face. “We stick to the plan. Storm will go with Knox. Ava and I will call in a few favors to get some extra protection for us. And since Ryker has graciously offered to protect you, you will go with him.”

I arched a brow. “Graciously? The man hates me.” I didn’t know how in the hell I was going to last with Ryker as my jail warden. Shit, I didn’t know whether to fuck him or kick his ass. I huffed out with displeasure. And what was the deal with my human emotional angst subsiding when he was around me? Was it the Fae thing kicking in or something else altogether?

Aunt Ava smirked. “He doesn’t hate you.”

I threw my hands in the air. “What is it with you two and Ryker? He’s not some cute puppy you can play with. I’ve seen behind his cool demeanor. He’s damn near feral.”

Mom’s eyes narrowed. “I see.”

I blinked. “You… see? What exactly do you see?”

Mom shrewdly looked me up and down. “That you’re afraid of him.”

I sputtered. “I’m not afraid of him. I’m stating a fact. His wolf, his beast is chained inside his body like some sort of dangerous animal.”

Storm stared at me, confused. “You saw that?”

I looked at her like she lost her damn mind. “What the hell is wrong with you? Of course I didn’t see it.” I bit my bottom lip. “I sensed it,” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

Storm shook her head. “Now you can sense”—she did air quotes—“Others’s emotions?”

I gave up. I had to tell them the truth. “Not Others’s. His.” They stared with open mouths. “Briefly. Oh, okay, once at his charity gala.” They arched their brows. “And again today, but it was brief. Strange. And unrepeatable.”

“Uh-huh,” Mom quipped.

Aunt Ava looked at Mom. “This is…”

“Surprising,” Mom finished.

I hated when they did the dynamic duo shit, finishing each other’s sentences and thoughts. I snapped my fingers loudly. “None of that.”

“What?” they retorted in unison.

I rolled my eyes. “Like I said, Ryker is fucking feral.”

Aunt Ava looked at me sternly. “Hey, we raised you better than that. No judging different.” She gestured to each of us. “We’re all different. He’s different. But he’s not feral. He’s the descendant of Loki, the Norse god. And he’s fighting not to be as destructive and ruthless as his ancestors. It’s not easy.”

Mom clucked her tongue. “We all have demons we’re fighting.” She looked at me blankly. “He needs to find his balance to end his pain.”

“I’m sorry. When did we start giving a shit about the Alferos?” I asked.

Mom crossed her arms. “I don’t understand why you have this uncanny ability to run when you have the remote chance of forming an emotional connection with any man.”

“I’ve learned from the best,” I noted while giving them both a pointed stare.

“This is different. Ryker is different.”

I rolled my eyes. “Different? He’s an arrogant ass with a condescending air.” I tapped my chin mockingly. “Let me think… That sounds like a typical Alpha wolf-shifter. There’s nothing special about him. Believe me.”

Mom smirked. “He’s different. You have to give him a chance.”

I was so done with this conversation. “I have no intention of giving him a chance.”

“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Ryker is worth pursuing as mating material?” Aunt Ava asked.

“Nope. I don’t do permanent. Shit. No one in this family, besides Storm, is even capable of doing long-term relationships. I’ve seen the look in his eyes. All he wants is another sexual conquest.”

Mom and Aunt Ava smirked at each other.

Mom shooed me with her hand. “He doesn’t know what he needs right now. He’s thinking with his cock, but he’ll soon realize what he needs is a little more complicated.”

My eyes narrowed. “What are you two up to?”

Mom winked at me. “Nothing, sweetie.”

“Right.” I paused. “You know what? It doesn’t matter,” I proclaimed.

Aunt Ava picked up her cell and started to text. “Exactly.”

I looked at Storm. She did the crazy sign, making a circling motion of her index finger at the side of her head.

Mom looked at her watch. “It’s time to go. You two, please try to be on your best behavior. We’ll handle the investigation.”

“And we’ll sit around twiddling our thumbs?” Storm snapped.

“Hell no! This has to do with us too,” I insisted.

Mom’s mouth tightened. “I don’t give a flying fuck. Don’t mess with me, Light. We’ll handle this. You stay out of this.” She looked at Storm sternly. “You too.” Something in her expression told us she wasn’t hopeful, but she didn’t have time to dwell.

Aunt Ava hugged us both. “Thank God, they’re going to be separated—less trouble for them to get into while the Shadows stalk us.”

I looked at them incredulously. “Wait. You’re using us as bait.”

Aunt Ava pulled my hair playfully. “We’re all bait, Light.”

Storm rolled her eyes. “You know what happens to bait? It eventually gets eaten.”

Mom and Aunt Ava’s face tightened.

“That’s what’s we’re counting on,” Mom remarked.

“Give your enemies enough rope and they’ll hang themselves. And when they do, we’ll finish them off for good.” Aunt Ava finished.

Mom headed straight for me, grabbing my face. She kissed my cheek. “Be safe, okay?” she whispered. “Please don’t do anything to get yourself in trouble, okay?”

I rubbed my head. If they thought I was going to sit around waiting for the Shadows to get me, they had another thing coming. “I’m not making any promises. Love you.” We hugged each other again before she and Aunt Ava exited.

Storm grabbed me and hugged me hard. I hugged her back, kissing her on the cheek. We both were emotional. This isn’t how we wanted this to go. We grew up together, went to college together, worked together, and traveled all over the world together. And at twenty-three years of existence, we had more money than either of us could spend. But money couldn’t buy love or happiness. It was time. Time for us to forge our own way. She had Knox now and I wanted her to be happy. She fucking deserved it. And there was no doubt in my mind that Knox would make sure she would never want for anything… love, affection, protection, and happiness. He was truly a fucking good guy.

