WholeAgain (3 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn Willows

BOOK: WholeAgain
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I sleep with your newest letters next to my head. The
smell of you comforts me. Makes me think you’re only a hand’s reach away. You
know how I love to wake up in the middle of the night and roll onto and into
you. At least I can pretend while I’m here. I pretend a lot.

I could use a couple of t-shirts and shorts. Wear them
first. I want them filled with your scent. Better yet, wear them when you come
so they’ll be steeped in your juices. I’ll put them on and we’ll be as close as
we can possibly get. Make sure you use all our toys when you do it. That will
make the cream flow. Better yet, don’t send them all at one time. I want each
to be as fresh as possible. Wish I could send something to you, something extra
special, but lascivious thoughts are the best I can do for the moment.

Did I ever finish my other train of thought? Looks like I
didn’t, but I can’t think straight right now. I’m hard as a rock again. I don’t
think I’m going to make it to night. But anything I might do to relieve this
unrelenting ache for you will never come close to the wonder of being inside
you. The way your walls clutch me, ripple over me. Your molten heat no furnace
could match. Your arms and legs locked around me, holding me so, so close.

There are a thousand and one things I want to say, but
the words are getting muddled in the ache down below. I want to catch the mail
before it goes out today. I want you to get this fast. I want you to know, to
remember, to feel with me.

You are my heart. You are my soul. You are my life for
now and evermore.

Love forever,



His hand shook. Hell, his body shook. Sweat trickled down
his back. He envisioned her face when the letter arrived. Saw the joy in her
eyes and the lust that quickly followed. She’d follow his instructions to the
letter and then some. He couldn’t wait to see her response.

Danny stuffed the letter into the envelope and hurried with
addressing it. He was cutting it close, but hoped luck was with him. His
erection led him out of the tent and across the compound. This time he didn’t
bother hiding it with his helmet. He didn’t give a damn who knew he had the
hots and hornies for his wife.

He caught the clerk at the last minute. There was a second
or two when the corporal looked as if he were going to gaff him off. Danny did
something he rarely did. He pulled rank.

“Problem, Corporal?”

“No, Gunnery Sergeant Buckner. Got it just in time.”

“Thanks.” Danny pivoted on his heel and marched straight for
the head…again.

Chapter Three


Hannah sat on the hood of Danny’s red pickup truck, wrapped
in her heavy coat and an old quilt. She probably looked more like an Eskimo
than the hot chick she originally envisioned being on this day, but it was the
coldest February ever. And it was especially frigid when one wasn’t wearing
panties…or a bra.

The residual heat from the truck engine had kept her butt
warm for a short while, but that had quickly faded with the long wait time for
the buses to arrive. Clusters of wives huddled together with the official base
huggers—there to greet those Marines who didn’t have family here. Hannah knew
she could have joined them—maybe she should have. It was the pleasure of
anticipating Danny’s return home that kept her from doing so. She basked in the
swell of anticipation. A tiny pool of warmth had settled in her core, waiting
to flame up the second he was in her arms.

Signs dotted the chain-link fence edging the road that led
to the base. Several more littered the highway all the way to the interstate.
There wasn’t one for Danny. They’d said it all in their letters. Hannah shut
out everything around her and focused each thought, each breath, each heartbeat
on him. Crazy as it sounded, she felt him nearer and nearer as the seconds
passed. She didn’t need a radio report to tell her that.

A sound pulled her gaze down the road. The buses were here.
The rumble of engines didn’t cut the noise of the crowd right away. It was her
own private moment and Hannah cherished every second. Danny’s eyes would be
locked to her. He’d see her above the other women, sitting on his red truck,
waiting…wanting…ready. His heart would be racing as hers was right now. Was he
hard as a rock, or so exhausted from traveling it was all he could do to think
straight? Hannah didn’t care. She’d take him home and love him like crazy, or
tuck him in bed for a good, long sleep. She just wanted to hold him close and
breathe him in.

Cheers erupted when the buses came closer. Children squealed
and ran the energy off. Babies cried at the commotion. Signs thrust up over
heads, waving madly. Hannah waited and watched, eyes searching the windows for
Danny. Sun glare made it impossible to see, or was it the tears that suddenly
decided to swamp her vision? Hannah blinked them away. Nothing would interfere
with her first glimpse of him. Not even her overwhelming emotions.

