Whirlwind (14 page)

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Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Whirlwind
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Jason’s face changed in an instant, his eyes lighting up like candles. “Deal,” he said.


What have I done?


He put one hand on the wall behind me and the other around the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his. Without hesitation I slid my hands under his arms and molded myself to him.


You want this. You need this.


Jason leaned into me, pressing me against the wall. I inhaled sharply at this preview of what he had in store for me.


As intense as our first, this kiss sent one tremor after another down my spine. Jason’s touch seemed to be everywhere: buried in my hair, stroking my neck, grasping my shoulder, fondling my waist. Our lips separated and I gulped in air, my heart pounding in time with the music blaring on the other side of the room.


With our foreheads touching, I gently ran my fingernails across his back, feeling the heat of his skin through his shirt.
Was I really doing this?


He slowly stretched his head back with a low, inviting
. When my fingers stopped, his began to move, slowly creeping up from my waist. His fingertips tickled my ribs, slipping over the smooth fabric of my blouse. The higher his hand rose, the larger his eyes became, questioning me. His fingers lingered, caressing the side of my breast. When his hand stilled my mouth fell open, and I stared up at him with a new, intense desire.
I want you…


Recognizing my unspoken plea, he dove for my lips again, devouring me. Sensible Melissa vanished, leaving only fiery lust in her wake. I’d never wanted a man’s touch the way I wanted Jason’s. I wanted, no
, to feel his skin against mine. He continued to tease the edge of my breast, and all I could think was


Read my mind now, Jason.


On cue, his hand slipped between us, drifting over the center of my breast. I pulled my lips from his, the air whistling through my clenched teeth. My head found the wall with a


“Is that what you want?” he whispered, fingering me again. I nodded once, then bit down on my bottom lip, trapping the groan growing in my throat. I embraced the deep fire his touch ignited in me, savoring how it raced around my body, growing in strength the longer he teased.


His breaths came fast as withdrew his hand. We were so close his voice seemed to rumble from within me. “The things I want to do with you,” he said, catching my earlobe between his lips. His hips rocked ever so slightly.


“I’m yours,” I promised.
Take me now
. I wished he’d sweep me up in his arms and march me to his hotel room. A bead of sweat formed at my temple, anticipating how we’d continue what we’d started, minus our clothes. I searched my thoughts, listening for that warning voice—my rational, nervous self—but it was quiet. All my limits had disappeared, leaving only Naughty Melissa behind. As proof, my hand drifted down his back, past his waist, and gave his
a hard squeeze.


Jason’s head jerked up, but it wasn’t surprise I saw. His weren’t the eyes of a stranger any longer, but of an intimate lover, burning with passion. He eagerly leaned in for another kiss.


Just then the music stopped, the lights came up, and we both froze. The DJ’s booming announcement interrupted the party. “For some reason, the bride and groom are anxious to start their honeymoon. So, without further ado, could all the single ladies join me on the dance floor for the tossing of the bouquet?”


“Damn it,” I said under my breath, and Jason groaned, reluctantly separating himself from me. I caught a glimpse of his straining pants before he turned toward the plant beside us and took a few slow, deep breaths. I tried not to think about what lay beneath his tailored slacks.


“Are you going to be okay?” I asked quietly, taking a deep breath of my own. “Or shall I grab your jacket and bring it over?” Naughty Melissa teased.


“Oh, I think you need the jacket more than I do,” he said with a lofty quirk of his lip, his eyes drifting down to the two obvious protrusions in my blouse.


I quickly crossed my arms. “Touché.”


We stood together silently for another minute before Linda came bouncing over. “There you are, Melissa,” she said, grabbing my elbow and dragging me toward the crowd of women in the center of the room. “Looks like you’ve been busy,” she snickered, looking at my arms still folded in front of me.


“Have you and Chase been enjoying the porn in the limo?” I held up her left hand. “Hmmm, I wonder if this finger will always be naked.”


She blushed deeply and her voice dropped. “No, it won’t. I’ve done a little investigation of my own, and porn isn’t involved. Chase won’t tell me where we’re going after the reception. That’s when I’ll find out what’s up his sleeve.”


“Don’t you mean in his jacket?” I asked with a wink. “You’ll call me tomorrow with the details, right?”


“I promise,” she said, crossing her heart. “But don’t expect an early call.”


We reached the crowd of women milling around the dance floor, and Linda let go of me, saying something about the bouquet and insurance. She jogged straight to the front of the pack, but I stayed behind; I didn’t want to be in the line of fire. Linda could be a dangerous woman when she was motivated, and she definitely wanted that bunch of flowers.


Unfortunately, I found myself next to Tricia.


“Having fun tonight,
” she scoffed.


