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Authors: Jennifer Miller

Whispering Wishes (23 page)

BOOK: Whispering Wishes
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He rolls off of me, although he seems reluctant to do so, but then he pulls me into his arms.
“From the moment I saw you in that bar, I haven’t wanted anyone but you.” I feel a big cheesy grin cover my face. “When I saw you that day on the sidewalk, soaked from head to toe, your clothes clinging to your hot little body, fury in your eyes like you were damning the universe for even letting rain touch you, I knew I was lost. All I could think about after that was you. Wondering where you were, what you were doing, who you were with, staring at the door at the bar hoping the next person to walk in would be you. Fuck, you make me feel like a lovesick sixteen-year-old. I would talk about you so much, Ian and Mark told me to shut the hell up. Once they got a good look at you though, they immediately told me they were sorry.”

I laugh
. “Well, when Mischa told me today that I was crazy and that she thinks you look at me as more than a sister, I was hoping she was right. And, I guess she was.

“Aspen, b
e with me. I want you to be mine and only mine. No more blind dates and shit. I want you with me. You…” he looks me up and down with a wicked smile, “are everything I want - in more ways than one. I want to date you; I want to see you smile at me and only me. I want to hear the wicked hot noises you make when you come again, and again, and I want those lips only on mine. What do you say? Will you be my girl?”

I answer by placing my lips on his.



I’m lying in
Wes’s arms, spooning, my back to his front, and he’s lazily running his fingers up and down my arm. Suddenly, my stomach growls with a roar that makes me remember we had been ready to eat dinner before the sexcapades occurred.

“You’re hungry.
I am too. Should we go warm up the spaghetti?”

“Yes, let’s.”

I grudgingly get out of bed and stand, arms and hands slightly covering private parts, looking around at a loss for where all my clothes are. “Oh no. You’re not?”

I look up at Wes in confusion
. “I’m not what?”

“You are not going to put clothes on that body.
I finally got you naked and I’m keeping you that way for a while longer. No clothes. We go to the kitchen naked.”

I laugh to cover up the bit of embarrassment I feel but, to gather my courage, emphatic
ally respond, “Well, how about a compromise? I want to jump in the shower really fast to wash up, so how about naked under a robe?” He looks like he’s going to argue so I add, “otherwise I would be cold.”

“Well okay, robes work, I guess.”
I laugh at his expression and go grab mine before popping back into his room, taking his hand, and leading him to the bathroom.

Our shower is playful, but quick, as we
enjoy washing and exploring each other’s bodies.

Wrapped in towels, w
e make our way down the stairs to the kitchen. We laugh when we see everything we destroyed on our way to the bedroom, and pick things up, careful not to cause any bodily harm and straighten things as we go.

When we get into the kitchen, I immediately go to the plate of spaghetti I dropped on the floor and start cleaning up.

“Let me get that,” Wes tries to insist.

“No, I got it. Why don’t you heat up plates for us and I will get this. It will just take a second.”

I’m glad it dropped on the linoleum and looks relatively easy to clean up.
“Ouch!” The plate was concealing a crack down the middle, and as I picked it up, a jagged edge cut my finger. It was as much a surprise as it hurt and is hardly bleeding, but Wes is there in an instant.

I told you I should have gotten this, now you’ve sliced yourself. ” He takes the mess from my hands and throws it in the trash and quickly returns to me, looking at my finger. “Don’t move.” Leaving me for a moment, he returns with a first aid kit and quickly cleans and bandages my finger.

“It’s not bad, barely any—”
I cut off mid-sentence because Wes has my fingers at his mouth and he starts placing gentle kisses on each one, starting with my bandaged finger. It’s sweet at first, like he’s trying to kiss the sting away, but then he takes the tip of another finger into his mouth. Heat instantly floods between my legs, and he sees my reaction, which makes his eyes darken with lust. He releases my finger from his mouth, then starts kissing up my arm, pushing the robe out of his way, then gets frustrated and pulls the sash, and pushes it off my shoulders. He kisses my neck and nibbles at my ear. “Mmm, I think you missed a spot.”