Then the three buses rolled to a stop. Women sobbed. The
official huggers smiled and continued waving signs. Children clutched their
mother’s legs, suddenly shy of the fathers they hadn’t seen for too long, some
babies had never seen at all. Hannah supposed there was some saving grace in
the decision she and Danny had made to hold off getting pregnant. They wanted
to make sure he wouldn’t miss one bit of the experience. Unfortunately, they’d
hit that snooze alarm too many times and now both their biological clocks were

They’d talked about that too in their letters and agreed it
was time. Now she craved the chance to be parents. Danny even had names picked
out. With luck this homecoming would be well rewarded.

Hannah lifted her chin and narrowed her gaze as the doors
opened. One by one the Marines poured out. Danny would let the troops out
first, make sure they were taken care of. All the men were clean-shaven.
Probably putting their best foot forward for the homecoming. On the surface
there wasn’t a single clue of how long they’d been traveling. How many wives
looked beyond that?

Then Danny’s shadow filled the portal.

Hannah’s body quivered, pussy creamed and she cried out for
him. She gripped the edges of her quilt in her fists, struggling to breathe
steady, fighting to see him clearly through her veil of tears. Shivers coursed
through her and they had nothing to do with the below-freezing temperatures.

Light hit his face. Her breath caught while his exhalations
fogged in front of him. Those damn tears took over. She blinked them away. He’d
lost some weight, but otherwise looked good enough to eat. Brown eyes locked on
to hers immediately. Their smiles mirrored each other’s. Somehow Hannah managed
to stay put. This was what they’d planned—their private greeting away from the

Her breathing quickened. Had his? No doubt their heartbeats
were in sync. Never a doubt about that. Determined strides brought him
closer…closer. No one barred his way. If they had, Hannah would have exploded
in a banshee-like wail.

He was close enough now that she caught the shimmer of tears
in his eyes. Hers welled up once more. Hannah stopped fighting them. Her chin
quivered. Long fingers cupped it, minty-fresh breath curled into her nose, then
hot lips covered her mouth.

The sound of his packs dropped at his feet echoed in their
sighs. Hannah whimpered when his tongue glided over hers. He breached the
confines of quilt and coat—or had she wrapped both around him? Big hands
skidded down her back and cupped her butt. Hannah parted her knees, inviting
him—no, drawing him in. Danny didn’t hesitate, but also took his sweet time.
Lips still sealed, he wedged the biggest erection she’d ever felt against her

Hannah stopped breathing. What few thought processes she had
running ground to a stop. Lips kneading hers, tongue lashing, Danny brought her
back to the moment. All she wanted to do was grind into him, come right here,
right now.

Danny broke the kiss and scored a path to her ear with his
lips. Hannah arched into him on a groan she knew others had to hear. He traced
the shell of her ear, then captured the lobe of flesh.

“God, you smell like heaven to me.” He dived for that extra-sensitive
spot just below her ear and nipped.

Hannah squeaked and rolled her clit over his fly buttons.
Danny dug his fingers into her ass.

“Easy, sweetheart, you’ll have us both coming where we
stand. Tempting, I know, but more than I can bear.” He bit her earlobe again,
setting off new tremors. “I wish I was inside you right this second. I swear I
won’t feel whole again until I’m wrapped in your heat. I want to crawl inside
you so bad. I want to run my tongue over every square inch of your body. I want
to feel you come while my cock is pounding in you. I want the taste of your
orgasm on my lips.”

“I…” She sucked in a gasp. “I could come right now. You feel
so hot, so hard.”

“And you feel like liquid fire, honey.” He brushed his
fingers to her thigh and inched up her long skirt until he could work his way
up the bare skin inside.

She fought against splaying herself wide for him. Then he
brushed his finger over her clit.

Hannah jolted from the contact. “Danny, please,” she said on
a whispered gasp.

“Now how could I refuse when you say it like that?” He
corkscrewed his fingers inside, flicking his thumb over the hard flesh guarding
the entry. “If my woman needs to come right now…well, she gets what she needs.”

Lips seized hers again. One hand anchored her in place, the
other gently tugged the orgasm right out of her. She gripped his shoulders,
clenched her knees against his hips and blessed the kiss that swallowed the
moan she wanted to unleash. Of course, the blanket and coat hid a lot too.

“Do you think anyone will notice if I lick my fingers
clean?” His voice caressed her senses.

Hannah cupped his face in her hands. “Who gives a damn.” She
kissed him hard and deep, locking her heels at his knees so he could tuck up
nice and tight.

He buried his face against her neck and grabbed her behind
the knees to hold her in place. His groan rumbled through her.

“Can you come without thrusting?” She whispered the words
into his ear, reveling in the subtle shudder that rattled through him.