, it’s been quite an evening,” I said, taking a keen interest in the light fixture across the room.


“How’s Jason treating you?” Her voice was smug.


I didn’t trust her feigned innocence. “He’s a perfect gentleman,” I said. She
didn’t deserve him.


“That’s what I thought…at first.” She paused dramatically as Ann strode past. “But when I found out he was engaged, well, I moved on to a more
man.” She batted her lashes and blew a kiss at her latest conquest standing at the edge of the dance floor. I didn’t check to see if he responded.


I tried very hard not to let my disappointment show, but I couldn’t help but grit my teeth.


“Did he fail to mention that to you too?” Tricia said with a malicious laugh. She slithered into the pack of clamoring women and disappeared.


I stood rooted to the spot, trying unsuccessfully to erase what she’d said. Jason
too good to be true.


Ann peeked over her shoulder, a small, informal bunch of my favorite carnations in her hand. The DJ began a countdown the audience picked up. “Three, two, one!”


She flung the flowers over her shoulder. The mass of women in front of me lurched toward the projectile, but a flying curtain of black hair beat them to it. Shouts of “hey!” and “ouch!” and a quiet murmur of “bitch” rippled through the group. Linda jumped up and down, her tattered prize raised triumphantly in the air.


I turned on my heel and walked back toward Jason. Consider the source, I reminded myself, unable to return his dazzling smile.


“Guys, get ready. It’s your turn next,” the DJ called.


Jason’s welcoming expression faded as I approached our table. “Did someone stomp on your foot?” he asked.


“No. I ran into Tricia,” I said.


Jason chuckled. “Literally?” When I didn’t even smile at his joke, he frowned. He searched the dance floor, looking for the source of my discomfort.


“Gentleman, please join me on the floor while Mitch removes the garter,” the DJ said.


Jason ignored the people stirring around us. “Melissa, what’s wrong?” he asked.


“Get your butt up here, little brother,” Mitch called, but Jason didn’t move.


“Tricia just mentioned your fiancée, that’s all,” I said, my eyes glued to his.


The blood drained from his face. I waited for a denial, but heard none.


Chase walked up and grabbed Jason’s arm. “Let’s go,
,” he said.


Jason stumbled toward the group, trying to free himself, but Chase held him tight. I guessed Jason assumed I’d walk out again, but this was one story I wanted to hear. Maybe then this unreasonable infatuation would go away and I could go home without regret. The thought of leaving him, even if Jason was a two-timing lout, still caused an icy emptiness in my chest.


Jason stared back at me from across the room. He mouthed the words “Don’t go.”


To demonstrate my intentions, I made a show of sitting down at the table, crossing my legs and flagging down a waiter. My attention shifted from Jason’s brooding features to his elder brother’s facetious grin. Mitch held a chair for his wife in the center of the floor. She sat down gracefully and smoothed her skirts like a monarch holding court.


“All right, I think you know what you have to do,” the DJ said. Mitch knelt at his wife’s feet, his hands at the edge of her dress. “Any suggestions, guys?” called the DJ.


Quietly at first, the eager men’s chant of “teeth” grew steadily louder. Mitch looked up at his wife before proceeding. With an exaggerated sigh, she gave her approval.


His head disappeared under her skirt, leaving his ass pointing at the tables. I welcomed Beth when she sat down next to me.


“I’d never let my husband do that to me,” she said, shielding her eyes with her hand.


“Yeah, she really looks like she’s suffering,” I replied, watching Ann’s face contort. Mitch seemed to be making things quite pleasant for her.


Beth smirked and angled her chair toward me. “I think Mitch did say something about the garter in his notes this morning. So what have you been doing, Melissa? Having fun?”


“I was.” I glanced toward the guys watching Mitch’s antics. Jason hadn’t taken his eyes off me since his brother disappeared under the white satin.


“Jason McAlister is really nice, isn’t he?” Beth asked, following my gaze. “He was very funny last night at the rehearsal dinner.”


“Was he.” The comment came out flat—a statement, not a question. But my curiosity was piqued, nonetheless.


“Mitch, you need to actually
the garter, my friend,” the DJ said, drawing a laugh from the crowd.


I tore my eyes away from Jason and turned to Beth. She was a wealth of information.


“Yes. We sat next to him all evening. He kept us in stitches with stories about Mitch. They’re really close, you know.”


“I know.” Surely Mitch would have said
about a fiancée when he caught me in Jason’s arms.


“So, which is it?”


I stared at her cryptic grin. “What?”


“Which does he prefer, blondes—” Beth tugged a lock of hair on the left side of my head “—or brunettes?” She slid a finger through the hair on the other side of my head. “You must have talked about something while you were dancing. When I saw you out there, I about fell out of my chair.”

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