“I did?
Where? Here?” he asks and moves down an inch kissing me there, too.

“No, lower.”

“Here?” He asks and kisses at my collarbone.

“Close,” I whisper.

He pushes my robe away, then places a kiss at the top of my breast. “That has to be it.”

“No, but you’re warmer,” I tease.

He takes my nipple in his mouth and sucks gently, eliciting a moan from me. He releases it and looks at me with a smirk, “Pretty sure I got it.” Then he starts kissing back up again.

“Oh, now you are getting colder, and colder.”

“Oh, we can’t have that.” He picks me up off the floor, the robe coming completely off, and places me on the kitchen counter. He kisses under one breast, and then the other, then places a soft kiss at the center of both, and works his way down.

“Warmer, warmer, oh, you are getting hot.
So hot,” I tell him breathlessly.

He chuckles and licks his tongue in my navel.
Then he scoots my ass further back on the counter and pushes my legs up so that my legs are spread and my heels are on the counter. I’m up on my elbows, but completely exposed to him and suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

I look at him and maybe he sees something in my face, or my eyes, because his soften.
He leans down to give me a brief kiss on my lips before going back to my stomach, and once again making his way lower. “How hot am I now?”

“Oh baby, you are burning hot.
I knew that the moment I saw you,” I tease with what I hope is a saucy smile, but I’ve never tried to be saucy before so who the hell knows.

He laughs softly and it’s so damn sexy.
It’s like he reserves that laugh just for me. “That’s not what I meant.”

“You are very hot.
Very, very hot.” He licks me with his tongue in one hot, wet stroke and my head instantly falls back at the sensation. “Oh God, you are on fire.”

“So are you, love.
Well, you are going to be,” such confidence bordering on cockiness, but I could care less. He can be conceited all he wants, as long as he doesn’t stop what he’s doing.

I lift my head to look down at him, and he happens to meet my eyes and watches me as he gives me another lick.
Then another, and another. He closes his eyes and makes a sound deep in his throat. “I can’t get enough of you.”

He continues to bring me higher and higher and when he takes my clit in his mouth and sucks, I can’t hold it anymore.
Between his whispered words, watching him, feeling him, and seeing him take pleasure in the action of pleasing me, it’s too much and I quickly give into the ache and lose control. I arch my back at the feeling of my orgasm getting close, and when my release finally comes, the sound I emit is so loud and high it sounds like I’m singing soprano.

He helps me ride it out, making sure I get every delicious drop of my orgasm before he pulls away and smiles at me.
He licks his lips as if he is savoring the taste of me, and the sight makes something stir in my belly again immediately. My legs are shaking from my release, and I could collapse on the counter, but he doesn’t give me the chance. Instead, he pulls me to standing, takes his robe off, turns me around, and bends me over the stool at the kitchen counter. He places his cock at my entrance, and enters me from behind.

God,” our groans are simultaneous and with every thrust he gives me, I press my hips back to meet him. He reaches forward and strokes one of my breasts and pinches my nipple. Then he trails his fingers down my stomach and finds my clit, to start bringing me to the edge once again.

My whole body almost jerks at the sensation, it feels so sensitive, but as he continues to move his fingers in a circle, to my amazement an orgasm begins building again.
Wes is murmuring words under his breath that I can’t even make out. The feeling is more than I can stand, and before I realize it, I’m coming again. It’s so intense, my knees want to give out, but Wes holds me up until he quickly follows behind me, releasing an orgasm of his own.

“Stay here a sec.”
I almost laugh at his command. I couldn’t move right now if I tried. He quickly returns and cleans up our lovemaking, and then I walk to the pantry and grab the bleach wipes I bought at the store the other day. I return to the counter and start scrubbing it in the exact place my ass was just sitting. Wes starts laughing, and laughing.