“I love you,” Storm whispered.

“I love you too.”

Storm pulled back with a hint of worry in her eyes. I squeezed her arm reassuringly. She was used to fixing my problems, and up until now, I was quite happy to allow her to. But things had changed. The situation had changed. I was changing. I wasn’t sure whether it was for better or worse.

“We’ll talk every night. I’ll be waiting to hear all of the scandalous things you’ve done to the Alpha,” Storm teased.

I gave her a devilish grin. “Oh, you can count on that shit. Project ‘make Wolfie’s life a living hell’ starts as soon as I walk out of this damn office.”

“Give him hell.” She pinched my cheek. She looked over her shoulder at Knox, who was leaning against the wall, talking to Ryker. “I gotta go.” She gave me a small smile. I returned it.

I stood there for a minute. Never feeling as alone as I felt right then, I watched Storm exit the office into the arms of Knox. I smiled. They were so in love. I was content to bask in the warmth of their new love, when the Alpha from hell turned around and scowled at me.

“Are you coming or what?” he snapped.

I sighed heavily before marching toward him. “Would it kill you to say something polite for once?”

He growled.

I reached up and tapped his cheek… hard. “Good thing I’ll be staying with you for a long time. It will give me plenty of time to teach you some manners… Lightning style.” I grinned. “Now come along, Wolfie. Time’s a wasting.” I sauntered away with an extra pep in my step when I heard his teeth grinding.

Yup… let the games begin.







the Neanderthal who I now called Ryker would say at least one word to me on the ride over to Alfero headquarters. It would have made the ride less boring. But no, Ryker spent the whole ride alternating between texting and talking on his phone. Shit! The man never stopped working. There were non-stop calls about his pack, from the Other Council, to putting out fires within his company. No wonder he was so uptight.

I sighed with relief when we pulled up to his headquarters. The driver opened the door and Ryker whisked me into the building. Bones, one of his enforcers, was standing in the lobby, flirting with the receptionist. He turned around, his lips curled into an easy smile as he maintained eye contact. “Well, if it isn’t Lightning Credence.”

I boldly checked out his athletic build and chocolate-brown hair. Oh, yippee, a nice new toy to play with. “Well, if it isn’t the cowboy I call Bones,” I mimicked with a southern drawl.

Ryker’s piercing gaze unflinchingly met his with a frown. “Is everything ready upstairs?”

Bones’s smile disappeared, looking from Ryker to me with interest. “Yes…” He cleared his throat. “But there’s a problem.”

Ryker pushed me toward the waiting elevator. “What problem?” he snapped as we entered the elevator.

Bones looked at me uncomfortably, then back at him. “Sophie showed up. And she’s in your office, refusing to leave.”

Ryker scowled as the elevator opened. “I don’t need this shit right now.” I tried not to flinch when he put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me into the sleek office space. His headquarters occupied one floor of a mammoth office building in the Garment District. His office, with its 39
-floor views of Times Square and the West Side of Manhattan, was sprawling, bigger than most New York apartments and lavishly tasteful. The sitting area had leather couches and an elaborate coffee table, on which were piled art books. A large flat-screen TV on one wall was tuned silently to the news channel.

A harried woman came bustling toward Ryker. “I apologize, Mr. Alfero. She just showed up. God, that woman is so infuriating,” the woman commented.

I heard the elevator ding and the doors opened, revealing the dynamic trio of Jackal, Rip, and Soar, who barreled toward us like a freight train.

“What’s going on?” Rip asked.

“Sophie. And she’s in Ryker’s office,” the woman whispered.

I looked at them curiously. Why were they so worked up about ‘Sophie?’

“I’ll take care of this.” Ryker nodded toward me. “Soar, take her to the lounge, then prepare the conference room. I want to see the footage. I’ll be right back.” He started to prowl toward his office with Rip, Jackal, and Bones following close behind him.

“Oh no you don’t!” I grabbed his arm, smiling at him prettily. “You promised to protect me. So where you go, I go. That’s the deal, Alpha, and that’s not negotiable,” I mocked before pushing past them. “Besides, I want to meet Sophie. She sounds like lots of fun.”

“You’re with me, darling.” Ryker wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back against his body. His lips grazed the shell of my ear as he whispered. “I can’t have you walking in on an unpredictable she-wolf.” The surprising contact made my nipples harden, breathing increase, and dampness soaked my underwear.

“What a gentleman,” I pointed out huskily.

Abruptly, he released his grip with big-as-saucers hands resting comfortably on my hip, guiding me forward as he pushed open the door with me pinned to his side. I scanned the office, taking in the massive mahogany pieces dominating two walls and a large desk holding down one end of the room. My perusal skidded to a stop and eyes widened at the sight of a butt-naked Sophie kneeling in a submissive position.

“Happy Birthday… sir!” Sophie addressed with eyes still cast downward.

“Shit!” Ryker snapped.

“Oh my!” I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from bursting out in a fit of giggles. “What do we have here?” I looked at him with fake shock. “Is she here to blow out your candle?”

Sophie’s head snapped up. She glared at me with frosty eyes. “Who is she?”

Rip laughed loudly. “Why can’t shit like this ever happen to me?”

Jackal pushed farther into the office with an aloof stare. “It does but in the confines of the strip club you visit every month.”

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