Whole Health (2 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

BOOK: Whole Health
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Day in, day out—over the past thirty years—tens of thousands of people have found their way to me in search of alternative health care strategies to ameliorate their troubling symptoms. They continue to routinely present with symptoms of cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, psoriasis, cirrhosis, irritable bowel syndrome . . . the list is never ending. Happily, and curiously, I can report that many of them successfully reverse their symptoms and go on to experience remarkable recoveries. Their recoveries have nothing to do with any fad diets or miracle pills. They are the result of a natural, alternative health care system that I've developed over the past three decades, which I call the Whole Health Healing System.

The Whole Health Healing System integrates elements of classical Chinese medicine, personalized nutrition, and extrasensory energy medicine. It is a system that inspires, empowers, and teaches its patients and students how to attain balance in body, mind, and spirit. One of the principal aims of this time-tested healing system is to teach patients that everything is energy, and that by learning to balance their vital energies with the proper corresponding food energies, they can prevent the onset of many inflammatory symptoms associated with their presenting diagnosis. They are energetically tested for food intolerances and instructed to avoid the foods that fail their bodies. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. In fact, I've found this “addition through subtraction” strategy to be so consistently effective at eliminating symptoms that it begs some very important questions.

What is disease? Do most of the patients whom I routinely help really have what they were diagnosed with? Does today's medical community truly understand what disease is? Or has disease simply become a host of symptoms named and classified to fit the prevailing pharmaceutical models of treatment?

The medical establishment has traditionally thought of disease as an abnormal condition, often triggered by external factors, causing pain, suffering, and/or the death of an organism. The medical orthodoxy appears to be completely unaware of the fact that food intolerances have become causal root factors masquerading as disease, as they are now responsible for triggering many disease symptoms. Disease begins with a breach of homeostasis. When any organism becomes imbalanced in body, mind, and/or spirit, disease is the inevitable, natural result.

In my world, homeostasis is most often breached by the inflammatory toxicity of food. Our genetically modified, pesticide-, saturated fat–, and trans fat–riddled, irradiated, sugary, fermented foods are making us sick. In fact, I believe that our denatured diet is making us so sick that its side effects are now mimicking, contributing to, and/or causing many of the great diseases of our time. When no more dairy results in no more asthma, then asthma isn't really asthma—it's a toxic-food intolerance. When no more gluten results in no more eczema, then eczema isn't eczema—it's a toxic-food intolerance. When no more saturated fats results in no more heart disease, then heart disease isn't heart disease—it's a toxic-food intolerance. When no more sugar and fermentation result in no more cancer, then cancer isn't cancer—it's a toxic-food intolerance.

Rather than simply subtracting the causal root of the symptoms, the current medical model insists on assigning symptoms a formal disease name so that they can match them up with a pharmaceutical strategy to treat the symptoms.

We've all had a good laugh at the
National Lampoon
–like pharmaceutical television commercials: “May cause dizziness, racing heart, insomnia, confusion, bladder/bowel irritation, lower back pain, urinary frequency, night sweats, nausea, a sudden drop in blood pressure, and in some cases death.” According to Melody Petersen, author of
Our Daily Meds
, 100,000 Americans are killed by prescription drugs each year. That's 270 deaths every day! More than twice the number of people killed in car crashes. This staggering number of deaths doesn't even include those due to medical error, clearly revealing the potential dangers of pharmaceutical medications. In spite of these cold, hard facts, 65 percent of Americans continue to take prescription drugs, at a cost of $250 billion per year. Food and medicine are fast becoming the new diseases.

The medical orthodoxy will always have a place in our lives, but its role is clearly diminishing. We are in the midst of great change, where people are beginning to take a more active role in their own health care. The treatment of disease has become unaffordable on a myriad of levels and the world is rapidly turning to new models of disease prevention. Moreover, people the world over are rapidly outgrowing the mechanisms espoused by the current Western practice of medicine.

The present transformation is generating a great paradigm shift, not just in medicine but in consciousness. Moving forward, we will continue to see greater patient demand for health care treatment that evokes higher awareness. By now, we all know that when our body aches, so too does our spirit. We also know that much of what lies at the root of our ailing spirit is a broken heart.

We have outgrown the coldhearted mechanism of modern medicine, and our tolerance of pharmaceutical greed is at last wearing thin. We are multidimensional, energetic beings with an increasing desire to know more of our own greater depths. Our medicines merely keep us alive. Our need is for healing wisdoms that show us the way to a more whole and healthy life.

There is a growing hunger to go deeper and to know life beyond the material level. Our changing world is in the midst of a learning curve of epic proportions. The world's destiny to discover its true wholeness has at last arrived. The Whole Health Healing System was designed to assist in this great discovery.




Everything is energy, and energy is in a constant state of flux. While you and I have been conditioned and inculcated to believe in a material-based reality, quantum mechanics has proven that we and everything that appears to us as matter are in fact, comprised of 99.999 percent energy and only 0.001 percent matter. This concept, once relevant perhaps only to physics aficionados and academics, has suddenly found its way into the collective consciousness. We are all slowly getting used to the idea that we are energy and, as with all energy, we are constantly changing. Even now, our present rate of change is accelerating at an increasingly rapid pace.

