Read When The Runway Went South Online

Authors: Lois Kasznia

Tags: #Romance

When The Runway Went South (36 page)

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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"Ally, what's wrong?" Caleb stood up and moved to Ally's side.

"It's my ex-boyfriend, Greg. What is he doing here? I don't want him to see us. I mean me." She tried to grab Caleb's hand, but he wouldn't budge.

"Ally, sit down. I won't let Greg ruin our night together.  So what if he sees you with me? It's over between you two, isn't it?"

"Caleb, you don't understand. I want absolutely nothing to do with him." Then it happened. Greg had found her.

"Ally," pleaded Greg as tried to hug Ally, but she pushed him away. "I came to Dallas to look for you and you're right here under my nose. We have some serious talking to do." Greg totally ignored Caleb until he stood and towered over him.

"I don't believe we've met and the lady is not at all happy to see you." Caleb used his body as a shield between Ally and Greg.

"Who are you?" Greg eyed him suspiciously. "Say, you're not the fellow who answered her phone the other night, are you?"

"One and the same," replied Caleb.

"Ally, tell him who I am."

"I think he's figured out who you are, Greg. I told you to leave me alone." Ally glared defiantly at him.

"Now you see here," demanded Greg, his index finger pointed in Caleb's face. "I'm Ally's fiancé. What are you doing with her?"

"No, I'm not," cried Ally. "Greg, why can't you listen to me?" Ally motioned with her hands. "We are through!"

"I think you better listen to the lady," said Caleb in a deadly voice. By now, the discussion had quite a few people's attention. Security personnel showed up out of nowhere.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The biggest man Ally had ever seen confronted Greg.

"This man is with my fiancé," replied Greg using his 'lawyer' voice.

"I am not his fiancé; I broke up with him months ago. He's not even from around here. He's from New York and he somehow followed me down here," explained Ally.

"Is this true?" The security guard glared at Greg.

"Look, buddy. I'm in love with this woman and I'm trying to talk some sense into her. Help me out." Greg pleaded his case.

"Obviously, I 'm not interested, Greg. I'm with a real man, not some two-timing, or should I say
weasel like you."

"As y'all can see, this man is bothering this lady," said Caleb. His arm draped possessively around Ally's shoulders.

"I'm going to ask you nicely to leave, sir." The security guard took Greg's arm to lead him out, but Greg shook it off.

"You can't ask me to leave. I haven't done anything."

"Yes, you have, sir. You're bothering this lady and we down here in Texas don't take kindly to it."

"Ally," pleaded Greg.

"Leave me alone, Greg. I mean it." Ally shook with anger.

"You might want to put out a restraining order," said the security guard to Ally as be led Greg out of the club. "If you want to leave now, I can hold him so you can get out without him bothering you."

"I'm ready," said Ally as she turned to Caleb who too, seethed with anger, his hands clenched into fists.

"Let's go, Ally." Caleb led her out the door while the manager gave then a ticket for a free dinner.

"I'm sorry," said Ally as Caleb started the truck. "I had no idea." She shook her head.

"You didn't know he'd be there. It's not your fault."

"Thanks for being there for me." Ally looked at him in admiration.

"Did you mean it when you said you're with a real man?"

"Absolutely." Ally squeezed is hand.

"Good." Caleb smiled as he drove Ally home.

"You're coming in, right?” Ally reached for the door handle of the truck.

"Ally? You're stuck with me for a long time."


Chapter Twenty-One






Ally awoke with a start. Gently pushing Caleb away, she reached for her robe and threw it on. She set out to investigate the noise she heard outside besides the low growl of Tank outside the door.

"What's going on?" Ally's movements had caused Caleb to awaken.

"There's a strange noise outside in the back."

"Where's your gun?" whispered Caleb.

"It's in the drawer of my nightstand." Ally reached in and handed it to Caleb. She opened the door and stepped outside. The noise grew louder.

"Sounds like a truck," commented Caleb as he followed Ally upstairs for a better look in her back yard, including his pasture.

"Look," whispered Ally. "Someone is parked outside my back fence on your property. I don't see the squad car."

"Ally, call the police. I'm going out there."

"You can't go out there, suppose you get hurt?"

"Trust me, Ally. I know what I'm doing." Caleb kissed her soundly.