“Can you hide the wet spot when I do?” He punctuated his
reply by wedging even tighter. The only thing keeping them from being one was
his camouflage trousers.

Sighing, she brushed her cheek over his. “No, but I can give
you one hell of a blowjob on the way home.”

Danny tossed back a laugh. The action thrust his cock into
her. Hannah pressed her lips tight against a moan.

He patted her rear end. “That sounds like a fine idea to me,
sweetheart, but there’s no way I’d ever be able to drive right now with your
head in my lap. But I will promise you this…” He tapped her nose with his index
finger. “We get home safe and sound and I’m going to be all over you.”

She giggled. “It’s a good thing I’m not wearing panties.”

“A very good thing because I’d just rip them off.”

That had her laughing. “Oh, honey, please…you know you
wouldn’t bother. You’d just shove the crotch to one side and have your way with

His eyes sparkled. “You know me so well.” Another pat to her
butt. “Let’s go.”

Danny snagged his gear and swung the straps over his
shoulder. His free hand scooped Hannah off the hood, then landed at her lower
back to escort her to the passenger side of the truck. He tickled his fingers
over her ass every step of the way, adding a squeeze that sent a gush of
wetness pooling between her thighs before he opened the door for her.

She flashed him a come-fuck-me smile. He growled in response
and strode toward the rear of the truck. Hannah peeled quilt and coat off and
cranked the engine to start the heat. The truck bounced with the weight of his
packs. She closed her eyes and focused on his footsteps, bringing him to the
driver’s side. How right it felt to hear him once more. His scent hit her the
minute he opened the door, making her world doubly right and whole.

She folded her hands on her lap to keep them to herself. His
deep kiss, those fingers that had to wander up her skirt one more time, made it
impossible. She fisted his collar, nailing him in place while she deepened the
kiss. Danny groaned and leaned as close as the console between the bucket seats
allowed. When that wasn’t close enough—and it wasn’t—he grabbed a handful of
her ass and tried to haul her toward him. Hannah rolled, but…

“Damn console,” they muttered together.

Laughter filled his eyes and definitely swelled Hannah’s
heart. Easing into their respective seats, they clicked the seat belts in

“Did you manage to get more than two weeks off?” he asked as
he pulled from the parking lot.

“No. They weren’t too happy. Several of my coworkers took
off for the same reason.”

Danny nodded. “My family still coming in two weeks?”

“Yes, so you won’t have a chance to get lonely. They’ll only
be here for a week, so that still gives you one week of peace and quiet before
your leave is up.”

“Great, gives me time to putter around the house. I’ve got a
couple of cool projects in mind. I need to re-bond with my tools too.”

Hannah giggled. “Don’t worry. I kept showing your picture to
them and talked about you every day.”

He splayed his hand against his chest. “Thanks, honey. I
wouldn’t want them to forget me.”

“Heaven forbid.” She nudged his thigh, then couldn’t help trailing
her fingers up to his groin. Heat from his erection poured her way, inviting a
more sure touch.

Danny’s breath hitched when she cupped his sac. Even through
the heavy camouflage material she could feel how tight and hard his testicles
were. She traced her thumb over the circumference. He wiggled and parted his
legs so she’d get a good feel.

“I need to touch you, Danny.” Her voice came out raw, husky.

He fumbled to release his belt buckle with one hand. His
eyes never left the road. Hannah shoved the fly buttons through their holes,
then dived into the opening. His musk poured her way. God, he felt hot and
steel-hard, silky-smooth skin stretched to the breaking point. His groan echoed
hers. She freed him from the confines of clothing. A pearly drop crowned the
deep-red tip. Hannah smeared her thumb over it, covering the head before she
brought a taste to her lips.

“Damn, woman,” he gasped. He whipped into the deserted
parking lot of a ball field, stabbed his fingers through her hair and yanked
her head to his lap.

She sucked him deep, without hesitation, looping her tongue
around and around. His hand trembled against her head. He thrust like a wild man,
growling, grunting, making her horny as hell. She massaged her fingers at the
base where penis met testicles. And he exploded into her mouth. Hannah
swallowed every drop, then licked him all over as the erection faded.

Danny leaned into the headrest, panting for air. All the
windows were fogged. Slowly, gently, she tucked his cock back into its nest and
buttoned the fly. Then she dropped a kiss to each corner of his lips. He held
her head in place and thrust his tongue in time with hers. A sharp inhale
pulled them apart. They butted heads and shared a smile.

“I bet you’re ready for a hot shower and a nap.”

He brushed his thumb over her jawline. “More than I can
possibly say.”

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