In 2011, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Saul Perlmutter, Adam G. Riess, and Brian P. Schmidt, for their 1998 discovery of the universe's accelerated expansion. When we say that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, the underlying
acknowledgment is that all the energy that makes up the universe is also expanding at an accelerated rate.

You and I are what make up the universe. Our subtlest conscious/unconscious, positive/negative thoughts, and emotional energies are exponentially accelerating. As our consciousness and unconsciousness both expand, you and I have the opportunity to cultivate our own unique potential to manifest more powerfully than ever before. Our thought energies have always preceded our ability to create, but never have they had such force behind them. Accelerated universal expansion hasn't just added fuel to our positive thought energy—it has empowered our negative thought energies as well.

With everything speeding up, our thinking is more prone to impulse, and our negative unconscious thoughts are manifesting as disease with far greater force. We must not underestimate the effects that these changes impose on our health. We need to be very clear about the fact that we are gaining an increase in thought power over the well-being and destiny of our own lives. During this time of great change, it is essential that we emphasize the importance of cultivating a higher consciousness to preside over our thoughts and emotions. More than ever, the manifest power of our thoughts and emotions has the potential to heal disease, but we must also keep in mind that these same thoughts and emotions can also create disease. We are at a tipping point of epic proportions, and the transformation we are now facing is also shifting the framework and values of our entire social structure.

The crushing blow of such a dramatic shift is creating a need for alternative support systems. Natural healing, spiritual enlightenment, personal development, and self-empowerment systems are beginning to be formalized and become more mainstream. These systems are representative of a new generation of cultural models that are no longer centered on administrative power. Instead they are focused on the education and empowerment of the individual.

The Whole Health Healing System represents a radical change in health care consciousness—a departure from the material toward an extrasensory and energy-based approach to health care. It is but one small change driven by the wheels of a much greater cycle of transformation. A consciousness revolution that reaches beyond the boundaries of time, space, and dimension has opened doors to new vistas of possibility, liberating us from the former constraints of material limitation. Our perception of reality will be forever changed, as a powerful new multiverse cycle (i.e., a cycle recognizing the infinite number of universes) is realized.

Within this new cycle, the seeds of a cultural revolution are being sown, as we bear witness to the germination of a future where our ability to heal reaches far beyond matter and into the realm of energy. Many are intuiting new wisdoms that reveal our power to effectively channel healing with intention alone, irrespective of time, space, or dimension. By integrating healing arts from our ancestral pasts with our own untapped powers, we are crafting new systems of medicine that are being mastered by laypersons around the world.

The power of the pharmaceutical pill will be equaled—if not surpassed—by the personal powers of consciousness, belief, and intention. As we continue to move through this changing multiversal cycle, we will soon come to realize that we have always possessed these powers to heal. The realization of such personal power will be met with both great anticipation and resistance, for the prospect of such radical change has the capacity to both excite and frighten.

Changing multiversal cycles trigger radical paradigm shifts in the world. A paradigm shift is described as a radical change in the theoretical framework of life. More to the point, paradigm shifts drastically alter those realities accepted as cultural norms, but then, cultural norms are largely based on mutable foundations such as mass perception (or belief through repetition), technology, inculcation, and economics.

Perception is a reflection of that which a given culture believes it's observing. Technology expands the baseline of what is observable. Inculcation is the cognitive downloading that establishes and sanctions belief norms. Economic factors reinforce cultural belief by generating a system of reward around it.

Imagine if we had a full-scale visit by a technologically advanced culture of extraterrestrials. Our reality perception would experience an immediate shock. Our most advanced technologies would suddenly become obsolete. Our petroleum- and motor-driven industries would seem antiquated overnight. Our inculcation processes would be thrown into a state of disarray, and our economic structures would crash until they could adapt. Sound a little far-fetched? It's happened many times before.

After thousands of years of uninterrupted natural living, Native Americans had their once “dreamlike” reality shock-shifted into just such a sudden nightmare by the arrival of the first European settlers. Their once foundational perceptions of reality, technology, inculcation, and economic structure were swiftly obliterated by the invading alien culture.

More recently, our culture has experienced radical reality shifts in the social sciences, psychology, marketing, and technology. In 1931, Konrad Zuse sparked a radical shift with his advent of the first freely programmable computer. Thousands of years of molecular brain technology were suddenly jolted by nanotechnology. In addition, we have undergone radical transitions from Ptolemaic to Copernican cosmology, from biogenesis to spontaneous generation, and from behaviorist to cognitive approaches in psychology.

Change is constant, and radical paradigm shifts are the most drastic forms of change that alter reality. But perhaps the greatest of all paradigm shifts is the one taking place in all of our lives as we speak. The very foundations of material reality we've been programmed to see and believe are vanishing right before our eyes.