You want to eat off this counter?”

“I already did, babe.”

His words make me flush, but I finish cleaning the counter anyway, then put my hands on my hips when I face him. “We should probably eat now...”

“I just-“

I hold my hand up. “Don’t even finish that sentence. We should probably eat dinner now…the spaghetti, salad, and bread…now? I think you are starving.”

“I’m getting satiated.”

I blush again and after we put our robes back on, I finish plating his meal and then pop it into the microwave to warm it up and prepare mine to warm after. Once seated, we begin eating our dinner, quiet at first, just enjoying each other’s company and the food.

“This is really good, As, thanks for cooking.”

“Did you just call me, As?”

“I’m trying out different pet names until I find one I like.
Babe or baby is okay but overused. As, obviously your name abbreviated.”

“Don’t call me As, it sounds like you’re cursing at me.”

“Maybe it’s just an homage to your amazing ass.”

“Nope, flattery will not get you permission to use that abbreviation.

“Okay fine, I will keep working on it, honey.”

“Ugh, too sweet or something for you.”

“What? I am sweet,” he says with pure indignation, making me smirk.

“Yes, but you’re also bad.
You’re a mixture of both. Honey doesn’t work.”

, fine. I’ll keep thinking on it.”

After we finish eating
, we clean up our meal and head straight back to the bedroom. Wes is lying on his back with one arm behind his head and the other absently twirling my hair. I’m lying with my upper half on him, my chin resting on my hands that are on his chest. “Why are you frowning?”

I meet his eyes
. “I didn’t realize I was.”

“What are you thinking about?”
He runs his fingertips over my cheek and slightly cups my face.

I decide to just ask him about something that’s been bothering me, “Can I ask you a question?”

“You can ask me anything, pet.”

“Hmmm, I might like that one.
Tell me about the ex-girlfriend.”

His brow furrows and I have a feeling he’s going to try and blow off my question, not wanting to discuss it with me after what just occurred between us, but what I will need him to understand is that is exactly why I want to know now.

“What do you want to know?”

“You told me that you lived together.


“What happened? I mean, you told me the basics, but I’m curious.”

“Her name was
Adrianna,” he begins quietly and I hate her already. Her name sounds sexy as hell. I picture a gorgeous, exotic beauty that was the perfect compliment to this man next to me and it makes me feel ill. “For a long time, we were really happy together.” What the hell is this jealousy about?

“A long time?
But your parents only passed six months ago you said, so she wasn’t here too long, right?”

“That’s true, she wasn’t here for long, but we lived together at the apartment I had before
, too.”


“We met in college.
I got a business degree, like you,” he smiles. “Right out of college, I went and started working for Jack, the man who owns D’Vine. You see, Jack was a friend of my dad’s. We used to go to dinner at their house sometimes when I was a kid, and I remember when my dad would go to his bar after work. He has a few other bars in addition to D’Vine, if you didn’t already figure that out. Anyway, I went to his bar, Walker’s Tavern, one night and started talking to him about the business and quickly realized that my dream was to have a place of my own, too. I told you that.”

I nod my head and wait for him to continue.

“Adrianna went to nursing school and graduated at the top of her class. Her idea of our future and mine were different. I was so excited when I realized what I wanted to do, what my goal was. I immediately sat down and wrote out a business plan and a savings plan. I figured out what kind of salary I needed to receive in order to save enough to put a down payment on my business venture and be able to lift it off the ground without too much strain. Jack offered to hire me as not only a bartender, but also a manager, and he pays me a ridiculous salary. I know part of it is because he wanted to help me meet my goals.”

He smiles fondly and I know he really cares a lot for Jack.

“I couldn’t wait to tell Adrianna about my dream. I pictured her being excited with me and wanting to know all the details and asking what she could do to help, whether it be looking over a plan or just giving me moral support. Instead, you know what she said to me?”

BOOK: Whispering Wishes
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