"Okay." Ally couldn't hide the concerned look from her face. "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"It's not," said Caleb gruffly and tousled her hair. He turned and ran downstairs, striding quietly through the back door, then along the fence. He could see an oversized pickup truck with just the running lights on and he counted at least three young men in the cab of the truck. Caleb remained quiet, straining to hear any conversation.

"Are you sure this is her house?" One of the men opened the passenger door and peered into the dark.

"I'm pretty sure. Hey, watch it, y'all just spilled my beer."

"Too bad assholes, now quiet. Wynne said she has a big ole mean dog and to be careful of him."

"Y'all flush out the dog and then we can get inside."

"What about Caleb Strait? Do y'all think he can see us here?"

"Nope, I checked it out the other day. His house is too far away from here and he's probably in bed."

"What if she's not home?"

"Trust me, she's in there and I can't wait to get my hands on her." They all giggled and slapped each other on the back.

Caleb had heard enough and at the same time the police cruiser came into view with the car lights off. Now he had some back up. He stepped up to the fence and pointed the gun at the three of them. "You boys lost? Y'all are on my property."

"Shit! It's Caleb Strait. Get back in the truck and get the hell out of here." The three of them jumped back into the truck and started to tear away, but not before Caleb shot out two of the tires. The vehicle slowed somewhat, but tried to take off again, riding roughly on the rims. The police cruiser put its lights on and went after the truck at breakneck speed, while a second cruiser arrived on the scene. They boxed the truck in and Caleb heard them warning the men to come out with their hands up.

Those boys pissed off Caleb. How did they get onto his property? They obviously had been scoping out his land for a long time. It also made him wonder if they had broken one of his fences to get in. But it irritated him to no end that they were after Ally. He turned slowly to go back into the house, only to find Ally standing in the kitchen waiting for him. Caleb hurried his step.

"Well?" she asked as he came in the door.

"It's the kids again. Ally, it's you they wanted."

"What?" Ally's face had paled. "They are after me? Caleb, what am I going to do?" The situation wrenched Caleb's heart.

"First off, I'm filing a restraining order. Second, I'm talking to the rangers. Then, you and I are going to improve your shot. I want to see what you have when shooting a piece.”

"No problem. I'm pretty darn good. But you should go home now and talk to Jeb," said Ally. "It's almost three in the morning.”

"Come with me. I can't leave you by yourself."

"I can't. What about Tank? Kat and I have a brunch we're doing tomorrow. I'll be okay."

"Ally, if I have to pick you up screaming and kicking, I will. I can't leave you here alone." Caleb didn't mean to sound harsh, but Ally needed to focus. "Tank is fine and I'll have you home after breakfast."

"Okay." Ally knew better than to argue with him. Caleb's temper had really reached the boiling point and she didn't blame him one bit. "Let me grab some stuff and I'll be ready in five minutes." Ally turned on her heel and ran to her bedroom and packed an overnight bag. She changed into jeans and sweater, slipped on some boots and waited for Caleb as he filled Tank's water bowl. She smiled at his thoughtfulness and shook her head. Every day he proved to be even more wonderful.

They climbed into Caleb's truck neither one saying a word. They could still see the cruisers in the pasture and Caleb wondered why. He pulled the truck into the garage and Ally quietly followed him into the house. "You know where my bedroom is, so go ahead. I have to talk to Jeb. He's probably up by now."

"I don't think I can sleep, Caleb. Is there anything I can do?" Ally searched his eyes and saw her answer. Okay, then. She knew how to take a hint. "Call me if you need anything." She turned on her heel, but Caleb grabbed her elbow holding her in place.

"Ally, I'm sorry. I'm just so pissed off. Somebody's messing with my property, my cattle and now my girlfriend. I did not want to end the night this way." Caleb pulled Ally into a warm hug. "I wanted to wake up with you kissin' me, lovin' me, fixin' me breakfast and then I would have a great day."

"You can still do that, you know." Ally smiled seductively. "I'll try and get your bed warmed, but I don't think Gracie would want me in her kitchen."

"We'll see, Ally." Caleb chuckled and some of the tension left his eyes as he kissed her. "If you want to take a shower, go right ahead."

"Okay." Ally smiled as she went to his bedroom. Girlfriend? Wait a minute. She turned around, but Caleb had already gone. They needed to talk about their status.

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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