Quantum mechanics represents a game changer that may have taken more than a century to embed itself into the mass consciousness, but make no mistake about it, quantum mechanics is making its presence known. This shift away from a mechanistic to a quantum reality is said to have begun as far back as 1857, with Gustav Kirchhoff's theory of “black body” radiation. Following more than 150 years of contributions from the likes of Einstein, Heisenberg, Maxwell, and Bohr, quantum mechanics has at last begun to creep into the collective psyche.

is Latin for “how much.” A quantum of energy refers to a specific amount of energy that is proportional to frequency. The traditional biological sciences are based on a material-based reality. With quantum mechanics, however, reality is based on frequencies of energy. After thousands of years of material illusion, we have begun to understand that reality always was and forever will be energy-based.

Not unlike all material appearances, we, too, are energy. Our glands, organs, tissues, and cells are but vibrating particles of energy. In fact, all human anatomical frequencies have been precisely measured for their energy frequencies:

Bone: 38–43 MHz (megahertz—millions of cycles per second)

Heart: 67–70 Hz (hertz—cycles per second)

Thymus: 65–68 Hz

Thyroid: 62–68 Hz

Pancreas: 60–80 Hz

Lungs: 58–65 Hz

Liver: 55–60 Hz

Brain: 4–30 Hz

Everything within us and everywhere around us is a vibrating sea of energy that generates fields—and fields create the
appearance of form. From subatomic particles to atoms, molecules, DNA, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, planets, galaxies, the universe, the multiverse, and the cosmos—everything is energy.

Everything in our world is made up of unseen energy that gives the appearance of matter. Objects that appear solid, such as animals, plants, trees, droplets of rain, and stars, are all composed of energy. Matter describes the physical appearance of all things, while energy represents their flowing action. I like to think of water as a metaphor for energy and ice as a metaphor for the appearance of matter. Reality, as we in the modern West have come to know it, has always been centered on the “ice cubes,” but we're beginning to take note of the “water” that makes the cubes of life appear to be solid.

It's really not so much about what we're looking at. It's more about what we've been taught to see. Cultural programming determines what people believe they see. Every culture requires cognitive foundations from which it establishes its belief systems. Structures must be put in place to support the foundation of accepted cultural reality before the masses can be expected to embrace them. For example, whereas we in the West have been programmed to see and believe in a material reality, the Eastern world understands and embraces energy-based reality. Our respective cultural programming has been set up to support what we believe in and, though deeply rooted in our way of life, it is far from fixed. What you and I have been taught to accept as reality is the result of cognitive downloading. Unfortunately, our downloading is flimsy, at best.

Before beginning your day, think about the energetic aspects of the apparent material life you're living. Take a moment to focus your attention on yourself and everything around you from an energetic standpoint rather than a material perspective. As you walk down the hallway to the bathroom, focus on your thoughts as waves of energy radiating outward from your mind to physical destinations, like your hands and fingers, where they can then generate action that creates material change. Note how before wiping
the sleep from your eyes and washing your face, you must first generate thought energy. Next, before powering up your smartphone, think about the waves of energy that make it possible for you to connect with favorite faces and faraway places. Then, as you open your garage and car doors with your remotes, try envisioning the waves of energy that enable you to gain access to your car. This ping-ponging back and forth between energy and apparent matter takes place in your life all day, every day. You're always looking right at energy, you're just perhaps not seeing it. You've been taught to see the appearance of matter.

In his 1915 paper on the theory of relativity that ultimately earned him a Nobel Prize in 1921, Albert Einstein shook the very foundations of Western culture by proving that matter and energy are merely different manifestations of the same thing. Einstein began dismantling the walls of material reality. His genius was poised to shift the global paradigm, yet here we are nearly a century later, and we're still not seeing what we're looking at. In essence, we honored Einstein with a Nobel Prize for opening our eyes to the reality of energy, and then retreated back to our limited Newtonian vision. If Einstein's assertion that energy and matter are one was indeed worthy of the world's Nobel acknowledgment more than ninety years ago, then it would seem high time that our Newtonian blindness should finally be healed.

Nonetheless, classical Newtonian mechanics continues to maintain a loosening grip on the Western world's perception of reality. For many, the ways of matter and energy are still defined in terms of physical laws like gravity. In 1925, however, when Werner Heisenberg advanced his theory of quantum mechanics, all that was radically challenged. Suddenly energy and matter were defined from the energetic level. This shift in perspective shook the very foundations of the Western world's perception of reality.

Look at your hand. Look at the walls around you. Look at the ceiling and the floors above and beneath you. Everything appears
to be solid, but now we know that solidity is a phenomenon that only appears to be real. The solid masses that appear before us in the material world are composed of atoms, and the atom is a basic unit of matter that is pure energy. The very building blocks that make up the raw materials of everything before your eyes are merely vibrating fluctuations of energy. In fact, the entire material world you believe you perceive is 99.999 percent pure energy, and only 0.001 percent matter. Regardless of what you and I were taught to believe we're seeing, the fact is, energy is what gives the world the appearance of form.

On July 4, 2012, it was announced that two experiments performed by scientists at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, provided 99 percent proof of the discovery of the Higgs boson, or “God particle.” Physicists have been searching for this elusive particle since the early 1960s. It is believed to represent the very particle that gives shape and size to all matter and explains mass-energy conversion. This scientific milestone is described by some experts as being as important as the Big Bang theory, because it proves that energy gives the appearance of form to everything material.

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